The Togo Budget - World Bank Institute


The Togo Budget - World Bank Institute
The Togo Budget
User’s Manual to
The Togo Expenditures Database
The World Bank and the Togolese Ministry of Finance
September 2012
Tables and Figures .................................................................................................................. 3
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 4
2. Structure of Database.......................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Particularities of the Data ............................................................................................. 8
3. How to use the Togo Database. Some examples ................................................................ 9
3.1. Example 1. Trend Analysis by Ministry ................................................................... 10
3.2. Example 2. Composition Breakdown ........................................................................ 11
3.3. Example 3. Disentangling the Investment Budget .................................................... 12
3.4. Example 4. Deviation Analysis ................................................................................. 13
Tables and Figures
Figure 1. Examining Government Expenditure across years ............................................... 10
Figure 2. Examining the Composition of Expenditure by Sector......................................... 11
Figure 3. Investment Projects ............................................................................................... 12
Table 1. Variable description ................................................................................................. 7
1. Introduction
A central function of any government involves collecting and spending public funds and
maintaining records of such expenditures. National budgets are at the core of government
activity: they provide a clear picture of what the national priorities are, and where
governments can make efficiency gains. From that perspective, timely and concise budget
analysis is necessary for policymaking. Despite their relevance for policymakers, public
budgets are usually hard to access and understand, even though IT-based applications can
open doors for analysis and policymaking. In that spirit, the World Bank has collaborated
with governments around the World to create easy-to-use public expenditure databases that
make budgets accessible, understandable, and ready to use.
For the last couple of years, the Government of Togo has been embarked in an effort to
make its budget more rigorous and clear. As part of its commitment with a more efficient
and effective Public Financial Management, the Government of Togo created, jointly with
the World Bank, a public expenditure database to track and analyze public expenditures.
The purpose of this project was to construct a comprehensive database of Togo’s budget by
collecting disaggregated revenues and expenditures executed by the central government
from data provided by the Secretary of Reform for the period between 2009 and 2012, and
presenting the final product in a user-friendly manner. This is a tool designed for budgetary
analysis by public officials and researchers. This manual describes the database and
provides the information necessary to analyze Togo public expenditures. This document is
organized as follows:
Part II outlines the structure of the data provided by the Togolese Government.
Part III presents the organization of the database.
Part IV explains how to use the database with an Excel pivot table.
The Togo Expenditure Database was built as part of the BOOST project. The purpose of
the BOOST project (started by the World Bank in early 2010) is to enhance budget
analysis across the globe by improving access to government expenditure data and linking
spending to outputs and outcomes to the extent of possibilities. As of August 2012, the
BOOST Team has collected and processed detailed government expenditure data from
more than twenty countries across four regions, creating easy-to-use databases that have
been employed by World Bank researchers and policymakers on a variety of projects. As
of today, 10 countries have agreed to make their databases publicly available. A BOOST
consists of three Excel spreadsheets: the first one, called “TOC”, describes the variables of
the database. The second one, called “Raw Data”, contains information at the line level
and can be used by experts in budget and Excel to do in-depth analyses. “Raw Data” also
feeds into the sheet “Pivot”, which allows users to do customized tables using Excel’s
Pivot Table functionality.
The core BOOST team for Togo consists of Hans Hoogeven ([email protected]),
([email protected]),
([email protected]),
([email protected]). Please feel free to contact us with any questions or
suggestions about BOOST.
We hope this database is helpful in opening new avenues of analysis and providing answers
to important questions regarding the efficiency, equity, and effectiveness of government
2. Structure of Database
The data for Togo includes expenditures executed by different agencies of the central
government. The data is disaggregated by economic, functional, and administrative
classification. It also allows identifying the source of funding for a given project.
As far as expenditures are concerned, the Togo database presents 7 stages of the budgetary
Approved budget, which is the budget voted by the National Assembly.
Revised Budget, which is the budget reviewed by the National Assembly.
Authorization, whch is the spending ceiling for a given budget line. This constrain is
determined by the Ministry of Finance.
Engagement, which is the expenditure committed (budgetary perspective) and
recognized (accounting perspective).
Liquidation, which is an estimation of the exact amount to be paid to a beneficiary.
Commitment, wich is the exact amount to be paid to a beneificary.
Payment, which is the payment executed by the Treasury.
For comparison purposes, Table 1 classifies the variables of the Togo database according to
the economic, functional, and administrative classifications of other BOOST public
expenditure databases created by the World Bank.
Table 1. Variable description
BOOST Variable
Original name
Budgetary Divisions
Nature Economique
Administrative Divisions
Type d’administration
Categorie d’administration
Geographic Divisions
Variables created by BOOST Team
Variable to distinguish items above and below the line
Expenditure amounts
Dotation Initiale
The variable sous-chapitre is only available for the transfer and the investment expenditures. In order to
provide more clarity on the assignation of resources, this variable was broken in four new columns. Variables
source_fin1, 2, and 3 correspond to investment projects and identify who is providing the resources for the
specific budget line. Variable “project2” corresponds to transfers, and identifies the organization, within or
outside the government, that benefited from a specific transfer.
Variable Chapitre was broken down in two parts. The first part identifies the third level of the administrative
classification and is available for all the ECON1 categories with the exception of public investment. The
second part identifies the investment projects by name and is available only for the investment projects.
Dotation Finale
Mandat Prise en Charge
2.1 Particularities of the Data
Compared with other datasets, the Togo database presents the following particularities:
 Inclusion of three levels of source of funding for investment expenditures.3
 Identification of the beneficiaries of government transfers.3
 Two levels of geographic classification.
 The main limitations of the database are:
o The budget lines financed by donors, either through loans or grants, contain
information up to the level of “authorization”.
o The geographic classification is reliable only for the the “dotation” and
“autorise” parts of the budget cycle. For the rest of the budget cycle, the
information is allocated almost in its entirety to Lome.
o Given the lack of integration between SIGFIP and the treasury systems, the
data could not be reconciled for the executions. However, the budget data is
reconciled against the TOFE available in the website,
which is the repository of public data created by the Togolese Government.
This breakdown is originally provided by the variable sous-chapitre, which was broken down in four
different variables for ease of analysis.
3. How to use the Togo Database. Some examples
For ease of use, the BOOST team has developed a standard user interface through
which to access the BOOST government expenditure database with the help of Excel
A PivotTable report is an interactive way to quickly summarize large
amounts of data. Use a PivotTable report to analyze numerical data in
detail and to answer unanticipated questions about your data. A
PivotTable report is especially designed for:
 Querying large amounts of data in many userfriendly ways.
Subtotaling and aggregating numeric data, summarizing data by
categories and subcategories, and creating custom calculations and
Expanding and collapsing levels of data to focus your results, and
drilling down to details from the summary data for areas of interest to
Moving rows to columns or columns to rows (or “pivoting”) to see
different summaries of the source data.
Filtering, sorting, grouping, and conditionally formatting the most
useful and interesting subset of data to enable you to focus on the
information that you want.
 Presenting concise, attractive, and annotated online or printed
PivotTables are straightforward and easy to use and allow for quick, customizable
analyses of large amounts of data. This section presents several examples of using the
BOOST PivotTable interface to general custom reports. With BOOST, as with many
things in life, the best way to learn is by doing.5
For more information on Excel PivotTables, please consult the help function in Microsoft Excel or this
helpful overview of the Microsoft website: pivotchart-reports-HP010177384.aspx.
The minimum technical requirements for using the Moldova BOOST government expenditure database are as follows: (i) a computer
with at least 1 GB of RAM (2 GB preferred); (ii) Microsoft Excel version 2007 or later (or similar database software that allows
loading of files with at least one million lines of data).
3.1. Example 1. Trend Analysis by Ministry
Figure 2 below presents a simple example of time trend analysis at the macro level. It
reports total government expenditures from 2009 to 2011, broken down by the top- level
functional classification. To generate this PivotTable, ADMIN2 is placed in the Row
Labels box, Year in the Column Labels box, and the values in the body of the table consist
of the sum of the Mandat Prise en Charge variable. Please note that the column
corresponding to 2012 presents values of 0 because the data was not available at the
moment these guidelines were drafted.
Figure 1. Examining Government Expenditure across years
Do it yourself: how would you generate a similar table using the functional (Secteur)
instead of the administrative classification?
3.2. Example 2. Composition Breakdown
Figure 3 below presents a breakdown of 2009 government expenditures by economic
category and sub-category for each sector in the Togolese functional budget classification.
To generate this PivotTable, ECON1 and ECON2 are placed in the Row Labels box,
FUNCTION1 in the Column Labels box and the Year (2009) variable is used as a filter.
The values in the body of the table consist of the sum of the executed variable.
Figure 2. Examining the Composition of Expenditure by Sector
3.3. Example 3. Disentangling the Investment Budget
As mentioned previously, the Togolese database allows doing queries by the three
different types of funding sources: public treacury, borrowing, and subvention. One of the
main limitations of the database, however, is that emprunt and subvention, which are
financed by donors and multilateral institutions, contain data only through authorization.
The lack of data on donors’ funded project is related with reporting and not with
execution. If one wants to do deviation analysis (i.e., how much was budgeted versus how
much was executed) of the investment budget it is necessary to exclude the lines
corresponding to emprunt and subvention and leave only tresor public, which is the only
part of the investment budget fully controlled by the Togolese Government.
In order to produce a very basic table disaggregating expenditure by economic
classification ready to do deviation analysis, econ1 is placed in the Row Labels box, Year
in the Column Labels box and the SOURCE_FIN1 (Tresor Public and blank) variables are
used as a filter. The values in the body of the table consist of the sum of the Dotation
initiale and Mandat Prise en Charge variables.
Figure 3. Investment Projects
3.4. Example 4. Deviation Analysis
One of the most basic but revealing exercises you can do with BOOST is a deviation
analysis; i.e., how much of the budget authorized by the National Assembly was executed
at the end of the year. To do this, you need to follow the following steps:
1. Place Section is the Row Labels box, Year in the Column Labels box (filtering for
the period between 2009 and 2011), and the values in the body of the table consist
of the sum of the APPROVED and PAYMENT variables. You should get a table
like the following one:
2. Create a new sheet called “Deviation”.
3. Go back to sheet Pivot Table. Copy the Table you created in step 1.
4. Paste the table in the cell A1 of sheet “Deviation”. We need to copy and paste the
table in a different sheet because Pivot Tables do not have memory in case we
introduce formulas in them. In other words, any analysis you do in this sheet will
get lost if you create a new pivot table. At the end of this step, sheet “Deviation”
should look like this:
5. In cell H3, write “Deviation 2009”. We will estimate the deviation between
executed and budgeted amounts in this column.
6. In cell H4, write down the following formula: =C4-B4. This is the estimation of the
difference between the executed and the budgeted amounts for 2009.
7. Extend the formula until it reaches the end of your table. At the end of this step,
your table should look like this:
8. Repeat the process for 2010 and 2011.
Annex. The Togolese Chart of Accounts.
This chart of account was produced using Google Translate.
