Vision OnePoint - Vision Training


Vision OnePoint - Vision Training
Windows Server
Windows Client
XenApp & Desktop
Sytem Center 2012 Suite
Exchange Server
SharePoint Server
Lync / Skype
SQL Server 2014
.NET (Visual Studio)
CRM Dynamics
IT Service Management & IT Governance
Technical Overview
Project & Program Management
Agile Project Management
SCRUM - Testing & Software Development
Frameworks & Tools
Management & Personal Development
Fort de ses quinze années de présence en Belgique et de son acquisition par OnePoint en août 2015, Vision IT Group/
Vision Consulting Group Belgique, Groupe international de conseil et d'expertise en technologies de l'information,
devient OnePoint.
Cette nouvelle étape symbolise la réunion des forces de OnePoint et de Vision IT, représentant près de 2 000
collaborateurs dans le monde (France, Europe, Asie, Amérique), et l’intégration des équipes autour de valeurs
communes et des ambitions du groupe, appelé à devenir un des leaders mondiaux de la transformation numérique.
OnePoint va poursuivre l’élan initié en 2015 en renforçant son positionnement sur le conseil et l’expertise IT avec
une spécialisation dans l’infrastructure, la qualification logicielle, les solutions d’applications d’entreprise (applications
mobile inclus) et la formation. Nos experts sont au centre de notre approche et représentent les acteurs de la valeur
fournie au service de nos clients.
La complémentarité des références et des offres entre les deux groupes ainsi que l’échange des best practices
renforcera la marque OnePoint pour poursuivre son développement en Belgique.
Vision OnePoint Training dispose de plus de 15 ans d’expérience dans le domaine de la formation, spécialisé dans un
premier temps Microsoft et reconnu Microsoft Silver Partner pour plusieurs compétences. Vision a développé son offre
au travers d’engagements et de partenariats de qualité afin d’offrir à ses clients un portfolio complet.
Vision OnePoint Training propose dès à présent deux
locations pour dispenser ses formations : Brabant Wallon
et Bruxelles
Grâce à ses experts pédagogiques, Vision OnePoint
délivre en complément des formations officielles
calendrier, des formations sur site, sur mesure pour
répondre aux besoins spécifiques de vos collaborateurs.
Vision OnePoint Training dispense également des
séances de coaching sur des technologies et des
secteurs spécifiques, directement sur votre infrastructure.
Vision OnePoint Training c’est :
• L’engagement : Un service de qualité, des cours
officiels et certifiés.
• L’efficacité : Deux sites géographiques et une
équipe de formateurs bilingues.
La disponibilité : Nos formateurs certifiés sont
dédiés à l’écoute de vos problématiques.
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
Notre équipe d’experts
L’équipe pédagogique est constituée de spécialistes expérimentés aussi bien internes qu’externes. Leurs compétences
pédagogiques, leurs expériences techniques et leurs certifications constituent un gage de qualité dans les formations
Maîtrise de la Technique :
Plan de formation interne continue
Maîtrise de la Pédagogie :
Continuité et apprentissage de nouvelles
méthodes pédagogiques
Procédure de certification :
Parcours de certification officiel géré par les
constructeurs et filières concernés
Expérience terrain :
Consultants à temps partiel auprès du top
20 des entreprises Belges
Approche pédagogique
Nos formateurs disposent d’environ 15 ans d’expérience
dans l’enseignement.
Notre approche pédagogique :
Un enseignement par petits groupes pour :
• Présentation du problème
et mise en situation
• garantir l’interactivité,
• augmenter l’attention portée à chaque apprenant.
Sur la base de notre expérience en tant que centre de
formation, le formateur alterne :
• les explications,
• les démonstrations,
• les exercices.
Les participants sont sollicités tout au long de la formation,
que ce soit sous la forme de questions/réponses ou sous
la forme d’exercices pratiques.
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
• Proposition de la solution
(Phase de compréhension)
• Application et démonstration
• Vérification des connaissances
(Phase de restitution)
• Mise en pratique par des exercices
(Phase de mise en application)
• Résumé
Des labels de qualité
La rigueur dans la mise en oeuvre de notre plan qualité se traduit notamment par une reconnaissance obtenue
auprès d'organismes d'audit indépendants et/ou des constructeurs.
Label Q*For
Renouvelé en 2015
Satisfaction client de 100%
Label Microsoft Silver CPLS
Certified Partner for Learning
Solution détenue de manière continue
Qualité des formations :
Contenu, phase préparatoire,
orienté pratique, adapté aux besoins
Relation de confiance avec Microsoft
depuis près de 20 ans
Gestion administrative/commerciale :
Respect du timing, planning, rapidité
& efficacité
Formateurs : Connaissances, approche
pédagogique, capacité d’adaptation
& suivi qualitatif
Professionnalisme & Flexibilité
Vision OnePoint Training a développé des solutions de formation adaptées aux besoins de chaque individu.
Tous niveaux
Formations standards ou spécifiques
Deux lieux différents
Définition, avec vous, des objectifs, du contenu,
du timing et du profil des participants
En Français mais aussi en Anglais & en Néerlandais
Programme et planning de formation définis ensemble
Formations standards ou sur-mesure
100% e-learning
• Lieu de formation :
En vos locaux ou dans notre centre
Disponibles où et quand vous voulez.
Accès 24/24 et 7/7 - durant 21 jours.
Les manuels en imprimé ou Online.
• Préparation :
Phase préparatoire entre nos experts et vous
Blended Learning : Vous & notre formateur
• Adaptation du programme :
En fonction de vos besoins et de vos objectifs
Coaching Day avec vos questions pendant ou après
votre session d’e-learning.
• Formation dédicacée :
Uniquement pour vos employés
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
Nos « Short » Training
Notre offre se découpe en deux piliers:
Permet d’appréhender sur une journée :
• des nouveautés produit, technologiques,
• des détails sur un thème spécifique.
Renouvelé, adapté & mis à jour pour correspondre aux
dernières tendances.
Dédié aux utilisateurs réguliers : Excel, Word,
Formation de courte durée (2 à 3 heures) sur LE SUJET
qui vous interpelle.
Standard Catalogue ou sur-mesure
Nouvelle approche de la formation qui combine
avantages de l'apprentissage en ligne et formation
dirigée par un instructeur.
