January 26, 2014 Bulletin


January 26, 2014 Bulletin
JANUARY 26, 2014
Parochial Vicar
Parochial Vicar
Parochial Vicar
Associate Priest
Parish Secretary
Day Receptionist
Evening Receptionists
Rev. Levelt Germain
Rev. Patrick Adekola
Rev. Cyprien Emile
Rev. Jose Soto
Rev. William Cleary
Jose Pena
Adanayri Caamano (Denise)
Djena B. Abraham
Elsami Santos
& Francine Vincent
Maureen Foley
Alicia Lima
Mark La Rosa
Wednesday (In Creole) at 7:30pm-9:00pm
Thursday (In English) at 7:30pm-9:00pm
BAPTISM: Please contact our parish Office at 845-356-0311 and speak
with one of our Priests. Please bring your child’s birth certificate when
meeting one of our Priest's to schedule the date for your child’s Baptism.
Parents and Godparents are required to attend one Baptismal Preparation
Class. The Baptism Class Schedule is as followed: English: 2nd and 4th
PREP Director
Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm in the rectory chapel. French/Creole:
PREP Ast. Director
3rd Friday of the month at 4:30pm in the rectory chapel. Spanish: 4th FriMusic Director
day of the month at 7:30pm in the school.
RECONCILIATION: The Sacrament of reconciliation is celebrated every
Saturday at 12:00pm-12:30pm and at 4:30pm-5:00pm in the Church. You
Address: 333 Sneden Place West, Spring Valley, NY 10977
Telephone: 845-356-0311 Fax:: 845-352-8126
may also contact the parish Office and request to speak to on e of our
Office Hours: 9:00am-8:00pm(Mon-Fri), 9:00am-5:00pm(Sat) Priests for a personal appointment.
and 9:00am-2:00pm(Sun)
ANNOINTING OF THE SICK: Please contact the parish office at any
time and make arrangements with one of our Priests. In cases of illness,
please notify us if you or a family member would like to receive Holy ComWeekday: 9:00 am and 5:30 pm in the church
munion at home, hospital or nursing home to make arrangements.
Saturday : 9:00am in the church
MARRIAGE: Please contact our parish office at least 6 months prior to
Saturday Vigil Masses in the Church: 5:00pm(English) & your scheduled wedding date, to schedule a meeting with one of our Priests .
In your initial meeting with the Priest couples must bring the following docSunday in the Church: 7:30am,9:00am, 10:15am, 11:30 am,
uments: Baptismal Certificate, First Communion Certificate and Con1:00pm (Haitian) and 5:30 pm
firmation certificate.
Sunday in the Chapel: 9:45 am (Polish) & 1:15 pm (English)
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Sacramental preparation for First communSunday in the gym:: 11:00 am (Spanish)
ion and Confirmation is offered for Public School students in grades 1
Indian Masses: Malankara Mass Sunday at 4:30pn (Chapel) through 10. All children should be registered before attending class. For
further information please call 845-356-0054.
PREP (Parish Religious Education Program)
Saturday : 9:30am-11:30am (English Class and 5:00pm7:00pm Spanish Class) and Sunday: 9:15am-11:15am
(English Class)
English, Monday at 7:30 pm (Chapel), Spanish, Friday: 7:30
“The permanent quality of this church dedicated to St. Joseph
pm (Chapel), Creole, Sunday at 6:15 (Church)
reminds us that Christ will remain with his People until mortal
Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday 9:00am Mass followed time ceases. It will be to this church that parishioners will bring
by the Novena
their lives filled with both joy and sorrows and join them to
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena & Benediction
Christ, who offers the perfect sacrifice to the Father. It will be
Wednesday at 8:00pm
from this church that Grace of the Sacrament will radiate for the
Haitian Legion de Marie : Friday 4:45pm (rectory)
Saturday at 9:30 am (rectory)
building-up of the kingdom and for the sanctification of souls. It
will be at this church where people will find nourishment and
Thursday at 8:00pm-10:00pm (Chapel)
strength, communion and peace, unity and friendship.” By John
Friday at 9:00am-5:00pm
Cardinal O’Connor.