1 Public Debt
2 Staff costs
3 Operating expenses
4 Transfer payments
5 Investments carried out by the State
12 Project grants and bequests
17 Other borrowings
21 Intangible assets
22 Acquisitions and developments of soil and sub-soil
23 Acquisition, construction or major repairs of buildings
24 Acquisition and major repairs of furniture and equipment
25 Military equipment
26 Equity and bonds
61 Staff costs
62 Purchases of goods and services
63 Operating subsidies
64 Other current transfers
65 Interest and financial expenses
66 Exceptional charges
69 Provisions and contingencies
74 Program grants
125 Assistance funds
171 Other loans - Multilateral Debt
176 Other domestic borrowing (Reducing domestic arrears)
211 Patents, trademarks, copyrights
213 Selling the right to exploit deposits
215 Research for the development of human resources
216 Technical Studies
219 Other rights and intangible values
221 Grounds
223 Plantations and forests
225 Water and water purification machines
226 Acquisition of fertilizers and fertilizer
231 Sale or disposal of properties
232 Administrative buildings for office use
233 Administrative buildings use Technique
234 Works and infrastructure
235 Basic infrastructure
241 Furniture and office equipment and housing
242 Hardware office
243 Transportation equipment and service function
244 Technical equipment and machinery (other than office)
245 Transport equipment
247 Strategic stocks or emergency
249 Other acquisition and major repairs
251 Sales of military equipment
253 Furniture, equipment and military equipment
263 Investments
264 Guarantees
611 Wages and salaries
613 Allowances and bonuses
614 Social contributions
616 Family benefits
619 Staff costs and other unallocated staff costs
621 Supplies
622 Expenses and maintenance
623 Services
624 Insurance
625 Electricity, water, gas and other energy sources
626 Communication expenses
627 Rent and service charges
628 Shipping and Mission
629 Other purchases of goods and services
631 Subsidies to public institutions
632 Grants to public and semi-public non-financial
634 Subsidies to financial institutions
639 Grants to other categories of beneficiaries
641 Current transfers to other levels of government (regions, districts, municipalities)
642 Current transfers to non-profit institutions
643 Current transfers to households
645 Transfer to supranational authorities and organized contributions. intern.
646 Transfers to other budgets
649 Other current transfers
651 Interest and financial expenses-Multilateral debt
657 Interest and finance charges, domestic debt
661 Cancellations of revenue recognized in prior years-Payouts and refunds
662 Convictions and transactions
663 Exchange losses
669 Other extraordinary expenses
691 Unexpected expenses
741 Donations from international institutions
1251 External assistance funds
1711 Multilateral debt amortization other borrowings
1761 Other domestic borrowing from financial institutions and the banking system
1762 Other domestic loans to other organizations
2111 Patents, trademarks, copyrights
211133 Acquisition of improved seeds
21114 Fertiliser purchase food
2113 Installation of new technologies
2131 Right of exploitation - Business
2151 Research for the enhancement of Human Resources
2152 Training of state officials
2161 Technical Studies
2162 Installation of new technologies
2163 Costs of research and developement
2191 Other rights and intangible values
2211 Site acquisition and land
2231 Plantations and forests
2232 Development of agricultural production zone
2233 Improving production and productivity
2235 Irrigation
2236 Reforestation and environmental protection
2251 Water supplies to hospitals and machines potablisation
2252 Boreholes in rural
2253 Drinking water
2261 Acquisitions fertilizer
2311 2 Construction of fence
23113 Technical buildings
2321 Rehabilitation of administrative buildings for use as housing
2322 Rehabilitation and office equipment
2323 Rehabilitation of school buildings
2330 Administrative buildings for technical
23300 Administrative buildings for technical
2331 Hospitals and health facilities
23311 Réhabilitaton hospitals and care centers
23312 Rehabilitation technical center
2332 Schools and schools and universities
23321 School construction
2333 Markets and market sheds
2340 Works and infrastructure
23400 Works and infrastructure
2341 Roads, tracks and bridges
23414 Purification works, cleaning of drains and water collectors
2344 Dams and dykes
2345 Boreholes
2349 Hydraulic Equipment vilageoise
2351 Rehabilitation insfrastructures
23511 Market sheds
2411 Furniture and equipment housing
2412 Furniture and office equipment
24121 Office furniture
24122 Office equipment
24129 Other costs of furniture and office equipment
2421 Micro computer equipment
2422 Computer Software
243 Transportation equipment and service function
2431 Two-wheeled vehicle and service function
2432 Cars
2441 Technical equipment
24411 Medical supplies and equipment and hospital
24412 And equipment and radio communication
24413 Equipment and television equipment
24415 And equipment for public works
24417 Technical equipment for metrology
24418 Equipment and laboratory equipment for schools and universities
24419 Other technical equipment
244191 Conditioners
244192 Generators
244199 Pumping machines and water purification
2442 Technical equipment
2449 Other equipment and furniture not ventillés
2451 Transport equipment
2471 Strategic stocks or emergency
2472 Strategic stocks of medicines
2475 Stock of supplies and materials
2491 Electrification
2493 Acquisition of radio and television
2494 Acquisition of real estate
2499 Other acquisitions of supplies, services, equipment and major repairs
24991 Other expenditures (Indemnification)
251 Sales of military equipment
25321 Weapons and ammunition
25322 Small tools
2631 Investments within
2632 Investments outside
2641 Holdback
61111 Remuneration of members of the National Assembly
61112 Remuneration of members of the Government
61113 Remuneration of members of the institutions of the Republic
61114 Remuneration of the members of the Grand Chancellery of the Order of Mono
6112 Remuneration of administrative functions
61121 Treatment of officials
61122 Salaries of permanent staff
61123 Salary of temporary staff
61124 Wages of domestic workers (domestic)
61125 Remuneration of contractual and decision
61127 Reminders wages and salaries
61128 Salary Auxiliary Secondary Teachers (1st and 2nd cycles)
61129 Other remuneration of administrative functions
61131 Military Pay
61132 Balance of gendarmes
61155 Staff salaries ¿s technical assistance
6119 Other Salaries and Wages
61191 Provision for staff recruitment
61192 Provision for salary increase
61311 Benefits related to political
613111 Housing allowances
613112 Benefits of electricity and water
613113 Severance phone
613114 Travel allowances
61312 Benefits related to administrative functions
613121 Hardship allowances
613122 Responsibility allowances, management and function
613123 Vehicle allowances
613124 Housing allowances
613126 Compensation for overtime
613127 Benefits documentation
613128 Residence allowances (diplomatic)
61313 Benefits related to military duties
61315 Various allowances
61319 Other allowances
61321 Risk premiums
61322 Bonuses
61324 Premium technical
61325 Seniority bonuses
61326 Special bonuses (Dearth of life)
61329 Other bonuses
613292 Annual premiums library
613294 Annual premiums back to school
6139 Other bonuses and allowances not otherwise broken
6141 Payroll staff in status (CRT matching from employer)
6143 Social contributions of senior status (employer's payment CNSS)
6144 Matching retroactive validation ancillary services
6161 Allowances
6162 Start-up grants
6163 Single wage benefits
6164 Allowances 1st and 2nd age
6169 Other family benefits unventilated also
6192 Tuition for children of diplomatic personnel
6199 Other staff not ventillées
61991 Lifetime allowance
6211 Office supplies and supplies
62111 Office Supplies
62112 Supplies
62121 Health supplies
62123 Supplies for TV
62124 Supplies topography
62126 Supplies and materials
62127 Supplies of vaccines and consumables
62128 Epidemiological surveillance
62129 Other technical supplies
6213 Printing and documentation
62131 Printing
62132 Documentation
6214 Subscription
6215 Clothing
62152 Clothing, bedding, furniture and military camp
6216 Pharmacy
62161 Medicines and medical consumables
6217 Food and Accommodation
62171 Supply
62172 Accommodation
62173 Feeding of prisoners
6218 Fuel and lubricants
62181 Fuel and lubricants administrative vehicles
62183 Fuel and lubricants for military vehicles
62189 Other fuel and lubricants
6219 Other supplies unventilated also
6221 Maintenance and repair of buildings and other infrastructure
62211 Maintenance of government buildings
62212 Maintenance of schools
62213 Maintenance of sanitation
62214 Care homes and presidential palaces
622271 Maintenance of civil aircraft
6223 Office maintenance
6224 Maintenance of furniture and equipment housing and office
62241 Maintenance of furniture and equipment housing
62242 Maintenance of furniture and office equipment
622421 Maintenance of office furniture
622422 Maintenance of office equipment
6225 Hardware maintenance
62252 Maintenance of official website
6226 Maintenance and repair of transport service and function
6227 Maintenance of equipment and technical equipment
62271 Maintenance of equipment and medical equipment and hospital
62272 Maintenance of equipment and radio equipment and communication
62274 Equipment maintenance and equipment topographic
62277 Equipment maintenance, equipment and military installations
62278 Maintenance of equipment and laboratory equipment for schools and universities
62279 Equipment maintenance and other technical equipment
622791 Maintenance of land and plantations
622792 Maintaining air conditioners and generators
6229 Other expenses and maintenance
6231 Tuition, research and technical assistance
62321 Fees
62322 Commissions
62326 Legal costs
6233 Advertising costs or publication
6234 Development costs of computer programs
6235 Connection fees for water, electricity, telephone and various repairs
62351 Connection fees for water and various repairs
62352 Connection charges of electricity and various repairs
62353 Telephone connection charges and various repairs
6236 Babysitting fees
6237 Fees sewage and garbage removal
62391 Hospitalization in and out of Togo Togo
62393 Medical Evacuation
62394 Royalties for copyright
6241 Insurance costs for staff
62411 Life insurance professional agents of the State
62412 Personal accident insurance for state employees
62414 Health insurance for state employees
6242 Insurance costs in favor of political and administrative authorities
6243 Insurance costs to cover buildings and other infrastructure against disasters
62431 Buildings insurance
6244 Insurance costs to cover transport equipment against damage
62441 Vehicle insurance
62442 Aircraft insurance
6249 Other Insurance
6251 Electricity
6252 Water
6253 Gas
6261 Postage
6262 Telecommunications costs
62621 Phone
62622 Telex, fax
62623 Internet
62624 Radio transmission
6263 Royalties to the Press Agencies
6269 Other Expenses Communication
6271 Rent housing
6272 Office rent
6281 Freight charges
62811 Transportation costs within
62812 Transport costs outside
628121 Transportation charges outside: Airline tickets
628122 Transportation charges outside: Interns and students
62813 Transportation costs for moving final
62814 Transport costs for goods
6282 Mission costs
62821 Mission costs within
62822 Mission expenses outside
62823 Expenses
62891 Rounds of official delegations
6291 Material organization of examinations and competitions
62910 Miscellaneous
62914 Material organization
6292 Organization of conferences, congresses, training, seminars, recycling, etc.
62921 Training, seminars and refresher
62922 Conferences
62924 Training of new recruits of the armed forces and security
6293 Fund sovereignty
62931 Special funds
62932 Fund Policies
6294 Taxes paid by the State
6295 Fairs, festivals, ceremonies and cultural activities
6296 Entertainment expenses
6297 Elections
6298 Flags and pavoisements
6299 Miscellaneous
62992 Security spending
62994 Transition costs in the VIP lounges at airports
62999 Other operating expenses
6311 Grants to schools and universities
63111 Expenditure related to staff
63112 Expenses related to the operation
63113 Expenses related to research
63115 Spending on social work
63116 Expenses related to sports
63122 Expenses related to the operation
63123 State contribution to the costs of hospitalization of indigents
63124 Expenses related to the expanded program on immunization
63125 Fight against major endemic (MSD / AIDS, onchocerciasis, caesarean section. Etc.)
63132 Expenses related to the operation
63133 Expenses related to research
63134 Support outreach
63142 Expenses related to the operation
63143 Support activities
63152 Expenses related to the operation
63153 Support activities
63155 Grant to the achievement of rural infrastructure
6316 Grants for development and social promotion
63162 Expenses related to the operation
63163 Support activities
63168 Expenses related to the integration and development of employment
6317 Grant reinforcements capacity
63171 Grant worker motivation
6322 Expenses related to the operation
6323 Support activities
6343 Subsidy to financial institutions (support activities)
6392 Subsidies to higher oil prices
6412 Expenses related to the operation
64122 Electricity supplies
6413 Support for decentralization
6423 Current transfers to the social sector (corporate associations, unions etc. ..)
64311 Pensions
6432 Lifetime allowance
6433 Allowances to former political
6434 Civil remedies
64351 Aid
643512 Aid to promote family and child
64352 Rescue
64361 Scholarships and internships within
643612 Scholarships for Technical and Vocational Education
643613 Scholarships for Higher Education
64362 Scholarships and internships outside
643621 Scholarships and Internships in Africa
643623 Support for students
64371 Price subsidy of petroleum products
64511 Contribution to the functioning
6452 Transfers to international organizations
64521 Contribution to the functioning
6461 Transfers to other budget
6491 Support capacity building of government management
6493 Support for institutional reforms and economic
6494 Subsidy emergency expenses
6495 Guarantee Fund
6496 Fund price support
6511 Interest and financial expenses Multilateral debt
6571 Interest and finance charges, domestic public companies
6611 Refund of duties overpaid
6612 Tax exemptions
6614 Repayment of the holdback
6621 Damages paid to third parties due to accidents caused by vehicles of the State
6631 Loss of funds, foreign exchange and financial expenses
66991 Protection of Freedoms and Civil Support
6911 Unexpected expenses
6912 Provisions for deferred desdépenses previous managements
74111 Budget support institutions or foreign gouvenements
110 National Assembly
120 Presidency of the Republic
130 Prime Ministry
131 Dévéloppement delegate to the Base
132 Secret. State of Youth and Youth Employment
140 Constitutional Court
150 Supreme Court
160 Ombudsman
170 Court of Auditors
180 Economic and Social Council
190 High Authority for Audiovisual and Communication
210 Economy and Finance
215 Common staff costs
216 Comunes equipment expenses
217 Various common expenses
220 From the PR for Planning, Development and Planning
221 Secret. State Planning
230 Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
240 Basic Development, Crafts, Youth and Youth Employment
310 National Defence and Veterans Affairs
410 Adm. Territorial Decentralization and Local
420 Justice and Institutional Relations
421 Superior Council of Magistracy
430 Safety and Civil Protection
510 Primary, Secondary and Literacy
520 Technical Education and Vocational Training
530 Higher Education and Research
610 Health
710 Public Service and Administrative Reform
720 Communication
730 Sports and Recreation
740 Social Action and National Solidarity
750 Labour, Employment and Social Security
760 Urban Planning and Housing
770 Advancement of Women
780 Arts and Culture
810 Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries
811 Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Water Villageoise
812 Delegate for Rural Infrastructure
820 Trade and Private Sector Promotion
830 Civil engineering
840 Mines and Energy
850 Industry Zone and Technological Innovations
860 Environment and Forest Resources
870 Post and Telecommunications
880 Tourism
890 Transport
920 Human right, Consolidation Democracy Civic Education
11 Hotel
12 Office
13 General Secretariat
21 Directions Generales
22 Subdirectorates
23 Directions (at national level)
31 Directions Regionales
32 Directions prefectural
33 Areas (administration)
34 Prefectures (administrative)
41 Public institutions - public and semi-public non-financial
43 Financial Institutions
45 Non-profit institutions (hospitals, schools, associations, sports clubs
46 Households
47 Supranational and international
49 Other agencies or institutions beneficiant transfers and subsidies
61 Aid in the production
62 Buildings and Rehabilitations
63 Supplies and Equipment
64 Study, research and Prospecting
65 Training and Awareness
66 Natural Resources
67 Institutional and organizational strengthening
68 Multifaceted projects
69 Other
91 Public Debt
92 Expenditure not distributed
93 Budgets Annex X
99 Other expenditure not distributed
Not applicable
11001 Hotel President
11002 Hotel President
11003 Hotel of the Secretary General of the Presidency
11004 Hotel Prime Minister
11005 Hotel General Secretary of the Government
11006 Minister hotel
11007 Hotel President
11008 Hotel President
11009 Hotel Director's Cabinet
11010 Hotel President
11013 Minister hotel
11014 Minister hotel
11015 Minister hotel
11016 Minister hotel
11017 Minister hotel
11018 Minister hotel
11019 Minister hotel
11020 Minister hotel
11021 Minister hotel
11022 Minister hotel
11023 Minister hotel
11024 Minister hotel
11025 Minister hotel
11026 Minister hotel
11027 Minister hotel
11029 Ministerial hotel
11030 Hotel of the Minister
11031 Minister hotel
11032 Minister hotel
11033 Minister hotel
11034 Minister hotel
11036 Minister hotel
11037 Hotel Director's Cabinet
11038 Hotel Minister of State at the Presidency of the Republic
11038 Hotel President of the Court of Auditors
11039 Hotel Advisors President
11040 Hotel of the Permanent Secretary
11040 Hotel President
11041 Hotel of the Minister
11042 Hotel of the Minister
11043 Hotel of the Minister
11043 Hotel President
11044 Hotel of the Minister
11045 Hotel of the Minister
11045 Hotel President
11046 Hotel of the Minister
11047 Minister hotel
11048 Ministerial hotel
11049 Ministerial hotel
11050 Hotel
12001 Contributions to parliamentary
12001 Office
12001 Strengthening of the Standing Committees of the National Assembly
12002 National Commission for the Fight against Corruption and Economic Sabotage
12002 National Commission for the Fight against the proliferation and circulation of small arms
12002 National Commission on Markets
12002 Office
12003 General Secretariat of the Presidency
12004 Office
12005 Secretariat General of the Government
12006 Office
12007 Office
12008 Office
12009 Jurisdiction
12010 Office
12013 African organizations
12013 Capacity: Budget
12013 Capacity: DAC
12013 Capacity: Department of Economics
12013 Capacity: Department of Finance
12013 Capacity: DFCEP
12013 Capacity: DGTCP
12013 Capacity: Financial Control
12013 Capacity: IGF
12013 Capacity: Portfolio Management
12013 Capital increase BTCI
12013 Capital increase of BIA-TOGO
12013 Cell support and monitoring of Mutual Institutions
12013 Coordination Unit Document Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP)
12013 Increase the capital of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB)
12013 Monitoring and Evaluation Committee of Economic and Financial Programs
12013 National Committee of the Public Debt
12013 National Economic Policy Committee (NEPC)
12013 Office
12013 Office of Real Estate Heritage Abroad Togo (0PITE)
12013 Pension Fund of Togo (CRT)
12013 Stake in Bank Sahel-Saharan Investment and Trade (BSIC)
12013 Steering Committee of the Cash Plan
12013 Subsidy on petroleum products
12013 United Nations
12014 African Institute of Computer Science - Togo (Togo-IAI)
12014 CENETI
12014 Office
12015 Commission Nationale de la Francophonie
12015 Office
12016 Office
12017 Office
12017 Permanent Administrative Secretariat of INEC
12017 Union of Municipalities of Togo
12018 National Commission for OHADA
12018 Office
12019 Committees of National Languages
12019 Office
12019 Primary Education Confessional
12019 Teaching 2nd & 3rd degrees (Confessional)