Apprenez à votre propre rythme en utilisant une
multitude de ressources en ligne et obtenez le soutien
et l'expérience de votre formateur certifié.
Vision OnePoint fournit des solutions IT globales basées sur des technologies Microsoft. Plus de 100 référencements
dans des grands comptes et un acteur incontournable notamment dans les secteurs de la banque et de l'énergie.
Implémentation – Gouvernance & Développement
sur mesure
• Reprise de votre maintenance Applicative
Solution sur mesure – Gestion de projet – Architecture
• Engagement sur les temps de prise en charge
• Gestion des coûts maîtrisés
• Proposition d’évolutions applicatives en mode projet
Architecture – Design – Intégration - Maintenance
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
Afin d’offrir un panel de formations
adapté aux personnes d’une même
société, Vision OnePoint Training
s’entoure des meilleurs partenaires.
Des formations officielles, reconnues
et donnant accès aux certifications.
Certified Partner for Learning
Solutions) détenu de manière
Logiciels de gestion sur Internet
Hébergement applications
Partenariat de plus
de 20 ans
Solutions en gestion
de la relation client
Security & Information
Technology and Service
Formations certifiantes
Agile Project, MSP,
Program Management, Scrum
Formations certifiantes
avec examen officiel
Large gamme de produits
sur les normes internationales
Vision OnePoint Training est centre de certification Pearson Vue (Microsoft, Cisco, VMware, IBM, CheckPoint, Citrix,
Linux, HP, Symantec,…) & Kryterion (Saleforces,…). Nous vous accueillons deux jours par semaine à Bruxelles.
Prince2 & ITIL is a registered trademark of Axelos. The swirl logo is a Trademark of Axelos.
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
Software Assurance Voucher
Benefits (SAVB)
Profitez de journées de formation et/ou de
consultance financées directement par Microsoft
et sans aucun frais pour votre société
• Software Assurance Training Vouchers
Selon le nombre de licences reçues via le Software
Assurance, votre entreprise bénéficie de « Training
Vouchers ».
Training Cheques
Vision OnePoint Training accepte les chèques
formation de la Région Wallonne.
Ces chèques vous fournissent une réduction sensible
sur les prix du catalogue.
Beaucoup d'entreprises PME en Belgique utilisent
les chèques formation pour
bénéficier de
subventions gouvernementales officielles traitant des
programmes de formation dans le secteur des TI.
Ces bons vous permettent de vous inscrire
gratuitement pour la majorité des séances de
formation Microsoft dans notre centre de formation.
Nous contacter
Jessica Schmid
Training Center Manager
[email protected]
Valentin Verstraete
Business Developper
[email protected]
Training Center Vision OnePoint
[email protected]
Training Vision OnePoint
Groupe Onepoint /
Vision Consulting Group Bruxelles et Wallonie
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
After its fifteen years of operation in Belgium and its acquisition by OnePoint in August 2015, Vision IT Group/Vision
Consulting Group Belgique, an international information technologies consultancy and expertise group, becomes
This new stage symbolises the pooling of the forces of OnePoint and Vision IT, representing more than 2 000 workers
across the world (France, Europe, Asia, America), and the integration of teams around common values and the
ambitions of the group, destined to become one of the global leaders of digital transformation.
OnePoint is going to continue the momentum of 2015 by strengthening its positioning in IT consultancy and expertise
with specialisation in infrastructure, software qualification, business application solutions (including mobile applications)
and training. Our experts are at the centre of our approach and represent the individuals responsible for the value
provided at the service of our clients.
The complementarity of the references and offers among the two groups as well as the exchange of best practices will
strengthen the OnePoint brand to continue its development in Belgium.
Vision OnePoint Training has more than 15 years of experience in the area of training, specialising first and foremost in
Microsoft and it is a recognised Microsoft Silver Partner for several competences. Vision has developed its offer through
commitments and quality partnerships in order to offer its clients a complete portfolio.
As of now, Vision OnePoint Training offers two locations
for giving its training: Brabant Wallon and Bruxelles.
Thanks to its training experts, in addition to the official
scheduled training, Vision OnePoint delivers on-site bespoke
training to meet the specific needs of your employees.
Vision OnePoint Training also gives coaching sessions on
technologies and specific sectors, directly within your
Vision OnePoint Training, is :
• Commitment: a guarantee of quality, official,
certified courses.
• Efficiency: two geographical sites and a bilingual
team of trainers.
• Availability: our certified trainers listen to your
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
Our team of experts
The teaching team consists of experienced both internal and external. Their teaching skills, technical experience and
certifications are a guarantee of quality in the training provided.
Command of the technical area:
Continuous internal training plan
Command of the training area:
Continuity and learning of new training
Procedure and certification:
Official certification path managed by the
manufacturers and sector concerned
On-the-ground experience:
Part-time consultants at top 20 Belgian
Pedagogical Approach
Our trainers have around 15 years' experience in teaching
A training by small group for:
• To guarantee interactivity
• To increase the attention given to each learner
Based on our experience as a training centre, the trainer
• explanations
• demonstration
• exercises
Participants are requested throughout the training,
whether this be in the form of questions/answers or
practical exercises...
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
Our approach to training:
• Presentation of the problem
and background
• Presentation of the situation
(Comprehension phase)
• Application and demonstration
• Verification of knowledge
(Re-establishment phase)
• Application through exercises
(Application phase)
• Summary
The rigour in the implementation of our quality plan is notably demonstrated by recognition obtained from independent
audit bodies and/or manufacturers.
Label Q*For
Renewed in 2015
Client satisfaction rating of 100%
Label Microsoft Silver CPLS
Certified Partner for Learning
Certification is held permanently
Quality of training:
content, preparatory phase, practice
orientated, adapted to needs
Relationship of trust with Microsoft for almost
20 years.
Administrative/commercial management:
Respect for timing, planning, speed &
Knowledge, approach to training, capacity
for adaptation & qualitative monitoring
Professionalism & Flexibility
Vision OnePoint Training has been developing its training solutions in order to meet the demand and needs of each
All levels of competences
The standard programme or created from A to Z
based on your needs
Two different places
French but can also provide it in English & Dutch
Our trainer organizes a telephone or in-person
interview in order to clarify the objectives of the
training, the imperatives in terms of subject matter and
timing and the profile of the participants
The validation of the content is done jointly between
you and the trainer.
