Université d`Orléans http://www.univ


Université d`Orléans http://www.univ
Université d’Orléans
The University of Orléans is located in the centre of France, just one hour from Paris
by train, in a region situated in the heart of the famous “Loire Valley-UNESCO
heritage site” in about a hundred hectares of forest. The University of Orleans is one
of the oldest universities in Europe. It is characterised by its pluridisciplinarity.
Engineering, technology and sciences are well represented.
The Institute of French language (IDF) http://www.univ-orleans.fr/en/idf/introduction
(a place to learn or deepen your knowledge of French language and culture) has
received the French as a Foreign Language Quality Label, awarded by the Ministry of
Higher Education and Research, the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and the
Ministry of Culture and Communication.
In the l'UFR Collegium Lettres, Langues et Sciences Humaines, you can study
Literature, History, Linguistics, Languages.
Sample units potentially available:
Semestre 1 (USyd Semester 2):
Le théâtre
Analyse du texte : notions et outils
Mythes et littérature
Langue française : grammaire, compétences rédactionnelles
Littérature et histoire
UE complément de formation
Langue vivante
PPPE (Projet personnel et professionnel de l’étudiant)
Semestre 2 (USyd Semester 1):
Le roman
Littérature comparée
Rhétorique : théorie et pratique de l’argumentation
Introduction aux sciences du langage
Civilisations et cultures de l’Antiquité
Littérature et cinéma
UE complément de formation
Langue vivante
Atelier de lecture
The University of Orléans also has a list of programs entirely taught in English, such
as business, computer sciences, economics, etc.
For more information, please contact:
Incoming Students : Catherine COXHEAD, Bérengère PASQUET, Julie QUESNEL,
Dominique FRERE et Claudine MENIGOZ