12019 Teaching assistants 1st Degree
12020 Higher Council for Technical Education and Format. Professional
12020 National Centre for Professional Development
12020 Office
12020 Permanent Secretariat of the Higher Council for Technical Education and Format.
12021 Chancellery of the Universities of Togo
12021 Ecole Normale Supérieure Atakpamé
12021 National Commission for Scholarships
12021 National Institute for Scientific Research
12021 Office
12021 University of Kara (UK)
12021 University of Lomé (UL)
12021 Village of Benin
12022 CHP Aneho / Zébévi
12022 CHP Kpalimé
12022 CHP tomde Kara
12022 CHP with operating theaters
12022 CHR Atakpamé
12022 CHR Dapaong
12022 CHR Lomé-Commune
12022 CHR Sokodé
12022 CHR Tsévié
12022 CHR-Sokodé: Center Hemodialysis
12022 CHU Kara
12022 CHU Tokoin: Operating Grant
12022 CHU-Campus: Operating Grant
12022 Hemodialysis center (CHU Tokoin)
12022 National Center for Blood Transfusion (CNTS)
12022 National Institute of Hygiene (INH)
12022 National Programme for the Fight against AIDS (NAP)
12022 Office
12022 Permanent Secretariat of the National Council for the Fight against AIDS and STIs
12022 Psychiatric Hospital Aného
12022 Togolese Red Cross
12022 Training Centre for Public Health, WHO
12022 Versatile Hospital of Elavagnon
12023 Ecole Nationale d'Administration
12023 National Coordinating Committee for the reform of the Public Administration and CTRAP
12023 Office
12024 Center for Reading and Cultural Activities
12024 Office
12024 Regional Centre for Cultural Action (CRAC)
12024 Togolese Office of Copyrights
12025 Fédérartions involved in sports international competitions
12025 National Institute of Youth and Sports (Grants)
12025 Office
12025 Togolese National Olympic Committee
12026 Agency National Solidarity
12026 Centre for Training and Socio-Professional Reintegration of Disabled People of Akata
(Regional Directorate of the Plateaux)
12026 Centre for Training and Socio-Professional Reintegration of Disabled People of Attéda
(Regional Directorate Kara)
12026 Committee the adoption of children in Togo
12026 Craft Training Center Women's Landa (Directionrégionale of Kara)
12026 Ecole Nationale de Formation Sociale
12026 Future home of Kamina (Regional Directorate Plateaux)
12026 High Commissioner for Repatriation and Humanitarian Action
12026 Nursery Tokoin
12026 Observation Centre and Social Reintegration of Youth at Risk of Caccavéli (Regional
12026 Office
12026 Orphanage centers and reeducation
12026 Permanent Centre for Disaster Logopé
12026 Support the advancement of women
12026 Togolese Federation of the Disabled
12027 Airport Niamtougou
12027 Centre of Construction and Housing
12027 Congress Palace Kara
12027 Congress Palace Lomé
12027 Office
12027 Regional Training Centre for Road Maintenance (CERFER)
12029 Central Supply and Management of Agricultural Inputs (CAGIA)
12029 Council and Institute of Technical Support (ICAT)
12029 Management Unit Farm Equipment
12029 National Agency for Food Safety Togo (ANSAT)
12029 National Committee for the global campaign for food
12029 National Institute for Agricultural Training (INFA) - Tové
12029 Network of Regional Chambers of Agriculture
12029 Office
12029 Office National des Abattoirs Refrigerated (ONAF)
12029 Support Fund Award for Cotton Producers
12029 Support Fund to ANSAT
12029 Togolese Institute for Agronomic Research (ITRA)
12029 Young Farmers Installation
12030 Local representation of UNIDO
12030 National Council of Intellectual Property
12030 National Institute of Industrial Property and Technology
12030 Office
12030 Regional Chambers of Trades
12031 Office
12031 Universal Service of the Post
12032 Office
12032 Restructuring IFG / OTP
12033 Fund to support environmental
12033 Office
12033 Office of Development and Exploitation of Forests (ODEF)
12034 National Commission of Accreditation and Ranking of Tourism Establishments
12034 Office
12036 National Commission on Human Rights (CNDH)
12036 Office
12037 Office of the State Minister at the Presidency of the Republic
12038 Office
12039 National Intelligence Agency
12039 Office
12039 The National Anti Drug
12040 Education Centre Workers Dapaong
12040 Education Centre Workers Lomé
12040 Kara Education Centre Workers
12040 National Agency for Employment
12040 National Council for Social Dialogue
12040 Office
12041 National Agency Guarantee and Financing of Small and Medium Enterprises
12041 Office
12041 Office of the Permanent Secretary
12041 Society of Directors of the Export Processing Zone (SAZOF)
12042 Office
12043 Office
12044 National Fund for the Promotion of Economic activities of young
12044 Office
12045 Institutional Reform Sub-Water Sector
12045 Office
12046 Office
12047 Office
12048 Office
12049 Grant Prefectures (rural infrastructure and community)
12051 Initiative to improve the rate of implementation of the budget
12052 Committee on Boundaries
12053 Policy and institutional reforms
12054 Support Fund for Local Authorities
12055 Forum peasant
12056 Integration to Support Development Hiring (HELP)
12057 Subsidy on petroleum products
12059 Purchase of seed and fertilizer
12060 Purchase of grain
12061 Sites classified World Heritage by UNESCO
12065 Centre psycho-medico-social (FLIGHT)
12067 Lighting of the city of Lomé
12068 Interministerial Committee for monitoring the implementation of priority action Gvt
13009 General Secretariat
13014 General Secretariat
13015 General Secretariat
13016 General Secretariat
13017 Directorate General of Health
13018 General Secretariat
13020 General Secretariat
13021 General Secretariat
13022 General Secretariat
13024 General Secretariat
13028 General Secretariat
13029 General Secretariat
13030 General Secretariat
13031 General Secretariat
13033 General Secretariat
13034 Secretariat General
13036 General secretarial
13037 General Secretariat
13038 General Secretariat
13039 General Secretariat
13040 General Secretariat
21001 General Directorate of Customs
21002 Directorate General of Taxation
21003 General Directorate of the Treasury and Public Accounting
21004 Directorate General of Planning and Development
21005 General Directorate of Statistics and National Accounts
21006 General Staff of the Togolese Armed Forces
21007 General Directorate of the National Police
21010 Directorate of Higher Education
21012 General Directorate of Public
21013 Directorate General for Employment and Social Legislation
21014 Directorate General Communication
21015 Directorate General for Child Protection
21015 Directorate General of Social Development
21016 General Directorate of Gender and Women's Empowerment
21017 Directorate General of Urban Planning and Housing
21018 General Directorate of Mapping and Cadastre
21022 Directorate General for Transport
21023 Directorate General of Mines and Geology
21024 General Directorate of Public Works
21026 Directorate General of Human Rights
21027 Directorate General of Land Amenagement
21028 General Directorate of National Documentation
21030 Direction of the 3rd Age People
21032 Directorate General of Urban Infrastructure and Facilities
21033 Directorate General for Energy
21034 Génerale management of Water and Sanitation
21039 Directorate General for International Cooperation
21216 Truth Justice and Reconciliation Commission
21217 Permanent framework for dialogue and consultation
21219 Support for decentralization
21220 National Police School
21221 Committee for implementation of the system procurement
21223 Directorate General of Hydrocarbons
21224 General Directorate of Consolidation of Democracy and Civic Education
22006 Affairs Directorate Commons
22015 National Directorate of Insurance
22016 Directorate of Public Debt
22018 Directorate of Development Planning
22020 Directorate of Coordination Plan
22021 Management Unit and Program Coordination Systems PMCU UN-SNU
22022 Technical Documentation Center and Archive
22023 Planificatiion Regional Directorate and Planning
22024 Directorate of National Accounts and Economic Studies
22025 Directorate of Demography and Social Statistics
22026 Branch Exchanges and Coordination
22030 Staff Army
22030 Staff of the Gendarmerie Nationale
22031 Military Veterans and Veterans
22032 General Inspectorate of Security Services
22034 Directorate of Civil Security
22036 Affairs Directorate Commons
22039 Financial Affairs
22040 Human Resources
22054 Directorate of Primary Health Care
22055 Branch Care Establishments
22056 Department of Pharmacy, Laboratory Equipment and Techniques
22057 Directorate of Planning and Training
22061 Directorate of Professional Relations and Social Security
22062 Research Department, Research and Statistics
22063 Directorate of Health and Safety at Work
22065 Direction Television
22066 Radio direction of Lomé
22067 Radio direction of Kara
22069 Agency management Togolese Press
22070 Training Centre in Communication and Recycling
22071 National Center for Audiovisual Production
22072 Directorate of Community Development
22074 Disability management
22075 Directorate of Gender and Women's Rights
22076 Directorate for Cooperation and Promotion Activities Econ. Women
22077 Directorate of Family & Education of the Girl
22078 Department of Prevention Situations of Vulnerability
22079 Directorate of Support to Children in Difficulty
22084 Directorate of Books
22085 Directorate of Cinematography
22089 Directorate of Interior Commerce and Competition
22090 Directorate of Foreign Trade
22091 Packaging and direction of Legal Metrology
22092 Department of Industry
22094 Branch Road Transport and Driving Licence
22095 Department of Maritime Affairs
22096 National Agency of Civil Aviation
22097 Geological and Mining Research Directorate
22098 Directorate of Development and Mining Control
22099 Laboratories Branch Mining and Oil
22100 Department of Construction and Reconstruction of Roads
22101 Directorate Building
22102 Directorate of Administration and Finance-Lomé
22103 Directorate of Rural Roads
22106 Standards Branch
22107 Inspection of Labour and Social Law
22108 Direction of Artistic and Cultural Promotion
22110 National Coordination of Assistance to refugees
22111 Directorate of Planning and Monitoring Studies EVALUTION - Lome
22112 Directorate of Sanitation
22113 Directorate of Water Supply
22114 Directorate of Village Water
22115 Directorate of Planning and Management of Water Resources
22116 Directorate of Electricity, Energy Equipemts
22117 Energy Planning Department
22118 Directions Urban Infrastructure
22118 Directorate for the Promotion of Human Rights
22119 Green Areas Directorate of Historical Monuments and Embellishment
22122 Directorate of Seed
22124 Directorate of Social Welfare
22125 Directorate of Road Maintenance - Lome
22126 Internal Control and Coordination - Lome
22127 Directorate of Religious Affairs
22128 Hoteliers directions Establishments and Bars
22128 Staff of the Air Force
22129 Staff of the Navy
22130 Central Directorate of Health Services of the Armed Forces
22131 Operations Center Inter Armed
22132 Garrisons Service
22133 School Health Service Lomé
22134 Training School Sub-Officers of FAT
22135 Officers Training School of FAT
22136 Military College Eyadéma
22138 General Establishment Services
22139 PRSP Technical Secretariat
22140 AFFAIRS DIRECTORATE financial vehicles
22141 Centre for Educational Documentation and Information Technologies and Educational
23004 Parliament
23006 Grand Chancellery of the National Order
23007 Office
23010 General State Inspectorate
23027 Department of Economic
23028 Budget Directorate
23029 Directorate of Materials and Transit
23030 Direction of the Central Administrative Garage
23031 Directorate of Finance
23032 Financial Control
23033 Directorate of Information Management and Audit
23034 Portfolio management
23035 Direction and Guardianship Assistance
23043 Permanent Mission O.N.U. - New York
23044 UNESCO Permanent Delegation & Embassy to the Holy See
23045 Embassy Paris
23046 Embassy Brussels
23047 Embassy in Washington
23048 Embassy Bonn (Berlin)
23049 Embassy Lagos
23050 Embassy Accra
23051 Embassy Kinshasa
23052 Embassy in Beijing
23053 Embassy Ottawa
23054 Embassy Libreville
23055 Embassy Tripoli
23056 Embassy Addis Ababa
23058 Directorate of Territorial Administration and Boundaries
23059 Electoral Affairs Directorate
23060 Directorate of Civil Liberties and Political Affairs
23061 Department of Archives & Legal Deposit
23062 Directorate of Decentralization and Local
23063 Directorate of Civil Protection: Corps of firefighters
23064 Guards Corps prefecture
23065 National Laboratory for Forensic Science
23067 General Inspectorate of Judicial Services
23068 National Directorate of Farm Radio
23069 Unit of Study and Modernization of Justice
23071 Directorate of Prison Administration and Reinsertion
23073 Courts of First Instance First Class
23074 Courts of First Instance of Second Class
23075 Courts of First Instance of Class Three
23076 Directorate of Examinations and Competitions
23077 Directorate of Continuing Education, Action and Research Pedagogical
23079 Affairs Directorate Commons
23080 Directorate of Technical Education and Vocational Training
23081 Directorate of Examinations, Competitions and Certification
23082 Statistics Directorate, Research and Planning
23083 Office of the BTS
23085 Directorate of Scientific Research
23086 Internships and Scholarships Branch
23089 Directorate of Information Management Personnel and Employment
23090 National Directorate of Employment and Training
23092 Directorate of Civic Education
23094 Directorate of Physical Education
23095 Directions of the School and University Sports
23096 National Directorate of Youth
23098 Affairs Directorate Commons
23098 Directorate Mobile Brigade
23099 Directorate of Fisheries and Aquaculture
23100 Directorate of Plant Protection
23101 Human Resources
23102 Department of Agriculture
23103 Directorate of Livestock
23104 Directorate of Agricultural Statistics, Informatics and Documentation
23105 Directorate of Development and Rural Equipment
23106 Directorate of Planning and Cooperation on Agriculture
23108 Directorate of National Meteorology
23110 Directorate of Administrative and Financial Affairs
23112 Environment Directorate
23114 Directorate of Water and Forests
23115 Department of Wildlife and Hunting
23116 Directorate of Environmental and Forest Inspection
23118 Directorate of Tourism Promotion
23120 Directorate of Coordination and Disaster Management
23120 National Directorate Recreation
23121 Directorate of Handicrafts
23123 Directorate for Cultural Heritage
23125 General Inspectorate of Finance
23126 Affairs Directorate Commons
23127 Directorate of Planning and Statistics
23127 UN General Assembly and AU
23128 Embassy Geneva
23129 Embassy Jeddah
23130 Affairs Directorate Commons
23132 Labour Court
23133 Tribunal for Children
23134 Directorate of Nationality and Seal
23135 Department of Civil Affairs, Social and Commercial
23136 Affairs Directorate Penales and Pardons
23137 Directorate of Administrative Litigation
23138 Directorate of Law and Access to Justice
23139 Management Branch and Judicial Staff Training
23140 Affairs Directorate Commons
23141 Directorate of Studies and Statistics
23142 Central Office Repression of Illicit
23143 Affairs Directorate Commons
23144 Direction of the National Library
23145 Baccalaureate Office
23146 National Commission on Recognition and Approval
23147 National Commission for UNESCO
23148 Affairs Directorate Commons
23149 Superior Council of the Public Service
23150 National Labour Council
23151 Public Affairs Department
23153 Human Resources
23154 Branch Infrast. and Equip. Sports and Recreation Educational Soci23155 Directorate of Private Sector Promotion (Ex DPME)
23156 Affairs Directorate Commons
23157 Directorate of Posts and Telecommunications
23158 Direction of Technological Innovations
23159 Affairs Directorate Commons
23160 Directorate of Sanitation and Living
23161 Development Department of Mines and Energy
23162 Affairs Department Public and Management Control
23163 Direction of the Distribution and Quality Control
23164 Drection Planning and Resource Management
23165 Affairs Directorate Commons
23166 Affairs Directorate Commons
23166 Directorate of Planning
23167 Directorate of Tourist Development
23168 Affairs Directorate Commons
23169 Directorate of Legislation and Protection
23170 Directorate of Primary and Preschool Lessons
23171 Directorate of Secondary Education and Guidance
23172 Foresight Directorate of Planning, Education and Evaluation
23173 Permanent Secretariat of the Higher Council for Education and Training
23174 General Inspectorate of Education
23177 Dir. Education and Literacy
23178 Directorate of Finance and Control Execution Plan
23179 Directorate of Administration and Finance
23180 Affairs Directorate Commons
23182 Building Directorate of Democracy
23183 Directorate for Relations with the Institutions of the Republic
23189 Services Branch of FAT
23190 Gendarmerie Nationale
23201 Directorate of Educational Programs and
23202 Directorate of Vocational Training and Learning
23203 The Directorate of Higher Technical Education
23204 Directorate of Secondary Technical
23206 National Directorate of Sports
23207 Research Department, Research and Planning
23208 Cell National Financial Information Processing
23209 Directorate for the Promotion of National Reconciliation and Institutions Ad'hoc
23210 ENAM Lomé
23211 ENSF Lomé
23212 ENAM Kara
23213 Kara ENSF
23214 ENAS Sokodé
23215 National Directorate of Procurement Control
23216 Staff Supervisory body of Prison Administration
23232 Unit Management and Coordination of Programmes United Nations System
23233 Support development activities based
23236 Steering Committee SIGFIP
23237 Industry regulation authority procurement
23238 Capacity building of actors TP
23243 Embassy in Tokyo
23244 Embassy of Kuwait
23245 Embassy New Delhi
23248 Callable African Fund for Guarantee and Economic Cooperation (FAGACE)
23249 Mutual funds and guaranteed loans Council of Understanding (FEGECE)
23250 Capital increase African Development Bank
23251 Increased capital fund African Solidarity
23252 Prefectures and sub-prefectures of Togo
23255 Emergency work
23256 Scanners operating in the CHU
23257 Central Directorate of Territorial Surveillance
23258 Central Directorate of the Judicial Police
23259 Central Directorate General Information
23260 Central Directorate of Public Security
23263 Affairs Directorate Commons
23264 Directorate of Administration and Human Resources
23265 Cells of the Road Data Bank
23266 Direction of the Conflict Prevention
23267 National Council of Youth
23268 Support for PLWHA and purchase of ARVs
23269 National Institute of Youth and Sports
23269 National Institute of Youth and Sports (Operation)
31007 Regional Management Plan - Maritime Region
31008 Regional Management Plan - Plateau Region
31009 Regional Directorate of Planning - Central Region
31010 Regional Management Plan - Kara Region
31011 Regional Management Plan - Savannah Region
31012 Regional Directorate of National Accounts - Maritime Region
31013 Regional Directorate of National Accounts - Plateaux Region
31014 Regional Directorate of National Accounts - Central Region
31015 Regional Directorate of Statist. and National Accounts - Kara Region
31016 Regional Directorate of Statist. and National Accounts - Savannah Region
31022 Regional Directorate of Education Gulf - Lome City
31023 Regional Directorate of Education - Maritime Region
31024 Regional Directorate of Education-Plateau Region
31025 Regional Directorate of Education-Central Region
31026 Regional Directorate of Education - Kara Region
31027 Regional Directorate of Education - Savannah Region
31028 Regional Directorate of Health - Maritime Region
31029 Regional Directorate of Health - Lome common
31030 Regional Directorate of Health - Plateau Region
31031 Regional Directorate of Health - Central Region
31032 Regional Directorate of Health - Kara Region
31033 Regional Directorate of Health - Savannah Region
31035 Regional Directorate of Public Maritime Region
31036 Regional Directorate of Public Plateau Region
31037 Regional Directorate of Public Central Region
31038 Regional Directorate of Public Kara Region
31039 Regional Directorate of Public Savanna Region
31066 Regional Directorate Agriculture, Animal Husbandry & Fisheries - Maritime
31067 Regional Directorate Agriculture, Animal Husbandry & Fishing - Trays
31068 Regional Directorate Agriculture, Animal Husbandry & Fishing - Central
31069 Regional Directorate Agriculture, Animal Husbandry & Fishing - Kara
31070 Regional Directorate Agriculture, Animal Husbandry & Fishing - Savannah
31071 Regional Direction of Trade Interior - Tsévié
31072 Regional Direction of Trade Interior - Atakpamé