Standard or bespoke portfolio
100% e-learning
• Place of training:
in your premises or in our centre
Our distance learning is available when and where
you wish; 24/7 access for 21 days! In addition to the
Online Labs, printed or online manuals are available.
• Preparation:
Preparatory phase between our experts and you
• Programme adaptation:
according to your needs and objectives
• Dedicated training:
solely for your employees
Blended Learning: two possibilities
evise, train yourself and/or review a specific point
after the training
day of coaching to ask our subject-specialist
trainer all of your questions; this will take place during
or after your e-learning session.
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
Les « Short » Training
Our offer of short training is based on two pillars:
These discovery days enable you to grasp:
• a new technology
• a specific aspect
Constantly renewed, adapted & updated in line with
the latest trends.
Dedicated to the end users who regularly use Excel,
Word, PowerPoint, etc.
short-duration training session (2 to 3 hours) on THE
SUBJECT you request.
Selection of topics by Vision or we can create on
His new approach to training combines the advantages of
online learning and training led by an instructor.
Learn at your own speed using a multitude of online
resources while obtaining the support and experience of
your certified trainer.
Vision OnePoint provides complete IT Solutions based on Microsoft. More than 100 references with major
international companies in banking and energy sector.
Implementation – Governance & Custom-made
• Recovery of your application management in a
structured way
• A strict cost management via a fixed price
Tailor-made solution – Project Management –
• A commitment on time management and problem
resolution based on SLA
Architecture – Design – Integration – Maintenance
• A real ability to provide application development in
a project core business
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
In order to be able to offer a training
panel adapted to all individuals
in a company, Vision OnePoint
Training surrounds itself with the best
Official training sessions, recognised
and giving access to certifications.
Permanent Certified Partner for
Learning Solutions.
relationship of trust with
Microsoft for almost 20 years.
Security & Information
Technology and Service
Distributes management
software based on the Internet/
hosts business applications.
solutions in client relations
Agile Project, MSP Program
Management, Scrum
Certified Training with
official exam
wide range of international
Vision OnePoint Training is a Pearson Vue (Microsoft, Cisco, VMware, IBM, CheckPoint, Citrix, Linux, HP, Symantec, etc.) &
Kryterion (Saleforces, etc.) certification centre. We welcome your two days per week in Brussels.
Prince2 & ITIL is a registered trademark of Axelos. The swirl logo is a Trademark of Axelos.
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
Software Assurance Voucher
Benefits (SAVB)
Thanks to Software Assurance Voucher Benefits, take
advantage of a day of training and/or consultancy
financed directly by Microsoft without any cost to
your company.
• Software Assurance Training Vouchers
According to the number of licences you receive
via the Software Assurance, your company
receives "Training Vouchers".
Training Cheques
Vision OnePoint Training accepts Wallonia training
These cheques provide you with a significant
reduction on the catalogue prices.
Many SMEs in Belgium use training cheques
that enable them to take advantage of official
government subsidies for training programmes in
the IT sector.
These vouchers enable you to register for the
majority of the Microsoft training sessions in our
training centre for free.
Jessica Schmid
Training Center Manager
[email protected]
Valentin Verstraete
Business Developper
[email protected]
Training Center Vision OnePoint
[email protected]
Training Vision OnePoint
Groupe Onepoint /
Vision Consulting Group Bruxelles et Wallonie
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
our trainings
Microsoft Infrastructure
M20410 - Installing & Configuring Windows Server 2012
The course is part one of a series of three courses that provide the skills & knowl
edge necessary to implement a core Windows Server 2012 infrastructure in an
existing enterprise environment. The three courses collectively cover implementing,
managing, maintaining & provisioning services & infrastructure in a Windows Server
2012 environment.
Lunch & Book included
M20411 - Administering Windows Server 2012
This course is part three of a three-course series that includes courses 20410A and
20411A. The series provides the skills and knowledge necessary to implement a core
Windows Server 2012 infrastructure in an existing enterprise environment.
07 - 11 March
09 - 13 May
04 - 08 July
12 - 16 September
14 - 18 November
Blended Learning
Exam 70-410
5 Days
Additional Solutions
15 - 19 February
11 - 15 April
08 - 12 August
24 - 28 October
Blended Learning
Exam 70-411
1 950 € HTVA
M20412 - Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services
Lunch & Book included
Additional Solutions
1 950 € HTVA
This course is part two, of a series of three courses, which provide the skills and
knowledge necessary to implement a core Windows Server 2012 Infrastructure in
an existing enterprise environment. The three courses in total will collectively cover
implementing, managing, maintaining and provisioning services and infrastructure
in a Windows Server 2012 environment…
Lunch & Book included
5 Days
5 Days
Additional Solutions
21 - 25 March
13 - 17 June
10 - 14 October
12 - 16 December
Blended Learning
Exam 70-412
1 950 € HTVA
Microsoft Certified Solution Associate Windows Server 2012
M20413 - Designing & Implementing a Server Infrastructure
This course is part one in a series of two courses that provides the skills and knowledge
necessary to design and implement a Windows Server 2012 R2 infrastructure in an
enterprise environment. This course covers the knowledge and skills needed to provide
an enterprise solution that supports manual and automated server installations in a
physical and virtual environment including the supporting file and storage services.
You will also learn the skills necessary to provide enterprise networking solutions such
as DHCP, IPAM, VPN, and DirectAccess...
Lunch & Book included
M20414 - Implementing and Advanced Server Infrastructure
04 - 08 April
05 - 09 September
4 Days
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
Exam 70-413
Additional Solutions
Exam 70-414
29 March - 01 April
17 - 20 May
07 - 10 November
1 750 € HTVA
Microsoft Certified Solution Expert Desktop Infrastructure (Prerequisite: MCSA Windows Server 2012)
Additional Solutions
1 950 € HTVA
This course covers the knowledge and skills to plan and implement a highly available,
secure infrastructure with focus on Active Directory® Federation Service (AD FS), public
key infrastructure (PKI), and Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS).
You will also learn the skills needed to plan and deploy virtual machines including
self-service and automation of virtual machine deployments as well as planning and
implementing a monitoring strategy that includes Microsoft® System Center 2012 R2Operations Manager.
