annonce_workshop_29mars-2 - LEM Lille


annonce_workshop_29mars-2 - LEM Lille
Laboratoire d'Anthropologie Expérimentale (ANTHROPO-LAB)
Date :29 mars 2016, 14h-17h (entrée libre)
Lieu : Maison des Chercheurs – 60bis, rue du port (5ème étage) / 59 000 Lille
Accueil des participants
14h00 – 14h15 : Nicolas VAILLANT (directeur de l’ANTHROPO-LAB)
Présentation du laboratoire et de l’équipe
14h15 – 15h00 : Rustam ROMANIUC (Post-doc à l’ANTHROPO-LAB)
Comment l’expérimentation en laboratoire met-elle en œuvre un regard multidisciplinaire
sur le comportement humain ?
Pourquoi les revues interdisciplinaires manifestent-elles un intérêt croissant pour
l’expérimentation en laboratoire ?
15h00 – 15h15 : Pause
15h15 – 16h15 : Dimitri DUBOIS (Ingénieur de recherche CNRS, LAMETA)
Présentation de l’article « Are altruistic men showing off ? Contributions to a public good are
enhanced under sexual competition » (pour un résumé de l'article, voir page 2)
16h15 – 17h00 : Rustam ROMANIUC et Flovic GOSSELIN (ingénieur de recherche à l’ANTHROPO-LAB)
Vue pratique et échanges
o Comment concevoir une expérience ?
o Quels moyens à disposition ?
o Quels développements futurs envisagés ?
17h00 : pot
Pour toute question, [email protected]
Are cooperative men showing off?
Contributions to a public good are larger under sexual competition
Arnaud Tognettia,* Dimitri Duboisb, Charlotte Fauriec,d,# & Marc
Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse, 21 allée de Brienne, 31015 Toulouse – France
CNRS, UMR 5474, LAMETA, av. R. Dugrand, C.S. 79606, 34960 Montpellier – France
University of Montpellier, Montpellier – France
CNRS, Institute of Evolutionary Sciences, pl. E. Bataillon, 34095 Montpellier - France
Institut Universitaire de France
Corresponding author: Arnaud Tognetti, IAST – Manufacture des Tabacs (building S), 21 allée
de Brienne, 31015 Toulouse – France. Email: [email protected]
Keywords: public good game, competitive altruism, competitive cooperativeness, reputation,
mate choice, testosterone.
Why humans cooperate in large groups and with non-kin remains a puzzle for
researchers across the natural and social sciences. Despite a large amount of
theoretical and experimental investigations of cooperation, the potential role of sexual
selection has been overlooked. Yet, competition for access to mates could induce
positive selection for cooperation. Using controlled laboratory experiments, we analyse
whether and how the sex composition of a social environment, testosterone level, and
relationship status affect contributions to a public good. The results show that
variation in sex composition alters the amount of money that men (but not women)
contribute to a public good. Notably, in line with the competitive helping hypothesis,
the information on a woman’s presence leads to larger contributions by men, most
likely by inducing competition between them. Furthermore, this tendency is
exacerbated in single men compared to men in a couple. However, we find no link
between basal testosterone level and cooperativeness. We argue that men adopt
cooperative behaviours as a signalling strategy in the context of mate choice and
hence that cooperation is partly sexually selected. Our findings highlight the need to
consider sexual selection as an additional mechanism for cooperation.

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