Journée des doctorants en économie Jeudi 15 janvier 2015


Journée des doctorants en économie Jeudi 15 janvier 2015
Journée des doctorants
en économie
Jeudi 15 janvier 2015
Salle A709
Université Paris-Dauphine – Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny – 75775 Paris CEDEX 16
9h15-9h30: Accueil
9h30-10h10: Mathilde Peron “Does health insurance encourage the rise in
medical prices ? A test on balance billing in France”
10h10-10h50: Rova Rakotoarson “Consommation de soins et état de santé:
prévention de l’absentéisme”
10h50-11h10: Pause de 20 minutes
11h10-11h50: Marine de Talancé “Better Teachers, Better Results? Evidence
from rural Pakistan”
11h50-12h30: Yuanjing Li “Vertical Structure and Forward Contract in
Electricity Market”
12h30-13h30: Pause déjeuner (1h)
13h30-14h10: Charlie Joyez “In search of international self-reliance: How MNE
progressively opt wholly owned subsidiaries.”
14h10-14h50: Julien Navaux “Intergenerational transfers within the family: Do
family and professional events matter?
14h50-15h10: Pause de 20 minutes
15h10-15h50: Mathilde Godard “School’s out for summer, school’s out forever”:
the long-term health consequences of leaving school in a bad economy”
15h50-16h30: Mathilde Pak “Revisiting an old debate: does a more flexible
exchange rate promote faster current account adjustments?”
16h30: Discours de clôture d’Eve Caroli
16h30-19h: Cocktail
Université Paris-Dauphine – Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny – 75775 Paris CEDEX 16
Table des Matières
Mathilde Peron, “Does health insurance encourage the rise in medical prices ? A test on
balance billing in France” ............................................................................................................................... 4
Rova Rakotoarson, “Consommation de soins et état de santé: prévention de l’absentéisme” . 5
Marine de Talancé, “Better Teachers, Better Results? Evidence from rural Pakistan” ............. 6
Yuanjing Li, “Vertical Structure and Forward Contract in Electricity Market” .......................... 7
Charlie Joyez, “In search of international self-reliance: How MNE progressively opt wholly
owned subsidiaries.” ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Julien Navaux, “Intergenerational transfers within the family: Do family and professional
events matter? ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
Mathilde Godard, “School’s out for summer, school’s out forever”: the long-term health
consequences of leaving school in a bad economy” ............................................................................ 10
Mathilde Pak, “Revisiting an old debate: does a more flexible exchange rate promote faster
current account adjustments?” .................................................................................................................... 11
Université Paris-Dauphine – Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny – 75775 Paris CEDEX 16
Mathilde Peron, “Does Health Insurance Encourage the
Rise in Medical Prices? A Test on Balance Billing in
Auteurs: Mathilde Peron and Brigitte Dormont
Équipe: LEGOS
Directeur de thèse: Brigitte Dormont
Discutant: Clémentine Garrouste
In this paper, we examine the impact of supplementary health insurance coverage on patient's
recourse to specialists, on their propensity to use specialists who "balance bill" their patients,
i.e. charge them more than the regulated fee, and on the amount of balance billing per
consultation. For that purpose, we estimate the causal impact on patients' behavior of a shock
consisting of better coverage of balance billing, while controlling for supply side drivers. We
use an original panel data set with health care claims, basic and supplementary
reimbursements of 58,336 individuals between January 2010 and December 2012. We follow
these enrollees when they are all covered by the same health insurance contract, La Mutuelle
Générale de l'Education Nationale (MGEN), with no coverage for balance billing, and after
that 5,134 among them have switched towards another contract which is likely to offer better
coverage. We find evidence of moral hazard and, for some individuals, of limitation in access
to care due to balance billing. However, our main result is the lack of impact of a shock on
coverage when people have a real choice between physicians who charge balance billing and
physicians who don't.
