PrintPDF - Rando Guillestrois


PrintPDF - Rando Guillestrois
In the village of Saint-Crépin, the trail starts behind the post office, at the exit
of the village, towards Briançon. Park along the wooden fence, not far from
the panel marking the entrance to the site.
Advised parking
2 h 30
4.9 km
Trek ascent
430 m
This project is co-financed by the European Union through
FEDER Massif Alpin.
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Attribution:Village en escargot de Saint-Crépin (CM Collin - CCG)
This itinerary was made as an interpretation trail.
Interpretation panels will help you discover one of the
most important sites of Thuruferous Junipers in
Europe: a unique forest and very unusual trees. After
your hike, you should take a moment to visit the
village of Saint Crépin with its strong architectural
and vernacular heritage.
Quite large and well-marked, the trail is supported by walls made of dry stones.
It goes through the “forest” of junipers overlooking the village of Saint-Crépin
perched on its rock. The ground is still stony but the trail flattens again and
goes through dry grassland with some junipers scattered here and there, then
it goes up in small bends within sight of the closest housing in the hamlet of
the Guions. At a junction, head down to the left towards “Combe Albrand”. It is
also possible to go down the same way you came or take the alternative
"HIKING, On foot in the Guillestrois – Great WALKS" - Guidebook sold in tourism
offices in the area.
⚠ Advice
The way back from Combe Albrand follows a trail that can quite steep in
places and slippery in rainy conditions. We recommend wearing hiking shoes
on this trail. Be careful of the sun exposure on this trail: take the necessary
precautions to protect yourself from the sun in summer.
Altimetric profile
On the way...
Winery 1
Genévriers thurifères
Saint-Crepin Mill
Hameau des Guions
Min elevation : 947 m
Max elevation : 1370 m
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Papillon azuré
Winery 1
Walking down the Rue de l’Archevêché both old entrance gates can be seen,
you will notice many beautifully carved stones some depicting vines, grapes
and leaves and also homes that formerly served as wineries like this one. The
winery housed the wine press, the tank, barrels and utensils necessary for
growing grapes and making wine. Most were built in the 16th and 17th
centuries. They are privately owned and not open to visitors.
Saint-Crepin Mill
The old mill is still a beautiful building but it cannot be visited, as it is
privately owned. Water was diverted from the canal to drive the turbines,
which then set in motion the wheels. Grain or nuts could be ground – with no
mill there was no miller, with no miller there was no flour or oil, the mill was a
vital part of life in the mountains.
Hameau des Guions
Le hameau des Guions, situé à environ 1300m d'altitude, est
très ancien. 7 familles y vivent en 1763. A partir de 1900, la
population décroît. En 1945, il n'y a plus d'habitants. Le
hameau est restauré à partir de 1959 et les habitations sont
aujourd'hui louées. Autour du hameau, on peut encore voir
les champs en terrasse, autrefois irrigués par deux canaux.
(Attribution : Chapelle, hameau des Guions)
Genévriers thurifères
Ici vous pouvez voir le plus grand ensemble de genévriers
thurifères de France. Cette espèce, que l’on rencontre en
Espagne et au Maroc, s’est installée ici lors de périodes
chaudes. Les arbres de Saint-Crépin ont des formes curieuses
; des troncs dédoublés et des branches tordues qui sont les
témoins de son exploitation par l’homme au cours des siècles
passés.ce sont des arbres qui peuvent avoir jusqu’à 1000
(Attribution : Genévrier Thurifère)
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Papillon azuré
Azuré est le nom pouvant désigner plusieurs espèces
différentes de petits papillons à nuances bleutées parmi les
Lycaenidae et principalement dans la sous-famille des
Polyommatinae. Ils doivent leur nom à leurs nuances couleur
d'azur, un bleu ciel. Les femelles présentent souvent des
couleurs plus éteintes ou brunes
(Attribution : Papillon azuré)
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