31073 Regional Direction of Trade Interior - Sokodé
31074 Regional Direction of Trade Interior - Kara
31075 Regional Direction of Trade Interior - Dapaong
31086 Regional Mines and Energy Directorate-RM
31087 Regional Mines and Energy Directorate-RP
31088 Regional Directorate Mines and Energy RC31089 Regional Mines and Energy Directorate-RK
31090 Regional Mines and Energy Directorate-RS
31091 Regional Directorate of Public Works - Maritime Region
31092 Regional Directorate of Public Works - Plateau Region
31093 Regional Directorate of Public Works - Central Region
31094 Regional Directorate of Public Works - Kara Region
31095 Regional Directorate of Public Works - Savannah Region
31101 Regional Directorate of Culture - Lome common
31102 Regional Directorate of Culture - Maritime
31103 Regional Directorate of Culture - Trays
31104 Regional Directorate of Culture - Central
31105 Regional Directorate of Culture - Kara
31106 Regional Directorate of Culture - Savannah
31107 Regional Departments of Sports and Recreation
31108 Directorate of Social Affairs Lomé
31109 Directorate of Social Affairs Maritime
31110 Directorate of Social Affairs Trays
31111 Central Department of Social Affairs
31112 Directorate of Social Affairs Kara
31113 Directorate of Social Affairs Savannah
31114 Regional Directorate of Water and Sanitation-RM
31115 Regional Directorate of Water and Sanitation-RP
31116 Regional Directorate of Water and Sanitation-RC
31117 Regional Directorate of Water and Sanitation-RK
31118 Regional Directorate of Water and Sanitation-RS
31119 Inspections Prefectural Sports and Recreation
31120 ENIJE - Kpalimé
31121 ENI Kara
31122 ENI - Notsé
31141 Regional Directorate Maritime Environment and Forest Resources
31142 Regional Directorate Environment and Forest Resources Trays
31143 Regional Directorate Central Environment and Forest Resources
31144 Regional Directorate Environment and Forest Resources Kara
31145 Regional Directorate Environment and Forest Resources Savannah
31188 Court of Appeal of Lomé
31189 Court of Appeal Kara
31223 (I.E.P.P) - Maritime Zio - North
31224 (I.E.P.P) - Maritime Zio - South
31225 (I.E.P.P) - Maritime Yoto
31226 (I.E.P.P) - Maritime North Vo31227 (I.E.P.P) - Maritime Vo-South
31228 (I.E.P.P) - Lakes Maritime East
31229 (I.E.P.P) - Maritime Lakes - West
31230 (I.E.P.P) - Maritime Afagnan
31231 (I.E.P.P) - Maritime Ave
31232 (I.J.E.) Maritime
31233 (I.. HS - PC) Maritime - Tsévié
31234 (I.E.S. - PC) Maritime - Aného
31235 (I.R.E.S. - DC) Maritime - Tsévié
31236 (I.E.P.P.) Trays Ogou North
31237 (I.E.P.P.) Trays Ogou South
31238 (I.E.P.P.) Trays - Wawa
31239 (I.E.P.P.) Trays - Is Mono
31240 (I.E.P.P.) Trays - Akébou
31241 (I.E.P.P.) Trays - Amu North
31242 (I.E.P.P.) Trays - Amu South
31243 (I.E.P.P.) Trays - Danyi
31244 (I.E.P.P.) Trays - Akata
31245 (I.E.P.P.) Trays - Kloto East
31246 (I.E.P.P.) Trays - Kloto West
31247 (I.E.P.P.) Trays - Agou
31248 (I.E.P.P.) Trays - Haho
31249 (I.E.P.P.) Trays - Middle Mono
31250 (I.J.E.) Trays
31251 (I.E.S.-P.C.) Trays - Atakpamé
31252 (I.E.S.-P.C.) Trays - Kpalimé
31253 (I.E.S.-P.C.) Trays - Notsé
31254 (I.E.S.-P.C.) Trays - Badou
31255 (I.R.E.S.-D.C.) Trays-Atakpamé
31256 (I.E.P.P.) North Central Tchaoudjo
31257 (I.E.P.P.) South Central Tchaoudjo
31258 (I.E.P.P.) Central Tchamba
31259 (I.E.P.P.) North Central Sotouboua
31260 (I.E.P.P.) South Central Sotouboua
31261 (I.E.P.P.) Central Blitta
31262 (I.J.E.) Central
31263 (I.. E.S.-P.C.) Central - Sokodé
31264 (I.E.S. - PC) - Central Sotouboua
31265 (I.R.E.S.-D.C.) Central - Sokodé
31266 (I.E.P.P.) Kara - North
31267 (I.E.P.P.) Kara - South
31268 (I.E.P.P.) Keran
31269 (I.E.P.P.) Kara - Doufelgou
31270 (I.E.P.P.) Kara - Binah
31271 (I.E.P.P.) Kara - Assoli
31272 (I.E.P.P.) Kara - Bassar
31273 (I.E.P.P.) Kara - Dankpen
31274 (I.J.E.) Kara
31275 (I.E.S.-P.C.) Kara
31276 (I.E.S. - PC) Kara - Bassar
31277 (I.R.E.S.-D.C.) Kara
31278 (I.E.P.P.) Savannah - Tone
31279 (I.E.P.P.) Savannah - Cinkassé
31280 (I.E.P.P.) Savannah - Kpendjal
31281 (I.E.P.P.) Savannah-Tandjoaré
31282 (I.E.P.P.) Savannah - Oti
31283 (I.J.E.) Savannah
31285 (I.E.S.-P.C.) Savannah - Dapaong
31286 (I.R.E.S. - DC) SAVANNAH
31287 Regional Directorate of Public Works-City Lomé
31289 Regional Directorates of Packaging and Legal Metrology
31290 Programme Support the fight against sickle cell
31291 Packaging and Regional Directorate of Legal Metrology (Maritime Region)
31292 Packaging and Regional Directorate of Legal Metrology (Plateau Region)
31293 Packaging and Regional Directorate of Legal Metrology (Central Region)
31294 Packaging and Regional Directorate of Legal Metrology (Kara Region)
31295 Packaging and Regional Directorate of Legal Metrology (Savannah Region)
31296 Regional Directorate of Labour and Social Laws (Maritime Region)
31297 Regional Directorate of Labour and Social Legislation (Plateau Region)
31298 Regional Directorate of Labour and Social Legislation (Central Region)
31299 Regional Directorate of Labour and Social Legislation (Kara Region)
31300 Regional Directorate of Labour and Social Legislation (Savannah Region)
32001 Prefectural Labour Inspection Lakes
32002 Prefectural Labour Inspection Yoto
32003 Prefectural Labour Inspection Kloto
32004 Prefectural Labour Inspection Haho
32005 Prefectural Labour Inspection Sotouboua
32006 Prefectural Labour Inspection Tchamba
32007 Prefectural Labour Inspection Bassar
32008 Prefectural Labour Inspection Doufelgou
32009 Prefectural Labour Inspection Keran
32010 Prefectural Labour Inspection Oti
32111 Sanitary District nion1
32112 Sanitary District nion2
32113 Sanitary District nion3
32114 Sanitary District nion4
32115 Sanitary District nion5
32117 Of Yoto Health District
32118 Health District Lower Mono
32119 Health District Zio
32120 Sanitary District of Avé
32121 Vo Health District
32122 Sanitary District Agou
32123 Sanitary District of Amu Oblo
32124 Health District Danyi
32125 Eastern Health District of mono
32126 Health District Haho
32127 Health District Kloto
32128 Health District Ogou
32130 Health District Bassar
32131 Sanitary District of Assoli
32132 Health District Cinkassé
32133 Oti Sanitary District of
32134 Health District Kpendjal
32135 Health District Tandjouaré
32136 Health District Tône
32137 DPS using Mono
32138 DPS WAWA
32139 Lakes District Health
32140 Prefecture Akébou
32141 Prefecture ANIE
32142 Prefecture-Kpelé AKATA
32143 Prefecture Cinkasse
32144 Prefecture BAS-MONO (Afagnan)
33001 National Blood Transfusion Centre (CNTS-Sokodé)
34035 (I.E.P.P) GULF-Lomé - University
34036 (I.E.P.P) GULF Lomé - Port
34037 (I.E.P.P) GULF Lomé - West
34038 (I.E.P.P) GULF Lome - Airport
34039 (I.E.P.P) GULF Lome - Agoè
34040 (I.J.E.) Gulf
34041 (I.E.S. - PC) GULF
34042 (I.E.S. - DC) GULF
34043 Prefecture Gulf
34044 Zio Prefecture
34045 Prefecture Lakes
34046 Vo prefecture
34047 Of Yoto prefecture
34048 Prefecture Ave
34049 Prefecture Ogou
34050 Prefecture Kloto
34051 Prefecture Haho
34052 Prefecture Middle Mono
34053 Prefecture Wawa
34054 Is Mono Prefecture
34055 Amou Prefecture
34056 Prefecture Agou
34057 Prefecture Danyi
34058 Prefecture Blitta
34059 Prefecture Sotouboua
34060 Tchaoudjo
34061 Prefecture Tchamba
34062 Prefecture Kozah
34063 Prefecture Keran
34064 Prefecture Assoli
34065 Prefecture Dankpen
34066 Binah Prefecture
34067 Prefecture Bassar
34068 Prefecture Doufelgou
34069 Prefecture Tone
34070 Oti Prefecture
34071 Prefecture Kpendjal
34072 Prefecture Tandjouaré
34073 Sanitary District of Adéta
34074 Health District Kougnohou
34075 Health District Tchaoudjo
34076 District Saniotaire Blitta
34077 Health District Tchamba
34078 Health District Sotouboua
34079 Health District Kozah
34080 Health District Keran
34081 Health District Dankpen
34082 Health District Doufelgou
34083 Sanitary District of Binah
34086 Zio Prefecture
34087 Prefecture VO
34088 Prefecture YOTO
34089 Prefecture AVE
34091 Prefecture Ogou
34092 Prefecture Kloto
34093 Prefecture Haho
34094 Prefecture Wawa
34095 Prefecture of the Amu
34096 Prefecture Danyi
34097 Prefecture Agou
34098 Middle prefecture Mono
34099 Is Mono Prefecture
34100 Prefecture Kpélé Akata
34101 Prefecture Akébou
34102 Tchaoudjo
34103 Prefecture Sotouboua
34104 Prefecture Tchamba
34105 Prefecture Blitta
34106 Prefecture Kozah
34107 Prefecture Bassar
34108 Prefecture Assoli
34109 Prefecture Dankpen
34110 Binah Prefecture
34111 Prefecture Doufelgou
34112 Prefecture Keran
34113 Prefecture Tone
34114 Oti Prefecture
34115 Prefecture Kpendjal
34116 Prefecture Tandjouaré
34117 Prefecture Cinkassé
34118 Sub-Prefecture of plain MO
34119 Prefecture ANIE
34122 Sanitary District of Anié
34123 Golfe prefecture
34124 Lakes prefecture
34125 Prefecture of Bas-Mono
41026 Professional Training Center of Justice
41042 Stake in SNPT
41471 Support to the PRSP II
41472 Support for ENI
41473 Opening of High Schools scientic
41474 Support to the EITI
41475 Support for rural electrification
41476 Grant for acquisition of buses for urban transport
41477 Togolese Heritage Society (STP WATER)
41478 Appoints autonomous structures for Health
43001 Recovery support structures
45017 Children's Hospital of Dapaong
45021 Reopening of the ENS Atakpamé
45022 Support development activities based
45023 Youth center in Lomé
45024 Youth House in Kara
45025 St John's Hospital Afagnan
46001 Subsidy cesarean
46002 Community health workers
47001 Support the operation of the APRM
47004 Support the Mechanism African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM)
47005 Support the operation of the Permanent Mission to the UN (CS)
47006 Support for promtion Craft
49012 OASIS, Terre des hommes: Centre childcare and lost badly treated
49013 Specialized Support for Schools
49014 High Commissioner for Refugees and Humanitarian Action (HCRAH)
49015 Home of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons (HCRAH)
49016 Increase the capital of the CICARE
49017 Youth volunteering
49018 National Fund for the Promotion of Economic desActivités Young
49020 Emergency expenses
49021 PAGED
49023 Support LMD
49024 Regional Chambers of Trades
49025 Procurement committees and market control
49027 Reconstitution of the 9th IFAD Fund
49028 Contribution to regulators
49029 National Commission for Privatisation
63005 Lighting Program streets of Lomé
91001 Society Support Urban Transport Lomé
92001 Treatment of staff technical assistance
92002 Provision for review of administrative status embedded in the body of officials
92003 Provision for recruitment in the General Adminstration
92004 Redundancy
92005 Hospitalization in Togo & Togo out of
92006 Matching retroactive validation ancillary services
92007 Provision for adjustment indicial
92008 Matching for seconded staff
92009 Compensation provision new embassies (diplomatic staff costs)
92011 Transport costs on the occasion of a mission abroad, travel definitive
92012 Rental of buildings
92013 Transport costs and scholarship students drawback. opportunity to travel abroad
92015 Vehicle purchases administrative
92016 Fuels and lubricants for vehicles administrative
92017 Vehicle Maintenance
92018 Provision for creation of embassies (Expenses equipment in embassies)
92020 Rehabilitation CASEF
92021 Maintenance offices CASEF (maintenance contracts)
92022 Supplies water CASEF
92023 Supplies electricity CASEF
92024 Computer Supplies
92025 Feeding of prisoners (Power)
92026 Budget support
92027 Hardware maintenance
92028 VAT refund (Taxes and Duties)
92029 Funded markets of External Resources (tax expenditures)
92030 Reception officials (fee receipt)
92031 Celebration of the National Day (Holidays and Ceremonies)
92032 Seminars and Training
92033 Organization of conferences
92035 Unexpected expenses
92036 Provisions for accrued expenses managements previous
92040 Elections
92041 Management support budget
92042 Support to the private press
92044 Losses Funds & Equipment
92045 Audit fees of domestic debt
92046 Expenses
92047 Audit fees of autonomous and liquidation of public enterprises
92048 Animation and maintenance of the official sites of the Togolese Republic
92049 Wages of the crew of the presidential plane
92050 Maintenance and operation of aircraft state
92051 Attorneys' Fees & experts
92052 Legal costs
92053 Damages & interest paid to third parties as accidents caused by administrative vehicles
92054 Personal accident insurance premium for state employees
92055 Judicial support to poor defendants
92055 Support to the National Programme for Upgrading Industries
92059 Annual meetings of IMF, WB, ADB
92062 Managerial capacity Administration
92063 Participation in international fairs
92064 Provision for wage increases
92065 Lifetime allowance
92066 Health insurance premiums for state employees
92067 Acquisition of real estate
92068 Organization of competitions and examinations
92069 Integration of markets in newspapers
93001 Strengthening of the Customs Administration
93002 Strengthening the Tax Administration
93004 Capacity Management Unique Budget
93005 Support for Individual Staff of the Presidency of the Republic
93007 Compensation for expropriation
93008 Bank restructuring
93010 Incentive to the Agents Financial Authorities
93011 Support for Local Economic Promotion and Employment (APELE)
93012 Economic reforms
93013 Emergency Expenses
93014 Economic Intervention Fund
93015 Lighting of the city of Lomé
93016 Support to political parties
93017 Support for free school
93018 Scholarships: Helps - Universities Togo (UL - UK)
93019 Scholarships: Helps - Africa
93020 Scholarships: Helps - Abroad
93021 Additional scholarships
93022 Scholarships: Allowance for writing theses and dissertations
93023 Emergency care hospitals (hospitals and clinics)
93024 Hospitalization for indigent in public health centers
93025 Scholarships and Internships
93026 Organization of school and university championships
93027 Home of Refugees
93027 Support for trade union activities
93028 Purchase of fertilizers and seeds
93028 Relief and civil damages
93029 Supervision of Informal Sector
93029 Support for child victims of trafficking
93030 Support to the energy sector
93030 Support to training centers for disabled
93031 Support for community centers
93034 Financial sector support
93035 Managerial capacity of the administration
93036 Grant price of petroleum products
99056 Operation of the balance
99057 Learned warranty
99058 Fees Auditors
1 Sovereignty
2 Defence, Security and Order
3 General and financial administration
4 Education, Training and Research
5 Culture, Sport and Recreation
6 Health and Social Action
7 Administration and Infrastructure Development
8 Production and Trade
9 Other services
11 Legislative
12 Executive
13 Judicial oversight bodies
14 Advisory bodies
15 High chancellor of national orders
16 Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
19 Other organs of sovereignty
21 General services of the defense
22 Ground forces
23 Air Force
24 Navy
25 Gendarmerie and Republican Guard
26 Homeland Security and Police
27 Courts and prison
28 Civil protection and fire
29 Other defense services, order and security
31 Common affairs of the general and financial administration
32 Finance and Taxation
33 Human resource management and organization
34 Planning, programming, statistics and forecasts
35 General Services Administration
36 Administration of the territory
37 Regionalization and supervision of local
39 Other services of general and financial administration
41 General business education, training and research
42 Preschool and primary education
43 General secondary education
44 Technical and vocational secondary education
45 Vocational training
46 Higher Education
47 Research and innovation
49 Other education, training and research
51 General affairs, youth, sports, culture and recreation
52 Culture, arts and cinema
53 Radio, television, press and publishing
54 Sports and Recreation
55 Associations and youth recreation
61 General business health and social
62 Quaternary health (family welfare, screening, blood bank)
63 National and regional hospitals and prefectural (CHU, CHR, CHP)
64 Hospitals, clinics, health centers and squares
65 Preventive health care and basic
66 Welfare
67 Welfare
68 Assistance and Solidarity
69 Other health and social services
71 General business administration and infrastructure development
72 Housing and Urban
73 Water supply
74 Environmental sanitation and living
76 Electricity and other energy
77 Transport
78 Post and telecommunications
79 Business administration and other infrastructure development
81 General business, production, trade, tourism, accommodation and employment
82 Rural Affairs
83 Crop production
84 Forests, parks and reserves
85 Animal Resources and Fisheries
86 Mining
87 Manufacturing and Construction
88 Tourism, Hospitality and crafts
89 Other services production and trade
92 Unallocated expenses
93 Supplementary budgets
97 International organizations
Not applicable
61001 Project development and rehabilitation of agricultural land in the area of Mission-Tove
61002 Proposed hydro-agricultural development of the lower valley of the river Mono
61004 Poultry development project of Kara
61005 Fight against avian influenza.
61010 Support for the production of improved seeds (ITRA)
61015 Rehabilitation of agricultural training center of Adjengré
61017 Rehabilitation Agency Maritime ICAT
61018 Support to land tenure: creating planned agricultural development areas (ZAAP)
61020 Capacity building of the Agricultural Training Institute (INFA) of Tové
61021 Project initiative of Emergency Rice
61022 Development project of small livestock
61023 Fight against bird flu
61026 Project Development and Rehabilitation of agricultural land in the area of Mission-Tove
61028 Integrated Rural Development Project (IRDP) of plain Mô
61029 Joint initiative for the promotion of Commons and the Poverty Reduction
61030 Joint initiative for the promotion of Commons and the Poverty Reduction
61031 Special Programme for Food Security (SPFS) South - South Cooperation
61032 Special Programme for Food Security (SPFS) South - South cooperation
61033 Building project databases food security of vulnerable households
61034 Assistance of Togo in the Prevention and Control of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
61035 Rehabilitation of the seed farm Sotouboua
61036 Support to the Association of Togo psciculteurs
61037 Support poultry producers in Togo
61038 Support to producers in the Central Togo
61039 Promotion and development of warehouse receipt
61041 coffee and cocoa sector recovery
61043 Program to support the revival of poultry production in Togo
61044 Support project-specific recovery in cereal production in Togo
61045 Project to support the enhancement of fishery products and the sustainable management of
fisheries resources
61046 Proposed hydro-agricultural development of the lower river valley Mono
61047 Experimental project agronomic adaptability of rice varieties chinoisesde Kara
61048 Poultry development project of Kara
61049 Investment in acquaculture in the lower valley of the Volta
61050 Reconstitution of the genebank legumes and main roots and tubers
61051 Purchase of fertilizer
61052 Acquisition of sites and industrial areas
61053 Filmmaking tourism promotion CD-Room and advertising materials
61054 Réhébilitation lèinstallation of telephone switchboard with purchase
61055 Study and Rehabilitation of the electrical installation of the DDT and TPD
61056 Acquisition of rolling marériel
61057 Rehabilitation of structures regional hotel
61058 Integrated development project of plain Mô (IRDP)
61059 Integrated development project of plain Mô (IRDP)
61060 Land of the agricultural plain of the Oti (PATA OTI)
61061 Development of agricultural mechanization in Togo
61062 Project Preparation Fund
61063 Promotion of small-scale irrigation (from the intake of water courses and achievements of
wells and boreholes)
61064 Development project farmland plain Djagblé (Environmental Impact Assessment and
61065 Program inventory of cultural heritage
61066 Implementation and operationalization of Agricultural Planned Development Zones (ZAAP)
61067 Project agroecological development of family farming
61068 Implementation of the project of lowland rice Kara
61069 Implementation of the project of lowland rice Kara
61070 Support for the revival of the seed sector
61071 Support for the revival of the seed sector
61072 Seed food
61073 Stimulus diversification sectors (cashew, pineapple, oil palm and horticulture)
61074 Revival of production of potato
61075 Revival of the coffee and cocoa sectors diversification
61076 Support the development of the poultry Kara
61077 Development of small livestock
61078 Emergency fund for the management and control of animal diseases (African swine fever,
avian influenza, anthrax, anthrax disease, Newcasttle)