Mots-clés: Supplementary health insurance; Balance billing; Health care access
Université Paris-Dauphine – Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny – 75775 Paris CEDEX 16
Rova Rakotoarson, “Consommation de Soins et Etat de
Santé: Prévention de l’Absentéisme”
Auteur: Rova Rakotoarson
Équipe: LEDa
Directeur de thèse: Jean-Hervé Lorenzi
Discutant: Florence Jusot
La prévention en santé et la santé au travail sont deux thèmes actuellement très étudiés par la
littérature économique. Nous relions ces deux thèmes en abordant la prévention de la santé
des salariés et en cherchant à cibler les populations qui devraient être sujettes à plus de
prévention. Si on se réfère à la littérature sur la prévention, il est difficile de distinguer ce qui
relève du préventif et du curatif en termes de soins et on peut se demander s’il faut poser en
ces termes la discussion sur la prévention (en l’occurrence prévention primaire, secondaire et
tertiaire). Les travaux entrepris par l’IRDES sur la prévention s’emploient à identifier ex-ante
les soins liés à la prévention. A l’inverse de ce processus, nous définissons ex-post les actes
de prévention en observant in fine l’état de santé des individus. Notre travail consiste, à partir
d’une base de données de plus de 100 000 salariés ayant recours à une complémentaire santé,
d’identifier des comportements de recours aux soins liés à un état de santé. Cet état de santé
se mesure notamment par les jours d’absence pour maladie. Nous utilisons l’analyse de
données, avec la classification par partitionnement et la classification ascendante hiérarchique
pour mettre en évidence une typologie des comportements en santé. Finalement nous
obtenons deux classifications de ces salariés. Une première est une analyse statique à partir de
leurs consommations médicales et de leurs arrêts de travail. La seconde, qui lui est
complémentaire, introduit une dimension temporelle. Ces deux analyses jointes permettent de
mettre en évidence des comportements de santé plus préventifs que d’autres. 9,4% de la
population étudiée pourrait être sensibilisée à la prévention en termes de consommation
médicale et 4,3% de la population pourrait faire l’objet de prévention en termes de conditions
de travail.
Université Paris-Dauphine – Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny – 75775 Paris CEDEX 16
Marine de Talancé, “Better Teachers, Better Results?
Evidence from Rural Pakistan”
Auteur: Marine de Talancé
Équipe: DIAL
Directeur de thèse: Philippe de Vreyer et Najat El Mekkaoui
Discutant: Florence Arestoff
According to the Human Capital Theory, schooling is one of the main contributors to the
skills of an individual and to his earnings. Recently, researchers and policymakers have
underscored the necessity to not only increase educational attainment but also to improve the
quality of schooling in order to reach the development path. Nevertheless, most of the papers
examining the determinants of the quality of schooling have failed to include in a
comprehensive framework the crucial role of teachers. In this paper, a theoretical model is
implemented in order to specify an education production function which takes into account
teachers' effects on students' achievement. Both contemporaneous and gain specifications are
implemented along with different specifications. We apply this model to three districts in the
rural province in Punjab, Pakistan, using the original LEAPS panel database to assess the
characteristics of teachers which matter in order to increase the quality of primary education
in this region. Our results prove that teachers' factors matter more than background and
classroom characteristics. Increasing and reforming teachers' wages, teachers' experience
especially within the school, i-e reducing turnover would be a good way to improve schooling
quality along with recruiting teachers with non-permanent contracts. Furthermore, our
analysis shows the importance of reforming training programs and bonus' policies. These
results are robust to changes in specification and changes in the sample.
Mots-clés: Education, Quality, Pakistan, Punjab, Primary Schooling, Skills, Teachers,
Temporary contract
Université Paris-Dauphine – Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny – 75775 Paris CEDEX 16
Yuanjing Li, “Vertical Structure and Forward Contract in
Electricity Market”
Auteur: Yuanjing Li
Équipe: CGEMP
Directeur de thèse: Anna Creti
Discutant: Frédéric Loss
The pro-competitive effects of forward contracts in electricity market cannot be regarded
alone without examining the market structure. In this paper, we show that under retail
competition, spot market demand uncertainty and risk aversion, partially or fully integrated
electricity generators and retailers have less incentives to be involved in trading electricity
under forward contracts. Therefore, the effect of market power mitigation of forward
contracts is countered by this vertical relationship between retailers and generators since it
provides a natural hedging device as a substitute of forward contracts to the retailers. Both
analytic framework and numerical simulation suggest that the optimal quantity of forward
sales decreases and spot price increases with the degree of vertical control of retailers over
generators’ assets. We thus conclude that the retailers’ ownership over generation assets could
give rise to exercise of market power in electricity spot market.
Mots-clés: Electricity, forward contracts, vertical integration
Université Paris-Dauphine – Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny – 75775 Paris CEDEX 16
Charlie Joyez, “In Search of International Self-Reliance:
How MNE Progressively Opt Wholly Owned
Auteur: Charlie Joyez
Équipe: DIAL
Directeur de thèse: El Mouhoub Mouhoud
Discutant: Lise Patureau
This paper reveals that the more internationally experienced firms lean toward wholly owned
subsidiaries (WOS) when establishing abroad, reflecting a gradual pattern of
internationalization, from joint ventures to full ownership of foreign affiliates. Based on an
extensive survey of 3,238 new French affiliates over a decade (1996-2006) and across 92 host
countries, we first use Kolmogorov - Smirnov tests to make sure of the stochastic dominance
in experience and productivity of WOS parents. Extending the \new new" trade theories tools
to the entry mode choice, we investigate the relative role of experience and productivity over
foreign ownership, worldwide and for OECD and non-OECD destinations. We use both linear
(OLS, Tobit) and non-linear (Logit) estimation strategies, that lead to similar results.
