

Terinov Training provides training services for the professionals requiring
skills in geosciences. One to Six days field-based courses, from beginner to
specialized level.
Formations professionnelles dans le domaine des géosciences, organisées par
Terinov, le Cluster Géosciences en Languedoc-Roussillon. Sessions de un à six
jours, basées sur le terrain, pour débutants ou spécialistes.
Contact : ; [email protected]
Teaching in English or French, by
specialists (scientists from academia or experienced technicians
from Terinov partners)
Formations en langue anglaise ou
française, par des spécialistes
(scientifiques du milieu académique, techniciens expérimentés
des entreprises partenaires).
Terinov - Cluster Géosciences
en Languedoc-Roussillon
est prestataire de formation
N° 91 34 07855 34
Géosciences Montpellier,
Place Eugène Bataillon
34095 Montpellier cedex 05
Géologie régionale et carrières en LanguedocRoussillon
Acquérir les bases de la connaissance sur la géologie régionale.
Relier l’évolution géologique aux problématiques des carrières de la région.
Rechercher des solutions aux questions d’exploitation en utilisant les
connaissances géologiques.
Exploitants de carrières (granulats, pierres décorative, minéraux industriels).
Bureaux d’études techniques et d’environnement.
Collectivités locales (projet d’implantation, d’extension ou de réhabilitation de
carrière sur le territoire, répartition/mise en valeur de ressources).
1- Origine du matériau (plateformes carbonatées du Paléozoïques ou de
la marge téthysienne, brèches syntectoniques, calcaires bioclastiques
littoraux du Burdigalien, volcanisme Quaternaire… )
2- Evolution post-dépôt du matériau (déformation, altération, karstification, minéralisation…)
3- Fracturation (distribution et variabilité des champs de contraintes successifs et superposés)
Contact : ; [email protected]
Formation sur une journée
- matinée : cours/atelier en salle Laboratoire Géosciences Montpellier
(Université Montpellier 2)
-après-midi : mise en pratique et
échanges dans une carrière de granulat
en activité : Nouvelle Carrière du Pic St
Loup à Viols-le-Fort (34380)
Limité à 20 personnes.
cours (version papier et numérique)
Dates: à organiser sur demande
280€HT (base 20 participants)
450 €HT (base 10 participants)
20% réduction pour membres Terinov
Comprend :
Earth sciences foundation for non geologists
Discover and get familiar with natural geological objects in the field (faults,
basins, sedimentary fill,…) ; understand geometrical relationships ; appreciate real dimensions and scales of geological structures ; touch real rocks
and sediments.
interpreters who have a digital experience only of geological structures,
geophysicists dealing with theoritical processes and concepts,
support and administrative staff of E&P and/or R&D teams,
reservoir engineers
1 - Reading geology in landscapes : basins, mountains ranges, faults and
folds, rock successions
2 - Sedimentary record of geology : geometry of strata, sedimentology of
rocks succession
3 -Basin-forming processes : tectonic/sedimentation relationships in extensional and compressive settings
4 - Extrapolating cross-sections from surface observations ; comparisons
with seismic examples.
Contact : ; [email protected]
3 days field course, easy and very short
walk on foot-paths, studying major
geological sights around Montpellier.
Tarif : 1300 €HT
2 nights accommodation in local hotels
(single or double rooms according to
Includes :
20% Discount for Terinov members
point in Montpellier
Coach transport
of the field-guide
Limited to 20 persons.
Schedule: to be arranged, on demand
Post-rift evolution of the Gulf of Lion margin
Discover and get familiar with natural geological objects in the field (faults,
basins, sedimentary fill,…) ; understand geometrical relationships ; appreciate real dimensions and scales of geological structures ; touch real rocks
and sediments.
exploration geologists ;
basic knowledge in geology required.
reservoir geologists dealing with carbonate platforms and karsts.
1 - tectonic-sedimentation relationship in synrift thin-skinned extensional
basins and early post-rift
2 - uplifted and incised hinterland : observation, interpretation, quantification
of processes ; inherited rift-shoulder or upper mantle dynamics?
3 - late post-rift evolution : interference with, and recording of far-field geodynamics (Messinian-Pliocene Mediterranean evolution, volcanism)
4 - formation and evolution of detritic-dominated littoral, interacting with
karstified inherited platform.
Contact : ; [email protected]
4 days in the field, studying major geological sights around Montpellier.
Easy walks on footpaths, no climbing.
3 nights accommodation in local hotels ;
(single or double rooms according to
Coach transport
Limited to 20 persons.