61079 Support the implementation of international health requirements (2011 - 2016)
61080 Togolese counterpart activities of the training center on agricultural techniques Zanguéra
61081 Acquisition of fertilizer
61082 Constitution of food security stock
61083 Support the development of budgets (budget and program budget classic)
61084 Land agricultural plain of oti (PATA OTI)
61551 PARTAM Project: environmental and social impact
61552 UNIDO initiative for small industries
61553 Support Project Agricultural Sector (PASA)
61554 Support Project Agricultural Sector (PASA)
61555 Project to Support Agricultural Development in Togo (padat)
61556 Project Improving Agricultural Productivity in West Africa (PAPAAO/WAAPP-1C)
61557 Project to Improve Agricultural Productivity in West Africa (PAPAAO/WAAPP-1C)
61558 Rehabilitation of the building management
61559 Monitoring of pig Avétonou
61560 Equipment and training of village brigades by the Directorate of Plant Protection (DPV)
61561 Integrated Rural Development Project (IRDP) of plain Mô
62001 Rehabilitation of road infrastructure in the flooded areas.
62002 Metallic modular construction of bridges on dirt roads and rural roads.
62003 Opening and construction of the runway Fazao - Cliff - Tassi.
62007 Rehabilitation of the building of the Directorates of Equipment.
62008 Completion of construction of offices of the Annexes to DGTP, partial rehabilitation of
buildings QLQ TP
62009 Rehabilitation and consolidation of the closing of the Housing Construction Center (CDC) of
62010 Planning and Premises Equipment Management General for Energy
62012 Development of the Akatsi-Dzodze-Noépé.
62014 Rehabilitation section Tandjoaré Cincassé-Frt-Burkina Faso
62023 Development and installation of the Court of Appeal Lomé
62024 Construction, installation and equipping of the Guards camp Prefecture in Agoè-Nyivé
62028 Construction and equipping of a building for the Directorate of Prison Administration
62035 Building design at the National Institute of Hygiene
62037 Renovation of the National School of Midwives and construction of a library on stilts
62039 Rehabilitation Hospital Bassar
62040 Rehabilitation and extension of CHU Tokoin
62041 Rehabilitation and extension of CHU Campus
62042 Rehabilitation and extension of CHU Kara
62043 Rehabilitation and extension of CHR Sokodé
62044 Completion of construction and rehabilitation of CHR Atakpamé
62045 Renovation and development of training schools: ENAM Lomé Sokodé
62046 Building construction training schools (ENAM, ENSF Kara)
62048 Health Project II BID (Construction and equipping clinics and CMS modules in rural areas of
62050 Construction and rehabilitation of DRS common Lomé and its districts 1, 2, 3 and 4
62051 Rehabilitation of the DRS and its districts Kara
62052 Construction of wards and administrative block at the psychiatric hospital Zébé
62054 Building block in obstetrics and gynecology hospital Kpalimé
62059 Construction of the DRS and DPS of the Savannah Region
62063 Construction and rehabilitation of offices in the direction of primary health care (DSSP)
62064 Development and equipment of the National Institute of Industrial Property and Technology
62066 Program of construction and rehabilitation of market sheds in the prefectures, subprefectures, town center and rural
62067 Construction of the Regional Office of Internal Trade and Competition in Atakpamé, Sokodé
62080 Rehabilitation of building Ministry of Commerce, Industry Craft, Small and Medium
Enterprises (SMEs)
62095 Construction of EPP
62095 Education for All in Togo (STIC Project)
62096 Rehabilitation of classrooms in Public Primary Schools (EPP)
62097 Rehabilitation of classrooms in the CEG
62098 Construction of classrooms in the CEG
62100 Construction of classrooms in high schools
62101 Rehabilitation of classrooms in high schools
62102 Construction of classrooms in kindergarten
62103 Rehabilitation of classrooms in kindergarten
62104 Infrastructure rehabilitation ENI Notsé
62106 Rehabilitation of two IEPP Maritime and Plateaux regions
62107 Completion of the closing of CEG AWANGELO (Kara region)
62109 Construction of the Regional Directorate of Education: Plateaux Region
62111 Techno-economic studies and environmental impact and social achievement of asphalt
62112 Techno-economic studies and environmental impact and social development and birumage
dirt roads
62113 Rehabilitation and modernization of the section of the Aflao-Rond Point Port.
62114 Development and asphalting of the road-Dapaong Ponio-Burkina Faso border.
62115 Rural road rehabilitation and construction of hydraulic structures in Togo.
62116 Development of land in the streets of Lome.
62117 Rehabilitation and opening avenues opening up in the middle of rural communities N'tientaWomalo-Atelou.
62118 Construction of crossing structures (culverts, bridges and culverts in rural areas).
62123 Rehabilitation of buildings and CASEF Treasury
62128 Rehabilitation and equipping of a building to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional
62132 Completion of the construction and equipment of a teaching block of 12 classrooms ATEL
62149 Rehabilitation of community infrastructure within the country
62150 Rehabilitation of the building of the Ministry of Human Rights and the promotion of
62152 Rehabilitation of paved streets in advanced degradation in Lomé. (AGETUR)
62153 Remediation and construction of CEG NYKPONAKPOE
62154 Construction of High School SOGBOSITO
62155 Construction and extension of reception facilities for students at the University of Lomé
62156 Rehabilitation of buildings of the Presidency of the Republic
62157 Rehabilitation and opening tracks mlieu areas.
62158 Maintenance program of road-2009 Campaign.
62161 Repairs to the Palace of Congress Kara.
62162 Rehabilitation of air conditioning systems and sound Plais the Lomé Convention.
62165 Paving project and aissainissement streets in the city of Lomé (phase II)
62169 Urban Environment Project (Lomé PEUL)
62170 Urban development project in Togo (PAUT)
62171 Infrastructure rehabilitation project in Lomé (World Bank)
62178 Rehabilitation of structures to produce energy.
62179 Construction and rehabilitation hospital Amlamé
62180 Completion of construction and rehabilitation hospital Pagouda
62181 Rehabilitation of the building of the Ministry of Health (new offices, septic tank, parking)
62182 Rehabilitation of the building and equipment CICARE General Inspectorate of Finance
62183 Construction of facilities for the treatment and control of meat products
62186 Construction of local regional chambers of agriculture (Plateaux)
62188 Construction management of the National Weather.
62189 Rehabilitation and modernization of the road section Rond Point Port Avépozo including
split two overpasses of 13 m and 47 m.
62192 Landscaping work and asphalting of the road Guérin-Kouka Katchamba
62193 Construction and extension of reception facilities for students at the University of Kara (UK).
62198 Program administrative buildings
62201 Rehabilitation Program administrative buildings
62202 Bridge construction and rehabilitation of Amakpapé bridges damaged by the floods.
62203 Construction of platforms transfer of fishery products
62210 Construction of Building of the Central Police Academy
62211 Rehabilitation work of the Directorate General of Public Service (DGVT)
62212 Works Landscaping Building (DGIPE)
62213 Equipment Building Annex to the Directorate General for Employment and Social
Legislation (oldest buildings in the workforce) Lomé
62213 Sécrétariat finish building and equipping of State directions
62215 Rehabilitation Department (MDPRCSP): Seal of the slab and the mains wiring
62216 Rehabilitation of offices and sanitary facilities of the Department of Foreign Trade
62218 Rehabilitation of Public Primary Schools
62219 Construction of Teaching General Colleges and monitoring of work
62220 Rehabilitation of Colleges of General Education
62222 Construction closing DNJ and CIP-Nyivé Agoè
62223 Construction of schools
62224 Rehabilitation of schools
62225 Construction of kindergartens
62226 Rehabilitation of kindergartens
62227 Rehabilitation ENI Notsé
62228 Rehabilitation of community infrastructure within the country
62229 Rehabilitation of the building of the Cabinet of METFP
62230 Rehabilitation of elevators for CASEF
62231 Rehabilitation and development of buildings DMTA
62232 Rehabilitation of local MSL (Cabinet and directions)
62233 Construction of five (5) entroposage stores of food and non-food items (Agce of
62234 Rehabilitation and equipment of the building of the Directorate General of Social
62235 Extension of the hospital Kpalimé (PAP)
62237 Construction of platforms transfer of fishery products
62238 Programs. of construction & rehab. sheds markets ds Pref. ss Pref. ctre city & countryside.
62239 Rehabilitation of agricultural training center in Kamina Trays
62240 Rehabilitation of the local DES (PAP)
62241 Construction of three slaughter areas in the prefecture Gulf
62242 Rehabilitation project ranches dAdélé-Namiélé and breeding center Avétonou
62243 Rehabilitation project of breeding centers in Togo
62244 Rehabilitation and extension of hospital Kante (PAP)
62245 Rehabilitation and extension of hospital Blitta (PAP)
62246 Rehabilitation and extension of hospital Vogan (PAP)
62247 Construction and equipment of a block of Radiology at the Hospital Vogan (PAP)
62248 Rehabilitation and extension of hospital Guerin Kouka (PAP)
62249 Construction and rehabilitation of USP in the area Kara (Kouméa, Kabou Sara Kétao,
Défalé, Banghai) (PAP)
62250 Construction and rehabilitation of USP in the region Savane (Mogou, Kalangachi, Tchingou,
Naki is ...) (PAP)
62250 Fitting out of 5 Directions régionnale the stat. and copmtab. National
62251 Rehabilitation tomde CHR (PAP)
62252 Rehabilitation and hospital equipment Aného (PAP)
62253 Construction of clinic Bodjé (PAP)
62254 Construction and rehabilitation of USP in the Plateaux region (Koutoukpa, Amou Oblo,
Kougnowhou ...) (PAP)
62255 Construction and rehabilitation of USP in the Maritime region (PAP)
62255 Rehabilitation of buildings dDirection regional DAT-Plateau Region
62256 Construction of a center for the management of sickle cell disease at the University Hospital
Campus (PAP)
62257 Repairs to the congress of KARA
62258 Road rehabilitation Nion1 Lomé Cinkassé
62259 Construction and rehabilitation services DRS Savannah and its districts (PAP)
62259 Road rehabilitation Nion1 Lomé Cinkassé (Tandjoaré-Cinkassé)
62260 Construction and rehabilitation hospital Amlamé (PAP)
62260 Rehabilitation and development of Alédjo asphalting and Workarounds Défalé)
62261 Landscaping and paving work the bypass Lomé
62262 Rehabilitation and modernization of the road section Aflao-Rond Point Port
62263 Rehabilitation and modernization of the road section Aflao-Rond Point Port
62266 Construction of shed and construction of parking for the Office of the Ministry of
Communication and Culture
62267 Rehabilitation and modernization of the road roundabout Section Aflao-Port
62268 Rehabilitation and upgrading of the Port Roundabout Section Avepozo
62269 Development and modernization work of Section Aného-Sanvee Condji
62270 Maintenance program of road infrastructure
62271 Construction of wards and administrative block at the psychiatric hospital Zébé (PAP)
62273 Construction of 10 structures (CAPER)
62273 Rehabilitation of buildings adminiistratifs MEPSA
62274 Development and asphalting of the road Dapaong Ponio-Eng-Burkina Faso
62275 Development and asphalting of the road Dapaong Ponio-Eng-Burkina Faso
62276 Rehabilitation and equipment of the Department of Delegation ICAT Trays
62277 Development and asphalting of the road Dapaong Ponio-Eng-Burkina Faso
62278 Rehabilitation and equipment of the prefectural Directions DRAEP Trays
62278 Rural road rehabilitation and construction of hydraulic structures and
62280 Refitting buildings housing the former SAFICC, SRCC
62280 Rural road rehabilitation and construction of hydraulic structures and
62281 Rural road rehabilitation and construction of hydraulic structures and
62282 Layout of streets in the city of Lomé
62283 Rehabilitation of roads in flooded areas
62284 Completion of construction on the roof of the office archives DGTP
62284 Construction of the fence of the General Secretariat of the APRM
62285 Project maintenance or rehabilitation of 50km of feeder roads (CAPER)
62285 Rehabilitation of buildings APRM Central Management
62286 Rehabilitation of the building equipment directions
62287 Rehabilitation of the air conditioning system Lomé Convention Center
62288 Rehabilitation and closure of the health center office Défalé
62289 Development and asphalting of the road and Bassar-Kabou contounement city including
control and monitoring
62290 Road rehabilitation Pagouda-Pitikita-Farendè (CAPER)
62292 Construction and renovation of building (DGE DGMMG)
62293 Rehabilitation and modernization of the road section Aflao-Port roundabout
62294 IDB Health Project II (Construction and equipping clinics and CMS modules zonez rural
Togo) (PAP)
62295 Rehabilitation Hospital Danyi (PAP)
62296 Construction of local regional chambers of agriculture (Plateaux)
62298 Rehabilitation of housing for the Gendarmes Squadron Dapaong
62298 Rehabilitation of the Department of Library and National Archives
62299 Rehabilitation of the Ecole Normale infrstructures Supérieue Atakpamé (ENS)
62301 Rehabilitation of housing and local Territorial Brigade Kara
62302 Rehabilitation of housing Barracks Bassar
62303 Repair of the premises Camp platoon and Grouping Sokodé
62304 Rehabilitation of Barracks Squadron Alpha Kpalimé
62305 Professionalization of staff FAT: Housing Officers for FAT coaching
62306 Repairs to the building of the Grand Chancellery
62307 Rehabilitation project and the creation of water points in the Plateaux region
62308 Closing the domain of Staff of FAT Agoe
62310 Rehabilitation and upgrading of the Port Roundabout Section Avepozo
62311 Development and asphalting of the road Dapaong Ponio-Eng-Burkina Faso
62313 Rehabilitation and equipping of a building to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional
Integration and the construction of a gate
62314 Restructuring THIS Kpalimé and Dapaong in CRETFP and maintenance of infrastructure
and equipment
62316 Completion of construction and equipment of a teaching block of 12 classrooms ATEL
62318 Rehabilitation of camp Pagouda
62319 Basic Education and Gender Equality
62320 Project BID-Education
62321 Project BID-Education
62322 Achèvevement of rehabilitation center medico-social Défalé
62324 Work around the Lomé Grand Market
62325 Rehabilitation RN 6 (Notsé-Tohoun)
62326 Repairs to the central building of the Lomé Barracks (Guardians Prefecture)
62327 Electrification of the barracks housing the detachment Guards Prefecture
62328 Rehabilitation of buildings housing the offices of CLAC
62329 Construction of Eight (08) sheds market
62330 Establishment and opening of the primary road network in cities Kara Kpalimé and Tsévié
62331 Capacity building and decentralization of the Department of Cartography
62332 Construction of 5 drying areas (storage facilities)
62333 Rehabilitation and equipping of a building to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation,
and construction of a gate
62333 Urban Development Project in Togo (PAUT)
62334 Project Emergency Infrastructure Rehabilitation and Electrical Services (PURISE)
62334 Rehabilitation of rice schemes Kpélé - Puppy and Sodo
62335 Project Planning Zone Lagunaire (Pazol)
62336 Rehabilitation / restructuring of existing infrastructure (Adidogomé, Kpalimé, Mango)
62337 Rehabilitation / Extension structures (DAC, DECC, PRSP) existing
62339 Project area Lagunaire Layouts (Pazol)
62340 Office layout Standing Committees of the National Assembly
62341 Construction of amphitheater seating 1500 at the University of Lomé
62342 Construction of Building of the Court of Auditors