(Divine Mercy Chaplet & Benediction )
We kindly request your prayers for the re5:00pm James Etienne (Birthday)
pose of all our faithfully departed parish7:30pm Elias Santiago (Healing)
Sunday, January 26, 2014
ioners whom God has called to their
7:30am Gloria Raboton (Birthday)
eternal home . We express our deepest sympathy to their
9:00am †Vincent Carella
families. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let per10:15am Sarah Tassy (Birthday)
11:30am Bill & Joan Schroeder (Wedding Anniversary) petual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.
May the souls of all the faithfully departed through the mercy
1:15pm Joseph Belizaire (Birthday)
5:30pm †Mateo Condeno
of God rest in peace. Amen
Monday, January 27 2014
9:00am For the intention of
Samson Bernard, Lucille Barjon, Lea
Marielle & Raymond Woolley
Bellefleur, Ines Berjon, Frantz Bernadin,
5:30pm For all the sick parishioners of St. Joseph
Linn Carrera, Sydney Tony Celma, Edgar
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
9:00am For the intention of Claudie Turnier
Collins, Bernadette Claude, Juliette Cruz,
5:30pm For the intention of Frederick Victor
Marie Dunae, Marie Rosanna Edmond,
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Carol Gigillo, Father Rudy Gonzalez, Javier Gonzalez,
9:00am For the intention of
Aliette Magny & Roger Pauld
Demitria Greenidge, Lina Joseph, Joseph Krainak, Marie
11:30am Richard Andrew (Blessings)
Th. Lafontant, Marie Pierre Louis, Elizabeth Marescot,
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Marie Mompoint, Valescot Mathieu, Joan Mertens, There9:00am Nancy Francois (Thanksgiving)
sa Novak, Anna Rodriguez, David Rosario, Myriam Senat,
5:30pm For the intention of Robert Mondestin
Friday, January 31, 2014
Emmanuela Valescot, Vickie Wallace and all our home9:00am Private intention (Thanksgiving)
bound parishioners and the residents of our local Nursing
5:30pm Fr. Rudolph Gonzalez (Healing)
Homes. To add or remove a name to this list please
Saturday, February 1, 2014
call the rectory and speak with Denise Caamaño.
9:00am Elias Santiago(Healing)
Saturday , January 25, 2014
Sat. Vigil, January 25, 2014
5:00pm: Olga Freeman
Sunday January 26, 2014
7:30am : Cristina Jacobs
9:00am : Helen Esposito
10:15am: Melchor Molina
11:30am: Marco Oglive
1:00pm: TBA
1:15pm: Judeline Rouzard
5:30pm: YOUTH
Sat. Vigil, January 25, 2014
5:00pm: Edwige Joseph&Vir Montevirgin
Sunday January 26, 2014
7:30am: Margaret Osborne
9:00am: Gerry Leote, Marie Morency & Wilhelmina Wolk
10:15am: Luis Guignard, Carlina Molina & Chantal Thevenot
11:30am: Paulette Cadet, Felice Carrera & Tony Carrera
1:00pm: TBA
1:15pm: Lydia Makgopela
5:30pm: Luz Ancheta, George Delfiero & AnnMarie Dumel
Marie Douyon, Jim McGuire, Anne Marie Dumel, Jacqueline
Sanon , Annette Fredericque, Edwige Joseph, Thomas Ridore , Jean-Claude Dubuisson, Wilhelmena Wolk and Chantal Thevenot
Kristina & Ariel who will be united in the Sacrament of
Marriage on February 1, 2014.
“Marriage is an act of will that signifies and involves a
mutual gift, which unites the spouses and binds them to
their eventual souls, with whom they make up a sole family - a domestic church.” (Blessed John Paul II)
First Reading: Isaiah 8:23—9:3
The prophet Isaiah describes the
anguish of a conquered people, but he promises that they will
triumph and will see a great light as on the “day of Midian.”
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:10—13, 17
Paul speaks to the Corinthians with both anger and indignation because they are quarreling among themselves as to
whom they should show allegiance. Some wish to follow
Paul; some, Peter; others Apollos; others, Christ.
Gospel: Matthew 4:12-23
Jesus begins his mission by going to Capernaum, fulfilling the
prophecy of Isaiah. He selects Peter, Andrew, James and John
as his disciples, inviting them to be “fishers of men.”
On those dwelling in a land
overshadowed by death light
has arisen"
O Christ, deign to kindle our
lamps, our most sweet Savior,
that they may shine continually in
your temple and receive perpetual light from you, light perpetual, so that our darkness may be enlightened, and the
world's darkness may be driven from us.