Lunch & Book included
5 Days
Microsoft Infrastructure
M20415 - Implementing a Desktop Infrastructure
This course provides you with the skills and knowledge needed to plan, design,
and implement a Windows 8 desktop infrastructure. The course provides guidance
on planning and deploying desktops by using several technologies such as User
State Migration Tool (USMT), Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT), Virtual Desktop
Infrastructure (VDI), and more. Additionally, the course describes how to protect
desktops and monitor their health and performance…
Lunch & Book included
This course, build the skills you need to design, deploy, and manage a physical and
virtual Windows Server® 2012 application management infrastructure, and focus on
using Microsoft System Center 2012 Service Pack 1 (SP1). You will also learn to design,
deploy, and manage Windows® 8 Enterprise applications in a physical and virtual
environment and in the cloud.
Exam 70-415
23 - 27 May
01 - 05 August
21 - 25 November
1 950 € HTVA
M20416 - Implementing Desktop Environments
Lunch & Book included
Additional Solutions
5 Days
Additional Solutions
5 Days
06 - 10 June
05 - 09 September
19 - 23 December
Blended Learning
Exam 70-416
1 950 € HTVA
Microsoft Certified Solution Expert Desktop Infrastructure (Prerequisite: MCSA Windows Server 2012)
VICS - 20417 - Upgrading Your Skills to MSCA Windows Server 2012
This course explains new features and functionality in Windows Server 2012 around
management, networking infrastructure, storage, access control, Hyper-V, high
availability, and identity federation. Specific technologies covered will include Dynamic Access Control (DAC), Failover Clustering, Microsoft Online Backup and changes
with Active Directory, and Hyper-V and Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS).
This course will update your existing knowledge and skills to Windows Server 2012.
Lunch & Book included
This course provides in-depth training on implementing, configuring, managing and
troubleshooting Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) in Windows Server 2012.
It covers core AD DS concepts and functionality as well as implementing Group
Policies, performing backup and restore and monitoring and troubleshooting Active
Directory related issues.
You will learn the skills you need to help reduce networking complexity while lowering
costs, simplifying management tasks, and delivering services reliably and efficiently.
You will learn how to automate and consolidate networking processes and resources,
more easily connect private clouds with public cloud services, and more easily
connect users to IT resources and services across physical boundaries.
Exam: 170 € HTVA
Blended Learning
Exam 70-417
4 Days
29 March - 01April
16 - 19 August
07 - 10 November
1 750 € HTVA
M10970 - Networking with Windows Server
Lunch & Book included
08 - 10 February
02 - 04 May
18 - 20 July
02 - 04 November
1 450 € HTVA
VICS - AD12 - Configuring and Managing Windows Server 2012
Active Directory Domain Services (M10969)
Lunch & Book included
Additional Solutions
3 Days
4 Days
17 - 20 May
03 - 06 October
1 750 € HTVA
E-Learning: 520 € HTVA
Blended Learnin : 1270 € HTVA
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
Microsoft Infrastructure
M10972 - Administering the Web Server (IIS) Role of Windows Server
This course provides students with the fundamental knowledge and skills to configure
and manage Internet Information Services. This course is intended to help provide
pre-requisite skills supporting a broad range of Internet web applications, security,
and knowledge to help support other products that use IIS such as Exchange and
SharePoint. In keeping with that goal, this course will not focus on any particular web
application or development practice.
Lunch & Book included
Get hands-on instruction and practice deploying and migrating roles and services
with Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2 in this three-day Microsoft
Official Course. In this course, you will learn how to plan for and deploy your Windows
Server infrastructure in physical, virtual, and cloud environments. You will learn about
different deployment methodologies and techniques, as well as general imaging
usage and configuration.
This three-day MTA Training course helps you prepare for Microsoft Technology
Associate Exam 98-366, and build an understanding of these topics: Network
Infrastructures, Network Hardware, and Protocols and Services. This course leverages
the same content as found in the Microsoft Official Academic Course (MOAC) for
this exam.
29/02 - 01/03
23 - 27 May
11 - 15 July
19 - 23 September
21 - 25 November
Blended Learning
3 Days
Additional Solutions
20 - 22 January
04 - 06 April
01 - 03 August
05 - 07 December
Blended Learning
1 450 € HTVA
M40366 - Networking Fundamentals
Lunch & Book included
Additional Solutions
1 950 € HTVA
M10974 - Deploying and Migrating Windows Servers
Lunch & Book included
5 Days
3 Days
Additional Solutions
Exam 98-366
20 - 22 January
04 - 06 April
01- 03 August
05 - 07 December
1 450 € HTVA
M20697 - part1 - Installing & Configuring Windows 10
This course is intended for IT professionals who administer and support Windows
10 desktops, devices, users, and associated network and security resources. The
networks with which these professionals typically work are configured as Windows
Server domain-based environments with managed access to the Internet and
cloud services.
Lunch & Book included
Microsoft Specialist Windows 10
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
18 - 22 January
29/02 - 04/03
13 - 17 June
05 - 09 September
14 - 18 November
4 Days
This course is intended for IT Professionals who are interested in specializing in
Windows 10 desktop and application deployments and managing the cloud-based
application and data service environments for large enterprise organizations. The
networks with which these professionals typically work are configured as Windows
Server domain-based environments with managed access to the Internet and
cloud services.
Additional Solutions
Blended Learning
Exam 70-697
1 950 € HTVA
M20697 - part2 - Deploying and Managing Windows 10
using Entreprises Services
Lunch & Book included
5 Days
1 750 € HTVA
Additional Solutions
15 - 17 February
11 - 14 April
06 - 09 June
16 - 19 August
03 - 06 October
Blended Learning
Exam 70-697
Microsoft Infrastructure
M10982 - Supporting Troubleshooting Windows 10
This course provides students with the knowledge and skills that they need to
support and troubleshoot Windows 10 PCs and devices in a Windows Server domain
environment. Students who take this course must have a good understanding of how
to configure Windows 10 and its features, and how they can use these features in
enterprise environments. This course focuses on troubleshooting issues with Windows
10 devices.
Lunch & Book included
4 Days
Additional Solutions
29/02 - 03/03
17 - 20 May
22 - 25 August
07 - 10 November
Blended Learning
1 750 € HTVA
M20687 - Configuring Windows 8.1
This course is intended for IT professionals who administer and support Windows
10 desktops, devices, users, and associated network and security resources. The
networks with which these professionals typically work are configured as Windows
Server domain-based environments with managed access to the Internet and
cloud services.