62345 Construction and Infrastructure Extension Home Student UniverCité in Lomé (UL)
62346 Facilities ENI Notsé
62347 Waterproofing of the roof and repairs to the building of the IGE
62348 Rehabilitation of the Supreme Court Building
62348 Re-roofing the building of the DMTA
62349 Development of two buildings DMTA
62350 Rehabilitation of the central air conditioning CASEF
62351 Construction of low wall and gate of CASEF
62352 Building work whitewashing the HAAC
62353 Construction of steel bridges on dirt roads and rural roads
62354 Rehabilitation of 1,000 km of slopes classified
62355 Construction of minor rural roads (culverts)
62355 Development of small contounement
62356 Rehabilitation of buildings (five 05) Central Directorates and nine (09) Prefectural
62357 Building a platform sports (volleyball, basketball and handball) in Sotouboua
62358 Rehabilitation and construction of water points in southwestern plateaus: Prefecture Kloto,
S / P Kpélé Akata and other
62359 Rehabilitation of the park car and motorcycle Directorate General of central departments
and regional offices as well as the heavy equipment fleet
62360 Sanitation of the city of Lomé basin management
62361 Rehabilitation project and implementation of systems and PBX Cabinet directions MEAHV
62362 Urban Environment Project Lomé component A (East Lake Dredging and clearing the
channel balance)
62363 Urban development project in Togo (PAUT): construction of a new outlet in the street Ogou
and paving of the street Ogou
62364 Urban Environment Project Lomé colmposante A (rehabilitation drain line West Lake and
drainage, paving streets Kegbayah / Défalé)
62365 Capacity (CADERT)
62365 Project PURISE.composante A1: Sanitation and drainage pluiviales in Lomé and its
62366 Capacity (CADERT)
62366 Construction, rehabilitation, strengthening and asphalting of roads including control and
62367 Rehabilitation project administrative buildings of central departments and regional
62368 Completion of the building construction and repair of the fence at the Regional Directorate
of Water and Sanitation / regions Trays and Cen
62368 Development Fund of Lower Todman
62369 Development Fund of Lower Baguida
62370 Road Maintenance (CAPER)
62371 Road Maintenance (FR)
62372 Construction work of Bridges and Tanloaga Dontougou
62372 Rehabilitation and creation of water points in the Savannah region
62373 Construction work of Bridges and Tanloaga Dontougou
62374 Management and rehabilitation of buildings of the Prime Minister and the Government
General Sécrétariat
62374 Rehabilitation and creation of water points in the Savannah region
62375 Work Development and Asphalting of the road to bypass Lomé
62376 Construction of a command post at the EFOFAT Pya
62377 Completion of a drilling camp of the National Gendarmerie
62378 Rehabilitation of local Territorial Brigade Dapaong
62379 Rehabilitation of housing for Cops Brigade Territorial Dapaong
62380 Rehabilitation of housing for Cops squadron Hotel Dapaong
62381 Construction of the Territorial Brigade Tandjoaré
62382 Work Development and Modernization of Section Aného-Sanvee Condji
62383 Development and Asphalting Works Road Guérin-Kouka Katchamba
62384 Work Development and Tarring Road Akatsi-Dzodze-Noépé
62385 Monitoring and Control of Administrative Buildings
62386 Building a shed to house light vehicles and motorbikes staff of the Regional Water and
Sanitation / Region
62387 Development and Asphalting of Road Dapaong Burkina-Eng-Ponio
62388 Redevelopment and Removing Sections of Highway Reviews Nion1
62389 Rehabilitation of buildings housing Prefectural Directorate of Environment and Forest
Resources Dapaong
62390 Development of the Energy Information System (GIS)
62391 Development of an energy policy
62392 Development of crushed stone aggregates
62393 Acquisition of microcomputers and accessories (DGMG, DRGM, DLMP, DDCQ DAC)
62393 Development and Asphalting Works Road Guérin-Kouka Katchamba
62394 Installing a self-TDA switch 200 to DGMG
62395 Layouts of buildings DGMG
62396 Implementation of the EITI-Togo
62396 Works Rehabilitation and Modernization Road Golf Club-Adéticopé
62397 Implementation of the EITI-Togo
62398 Construction of clinic Doumé
62399 Completion of construction at the University Hospital Campus
62400 Rehabilitation of the former CHR SC
62401 Rehabilitation of USP in the central region (Kaboli, Agbandi, polyckinique Sokodé)
62402 Rehabilitation Programme in TDC Drilling Maritime Regions, Central, Kara and Savannah
62403 Rehabilitation of the park hog Glidji
62404 Rehabilitation of livestock markets (market of Adéticopé)
62405 Construction of platforms transfer products fisheries on Lake Togo (phase 2)
62406 Work to open regular password Aného to a junction of the lake and the sea Aného
62407 Completion of construction of the CMS to Bigabou Bassar
62408 Rehabilitation and development of DG ITRA
62408 Work constructionde the DRS and DPS the savannah region
62409 Réhabilitatiopn and electrification infrastructure to CRASS Ahouda
62410 Completion of construction and rehabilitation CHR sokodé
62410 Construction of a drying
62411 Planning technical training center Agricultural Zanguéra
62412 Rehabilitation of buildings DG ICAT
62413 Completion of construction and rehabilitation hospital Danyi
62413 Rehabilitation of buildings and the Regional Agency ICAT Central
62414 Rehabilitation of buildings and the Regional Agency ICAT Kara
62415 Rehabilitation of buildings and the Regional Agency ICAT Savannah
62416 Rehabilitation of buildings ICAT Agency Lakes
62418 Rehabilitation and equipment of agencies ICAT Akébou, Amu and Agou
62419 Rehabilitation of offices and branches DRAEP Savannah prefectural Tône, and Oti
62420 Rehabilitation office cabinet, DAF and DRH
62421 Rehabilitation and equipment of buildings of public institutions (created new directions)
62422 Construction of office premises of national regional chambers of agriculture in Lomé
62423 Rehabilitation of the storage ANSAT
62424 construction of a building, rooms, offices and parking for the Department of CAGIA
62425 Rehabilitation and equipment of the Global Campaign
62426 Construction of a slaughter area in the Gulf Prefecture
62428 Rehabilitation and equipment of the Centre Socio educational Aouda
62429 Rehabilitation Health Centre Adjengré
62430 Emergency work
62432 Rehabilitation and extension of the building housing the Secretariat
62433 Work Development and modernization of the section Aného-Sanvee Condji
62434 Developing schemas Director localities over 5000 inhabitants
62436 Fees (architects, laboratory monitoring and geotechnical work) for construction at the
University of Lomé (UL)
62437 Fees (architects, laboraoires monitoring work and geotechnical studies) for construction at
the University of Kara
62601 Pazol extension project: Av January 24, Kebert Dadjo N'Danida Mom, Geoge Ponpidou,
calais extended Rue Koumoré contôle including monitoring and
62602 Pavag and sanitation of the city of Lomé (Project Pazol)
62603 Hydraulic Project Layouts Lower River Valley Mono
62604 Interim program of priority actions in infrastructure
62605 Development Zone Laginaire Lomé
62606 Rehabilitation and equipment of the Centre Socio educational Farendè
62607 Construction of the Centre Socio educational Kabou
62608 Rehabilitation of the Regional Museum (former Hotel Hosts Brand)
62609 Building metal sheds in the parking of the new Presidency
62610 Development work on the main building of the old palace
62611 Extension and implementation of green space in the new Presidency
62612 Construction of a large warehouse and offices in the new Presidency
62613 Construction of the fence of the Presidency of the Republic (former Palace)
62615 Construction work and equipment
62618 Rehabilitation training center football
62620 Construction of 100 km of rural roads
62621 Improvement of water supply in the city of Lomé
62622 Construction work and expansion of local MEAHV
62623 Cleaning of CASEF
62624 Rehabilitation Centers Regional Weather
62625 Building block technology weather
62628 Project Emergency Infrastructure Rehabilitation and electrical services (PURISE)
62629 Pazol extension project
62630 Pazol extension project
62632 Development of small bypass
62633 Construction of the new camp of the National Gendarmerie
62634 Building blocks of rooms and administrative practices and ENAM ENSG Kara
62635 Construction, rehabilitation and expansion of USP Hospitals Kpalimé Danyi and Wukpé
62636 Construction, rehabilitation and expansion of hospitals and Guérin Kouka tomde
62637 Construction, rehabilitation and expansion of USP Hospitals (Pagouda and Kétao)
62638 Construction, rehabilitation and expansion of USP (Sara Bapuré)
62639 Construction, rehabilitation and expansion of USP Agbandi
62640 Construction, Rehabilitation and extension USP Hospitals (Aného Anfoin, Tokpli)
62641 Rehabilitation and extension of USP (Gobe, Doumé)
62642 Construction, rehabilitation and expansion of USP (Naki East)
62643 Building a CMS Baguida
62644 Construction of the fence Cinkassé CMS and Polyclinic Dapaong
62645 Construction and rehabilitation of the morgue Hospital Campus
62646 Rehabilitation of health center Kadjala
62647 Rehabilitation and equipment of offices administrative centers of regions
62648 Completion of markets (Amou Oblo, Atakpame Anié, Tchamba, Kara, and Kétao Cinkassé)
62649 Construction of two 20 offices immubles
62650 Route Agbalépédo-Agoè
62651 Route Tandjouaré-Cinkassé
62652 Lomé-road-Vogan Anfoin
62659 Construction of the fence on the east side
62660 Renovation bloc commissary
62661 Renovation of the room socio-educational
62662 Renovation of the girls' dormitory
62663 Completion of the construction of the High School Atiégou
62666 Landscaping work 1HDN Streets including monitoring and surveillance
62667 Bvd du HAHO contôle including monitoring and
62668 Construction of a new outlet of Lake west of the lagoon Lomé (Construction of the road and
its dependencies)
62669 Rehabilitation of the "Av Calais and Mom Fousseni including control and monitoring
62670 Ressufaçage some routes in the City of Lomé Bvd Eyadéma including control and
62671 Ressurfaçage of Av Charles De Gaul, Duisburg; Sarakawa, Av de la Libération including
control and monitoring
62672 development works Bvd concord including control and monitoring
62673 Studies of rehabilitation, building 576km of paved roads and planning study and tarring of
684 km of national roads
62674 Study of construction and / or auscultation works of arts and hydrolic on RN1 studies and
construction of the road princiales
62675 Réhabilitaion work of Av Mom N'Danida extended north: Lagoon-Dove of Peace including
control and sreveillance
62676 Development work and asphalting of the road-Dapaong Mondouri
62677 Development work and asphalting of the road Dapaong-Mandouri
62678 Duplication of work on RN1 trçon Golf Club Adétikopé
62679 Rehabilitation and strengthening of the stretch Atakpamé RN1-Kara
62681 Rehabilitation of the road Tsévié-Keve-Ghana border
62682 Acquisition of equipment mobile equipment control axle load and traffic counts are
supervision and monitoring
62683 Implementation of the road data bank (RDB) and supports the LNBTP
62684 Rehabilitation of the road Bassar-Mô-Tindjassé-saydoubè including control and monitoring
62685 Development, rehabilitation and asphalting of contounements Alédjo and Défalé
62686 Construction of the bridge Agazou including control and monitoring
62687 Rehabilitation and strengthening of the road Kpalimé (Adagali)-Atakpamé
62688 Moving service networks granted (TogoTelecom, CEET, TOT) in the context of road
62689 Lower development work foonds Baguida including control and monitoring
62690 Rehabilitation and strengthening of the road Kpalimé (Adagali)-Atakpamé
62692 Rehabilitation and strengthening Kpalimé (Adagali)-Atakpamé
62693 Rehabilitation and strengthening of the road Kpalimé (Adagali) - Atakpamé
62694 Construction and equipment of the DRE Trays
62695 Rehabilitation and strengthening of the road Kpalimé (adagali)-Atakpamé
62696 Construction of the dam on the platform Nangbéto
62697 Reconstruction of Cabinet Building
62698 Rehabilitation and strengthening of the road Kpalimé (Adagali)-Atakpamé
62699 Construction of High School Aouda (6 class)
62700 Construction of the fence the headquarters of the Court of Auditors
62701 Sanitation and maintenance of the road Agoè Assiyéyé-Camp Fir-Légbassito
62702 Sanitation of the city of Lomé urgent work in lowering the water overflow basins
62703 Réhabilitattion work of pumping station Bè
62704 Waterproofing of the roof and repairs to the building of the IGE
62705 Work development and modernization of the section Aného-Sanvee Condji
62706 Rehabilitation and strengthening of the stretch Atakpamé RN1-Kara
62707 Construction work of Bridges and Tanloaga Dontougou
62708 Work Development and Asphalting of the road to bypass Lomé
62710 Work Development and Asphalting of the Akatsi-Dzodze-Noépé
62711 Construction of amphitheater seating 1500 at the University of Lomé
62712 Landscaping Small Bypass
63005 Lighting Program streets of Lomé
63006 Electrification of Camp Guards Prefecture Agoe-Nyivé
63008 Regional program of micro-hydro (GEF / UNDP)
63016 Facilities Central Office for the Repression of Drug Trafficking Illicitite (OCRTI DB)
63017 Acquisition of rolling stock for the fire brigade Lomé and Kara
63018 Equipment of the courts in the country's internal
63019 Office Equipment Prefects and Secretaries of prefectures (Tandjoaré, Kpendjal, Keran,
Dankpen, Is Mono, Mono Middle, Ogou)
63020 Equipment residences of prefects and sub-prefects (Yoto, Wawa, Danyi Tchamba Bassar
Kpélé Akata, Akébou, Cinkassé, Afagnan)
63025 Acquisition equipped ambulances to hospitals Prefecture
63029 CHR Equipment and hospitals Prefectures
63031 Renewal of laboratory equipment and computer of the National Institute of Hygiene
63036 Materials and equipment in rolling Training School ENAM (Lomé, Sokodé, Kara) ENSF
(Lomé, Kara)
63040 Fight against TB / Leprosy
63043 Fight against diseases and ocular regions Requires for Kara, Savannah Plateaux and
Maritime (National)
63046 Strengthening the fight against malaria / Program "Roll Back Malaria" ""
63047 Programme Health / Nutrition
63049 Security Project transfusionnaire Togo (TSSA)
63050 Project equipment of health facilities TOGO.
63052 Hospital Equipment prefecture and district generator
63055 Support NACP-IST / purchase of ARVs, reagents and consumable medical
63073 Scan and update cartographic documentation of the General Directorate of Cartography
and Cadastre
63076 Equipment Regional Directorates rolling stock.
63086 Equipment courts of first instance (01 first class, 06 second class, third class 19)
63091 Rehabilitation and creation of water points in the plateau region.
63092 Boreholes equipped with hand pumps: Regions Savannah and Kara (IDB II).
63094 Boreholes equipped with hand pumps: Central Region (IDB I)
63095 Boreholes equipped with hand pumps: Plateau Region
63097 Development and computer equipment and logistics of the Prime Minister
63119 Capacity Building Training Centre in Communication and Recycling (CFRC)
63120 Manufacture of desks
63124 Equipment for laboratories Secondary Schools
63132 Equipment Financing and Management Control Execution of projects and development
programs (DFCEP)
63134 Capacity of the Financial Control Department (Accounting field and computer equipment,
furniture and vehicles)
63137 Rehabilitation of elevators CASEF (11)
63158 Purchase of a generator for the National Assembly
63159 Acquisition of rolling stock for the National Assembly
63162 Planning and equipping local HAAC
63166 Equipment of the Presidency of the Republic
63167 Office Equipment Secretariat of State for Planning
63169 Food Acquisition fertilizer
63170 Equipment services of the Directorate General of Planning, Development and Housing
Municipal Heritage Property.
63171 Equipment of instructional units at the University of Kara (UK): Information System and
Communication (SIC).