Thus enrich my lantern with your light, I pray you, Jesus
mine, so that by its light there may be disclosed to me those
holy places of the holy, which hold you, the eternal priest of
the eternal things, entering there the courts of that great temple of yours (Heb 9,11f.), that I may constantly see, observe,
desire you only, and loving you alone may behold you so that
before you my lamp may ever shine and burn.
I beg you, most loving Savior, to reveal yourself to us who
beseech you, so that knowing you, we may love you only, love
you alone, desire you alone, contemplate you alone by day
and night, and ever hold you in our thoughts. Deign to inspire
us with your love so far as it befits you to be loved and cherished as our God, that your charity may possess all our inward
parts and your love may wholly own us... May we know no
other love apart from you who are eternal so that such affection may be in us as is impossible of quenching even by all
the many waters of air and land and sea, according to that
saying of the Song of Songs: “Many waters are not able to
quench love” (8,7). This can be fulfilled in us, even though
only in part, by your gift, O our Lord Jesus Christ.
World Marriage Day - February 9th, 2014 St. Malachy's
Church, 239 West 49th Street,
New York, NY, 10019
Plans for World Marriage Day
2014 on February 9th, 2014 are underway and the search begins for the longest married couple in the Archdiocese of
New York. This annual celebration honors the vocation of
marriage and family life. This year’s theme “Living Authentic
Love in a Challenging World” reflects the issues of our times.
New this year !
In addition to the mass honoring the longest married couples, we have prepared a marriage enrichment morning.
Within us there is a deep yearning to love and to be loved –
it is the way God designed us! Find answers to relationship
issues of our times and discover the truth and beauty
of authentic love. Internationally renowned speaker Billy
Donaghy and Rev. Louis Leonelli, CFR will share with us
their wisdom on marital fulfillment and love. The day concludes with a mass honoring the longest married couples in
the Archdiocese of New York and a reception celebrating
our married vocations. To register or for more information
please call 646-794-3190.
We would like to welcome Djena to our Parish Rectory
Staff . She is our new day receptionist in the Rectory and we
are very happy to welcome her.
Numbers 6:24-26
“The LORD bless you, and keep you; The LORD make His
face shine on you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift
up His countenance on you, And give you peace.'
January 18th & 19th 2014: $12,439.00
Thank you for your generosity.
Primera Lectura:
Isaías 8:23-9:3
El profeta Isaías describe la angustias del pueblo conquistado, pero promete que ellos triunfarán y verán una gran luz como en el “día de Madián.”
Segunda Lectura: 1 Corintios 1:10-13, 17
Pablo le habla a los corintios con enojo e indignación puesto
que han peleado entre ellos para determina a quién deben
demostrar lealtad. Algunos desean seguir a Pablo, otros a
Pedro, algunos a Apolos, y otros a Cristo.
Le damos la mas cordial bienvenida a Djena al equipo
de empleados en la Rectoría. Ella es nuestra nueva recepcionista durante el día y estamos muy contentos que
Evangelio: San Mateo 4:12-23
Jesús empieza su misión yendo a Capernaún, cumpliendo la
profesía de Isaías. Escoje a Pedro, Andrés, Santiago y Juan
como sus discípulos, invitándolos a ser “pescadores de hombres”.
“Apareció una gran luz sobre
aquellos que habitaban en tinieblas y sombras de muerte”
Te ruego, Jesús mío, que enciendas tan intensamente mi
lámpara contu resplandor que, a la luz de una claridad tan
intensa, pueda contemplar el santo de los santos que está en
el interior de aquel gran templo, en el cual tú, Pontífice eterno de los bienes eternos, has penetrado; que allí, Señor, te
contemple continuamente y pueda así desearte, amarte y
quererte solamente a ti, para que mi lámpara, en tu presencia,
esté siempre luciente y ardiente.Te pido, Salvador amantísimo, que te manifiestes a nosotros, que llamamos a tu puerta,
para que, conociéndote, te amemos sólo a ti y únicamente a
ti; que seas tú nuestro único deseo, que día y noche meditemos sólo en ti, y en ti únicamente pensemos.