Lunch & Book included
This course is intended for IT Professionals who are interested in specializing in
Windows 10 desktop and application deployments and managing the cloud-based
application and data service environments for large enterprise organizations. The
networks with which these professionals typically work are configured as Windows
Server domain-based environments with managed access to the Internet and
cloud services.
Additional Solutions
02 - 04 May
01 - 02 September
Blended Learning
Exam 70-687
1 450 € HTVA
M20688 - Supporting Windows 8.1
Lunch & Book included
3 Days
5 Days
Additional Solutions
04 - 08 April
08 - 12 August
Blended Learning
Exam 70-688
1 950 € HTVA
Microsoft Certified Solution Associate Windows 8
Exam: 170 € HTVA
E-Learning: 520 € HTVA
Blended Learning: 1270 € HTVA
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
Microsoft Infrastructure
M20695 - Deploying Windows Devices and Entreprise Apps
This course provides students with the knowledge and skills that they need to
support and troubleshoot Windows 10 PCs and devices in a Windows Server domain
environment. Students who take this course must have a good understanding of how
to configure Windows 10 and its features, and how they can use these features in
enterprise environments. This course focuses on troubleshooting issues with Windows
10 devices.
Lunch & Book included
This course is intended for IT Professionals who are interested in specializing in
Windows 10 desktop and application deployments and managing the cloud-based
application and data service environments for large enterprise organizations. The
networks with which these professionals typically work are configured as Windows
Server domain-based environments with managed access to the Internet and
cloud services.
Additional Solutions
22 - 26 February
23 - 27 May
12 - 16 September
Blended Learning
Exam 70-695
1 950 € HTVA
M20696 - Managing Entreprise Devices and Apps
Lunch & Book included
5 Days
5 Days
Additional Solutions
07 - 11 March
20 - 24 June
17 - 21 October
Blended Learning
Exam 70-696
1 950 € HTVA
Microsoft Certified Solution Entreprise Devices & Apps
M20409 - Server Virtualization with Windows Server
Hyper-V and System Center
5 Days
You will learn how to configure, manage, and maintain Windows Server 2012 R2
Hyper-V and System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager including networking
and storage services.
Lunch & Book included
5 Days
This course builds your skills in Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) Service
Pack 2 (SP2), Microsoft User Experience Virtualization (UE-V), and Virtual Desktop
Infrastructure (VDI) as part of Windows Server 2012 R2. Throughout this course, you
will learn how to manage, monitor, support, and troubleshoot various Windowsbased desktop virtualization solutions.
Lunch & Book included
3 Days
Students will learn the new features of Hyper-V in Windows Server 2012. After
completing this course students will be able to install, configure, and administer
Hyper-V in Windows Server 2012. Students will also be able to describe the High
Availability features built into Hyper-V in Windows Server 2012…
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
22 - 26 February
30/05 - 03 June
26 - 30 September
12 - 16 December
1 950 € HTVA
CL55021 - Configuring & Administering Hyper-V
in Windows Server 2012
Lunch & Book included
Exam 70-409
22 - 26 February
30/05 - 03 June
26 - 30 September
12 - 16 December
1 950 € HTVA
M20694 - Virtualizing Enterprise Desktops
and Apps (App-V, RDS, VDI)
1 450 € HTVA
Additional Solutions
10 - 12 February
17 - 19 May
18 - 20 July
21 - 23 September
Microsoft Infrastructure
M10961 - Automating Administration with Windows PowerShell 3.0
This five day course provides students with the fundamental knowledge and skills
to use Windows PowerShell 3.0 for administering and automating administration of
Windows based servers. It focuses on primary Windows PowerShell command-line
features and techniques, and will provide prerequisite skills supporting many
different Microsoft products...
Lunch & Book included
Additional Solutions
08 - 12 Februar
21 - 25 Mars
27 June - 01 July
19-23 September
28/11 - 02/12
Blended Learning
1 950 € HTVA
M10962 - Advanced Automated Administration
with Windows PowerShell
3 Days
The course is also intended for IT Professionals who want to build upon existing
Windows PowerShell knowledge and skill to learn how to build their own tools for
broader general use in their organization, using any Microsoft or independent
soft¬ware vendor (ISV) product that supports Windows PowerShell manageability.
Lunch & Book included
5 Days
Additional Solutions
29 - 31 March
01 - 03 June
05 - 07 October
Blended Learning
1 450 € HTVA
M10747 - Administering System Center 2012
Configuration Manager
5 Days
This five-day instructor-led course provides students with the knowledge and skills to
configure and manage a Microsoft System Center 2012 Configuration Manager site
and its associated site systems in the role of Configuration Manager administrators…
Lunch & Book included
This course describes how to plan and deploy a System Center 2012 Configuration
Manager hierarchy, including the central administration site, one or more primary
sites and secondary sites, and all associated site systems. This course also covers
migration from System Center Configuration Manager 2007...
21 - 25 March
13 - 17 June
26 - 30 September
19 - 23 December
Blended Learning
Exam 70-243
1 950 € HTVA
10748 - Deploying System Center 2012 Configuration Manager
Lunch & Book included
Additional Solutions
3 Days
Additional Solutions
16 - 18 March
01 - 03 June
07 - 09 September
05 - 07 December
Blended Learning
Exam 70-243
1 450 € HTVA
Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist System Center Configuration Manager
Exam: 170 € HTVA
E-Learning: 520 € HTVA
Blended Learning: 1270 € HTVA
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
Microsoft Infrastructure
M10965 - IT Service Management with System Center Service
System Center 2012 R2 Service Manager provides change management, incident
and problem management, release management and service request fulfillment in
your organization. In this course, you will learn to adopt a combination of processes
and functions from many different IT Service Management frameworks such as ITIL
(IT Infrastructure Library) or MOF (Microsoft Operations Framework).
Lunch & Book included
5 Days
25 - 29 April
17 - 21 October
1 950 € HTVA
M10981- Infrastructure Provisioning with System Center Virtual
Machine Manager
This course provides the skills and knowledge necessary to implement a Microsoft
enterprise virtualization and infrastructure management solution. This course will cover
managing, maintaining and provisioning virtualization and infrastructure services in a
Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2 environment using System Center
2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager...
