
April 2015
Date of birth : May 13 , 1971
Citizenship: French
Economics Department
HEC - Université de Liège
Bd du Rectorat, 7 - Bât. B31
B-4000 Liège
Tel: +32 4 366 48 91
[email protected]
Associate Professor in Economics at HEC - University of Liège
Assistant Professor in Economics at HEC - University of Liège
Assistant Professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Assistant Professor at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona)
International Macroeconomics, Innovation economics, regional economics and OLG models.
PhD in Economics (2004), Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium.
Title of the dissertation: “Regions, Political Economics and Economic Performance”
M. A. in Economics, Université catholique de Louvain, 1999.
DEA Epistémologie et histoire de la pensée économique, Université Paris I PanthéonSorbonne, 1995.
Degree of the Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Paris, 1994.
“The Reputation Effect: A Case Study of Credit Contracts in Transition Countries”, (joint
with Rosella Nicolini), International Journal of Finance and Banking Studies, forthcoming.
"A New Shift-Share Method" (2014) (joint with Leif van Neuss), Growth and Change, 45(4),
“Social Security and Economic Integration” (2014) (joint with Antoine Dedry and Pierre
Pestieau), Economics Letters, 123 (3), 318-322.
"Market potential, productivity and foreign direct investment: Some evidence from three case
studies" (2010) (joint with Rosella Nicolini), European Planning Studies, Vol. 18(2), 147168.
Investigación y Desarrollo más Innovación (2009) (book edited jointly with Rosella Nicolini),
Consejo Economico y social, Madrid, Barcelona.
“Labor Productivity in Catalunya : Strategies for Economic Growth ” (2006) (joint with Rosella
Nicolini), IEA Publications, Barcelona.
“Inversions Estrangeres Directes i Innovació a Catalunya” (joint with Rosella Nicolini), in La
situació de la innovació a Catalunya, Isabel Busom (Ed.), October 2005.
“Wealth Breeds Decline: Reversals of Leadership and Consumption Habits” (joint with
Carmen Camacho and David de la Croix), Journal of Economic Growth, 2004, volume
9, 423-449.
‘’Les investissements directs et les échanges commerciaux entre la Belgique et les pays
arabes’’ (chapter co-written with Bichara Khader), (2004), in Belges et Arabes, Presses de
l’Université de Louvain, 163-222.
Johansson, B., C. Karlsson and R. R. Stough (Ed.) (co-written with R. Nicolini), (2003),
Theories of Endogenous Regional Growth: Lessons for Regional Policies, Springer, Journal
of Regional Science, Vol. 43 (2): 403-6.
“Global imbalances, Exchange Rates and Economic Growth” (2012), (joint with Laurent
“A Growth Model of Global Imbalances” (2011), (joint with Laurent Cavenaile).
“Evidence on the Determinants of Innovation in a Sample of Spanish firms” (2011).
“Memory in Contracts: The Experience of the EBRD (1991-2003)” (2008), (joint with Rosella
“Optimal Saving with Additive and Multiplicative Background Risks” (2006), IRES Discussion
“Bel-Ageing - Ageing, pension systems, fiscal sustainability and growth” 2014-2017. Project
financed by Politique scientifique fédérale (Belspo). Amount: 798 238€ (ULg part: 270 150€).
“Competition and Innovation”, 2013-2017. Project financed by Actions de Recherche
Concertées (ARC). Amount: 650 000€.
“Beldebt” 2010-2013. Project financed by Politique scientifique fédérale (Belspo). Amount:
560 371€ (ULg part: 139 406€).
“Creation of the Innova database”, 2009-2012. Project financed by GRE-Liège, Herstal
Group, Meusinvest and Prayon. Amount: 100 000€.
“Towards better indicators of innovation”, 2009-2013. Project financed by the Banque
Nationale de Belgique. Amount: 100 000€.
“Innovation in Catalunya”, 2008. Project financed by CIDEM, Generalitat de Catalunya.
Amount: 20 000€.
“Innovation in Spain”, 2006-2007. Project financed by the Consejo Economico y Social
(Spain). Amount: 30 000€.
“Interregional flows among French-Spanish regions: Is there any frontier effect?”, 2006. Project
financed by the Institut d’Economia I Empresa Ignasi Villalonga. Amount: 3 000€.
“Labor productivity in Spanish regions”, 2005-2006. Project financed by the Institut d’Estudis
Autonomics, Catalunya. Amount: 15 000€.
“Foreign Direct Investments in four European regions (Baden-Württemberg, Catalunya,
Lombardia and Rhône-Alpes)”, 2005. Project financed by the CIDEM, Generalitat de
Catalunya. Amount: 6 000€.
Université de Liège, since 2006 : Macroéoconomie (undergraduate), International economics
(Master, in English), Economie monétaire et financière (Undergraduate), Théorie de la
croissance (Master), Macroéconomie de l’emploi (Master), Advanced Macroeconomics
(Master, in English).