Schedule: to be arranged, on demand
Tarif: 1750 €HT
20% Discount for Terinov members
Includes :
- transport from and back to a meeting
point in Montpellier
- personal printed and digital versions of
the field-guide
- coffee, refreshments and lunch
- Eveninng meals
- Accommodation
Petroleum structural geology
to introduce structural controls on petroleum systems
to understand scaling of structures and processes
to experience in the field :fractures, fluid-flow and fault&seal
interpreters who have a digital experience only of geological structures,
geophysicists dealing with theoritical processes and concepts
1- (lecture) basics about lithosphere deformation and large-scale structures
(origin of orogens, and sedimentary basins)
2 - (lecture) basin tectonics : folds, syn-tectonic deformation, section balancing and restoration
3- (field-session) regional structural geology : Variscan ductile deformation,
Permian half-graben formation, Pyrenean folding and thrusting, multiphased
strike-slip deformation
4 - (field-session) Faults, fractures and fluids : Mode1 fractures, faults,
fractured and faulted eservoirs
5 - (field-session) Faults& fractures : implications for fluid flow – examples
from detritic rocks (siltsone/clay) and carbonate rocks (mudstones and
marly limestones)
Contact : ; [email protected]
4 days in the field, studying major geological sights around Montpellier.
Easy walks on footpaths, no climbing.
3 nights accommodation in local hotels ;
(single or double rooms according to
Coach transport
Limited to 20 persons.
Schedule: to be arranged, on demand
Tarif: 1750 €HT
20% Discount for Terinov members
Includes :
- transport from and back to a meeting
point in Montpellier
- personal printed and digital versions of
the field-guide
- coffee, refreshments and lunch
- Eveninng meals
- Accommodation
Foreland basin dynamics: a field integrated
study of the South-Pyrenean Foreland basin
To analyse the interactions of geodynamics, tectonics, sedimentation, and
petroleum system in a foreland basin.
Exploration & production geologists and geophysicists.
Basic knowledge in basin analysis (tectonics and/or sedimentology and/or
stratigraphy) required.
1- Basics of the geodynamics of the Pyrenean orogen; section across the
Eastern Pyrenees.
2- Measuring the stratigraphic sections in the Cadi Thrust-sheet-top basin
(late Cretaceous to Eocene) and Ebro Foreland basin (Eocene-Oligocene):
sedimentology, paleoenvironment evolution of the basin.
3- From these field data: bathymetric reconstruction, subsidence analysis,
1D burial history of the syn-kinematic deposits (including organic matter).
4 -Tectonic / sedimentation relationships, growth-structures: determination
of thrust kinematics in the orogenic wedge and flexure in the foreland basin.
5- Integration of subsurface data: thrusting, nappe emplacement, structural
cross-section kinematic restoration.
Contact : ; [email protected]
6 days field-trip in the Catalan southern
Pyrenees. Walking on footpath.
5 nights accommodation in hotels.
Tarif: 2650 €HT
Most of field trip is located in Spain:
non-UE participants are requested to
make sure they can travel in and out of
this country.
Includes :
- transport from and back to a meeting
point in Montpellier
- personnal printed and digital versions
of the course and field-guide,
- coffee, refreshments and lunch,
- Eveninng meals.
- Accommodation.
Coach transport from and to Montpellier.
Schedule: to be arranged, on demand
20% Discount for Terinov members
The gold deposits of the Cevennes :
structural control and metallogeny
to analyse the geometry and distribution of gold-bearing ore deposits in the
southern French Massif Central
to understand the role of granite emplacement and tectonics in the process of gold
to observe, measure, analyse and integrate geological data in order to establish
the model of formation of lode-gold deposits.
Exploration and production geologists
Basic kwowledge in tectonics and/or metallogeny is recommended
1 - Analysis of the deformation characteristics of the Cevennes schists with
focus on the relations between fluids and deformation
2- The Mont Lozère granite emplacement, with focus on late magmatic
3 - Visit of mineralized features, including a section across an old mining
4 - Characterization of the magmato-hydrothermal transition and the consequences on ore deposit formation and concentration.
Contact : ; [email protected]
3 days field-trip in the Cévennes
Side roads outcrops and easy walks
Tarif: 1300 €HT
20% Discount for Terinov members
2 nights accommodation in local hotels;
or in youth-hostal according to season
and availability.
Coach transport from and to Montpellier.
Schedule: to be arranged, on demand
Includes :
- transport from and back to a meeting
point in Montpellier
- personnal printed and digital versions
of the course and field-guide
- coffee, refreshments and lunch
- Evening meals
- Accommodation

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