Lunch & Book included
5 Days
23 - 27 May
14 - 18 November
1 950 € HTVA
CL55004 - Installing and Configuring System Center 2012 Operations
This course provides students with the knowledge and skills to install and configure
System Center 2012 Operations Manager. In addition this class will prepare the student
for managing their 2012 Operations Manager infrastructure.
Lunch & Book included
This course provides students with the necessary knowledge to successfully design and
deploy Microsoft System Center 2012 Operations Manager. In this course, students
are introduced to the basic theory of service monitoring. They will also learn about
configuration, deployment, monitoring, and operation of Operations Manager 2012...
You will learn the skills you need to proactively monitor and respond to server and
service availability, low performance, and security issues for servers in the datacenter.
You will learn key Operations Manager concepts such as Management Packs
(including authoring Management Packs), Overrides, and Distributed Application
Models. You will learn how to configure some of the key new features in Operations
Manager such as Application Performance Monitoring (APM), Network Device
Monitoring, Dashboards, Widgets and managing Windows Azure.
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
5 Days
29/02 - 04/03
30/05 - 03/06
14 - 18 November
1 950 € HTVA
M10964- Cloud & Datacenter Monitoring with System Center
Operations Manager
Lunch & Book included
15 - 19 February
06 - 10 June
03 - 07 October
1 950 € HTVA
CL55006- Systems Center 2012 Operations Manager
Lunch & Book included
5 Days
1 950 € HTVA
5 Days
Additional Solutions
On Request
Blended Learning
Microsoft - Collaborative Tools
VICS-EXCH13 - Core and Advanced Solution of Microsoft
Exchange 2013/2016
This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to configure and manage
an Exchange Server 2013 messaging environment. This course will teach you how to
configure Exchange Server 2013, as well as provide guidelines, best practices, and
considerations that will help you optimize your Exchange Server deployment.
Lunch & Book included
This course will teach students guidelines, best practices, and considerations that
will help them optimize their Exchange server deployment. Course 20341 is an
instructor-led course and will provide you with the knowledge and skills to plan,
install, and manage the mailbox role, client access, transport, and Exchange
This course will teach students how to configure Exchange Server 2013, as well as
provide guidelines, best practices, and considerations that will help them optimize
their Exchange Server deployment. Course 20342 is an instructor-led course and will
provide students with the knowledge and skills to design, manage, and configure
Unified Messaging.
Exam 70-341 & 342
14 - 18 March
27/06 - 1/07
03 - 07 October
5 Days
Additional Solutions
14 - 18 March
27/06 - 1/07
03 - 07 October
Blended Learning
Exam 70-341
1 950 € HTVA
M20342 - Advanced Solutions of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013
Lunch & Book included
Additional Solutions
1 950 € HTVA
M20341 - Core Solutions of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013
Lunch & Book included
5 Days
5 Days
Additional Solutions
14 - 18 March
27/06 - 1/07
03 - 07 October
Blended Learning
Exam 70-342
1 950 € HTVA
Microsoft Certified Solution Expert Messaging (Prerequisite: MCSA O365)
Exam: 170 € HTVA
E-Learning: 520 € HTVA
Blended Learning: 1270 € HTVA
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
Microsoft - Collaborative Tools
VICS-SP - SharePoint 2013 Administration
This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to install, configure, and
administer Server 2013 environment and also how to manage and monitor sites
and users by using Microsoft SharePoint 2013 This courses provide guidelines, best
practices, and considerations that will help you optimize your SharePoint server
Lunch & Book included
The course track is targeted at experienced IT Professionals interested in learning
how to install, configure, deploy and manage SharePoint Server 2013 installations
in either the data center or cloud. In addition, Business Application Administrators
(BAAs) who are engaged in the administering line-of-business (LOB) projects in
conjunction with internal business customers would benefit from understanding of
managing SharePoint Server 2013.
This five-day course examines how to plan, configure, and manage a Microsoft
SharePoint Server 2013 environment. Special areas of focus include implementing
high availability, disaster recovery, service application architecture, Business
Connectivity Services, social computing features, productivity and collaboration
platforms and features, business intelligence solutions, enterprise content
management, web content management infrastructure, solutions, and apps.
1 950 € HTVA
Microsoft Certified Solution Expert SharePoint (Prerequisite: MCSA O365)
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
5 Days
Additional Solutions
01 - 05 February
18 - 22 April
04 - 08 July
14 - 18 November
Blended Learning
Exam 70-331
1 950 € HTVA
M20332 - Advanced Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013
Lunch & Book included
01 - 05 February
18 - 22 April
04 - 08 July
14 - 18 November
1 950 € HTVA
M20331 - Core Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013
Lunch & Book included
5 Days
5 Days
Additional Solutions
01 - 05 February
18 - 22 April
04 - 08 July
14 - 18 November
Blended Learning
Exam 70-332
Microsoft - Collaborative Tools
M20488 - Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013
Core Solutions
5 Days
In this course, students learn core skills that are common to almost all SharePoint
development activities. These include working with the server-side and client-side
object models, developing and deploying features, solutions, and apps, managing
identity and permissions,...
Lunch & Book included
5 Days
This course provides SharePoint developers the information needed to implement
SharePoint solutions using Enterprise Search, Managed Metadata Service (MMS),
Business Connectivity Services (BCS), Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Web
Content Management (WCM), Social Computing features and SharePoint Apps...
25 - 29 April
26 - 30 September
Exam 70-488
1 950 € HTVA
M20489 - Developing MS SharePoint Server 2013
Advanced Solutions
Lunch & Book included
Additional Solutions
Additional Solutions
On Request
Exam 70-489
1 950 € HTVA
Microsoft Certified Solution Developer SharePoint Apps (Also 70-480&70-486)
CL55031 - SharePoint End User Level I & II
This SharePoint 2013 End User class is for end users working in a SharePoint 2013
environment. The course teaches SharePoint basics such as working with lists and
libraries as well as basic page customizations.
Lunch & Book included
3 Days
29 - 31 March
18 - 20 July
02 - 04 November
1 450 € HTVA
CL55028 - SharePoint Power User
This SharePoint 2013 Power User training class is designed for individuals who need to
learn the fundamentals of managing SharePoint sites...