Université Pompeu Fabra, Barcelone, 2004-2005, Microeconomics, Undergraduate (in
Université Autonome de Barcelone, Macroeconomics (Undergraduate, in English) 2005,
Statistics (Undergraduate, in Spanish) 2005-2006.
IBEI, Barcelone, 2005, International Economics (Master, in English).
Portland State University (Barcelona), International Economics (Undergraduate, in
English) 2005.
Member of the Editorial Board, Dynamiques régionales, since 2012.
Editorial assistant, Recherches Economiques de Louvain, 2001-2003.
Member of PhD thesis committee: Anne-Laure Mention (HEC – Université de Liège), 2012.
Title: Essays on the complex relationships between Innovation and Performance in service
firms, with particular reference to financial services: An intellectual capital perspective.
Member of PhD thesis committee: Brindusa Anghel (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona),
2007. Title: New Insights Into the Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment.
Master’s thesis director of:
Lucas Minten (2013), The effectiveness of the ECB policy during the Great Recession in
opposition to the Fed, ULg.
Djiba Berete (2012), Les avantages et inconvénients de l’adoption du franc CFA pour la
Guinée (Conakry), ULg.
Simon Dagrain (2012), The Determinants of Global Imbalances : An Assessment, ULg.
Pierre Ninane (2012), L’innovation dans le tertiaire, ULg.
Maria Ruiz Novales (2011), The effect of EUREKA Individual Projects on Belgian
Companies, ULg.
Pierre-Paul Pace (2011), Les origines de la crise financière japonaise de 1990, ULg.
Simon Closson (2011), Les coûts du terrorisme. Analyse économique des conséquences
directes et indirectes liées à la surveillance d’actes de terrorisme : études de cas. ULg.
Axel Renotte (2011), La gestion de la liquidité par les autorités monétaires : le cas de la zone
euro, ULg.
Daniel Maraite (2010), Analyse historique des bilans de la BGL et de la KBL, ULg.
Leif van Neuss (2010), L’influence de la structure de marché ou de la concurrence sur
l’innovation des entreprises, ULg.
Arnaud Denis (2010) Analyse et évolution du risque pays, ULg.
Delphine Chatelain (2010) Etude des différentes attaques portées au secret bancaire suisse et
analyse des répercussions pour le Luxembourg, ULg.
Zekeriya Cetinkaya (2009), La crise des subprimes aux Etats-Unis, ULg
Denis Bonotto (2009), Le secteur belge dans la crise financière, ULg
Françoise Fortemps (2008), Les exportations des adhérents à l’euro : apports de la monnaie
unique européenne, ULg.
Enes Ulas (2008), L’impact de la législation environnementale européenne sur l’industrie
automobile allemande, ULg.
David Dubois (2007), Déterminants de la productivité du travail dans les Etats Américains,
Guillaume Struman (2007), Production et exportations de matières premières : politique de
développement soutenable, ULg.
London School of Economics, 2000-2001.
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, June 2002.
Marie Curie fellowship, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Jan-Sept. 2004.
Consultant for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Office of the Chief
Economist, London, 2000-2001.
XI Premi Catalunya d’Economia 2007.
“Action de Recherches Concertées” of the Ministère de la Recherche Scientifique, Belgium,
Marie-Curie fellowship, Jan-Sept. 2004.
French, English, Spanish.
Society for Economic Dynamics Meeting à San José (Costa Rica), June 2000.
Southeast Economic Theory and International Economics Conference in Miami, November
5th Annual EUNIP conference in Vienna, November 2001.
Journées des Générations Imbriquées in Aix-en-Provence, March 2002.
Annual Meeting of the Public Choice Society in Nashville, March 2003.
International Conference on “Irregular Growth: Beyond Balanced Growth”, Paris, June 2003.
Journées des Générations Imbriquées in Metz, September 2003.
XXVIII Symposium of Economic Analysis, Sevilla 2003.
Macroeconomics Seminar, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, April 2004.
CEPR conference, “Institutions, Policies and Economic Growth”, INSEAD, Fontainebleau, 67 May 2005.
IX Jornadas de Economia Internacional, La Laguna, Las Canarias, June 2005.
14th World Congress, International Economic Association, Marrakech, August 2005.
ECARES, Université Libre de Bruxelles, March 2006.
European Meeting of the Econometric Society (ESEM), Vienna, August 2006.
Globelics Dakar, Sénégal, October 2009.
European Economic Association, Oslo, August 2012.
International Atlantic Economic Society, Athens, 2011.
International Atlantic Economic Society, Istanbul, 2012.
Economics Seminar, University of Graz, December 2012.
International Atlantic Economic Society, Madrid, 2014.
Workshop on Human Capital and Ageing, Harvard University, Boston, April 2015.