63173 Equipment in rolling Administrative Services
63174 Equipment Maternity Dapaong
63175 Rehabilitation of boreholes with pump moticité human: Central Region
63176 Rehabilitation of boreholes with pumps moticités human: Kara Region
63183 Equipment Management of Health and Safety at Work in computer equipment and office
63185 Equipment of four Centres of Rural Socio-Educational Activities
63187 Installing PBX, internet and hardware (cabinet)
63188 Equipment in vehicle tracking and performance monitoring
63189 Equipment for furniture and equipment (DGTCP, DCF, DF, DE, and DAC)
63192 Equipment for Laboratories Secondary Schools
63193 Acquisition and switchboard switch purchase balance
63194 Acquisition of a 4 * 4 vehicle for practicum supervision (renf.des the SWNT)
63195 Acquisition of rolling stock for DPS (PAP)
63196 Office Equipment prefects and secretaries Gen. prefectures and residces prefects
63197 Equipment for public institutions farm buildings
63198 Development program of agricultural mechanization in Togo
63199 Design and installation of panels at 15 sites signalitiques slavery in Togo
63200 Development and equipment of local departments (Cabinet DGDAT, DPD, CDT, and
63203 Equipment in transport equipment for data collection
63204 Program of hydraulic rural and semi urban areas of the Kara and Savannah
63205 Program of hydraulic rural and semi urban areas of the Kara and Savannah (complement
work done on the Togolese counterpart
63206 AEP chief three - places Prefectures in the plateau region
63207 AEP chief three - places prefecture in the plateau region
63208 Rural water supply program and semi-urban areas in five economic regions of Togo FPMH;
Mini AEP
63209 Rehabilitation project and the creation of water points in the Plateaux region
63210 Program to create modern water points in the Savannah region
63211 Program of water supply hospitals: achieving mini AEP (Agbandi, Tado, Tandjouaré)
63212 Project to supply water Tonou Sévagan by expanding the network of water supply SNPT
63213 Drinking water supply in peri urban Lomé
63214 Implementation of the management system and adequate treatment of the water
distribution network mini-AEP Agou Nyogbo
63215 Development and implementation of a national sanitation policy
63216 Project Emergency lowering of water in areas of Lomé in Togo Planning bassain 2000
63217 Project Emergency lowering of water in areas of Lomé: Watershed Management Todman
63218 Acquisition of 4 vehicles (4X4) for central and regional departments of the Ministry
63219 Acqisition 7 dirt bikes for central and regional departments of the Ministry
63220 Rehabilitation of buildings of regional and central ministry
63221 Equipment directions in regional and central office equipment and computer
63222 Capacity building of ministry staff
63223 Completion of 54 wells in five regions of Togo
63224 Sanitation of the city of Lomé
63225 Equipment Cabinet and the General Secretariat of the APRM
63226 Facilities of the Department of Administration and Finance of the APRM
63227 Satélitaire program and scan the TVT
63229 Equipment in rolling stock (vehicles with 4 wheels) services of the Ministry
63230 Production of documents folders
63231 Development and office equipment Office of the Ministry
63235 Maintenance of rural roads STABEX
63236 Hospital Equipment prefectures and counties in groups (PAP)
63237 Purchase of motorcycles for technical field staff
63238 Acquisition of vehicles (4-wheel) for services APRM
63239 Rural roads
63240 Regional Programme for micro hydro
63241 Implementation of energy saving measures in government buildings
63242 Program of public lighting in the streets of Lome
63243 Developing an energy policy
63244 Development of a specific policy of diversification of energy sources
63245 Extension of the low-voltage grid rural
63246 Emergency program of rural electrification 7 locations
63247 Acquisition of ambulances equipped for hospitals prefectures (PAP)
63248 Equipment administrative blocks and teaching at the University of Lomé (UL)
63249 Office Equipment General Secretariat and Cabinet
63250 Capacity building (acquisition of office furniture, vehicles, computerization and staff training)
63251 Capacity CCL (Acquisition of a large truck)
63254 Manufacture of desks
63255 Electrification works (supply and installation of generating sets and lighting work)
63256 Emergency program (Water supply hospitals and acquisition of machinery potalisation
63257 Modrenisation markets
63260 Acquisition of rolling stock
63261 Acquisition of rolling stock for rescue and fire (Firefighters)
63262 Purchase of uniforms Firemen
63263 Installation of gas stoves with pots embedded in prisons in Togo
63264 Acquisition vehicle (Toyota AVANZA 1.3 L) for the Department of Cinematography
63265 Strengthening and extension of the CCL materials (equipment hardware and furniture)
63266 Maintenance materials (agricultural) existents
63267 Equipment data centers for women (CIF)
63268 Equipment adds new services and Directions
63269 Acquisition of vehicles 4 wheels for Cabinet
63272 Educational Facilities and Administrative Blocks from the University of Kara (UK)
63273 Equipment Minister's Office
63274 Acquisition of safes for DGTCP
63275 Room equipment meeting the DAC
63276 Program to create modern water points in the Savannah region
63277 Water supply in Hail
63278 Water purification
63279 Development and equipment cabinet
63280 Development and equipment DGDAT
63281 Development and installation of the DPD
63282 Development and installation of the DCD
63283 Development and installation of DPRAT
63283 Facilities General Management, central directorates and regional offices of the Ministry
technical equipment
63284 Development and installation of CDTA
63285 Development and equipment CENETI
63286 Development and installation of the DAC
63287 Development and equipment DRPDAT
63288 Development and equipment DGSCN
63289 Development and equipment DRSCN
63290 Equipment housing for Regional Directors
63291 Office Equipment of the Regional Directorate of Water and Sanitation / Central Region with
63292 Office Equipment of the Regional Directorate of Water and Sanitation / Region Kara
microcomputer hardware
63293 Proposed acquisition of six (06) 4x4 directions for central and regional
63294 Proposed acquisition of ten (10) Bikes directions to the central and regional
63295 Creation point of water in Central and Kara regions
63296 Creation of water points in Central and Kara regions
63297 Development and installation of the prime minister: acquisition of a generator
63298 Management and equipment management offices of Posts and Telecommunications
63299 Monitoring of water points and device maintenance in 5 economic regions
63300 Purchase of ten (10) submersible pumps and electric probes for all 05 regions
63301 Construction and equipment stores entroposage food and non-food items by the National
Solidarity Agency within five (5) regions
63302 Equipment in the Office of the MERF photocopier
63303 Facilities DRGMG in vehicles with two red and microcomputers
63304 Improved electronic systems and increase the amperage in the CHU and CHR independent
63305 Communications wiring work, construction service door and the extension of the new
morgue CHR SC
63306 Equipment health services in logistics and IT equipment
63307 Installing a website and subscription to the Ministry of Health
63308 Building and equipment of village brigades phytosanitary control
63309 Purchase of new furniture for the new construction of the DSSP
63310 Acquisition of vehicles (04 wheels) services for the APRM
63311 Acquisition of transport vehicles cereals
63312 Acquisition of vehicles and motorcycles CAGIA
63313 Purchase of computer equipment for the regional and new directions
63314 Establishment of a network for internet connection at the new palace and rehabilitation of
the former Palace
63316 Acquisition of rolling stock
63317 Creation of new boreholes in five economic regions of Togo
63318 Purchase of vehicles for the Ministry of Health, the new DPS prefectures and CHU Tokoin
63319 Office Equipment and residences prefects, sub-prefects and Secretaries of new Prefectures
and Sub-prefecture
63321 Equipment and furniture in matériesl new office annex building archives of the DGTP
63322 Amenities Centre of Vocational and Technical Training (TPC)
63323 Purchase of a generator for the Cabinet
63324 Acquisition of technical equipment (gantry)
63325 Support the proposed establishment of water points in the Savanes and Maritime
64006 Stepping up the fight against HIV / AIDS in Togo (Multisector)
64007 Health survey project
64008 Améliorartion beyond availability qualitédes servicesde SR
64008 Améliorartion quality and availability of services SR
64013 Feasibility Study for the free primary school in Togo
64015 Project to support the general census of population and housing.
64018 Regularization of subdivision is in Lomé.
64019 Study of development of the plain Djagblé.
64023 Study for the opening and development of rural roads (600km) - Technical and economic
rehabilitation and elimination of critical points known
64024 Preparatory studies and services for the bypass project PORT-RN1 (Grand Bypass Port)
64027 Update studies for development work and asphalting of the road Tsévié-Keve-zolo-Fr
64028 Techno-economic studies realization of investments
64029 Study of the development of the valley of the ITO
64039 Updating the study on lowland rice in the Kara region
64211 Development project of the plain Djagblé study and implementation
64212 Implementation of the rice project in low - lying in the Kara
64213 Study of the development of the valley of the Oti
64214 Preparation, Adoption and extension of sector policy
64215 Support the annual review of the Ministry of Health (PAP)
64216 Regular opening of the pass Aného (Design and construction)
64217 Rehabilitation of fish hatcheries (design and production)
64218 Permanent system of agricultural survey
64219 Develop and conduct a pilot test of the monitoring and evaluation mechanism and
64220 Project to support statistical and monitoring of fisheries and aquaculture in Togo
64221 Strengthening lab. analysis and control activities for compliance with international
standards. quality
64222 Study on the inventory of tourist
64223 Study for the classification and ordering of tourist facilities in Togo
64225 Study for the conservation, management of biodiversity management sub-mountain region
of northern Togo
64226 Study for the conservation, the development of sustainable management of mountain
biodiversity sub-region of Togo septemptrionale
64227 Collection and compilation of statistics (IP, IPI, SES, CNBMS, DS)
64228 Development patterns of land
64229 Technical diagnostics networks to measure water
64230 Conduct investigation on the conditions of sanitation in rural, semi-urban and urban areas
outside Lomé
64232 Construction and equipment of the DRE trays and Maritime
64233 Update studies for existence seek funding
64234 Project to support the general census of population and housing.
64235 Project to support the general census of population and housing.
64236 Study of the inventory of the road network of the city of L ome
64237 Development of the strategy of green spaces and monuments in Lomé (SEVM)
64238 Design, control, monitoring and receipt of engineering at the central level
64239 Study technical implementation and development of CAD streets of Lomé
64240 Completion of the study to establish the basis of statistical data on the craft industry
64241 Study on the baseline development committees at the base
64242 Development of the state of play of the road network of the city of Lomé
64243 Revision of master plans for major cities
64244 Development, validation and implementation of TVET card
64244 Prospective study of sites of rice GLEI - Kélékpé and Anié
64245 Project technical and economic study (preliminary and APS) dams in hilly regions of the
Kara and Savannah
64246 Development of Statistics (CN, IP, IHPC)
64247 General census of the population
64248 General census of the population
64249 General census of the population
64250 Against part of cooperation programs SNU-GVT
64251 Process of developing planning schemes
64252 Vision 2030
64253 Education fund for the formulation of national programs and projects of development
64254 Support sectoral committee management database on environmental statistics and
indicators (Togo Info)
64255 Development and dissemination of mining policy and implementing regulations of the
Mining Code
64256 Study tactics between the 8th and the 10th parallel
64257 Program implementation of energy saving measures in buildings
64258 Recruitment of a control office for civil works
64259 Development of National Health Accounts 2010
64260 Togo assistance in the prevention and control of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza /
Project against avian influenza
64261 Support to improve the safety and hygiene of food of animal origin
64262 Inventory of dams and fish hatcheries
64263 Agronomic experimentation adaptability of rice varieties Chinese Kara
64264 Updating soil data
64265 Conduct assessment of seasonal crop
64266 Feasibility study for creating cluster farm
64267 Permanent System of Agricultural Survey (PES)
64269 Technico-economic study for the water supply of urban centers Keve, Agou Gadzépé,
Blitta, Tandjouaré, Mandouri and Cinkassé and pe
64270 Technico-economic study for the water supply of urban centers Keve, Agou Gadzépé,
Blitta, Tandjouaré, and Mandouri Cinkassé and pe
64271 Study on the development of Colidor
64272 Census of Population
64273 Collection of economic statistics
64274 Project for the development of the development strategy of Greater Lomé (CDS)
64275 Recruitment of a consultancy and training controllers control
64276 Project for the development of the development strategy of Greater Lomé (CDS)
64277 Acqisition a 9 seater vehicle
64279 Studies for the construction of training centers and Technical Professionals (TPC)
64280 Monitoring and evaluation of construction of the closure of the headquarters of the Courts of
64281 Architectural and engineering study of the closure of the seat of the Court of Auditors
64282 Consideration EFA Togo (Pojet EPTT)
65008 Oral health program
65009 Emergency management program
65010 Promoting the right to rehabilitation for people with disabilities in TOGO
65012 Strengthening and pérénisation training rehabilitation professionals at ENAM
65013 Program monitoring and development of the child (Savannah Region, Kara and Maritime)
65019 Program to develop a better system of human resource management of the health sector
65022 Implementation of the policy of contractual approach (DES), development and
dissemination of flowcharts thérapeutiqueet plolitique hospital
65026 Training of ten (10) interim executives of health development in public health (DPFR)
65038 Primary teacher training.
65039 Initial training of secondary school teachers First and Second Cycles
65040 Training of teachers of first and second cycles.
65044 Cooperation Programme, UNFPA Togo
65045 Program of training and retraining of Administration (DPD)
65046 Citizenship education, culture of peace and non-violence
65047 Training of artisans in various trades for quality and standards
65048 Preparation, adoption and popularization of political craft in Togo
65050 Constuction and equipment Attiégou High School
65051 School infrastructure equipment LET Attiégou (desks)
65052 School infrastructure equipment LET Kante (desks)
65053 Restruration TEK Kpalimé and Dapaong in CRETFP and maintenance of infrastructure and
equipment and equipment set up
65054 Training of the Court
65056 Training of teachers of Pre-school and Primary
65057 Training of teachers of the second cycle of secondary
65060 Training Committees Resources Management School
65065 Training and statisticians recycleges
65067 Support for civil society and national reconciliation
65068 Awareness and implementation of the design elements of the consultation PO.NAT
65069 Implementation of integrated information systems on water in Togo
65070 Implementation of information systems on water in Togo
65071 Promoting the right to rehabilitation for people with disabilities Togo (PAP)
65073 Forum peasant and agricultural fair
65074 Cooperation Programme, UNFPA Togo
65075 Cooperation program Togo-UNICEF
65077 Education in Togo for all (EFA)
65079 Middle management training development in public health
65080 Equipment Training Schools (ENAM and ENSF) Kara material logistics
65081 Cooperation program Togo-UNICEF
65082 Education for all cityonneté
65083 Extension of the African Charter of Democracy and Elections
65084 Institutional capacity building (extension of the website to the Directorate General of Human
Rights and re
65085 Education for Human Rights
65087 Popularization of new Community legislation harmonized WAEMU in crafts
65088 Extension of the training manual CBD
65089 Training of CBD
65090 Education for citizenship, peace and culture of nonviolence
65091 Building material and playful multimedia centers Regional Youth
65092 Capacity building firm (computerization and training)
65094 PERI project
65097 Consideration EFA Togo (project EPTT)
65098 Construction and rehabilitation of school buildings
65099 Training of technicians literacy
65100 Contreparie project SELT-AES
65101 Strengthening national capacities in gender and women rights
65102 Capacity building and equipment of women's groups in leadership
65103 Printing and dissemination of the document and the mapping of potential areas
dopportunités job creation in the prefectures and often
65104 Training and development of staff of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
65105 Participation and organization of fairs and forums CAADP (CADEP)
65106 Management training human resources department
65107 Early Warning System (EWS)
65108 Fees office studies (Development of DAO)-UK
65109 Completion of the 500-seat amphitheater and Construction of amphitheater with 1000 seats
at the University of Kara (Kara)
65110 Study and control of rehabilitation of DBAN
65111 Program against sickle cell
65112 Capacity for Professional Accountants
65113 Capacity building for professionals cmptables
65114 IDB Project III
65116 Counterparty BID II project
65117 Management training on procurement procedures and budgeting procurement
65118 Workshop assessment of crop 2012 - 2013
66001 National Programme of Action decentralized environmental management (PNAD)
66009 Project second national communication on climate change (DCN)
66011 National Assessment of 2010 targets on biodiversity
66012 Program support information, education and communication on elephant conservation in
66013 Monitoring the Illegal Killing of African elephants (MIKE Project, Phase II)
66014 Implementation and comparison of model technology for wastewater management towns
and Kara Natitingou (Benin) in the p
66016 Management plan refrigerants (RMP) Management Plan for the Elimination of
66016 Management plan refrigerants (RMP), and Management Plan for the Elimination of
66017 Updating the National Forestry Action Plan (NFAP)
66018 Updating the National Forestry Action Plan (NFAP)
66019 Resolution of border issues in the Volta basin and low coastal zone downstream
66020 Resolution of border issues in the Volta basin and low coastal zone downstream
66022 Large Marine Ecosystem Project Guinea Current: fight against marine pollution by
phosphates sludge (GEM-CG)
66023 Large Marine Ecosystem Project Guinea Current: fight against marine pollution by
phosphates sludge (GEM-CG)
66024 Coastal protection project in Togo to the PK11 PK36 against coastal erosion
66025 Coastal protection project in Togo to the PK11 PK36 against coastal erosion
66027 Regional Programme for Biosafety
66028 Regional Programme for Biosafety
66029 Implementation and comparison of model techno. Kara and wastewater management
project management integrated Natitingou bottom. Volta
66030 Support the implementation of the national program of reforestation and sustainable forest
management (reforestation of 5,000 ha)
66031 Program of prevention and management of natural hazards and disasters
66032 Program of prevention and management of natural hazards and disasters
66033 Program of prevention and management of natural hazards and disasters
66034 Development of 1000 ha of lowland within the WAEMU to support the implementation of the
66035 Development of 1000 ha of lowland within the WAEMU to support the implementation of the
66036 Adaptation system. agricultural production by the introduction of tech. integrating cultural
Upcoming Turn clim. and integrating information. agrometeorological
66037 Regional demonstration project environmentally sound management of waste and PCB
containing equipment in the countries of Francophone Africa
66038 Regional demonstration project environmentally sound management of waste and PCB
containing equipment in Francophone countries pol
66039 Reclassification of the protected area Abdoulaye
66040 Securing the land area of the State
66041 Mechanism for national forest programs "Facility"
66042 Management plan refrigerants (RMP) Management Plan for the Elimination of
66043 Evolution of the system of protected areas towards the pay of climate change
66044 Evolution of the system of protected areas towards the pay of climate change in West Africa
67003 Cooperation WHO / TOGO (2008-2009)
67004 National Program for the Modernization of Justice
67008 Program to support the production of soap operas and movies in Togo (Storm Family first
season) Dir Cinematography.
67012 Project to support capacity building instititutionnelles Ministry of Economy and Finance
67013 Institutional Support Project to the Togolese State (equipment, training ect.)
67014 Project to support the electoral process
67015 Support program coordination UNICEF
67016 Support program to restore macroeconomic balances in Togo.
67017 Support the process of decentralization in Togo (Project APRODECT)
67018 Reform of public procurement in Togo (Togo-CPAR)
67026 Capacity of the National Agency of Solidarity
67027 Capacity of the Directorate General of Social Development
67034 Grid extension Agricultural Research Center of Kolo-Kope
67072 Development and implementation of a diagnostic study on the integration of Commerce
67074 Acquisition of rolling stock for the National Assembly (PAP)
67075 Capacity building support services on the consideration of cross-cutting issues (gender,
human rights, environment ..)