2 Days
25 - 26 February
30 - 31 May
29 - 30 September
Lunch & Book included
Exam: 170 € HTVA
1 100 € HTVA
E-Learning: 520 € HTVA
Blended Learning: 1270 € HTVA
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
Microsoft - Collaborative Tools
M20336 - Core Solutions of Microsoft Lync Server 2013
This course teaches IT professionals how to plan, design, deploy, configure, and
administer a Microsoft Lync Server 2013 solution. The course emphasizes Lync
Server 2013 Enterprise Unified Communications features with particular emphasis on
coexisting with and migrating from legacy communication services…
Lunch & Book included
This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to configure and manage
a Lync Server 2013 on premises, in the cloud or in a mixed deployment. In addition,
it will provide the skills needed by IT or telephony consultants to deliver a Lync based
enterprise voice solution…
Additional Solutions
Exam 70-336
09 -13 May
10 -14 October
1 950 € HTVA
M20337 - Enterprise Voice & Online Services with MS Lync Server
Lunch & Book included
5 Days
5 Days
Additional Solutions
Exam 70-337
27/09 - 01/07
28/11 - 02/12
1 950 € HTVA
Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist System Center Configuration Manager
CL55070 - Lync 2013 Depth Support Engineer Course
This five-day instructor-led class takes support engineers beyond design and
deploy¬ment to troubleshooting Microsoft Lync Server 2013. You will review Lync
Server architecture from the perspective of a Depth Support Engineer in order to
support customers with Lync Server service issues.
Lunch & Book included
Students will learn how to deploy a multi-site and highly available Skype for
Business infrastructure that supports instant messaging, conferencing, persistent
chat, archiving and monitoring. Students will also learn how to manage, maintain
and troubleshoot issues in the infrastructure. This course focuses primarily on the
on-premises deployment of Skype for Business, but does include information on how
to integrate the on-premises deployment with Skype for Business Online as well as
how to migrate from previous versions of Lync Server.
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
On Request
1 950 € HTVA
M20334 - Core Solutions of Microsoft Skype for Business 2015
Lunch & Book included
5 Days
1 950 € HTVA
5 Days
Additional Solutions
09 - 13 May
10 - 14 October
Exam 70-334
Microsoft Azure & office 365
M10979 - Microsoft Azure Fundamentals
Get hands-on instruction and practice implementing Microsoft Azure in this two day
Microsoft Official Course. You will be presented with Basic cloud computing concepts
as well as specific Microsoft Azure features used in day to day administration of
cloud resources.
Lunch & Book included
This course is aimed at experienced IT Professionals who currently administer their
on-premises infrastructure. The course introduces the students to Microsoft Azure
and then teaches them how to manage their infrastructure in Azure rather than
5 Days
Additional Solutions
15 - 19 February
20 - 24 June
14 - 18 November
Blended Learning
Exam 70-533
1 950 € HTVA
M20532 - Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions
This course is for candidates who are experienced in designing, programming,
implementing, automating, and monitoring application solutions who want to
expand their skills to Microsoft Azure. Candidates are also proficient with
development tools, techniques, and approaches used to build scalable and
resilient solutions.
Lunch & Book included
04 - 05 April
07 - 08 July
03 - 04 October
1 100 € HTVA
M20533 - Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions
Lunch & Book included
2 Days
5 Days
Additional Solutions
Exam 70-532
On Resquest
1 950 € HTVA
Microsoft Solution Developer Azure Solutions Architect (& 70-334)
M20346 - Managing Office 365 Identities and Services
This course focuses on skills required to set up an Office 365 tenant, including
federation with existing user identities, and skills required to sustain an Office 365
tenant and users.
Lunch & Book included
5 Days
Additional Solutions
Exam 70-346 & 347
01 - 05 February
30/05 - 03/07
28/11 - 02/12
1 100 € HTVA
Microsoft Certified Solution Associate O365
M10968 - Designing for Office 365® Infrastructure
This course provides guidance on designing an infrastructure that supports a
quick, efficient, and painless deployment of Office 365. Every successful software
deployment begins with foundation design activities that provide the blueprint for
constructing the software implementation plan. This course focuses on the design
activities that must be addressed to successfully deploy both basic and advanced
implementations of Office 365.
Lunch & Book included
Exam: 170 € HTVA
3 Days
Additional Solutions
02 - 04 March
18 - 20 May
03 - 05 August
12 - 14 December
Blended Learning
1 450 € HTVA
E-Learning: 520 € HTVA
Blended Learning: 1270 € HTVA
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
Microsoft Database & Bi
M20461 - Querying Microsoft SQL Server
This course provides students with the technical skills required to write basic TransactSQL queries for Microsoft SQL Server 2014. This course is the foundation for all SQL
Server-related disciplines; namely, Database Administration.
Lunch & Book included
This course provides students with the knowledge and skills to maintain a Microsoft
SQL Server 2014 database. The course focuses on teaching individuals how to use
SQL Server 2014 product features and tools related to maintaining a database.
This course describes how to implement a data warehouse platform to support a BI
solution. Students will learn how to create a data warehouse with Microsoft SQL Server
2014, implement ETL with SQL Server Integration Services, and validate and cleanse
data with SQL Server Data Quality Services and SQL Server Master Data Services.
22 - 26 February
04 - 08 April
11 - 15 July
24 - 28 October
Blended Learning
Exam 70-461
5 Days
Additional Solutions
25 - 29 January
14 - 18 March
13 - 17 June
12 - 16 September
14 - 18 November
Blended Learning
Exam 70-462
1 950 € HTVA
M20463 - Implementing a Data Warehouse with Microsoft
SQL Server
Lunch & Book included
Additional Solutions
1 950 € HTVA
M20462 - Administering Microsoft SQL Server Databases
Lunch & Book included
5 Days
5 Days
Additional Solutions
18 - 22 April
19 - 23 September
Blended Learning
Exam 70-463
1 950 € HTVA
Microsoft Certified Solution Associate SQL Server
M20464 - Developing Microsoft SQL Server Databases
This 5-day instructor-led course introduces SQL Server 2014 and describes logical
table design, indexing and query plans. It also focusses on the creation of database
objects including views, stored procedures, along with parameters, and functions.
Other common aspects of procedure coding, such as indexes, concurrency, error
handling, and triggers are also covered in this course.