Alumbra en nosotros un amor inmenso hacia ti, cual corresponde a la caridad con la que Dios debe ser amado y querido… y hasta tal punto inunde todos nuestros sentimientos,
que nada podamos ya amar fuera de ti, el único eterno. Así,
por muchas que sean las aguas de la tierra y del firmamento,
nunca llegarán a extinguir en nosotros la caridad, según
aquello que dice la Escritura: Las aguas torrenciales no podrán apagar el amor. Que esto llegue a realizarse, al menos
parcialmente, por don tuyo, Señor Jesucristo.
dar las
gracias al grupo de Jovenes Adultos Kerigma de la Comunidad Hispana de Nuestra Parroquia San Jose por su
labor con el baile de la semana pasada. Gracias por todo
su trabajo y su generosa donacion a la parroquia de
Dios les bendiga y nuevamente muchas gracias por su
presencia, su trabajo y su donacion tan generosa para
nuestra parroquia.
Atte: Padre Levelt Germain
Numeros 6:24-26
“Que yave te bendiga y te guarde; que illumine Yave su
rostro sobre ti y te sea propicion; que yave te muestre su
rostro y te conceda la paz.”
Enero 18 y 19 del 2014: $12,439.00
Gracias por su generosidad.
Lectures de la messe du 3ème
dimanche, Temps Ordinaire Année A
1ère lecture : Une lumière se
lèvera sur la Galilée (Is 8, 23 – 9,1-3)
Dans les temps anciens, le Seigneur a couvert de honte le
pays de Zabulon et le pays de Nephtali ; mais ensuite, il a
couvert de gloire la route de la mer, le pays au-delà du Jourdain, et la…
Psaume : Ps 26, 1, 4abcd, 13-14
R/ Le Seigneur est lumière et salut.
Le Seigneur est ma lumière et mon salut ; de qui aurais-je
crainte ? Le Seigneur est le rempart de ma vie ; devant qui
tremblerais-je ? J'ai demandé une chose au Seigneur, l…
2ème lecture : Le scandale des divisions dans l'Église
du Christ (1Co 1, 10-13.17)
Frères, je vous exhorte au nom de notre Seigneur Jésus
Christ à être tous vraiment d'accord ; qu'il n'y ait pas de division entre vous, soyez en parfaite harmonie de pens…
Evangile : Jésus commence son ministère par la Galilée
(brève : 12-17) (Mt 4, 12-23)
Quand Jésus apprit l'arrestation de Jean Baptiste, il se retira
en Galilée. Il quitta Nazareth et vint habiter à Capharnaüm,
ville située au bord du lac, dans les t...
A L’Auditorium St. Joseph avec le celebre
artiste “Leon Dimanche” Le samedi 15
Fevrier 2014 de 8pm a 1h am Frais de participation: $30.00
30 mars – 5 avril 2014 “La mer rouge” avec Père Gustave
Miracle, Père Réginald Jean Marie
Pêcheurs d’hommes
Laisser ici nos filets, nous convertir, devenir pêcheurs
d’hommes et nous préparer à la venue du Royaume de Dieu :
voilà de bien fortes paroles que nous rapporte Matthieu. En
effet, ces quelques mots renferment à eux seuls, et en essence,
tout l’enseignement que le Christ dispensera lors de son ministère.
Laisser nos filets ? Oui, c’est laisser de côté toutes ces activités qui encombrent nos jours et que, faussement, nous
croyons essentielles : travail forcené pour gagner plus (et dépenser plus), passe-temps, course aux biens matériels et
miroirs aux alouettes de toutes sortes. Nous convertir ? Oui,
après avoir laissé nos filets, c’est littéralement changer de vie,
prendre les choses d’une autre façon, faire preuve de charité
et de pardon (et chacun sait que les occasions ne manquent
pas). Et arrêter de faire, comme le dit l’auteur français
Dominique Glocheux, que « la première partie de la vie se
passe à désirer la seconde, et la seconde à regretter la première. »
Devenir pêcheurs d’hommes ? Oui, bien sûr ! Et c’est la partie la plus fascinante de notre vie de chrétiens. Annoncer,
Célébrer et Servir la Parole du Christ : ces trois maître-mots
font et feront de nous des pêcheurs d’hommes. Pour cela, il
faut avoir une volonté bien trempée. Comme le dit le
proverbe chinois : « La volonté permet de grimper sur les
cimes, sans volonté on reste au pied de la montagne. »
Mon Dieu, donne nous cette volonté indéfectible et cette
énergie qui fait de nous des pêcheurs d’homme ! Il y a tant à
faire. La Parole du Christ est si belle qu’elle mérite que nous
y consacrions notre vie.