Productivity and international experience favor full ownership of foreign affiliates in northern
countries (i.e. for most French FDIs). For southern destinations, international experience is
also associated with increased ownership, whereas the investor total factor productivity no
longer influences the equity share held. Gathering the traditional heterogeneous firms models
with the international business literature provides interesting supports for our results.
Université Paris-Dauphine – Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny – 75775 Paris CEDEX 16
Julien Navaux, “Intergenerational Transfers Within the
Family: Do Family and Professional Events Matter?
Auteurs: Julien Navaux avec Maëlan Le Goff et Lionel Ragot
Équipe: LEDa
Directeur de thèse: Hervé Lorenzi et Lionel Ragot
Discutant: Flore Gubert
Nous utilisons l’Étude des Relations Familiales et Intergénérationnelles pour mesurer l’impact
des évènements de la vie familiale et professionnelle sur la probabilité de recevoir des
transferts des parents et sur la probabilité de verser des transferts aux enfants. Les résultats de
cette étude mettent en évidence le fait que les transferts intergénérationnels répondent aux
besoins des enfants, qui font suite à la survenue de certains évènements familiaux et
professionnels. De plus, chaque type de transfert (aides financières régulières, aides
financières occasionnelles et exceptionnelles, aides en temps) semble répondre à des besoins
Université Paris-Dauphine – Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny – 75775 Paris CEDEX 16
Mathilde Godard, “School’s out for summer, school’s out
forever”: the long-term health consequences of leaving
school in a bad economy”
Auteur: Mathilde Godard and Clémentine Garrouste
Équipe: LEGOS
Directeur de thèse: Eve Caroli et Florence Jusot
Discutant: Brigitte Dormont
This paper investigates whether leaving school in a bad economy deteriorates health in the
long-run. We focus on individuals in England and Wales who left full-time education in their
last year of compulsory schooling immediately after the 1973 oil crisis. Our identification
strategy builds on two sources. First, it relies on the comparison of very similar individuals –
born the same year – whose school-leaving behaviour in different economic conditions was
exogenously induced by compulsory schooling laws. More specifically, within a same birth
cohort, pupils born at the end of the calendar year (September to December) were forced to
leave school almost a year later than pupils born earlier in the year (January to August). We
then exploit the sharp increase in unemployment rates generated by the 1973 oil crisis.
Between 1974 and 1976, each school cohort indeed faced worse economic conditions at
labour-market entry than the previous one. Unlike school-leavers who did postpone their
entry on the labour market during the 1980s and 1990s recessions, we provide evidence that
pupils’ decisions to leave school at compulsory age in 1974-1976 were not endogenous to the
contemporaneous economic conditions at labour-market entry. We use a repeated cross
section of individuals over 1983-2001 from the General Household Survey (GHS) and take a
life-course perspective. Our results show that men who left school in a bad economy have a
higher probability of smoking and of having ever smoked over the whole period (1983-2001).
Women who left school in a bad economy report lower health, have a higher probability of
consulting a GP and of restricting their activity due to illness or injury over the whole period.
Université Paris-Dauphine – Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny – 75775 Paris CEDEX 16
Mathilde Pak, “Revisiting an Old Debate: Does a More
Flexible Exchange Rate Promote Faster Current Account
Auteur: Mathilde Pak
Équipe: SDFi
Directeur de thèse: Anne Epaulard
Discutant: Marie Bessec
The aim of this paper is to provide additional elements to contribute to the debate around the
role of exchange rate flexibility in the persistence of current account adjustments. In doing so,
we rely on ad hoc conditions to define persistent current account improvements and
deteriorations. Describing adjustments according to their persistence, size, length, and average
speed, we find that both persistent improvements and deteriorations are smaller under floating
regimes. Temporary deteriorations are also smaller and sharper under floating regimes. We
then use a probit model and traditional explanatory variables to analyze the probability of a
country to experience persistent adjustments rather than temporary ones. Regarding the
exchange rate regime, we find that adjustments occurring under floating regimes are less
likely to be persistent, especially in the case of emerging and developing countries. However
there are some asymmetries in the adjustments. While floating regimes increase the likelihood
for a current account to improve faster rather than in a persistent way, they do not seem to
matter for the speed of current account deteriorations.
Université Paris-Dauphine – Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny – 75775 Paris CEDEX 16