67076 Project to support the financial sector and governance
67077 National Census of Agriculture
67078 National Census of Agriculture
67079 Program to improve agricultural productivity in West Africa
67080 Monitoring of reforms and programs by focal points
67081 In computer hardware equipment, air conditioners, office furniture and television sets
67081 Project to support the institutional capacity building PARCI, 2
67082 Development of agro-land policy
67082 Project to support the institutional capacity building PARCI, 2
67083 Reform of public procurement
67084 Acquisition of rolling stock for transportation of animal protein (improving distribution
67086 Planning and equipping local HAAC (PAP)
67088 Support the process of decentralization in Togo (project APRODECT)
67089 Strengthening the control of the programming, planning, monitoring, evaluation and
capitalization of knowledge in the sector
67090 Renovation and extension of SG and rehabilitation residence Prefect Is Mono
67091 Continued construction of offices prefecture Kpélé
67092 Driving program balance seasonal campaign
67093 Strengthening of epidemiological surveillance of animal diseases
67094 Program organization of the movement of transhumant livestock
67095 Revitalization program and vegetable chains frutières
67096 Evaluation of the mandates of financial and human technical capacity of agricultural
67097 Capacity of intervention of regional chambers of agriculture
67098 Development of a tourism guide
67099 Support the establishment of the National Agency of Environmental Management (ANGEL)
67100 Support the establishment of the National Fund for the Environment
67101 Support the implementation of the Environmental Police
67102 Support the establishment of the National Commission for Sustainable Development
67103 National Action Programme Decentralized Environmental Management (PNAD)
67104 National Action Programme Decentralised management environnemment
67104 Project to support the financial sector and governance
67105 Organization of sectoral round table of donors to finance environmental
67106 Implementation progress. national actions to fight against desertification combating
deforestation controlled bushfires
67108 Program of capacity building for environmental management (PRCGE)
67109 Capacity building program for environmental management (PRCGE)
67110 Streamlining and strengthening the management of protected areas
67112 Streamlining and strengthening the management of protected areas
67113 Environment Programme
67114 Support for the development the framework of medium-term expenditure sector
environment (CDSMT)
67115 Project to support the electoral process
67116 Development of agricultural policy
67117 Cooperation WHO / TOGO (2009-2010) (PAP)
67117 Development and installation of the Presidency: acquisition of rolling stock
67118 Capacity building of producers and their organizations
67119 Renforcemnt capacity of the administrative and accounting APRM
67120 Control, monitoring and supervision of road maintenance by the administration
67121 Development and installation of the Prime Minister: acquisition of rolling stock
67122 Fixed For All program: acquisition of rolling cabinet and DAC
67123 Equipment in vehicles control the execution of construction works projects
67124 Institutional Support Project
67125 Development offices Brigade Group Research and Dapaong
67127 Support for Democratic Governance and Promotion of Human Rights (OHCHR and UNDP)
67128 Recovery and reserve management state administrative
67129 Capacity building intervention on the ground
67130 National Program for the Modernization of Justice
67131 National Program for the Modernization of Justice
67132 Reviewing blueprints prefectures
67133 Preparation of master plans for 5000 inhabitants
67134 Capacity (HILUX 4x4)
67135 Support for Democratic Governance and mla Promotion of Human Rights (OHCHR and
67136 Capacity building support structures Council (technical services, NGOs) to support for
grassroots organizations
67137 Study for the construction of new offices prefectures
67139 National Program for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (PNPPDH) in Togo
67140 Development Master Plan
67141 Extension of the National Policy Development Sector Handicrafts
67143 Project building hardware capabilities of the support bases GIPATO Lomé Anié-Bassar
67144 Acquisition of equipment on two wheels
67145 Acquisition of four-wheeled
67146 Acquisition of equipment and office furniture
67147 Computer Equipment Acquisition
67148 Capacity of the Ministry Managing results and MTEF
67149 Building structures framing techniques
67150 Strengthening of the Directorate General for Transport
67151 Capacity of the DAM
67152 Capacity of DCF
67153 Equipment infrastructure humanitarian HCRAH
67154 Capacity Management of the Economy
67155 Establishment of a modern system for archiving documents and records of the Treasury
67156 Definition of national sanitation policy group (PNAC) stormwater, wastewater and excreta
(including dredging and draining)
67157 Definition of action plan and framework development spending in the medium and long term
(strategic and operational planning)
67158 Capacity building: training of staff
67159 Preparation of master plans for urban sanitation TdE
67160 Project operational support to ECOWAS-EPA-Togo
67161 Strengthening agents MPDAT
67162 Support the implementation of programs SNU
67163 Implementation of a GIS operational
67164 Construction of new office and residential districts
67165 Purchase of two vehicles according to the direction of worship and leadership institutions
hoteliers and bars
67166 Togo's contribution to the sectoral round table of donors
67167 Capacity building of the Ministry Cabinet
67169 Project reinf. Dev capacity plans implementation strat intern. management prod. chem.
(SAICM) in prog. integrated ecological management nation. prod. chem. and systems. h
67170 Capacity building project Dev. plans implementation strat. intern. management prod. chem.
(SAICM) in prog. integrated management é nation. chem. and
67171 Project of reinforced reg. building and technical assistance. for implementation of MNP
implementation of the Stockholm Convention in African LDCs
67172 Reg project. reinforced. building and technical assistance. for the implementation of MNP
implementation of the Stockholm Convention in African LDCs
67173 Capacity logistics firm
67174 Capacity building of staff in the department and GAR MTEFs
67175 Elaboration and implementation of procedures manuals of administrative, financial and
accounting for all funds related to its
67176 Improving the management of human resources in health and medicine
67177 Capacity of the Directorate of Fisheries and Aquaculture
67178 Census department staff
67180 Support to producer organizations Togo (CTOP Network) for a better structuring of the
67181 Strengthening the foundations of food security for vulnerable farming households in Togo
67182 Development program in the communication sector
67183 Special initiative to improve business climate
67189 Third National Communication on Climate Change (TCN)
67190 Third National Communication on Climate Change (TCN)
67191 Mechanism for national forest programs "Facility"
67192 Strengthening the control of food safety and hygiene of housing, strengthening the
management of medical waste
67193 Acquisition of building for the National Police
67194 Modernisation Agency Togolese Press (ATOP)
67195 Monitoring structures and update the database PROGRESS
67196 Support the coordination of the Paris Declaration
67197 Capacity consideration
67198 Capacity
67199 Capacity (CADERT)
68001 Multiannual program Microprojects (MMP)-7th EDF
68003 National Program for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (PNPPDH) in Togo
68005 National program to revitalize the tourism sector
68006 Support for Reform and Modernization of Public Administration
68007 Program for youth employment
68008 Multiannual micro finance
68009 Training in planning, monitoring and evaluation of projects
68010 Support for Reform and Modernization of Public Administration (Consideration)
68011 Provision for counterparty PERI project
68012 Project Monitoring
68013 Management of malaria treatment policy according to national
68014 Stepping up the fight against HIV / AIDS (GLOBAL FUND)
68015 Sustainability of access to prevention and treatment leprosy and tuberculosis (Global Fund)
68016 Promoting the use of ITNs preventive treatment of malaria during pregnancy (Global Fund)
68017 Co-Togo WHO fight against diseases and capacity building
68018 Improved quality and availability of health services for reproduction (UNFPA)
68019 Immunization of the population and health system strengthening (GAVI FUND)
68020 MS support for the fight against diseases and strengthening health system
68021 Support for Reform and Modernization of Public Administration (Consideration)
68022 Implementation of the EITI-Togo
68023 Implementation of the EITI-Togo
68024 Provision for Contrpartie project PERI
68025 Counterparty project SELT-AES
68026 Support for coodination of the Paris Declaration
68028 Survey 3 EDST
68029 Support the project coordination of trade facilitation on the Abidjan-Lagos Corridor
68030 Support the project coordinationdu trade facilitation on the Abidjan-Lagos Corridor
69003 Completion of the work on the coast (Route Aflao-Hilacondji; compensation for
69003 Learned warranty on letters managements previous orders
69004 Holdback
69005 Fight against diarrheal disease (PAP)
69006 Fight against onchocerciasis (PAP)
69007 Fight against Guinea worm (PAP)
69008 National program of fight against Buruli ulcer (PAP)
69009 National program to fight against smoking (PAP)
69010 Program integration of neglected tropical diseases (PAP)
69011 Completion of construction and rehabilitation hospital Tabligbo (PAP)
69012 Support for safety (CNTS and CRTS) (PAP)
69013 EPI support (PAP)
69014 National program to fight against lymphatic filariasis (PAP)
69015 Emergency Management Program (PAP)
69017 Program monitoring and development of the child (Savannah Region, Kara and Maritime)
69018 Improving the availability of quality RH services (PAP)
69019 Support NACP-IST / purchase of ARVs and consumables (PAP)
69020 Fight against Tuberculosis / Leprosy (PAP)
69021 Programme Health / Nutrition (PAP)
69022 Security Project transfusionnaire Togo (CNTS) (PAP)
69023 Strengthening the fight against malaria / Pogramme "Roll Back Malaria" (PAP)
69024 Strengthening the fight against malaria / Program "Roll Back Malaria" (PAP)
69025 Project equipment of health facilities Togo (PAP)
69026 Renewal of laboratory equipment from the National Institute of Hygiene (PAP)
69027 IDB Health Project II (Construction and equipping clinics and CMS modules in rural areas of
Togo) (PAP)
69028 Stepping up the fight against HIV / AIDS (PAP)
69029 Fight against TB / Leprosy (PAP)
69030 Fight against schistosomiasis and trypanomiase (PAP)
69031 Universal Period Review (UPR) capacity building of members of the Ministry
69032 Indemnification and Compensation Project "PAUT"
69033 Acquisition of stock of supplies, publishing bulletins government balance
69035 Acquisition of vehicles for investigations
69036 Organizing the job fair
69037 Determining representativeness / Elections Social
69038 Immunization broader population according to the socio-sanitary
69039 Strengthening clinical care by increasing the assisatance childbirth and obstetric and
neonatal emergency
69040 Support for People Living with HIV / AIDS (ARVs Achant)
69042 EBC survey
69044 Survey EDST 3
69045 Survey QUIBB
69046 Control, monitoring supervision by engineers and architects and equipment monitoring and
69047 Preparation, editing and implementation of a procedures manual of administrative, financial
and accounting officer training
69048 Counterparty BID III project
69049 Development work and asphalting of the road Kabou-Guérin Kouka
69050 Development work and asphalting of the road Kabou-Guérin Kouka
69051 Rehabilitation of the road Agou-Notsè-Tohoun
69052 Compensation and compensation on the project "PAUT"
Not applicable
41001 Establishment preschool and primary
41002 Establishing general secondary
41004 Vocational training center
41005 University of Lomé
41006 University of Kara
41007 Village of Benin
41009 Ecole Nationale d'Administration
41012 National Institute for Scientific Research
41014 Ecole normale supérieure Atakpamé
41017 Chancellery of the Universities of Togo
41018 Higher Council for Technical Education, Vocational Training and crafts
41019 National Centre for Professional Development
41021 Teaching 2nd & 3rd degrees (Confessional)
41022 Teaching assistants 1st Degree
41023 National Commission for Scholarships
41025 Training Centre for Public Health, WHO
41027 Specialized Support for Schools
41101 CHU Tokoin
41102 CHU Campus
41103 Hemodialysis center
41104 CHU Kara
41105 CHR Tsévié
41106 CHR Atakpamé
41107 CHR Sokodé
41108 CHR Dapaong
41109 CHP Kpalimé
41110 CHP Aneho / Zébévi
41111 CHP tomde Kara
41114 CHR-Sokodé: Center Hemodialysis
41115 CHR Lomé-Commune
41116 Psychiatric Hospital Aného
41117 Versatile Hospital of Elavagnon
41118 National Center for Blood Transfusion (CNTS)
41119 National Institute of Hygiene (INH)
41120 CHP with operating theaters
41121 Children's Hospital of Dapaong
41122 Subsidy cesarean
41123 Agentsde Community Health
41307 Council and Institute of Technical Support (ICAT)
41308 National Committee for the global campaign for food
41309 National Bureau of bedrooms Regional Agricultural
41311 Office National des Abattoirs Refrigerated (ONAF)
41312 National Institute for Agricultural Training - INFA Tové
41315 Togolese Institute for Agronomic Research
41316 Guarantee Fund for Young Farmers Installation
41317 Support Fund to ANSAT
41318 Central Supply and Management of Agricultural Inputs (CAGIA)
41319 National Agency for Food Safety Togo (ANSAT)
41320 Management Unit Farm Equipment
41321 Support Fund Award for Cotton Producers
41325 Grant Prefectures (infrastructuren rural and community)
41326 Fair peasant
41334 Fund to support environmental
41336 Natoinale Commission on Sustainable Development
41338 Togolese Heritage Society (STP WATER)
41361 National Institute of Youth and Sports
41362 Reading center and cultural activities (CLAC)
41363 Office Togolese Copyright
41364 Regional Centre for Cultural Action
41365 CENETI
41367 Education center working Lomé
41368 Education center working Dapaong
41369 Committee of national languages
41370 National Committee on Intellectual Property
41371 National Institute of Industrial Property and Technology
41374 National Commission on Human Rights (CNDH)
41382 Support for Integration and Development Hiring (HELP)
41391 Centre for Construction and Housing
41400 National Commission of Accreditation and Ranking of Tourism Establishments
41401 Institutional Reform Sub-Sector Water
41402 Support development activities based
41421 Observation Centre and Reintegration of young people in difficulty-Caccavéli
41422 Future home of Kamina
41423 Centre for Training and Socio-Professional Reintegration of Disabled Persons of Akata
41424 Craft Training Center Women's Landa
41425 Agency National Solidarity
41426 National School of Social Promotion
41427 Centre for Training and Socio-Professional Reintegration of Disabled Persons of Attéda
41428 National Committee for Drug
41430 National Programme for the Fight against AIDS (NAP)
41431 Pension Fund of Togo (CRT)
41434 Permanent Secretariat of the National Council for the Fight against AIDS and STIs
41436 Support the advancement of women
41437 Centre psycho-medico-social (FLIGHT)
41438 Permanent Centre for Disaster Logopé
41451 Society of Directors of the zone
41453 Subsidy on petroleum products
41455 Office of Development and Exploitation of Forests (ODEF)
41458 Togo Electricity
41460 Airport Niamtougou
41461 National Agency for Financing Small and Medium Enterprises
41462 Restructuring IFG / OTP
41463 Regional Chambers of Trades
41464 Universal Service Post
41465 Society of New Phosphates Togo SNPT
41470 Capital increase BTCI
41471 Increase the capital of the BIA-TOGO
41476 Interministerial Committee for monitoring the implementation of priority action Gvt
41477 Appoints autonomous structures
43001 Stake in Bank Sahel-Saharan Investment and Trade (BSIC)
43002 Increase the capital of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB)
44301 Union of Municipalities of Togo
44303 Lighting of the city of Lomé
44304 Support for decentralization
45001 Togolese Red Cross
45301 Orphanages Nursery-Tokoin
45303 Orphanage centers and reeducation
45304 Togolese Federation of the Disabled
45305 High Commissioner for Repatriation and Humanitarian Action
45306 Committee the adoption of children in Togo
45311 OASIS, Terre des hommes: Centre childcare and lost badly treated
45601 Sports clubs and associations, sports federations involved in international competitions
45603 Sports associations and clubs Togolese National Olympic Committee47005 CICARE
47026 Nations Committee - United ¿s Elimination of Crime (CERD)
47055 Local representation of UNIDO
47301 Association of Tax Administrators Africans (AAAI)
47336 Guarantee Fund and borrowings ¿¿Council of Understanding (FGECE)
47337 Guarantee Fund and loans from OCAM ¿(FAGACE)
47340 African Institute of Computer ¿(IAI)
47360 Support the operation of the APRM
47637 Regional Centre for Training and Road Maintenance (CERFER)
49001 National Commission for the Fight against Corruption and Economic Sabotage
49002 Support Unit and Monitoring Mutual Credit Institutions
49003 Coordination Unit Paper Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP)
49004 Congress Palace of Lomé
49005 Congress Palace of Kara
49006 National Economic Policy Committee (NEPC)
49007 Committee Monitoring and evaluation of economic and financial programs
49008 Steering Committee of the Cash Plan
49009 Office of Real Estate Heritage Abroad Togo (0PITE)
49010 National Commission for OHADA
49011 National Intelligence Agency
49013 Commission Nationale de la Francophonie
49014 National Coordinating Committee for the Reform of Public Administration and CTRAP
49015 National Coordinating Committee for the Reform of Public Administration and CTRAP
49016 National Agency for Employment
49017 Managerial capacity of the administration
49022 Capacity building of actors TP
49023 Truth Justice and Reconciliation Commission
49024 Permanent framework for dialogue and consultation (CPDC)
49025 National Coordinating Committee for the Reform of Public Administration and CTRAP
49026 National Committee of the Public Debt
49028 National Coordinating Committee for the Reform of Public Administration and CTRAP
49029 Integrated Management System of Finance (SIGFIP)
49030 Regulatory authority procurement
49031 Special Initiative to improve the rate of implementation of budget
49032 Committee on Boundaries
49033 Policies and reforms Institutionnlles
49033 Political and Institutional Reforms
49034 Fund to support local
49035 Committee syqstème implementation of procurement
49036 National Commission for Privatisation
Not applicable
Public Treasury
Bond Loan
Cofinancing by the State Exteriors and Resources
Entirely by the Finance Resources Exteriors
Entirely by the State Finance
Financed by the state and external resources
Financed by the state and Resources Exteriors
Fully funded by external resources
Fully funded by the state
Funded by the state and Resources Exteriors
National Program for the Modernization of Justice
Not applicable
Resources by co Exteriors
ADB African Development Bank
African Development Fund
Arab Bank for Development African States
Bilateral development cooperation
Council of the Entente
Economic Community of the West African
European Development Fund
French Development Agency
Fund Abudhabi
Fund against part
German funds
Global Environment Fund
Global Fund
Group Ellissa
Internal Resources
Internal Resources Fund against part
Islamic Development Bank
Kuwait Fund for Development
Not applicable
Swiss Development Fund
United Nations Fund for Children
United Nations Fund for Population
United Nations Program for Development
West African Development Bank
World Bank
World Health Organization
1 Maritime region
2 Plateau Region
3 Central Region
4 Kara Region
5 Savannah Region
6 District of Lomé
9 Other Regions
100 Maritime region (all districts)
101 Gulf / LOME
102 Lakes / ANEHO
103 Vo / VOGAN
104 Yoto / Tabligbo
105 Zio / TSEVIE
106 Ave / KEVE
107 Prefecture of Bas-Mono (Afagnan)
200 Plateaux region (all districts)
201 Ogou / ATAKPAME
202 Haho / Notsé
203 Kloto / KPALIME
204 Wawa / BADOU
205 Amu / Amlamé
208 Middle prefecture Mono (Tohoun)
209 Is Mono / Elavagnon
210 Prefecture Kpélé (Adéta)
211 Prefecture Akébou (Akébou)
212 Prefecture Anié (ANIE)
300 Central Region (all districts)
301 Tchaoudjo / SOKODE
302 Sotouboua / Soutouboua
303 Tchamba / Tchamba
304 Blitta / Blitta
400 Kara region (all districts)
401 Kozah / KARA
402 Bassar / Bassar
403 Assoli / Bafilo
404 Dankpen / GUERIN-KOUKA
405 Binah / Pagouda
406 Doufelgou / NIAMTOUGOU
407 Kéran / KANTE
500 Savannah Region (all districts)
501 Tone / DAPAONG
502 Oti / MANGO
503 Kpendjal / Mandouri
504 Prefecture Tandjoaré (Tandjoaré)
505 Prefecture Cinkassé (Cinkasse)
600 District of Lomé
900 National Territory
901 Africa region
902 Accra
903 Kinshasa
904 Libreville
905 Tripoli
906 Addis Ababa
940 Zone Europe
941 Paris
942 Brussels
943 Berlin
944 Geneva
960 America region
961 Washington
962 Ottawah
980 Asia
981 Jeddah
Above the line
Below the line