Bernard Vollerin
Animation: Frère Benedict Lamartine
Nb 6:24-26
Que l'Eternel te bénisse et te protège! Que l'Eternel te regarde avec bonté! Et qu'il te fasse grâceQue l'Eternel veille
sur toi et t'accorde la paix!
Janvier 18 & 19, 2014: $12,439.00
Nous souhaitons la plus cordiale bienvenue à Djena, notre
nouvelle réceptioniste. C’est un plaisir pour nous de
l’accueillir au presbytère.
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 28th, 2014
 San Lorenzo Ruiz Mass and Novena
at 8:00pm in the Main Church
January 29, 2014
 Saint Jerome Bible Society Bible Class (In Creole)
January 30th, 2014
 Saint Jerome Bible Society Bible Class (In English) at
February 1st, 2014
 PREP Reconciliation Retreat at 1:00pm in the Gym
You are all welcomed to attend the Nigerian Mass every
Third Sunday of the month at 3:00pm in the Main Church.
For more information please contact Father Patrick Adekola
at our rectory main number 845-345-0311.
Thursday at 8:00pm-10:00pm (Chapel)
Friday at 9:00am-5:00pm
(Divine Mercy Chaplet & Benediction )
The Parish Hall will be rented for private
receptions. You Must Schedule your reception at least 3 months before the actual
date. Verbal and last minute Reservations
are not acceptable. You must sign a contract and make a
$500.00 deposit 3 months in advance. Please contact Ms.
Denise or one of our Parish Receptionist for more information 845-345-0311.
2nd Annual Catechist Communion Breakfast
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Riverview, Hastings 10 am - 1 pm
Contact: Helen Doon E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 646-794-2822
Learn More about becoming a Volunteer Rape Crisis Counselor or Domestic Violence Hotline Volunteer. Information
Meetings on February 11, 2014 3:00pm-5:00pm and February 25, 2014 6:30pm-8:30pm. For RSVO or More information please contact jenny Guzman at 845-634-3391 or
[email protected]. Thank You.
2 Sm 5:1-7, 10; Mk 3:22-30
2 Sm 6:12b-15, 17-19; Mk 3:31-35
2 Sm 7:4-17; Mk 4:1-20
2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29; Mk 4:21-25
2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17; Mk 4:26-34
First Saturday: 2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17; Mk 4:35-41
I haven’t been everywhere but it’s on my list
Rome & Greece in 2014!
Rome April 24, 2014 —May 1, 2014
8 day Pilgrimage to Rome with the
Archdiocese of NY for the Canonization of Blessed John
Paul II & Blessed Pope John XXIII
Greece July 14,2014-July 24,2014
“In the footsteps of St. Paul
& Greek Isle Cruise”10 day
Pilgrimage to Greece with
Father Germain
Information packages will
be available in the rectory. If you are interested please stop
by and pick up your information package. Thank You ☺
Sunday, February 9, 2014
12 PM
St. Margaret's of Antioch Church
Pearl River, NY
Details: At Noon on Sunday, February 9th, a “Special
Needs” Mass will be celebrated at St. Margaret's of Antioch
Church, 115 W. Central Ave., Pearl River, NY. All youngsters with 'special needs' and their families are most respectfully invited to this Mass arranged by the “Lourdes Kids Of
Rockland,” an organization recently founded to facilitate
sending "Special Needs" Youngsters on pilgrimages to the
Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine and Grotto in
France during Easter Week. The Mass will be celebrated and
the 2014 Pilgrims and their support team will be blessed by
Pastor Monsignor John J. O’Keefe. Refreshments and socialization in the church hall will follow Mass. New York City
Police Department Detective Steve McDonald is expected to be a
Special Guest. For more details,
please call John Murphy
at 845.3938.1623.

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245 North Main Street, Spring Valley New York 10977

245 North Main Street, Spring Valley New York 10977 with one of our Priests. In cases of illness, please notify us if you or a family member would like to receive Holy Communion at home, hospital or nursing home to make arrangements. MARRIAGE: Pleas...

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