Lunch & Book included
The focus of this five-day instructor-led course is on planning and implementing
enterprise database infrastructure solutions by using SQL Server 2014 and other
Microsoft technologies. It describes how to consolidate SQL Server workloads, work
with both on-premises and Microsoft Azure cloud-based solutions, and how to plan
and implement high availability and disaster recovery solutions.
1 950 € HTVA
Microsoft Certified Solution Expert DataPlatform (Perquisites MCSA SQL Server)
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
Additional Solutions
On Request
Exam 70-464
1 950 € HTVA
M20465 - Designing a Data Solution with Microsoft SQL Server 2014
Lunch & Book included
5 Days
5 Days
Additional Solutions
Exam 70-465
On Request
Microsoft Database & Bi
M20466 - Implementing Data Models and Reports with Microsoft
SQL Server
The focus of this five-day instructor-led course is on creating managed enterprise BI
solutions. It describes how to implement multidimensional and tabular data models,
deliver reports with Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services, create dashboards
with Microsoft SharePoint Server PerformancePoint Services, and discover business
insights by using data mining.
Lunch & Book included
This three-day instructor-led is intended for information workers and database
professionals who are interested in expanding their knowledge about SQL Server
2012 Reporting Services. During this course, attendees will learn how to Report
Designer in SSDT and Report Builder, work with solutions and projects, design basic
reports, enhance reports with formatting and images, effectively group and
summarize data, work with parameterized reports, incorporate charts and custom
maps, and work with drillthrough reports, and manage reports.
The focus will be on report writing by connecting to a database and manipulating
the data for presentation including: creating table and matrix reports, formatting
reports, grouping report data, creating simple and complex expressions, displaying
aggregated data, sorting and filtering data, charting data, and preparing reports
for printing and exporting.
The focus will be on report creation by connecting to a database and manipulating
the data for presentation including: creating parameter reports, creating list reports,
adding complex expressions to reports, adding images and subreports to reports,
adding drilldown and drillthrough functionality, and adding sparklines, data bars,
and indicators to reports.
The training environment includes SQL 2008R2, SQL Express 2012 and SQL 2012
Standard and Enterprise so that the students can utilize Report Builder 3.0 and
generate reports from multiple sources to investigate the different features of each
Exam: 170 € HTVA
3 Days
On Request
2 Days
On Request
2 Days
On Request
1 100 € HTVA
CL55005 - Report Builder 3.0 with SQL 2008, 2012, 2014
Lunch & Book included
Exam 70-466
1 100 € HTVA
CL55128 - Writing Report with Report Builder And SSRS Level 2
Lunch & Book included
On Request
1 450 € HTVA
CL55123 - Writing Report with Report Builder And SSRS Level 1
Lunch & Book included
Additional Solutions
1 950 € HTVA
CL55119 - SQL Server Reporting Services
Lunch & Book included
5 Days
2 Days
On Request
1 100 € HTVA
E-Learning: 520 € HTVA
Blended Learning: 1270 € HTVA
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
Microsoft HTML 5 & Visual Studio
M10958 - Programming Fundamentals of Web Applications
The course introduces the Microsoft web stack and shows how to use WebMatrix
2 to develop web applications. The course will help students understand how start
with basic web development concepts, and how to use existing applications from
the Appli¬cation Gallery…
Lunch & Book included
This course helps students gain basic HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript programming skills. The
course focuses on using HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript to implement programming logic,
define and use variables, perform looping and branching, develop user interfaces,
capture and validate user input, store data, and create well-structured application.
In this course students will learn essential programming skills and techniques that
are required to develop Windows Store apps. This includes a combination of both
design and development skills, as well as ensuring that students are comfortable
using and making the most of the Visual Studio and Expression Blend tools…
In this course the students will learn the more advanced programming skills and
techniques that they can use to optimize their Windows Store app and differentiate
their app from other apps in the Windows Store. These advanced skills and
techniques include a combination of both design and development skills.
Additional Solutions
15 - 19 February
30/05 - 03/06
Exam 70-480
5 Days
Additional Solutions
21 - 25 March
25 - 29 July
Exam 70-481
1 950 € HTVA
M20482 - Advanced Windows Store App Development Using
HTML5 and Javascript
Lunch & Book included
5 Days
1 950 € HTVA
M20481 - Essentials of Developing Windows Store Apps Using
HTML5 and Javascript
Lunch & Book included
25 - 27 January
04 - 08 April
1 950 € HTVA
M20480 - Programming in HTML5 with Javascript and CSS3
Lunch & Book included
5 Days
5 Days
Additional Solutions
25 - 29 April
22 - 26 August
Exam 70-482
1 950 € HTVA
Microsoft Solution Developper Windows Store Apps
M20483 - Programming in C#
This training course teaches developers the programming skills that are required
for developers to create Windows applications using the C# language. Students
review the basics of C# program structure, language syntax, and implementation
details, and then consolidate their knowledge throughout the week as they build an
application that incorporates several features of the .NET Framework 4.5…
Lunch & Book included
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
1 950 € HTVA
5 Days
Additional Solutions
23 - 27 May
26 - 30 September
Exam 70-483
Microsoft HTML 5 & Visual Studio
M20484 - Essentials of Developing Windows Store Apps Using C#
Students will learn essential programming skills and techniques that are required
to develop Windows Store apps. This includes a combination of both design and
development skills, as well as ensuring that students are comfortable using and
making the most of the Visual Studio and Expression Blend tools…
Lunch & Book included
Additional Solutions
06 - 10 June
03 - 07 October
Exam 70-484
1 950 € HTVA
M20485 - Advanced Windows Store App Development Using C#
In this course the students will learn the more advanced programming skills
and techniques that they can use to optimize their Windows Store app and
differentiate their app from other apps in the Windows Store. These advanced skills
and techniques include a combination of both design and development skills…
Lunch & Book included
5 Days
5 Days
Additional Solutions
04 - 08 July
12 - 16 December
Exam 70-485
1 950 € HTVA
MCSD : Windows Store Apps Using C#
M20486 - Developing ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Applications
In this course, students will learn to develop advanced ASP.NET MVC applications
using .NET Framework 4.5 tools and technologies. The focus will be on coding
activities that enhance the performance and scalability of the Web site application.
Lunch & Book included
Exam : 170€ HTVA
5 Days
Additional Solutions
01 - 05 February
01 - 05 August
Exam 70-486
1 950 € HTVA
E-Learning : 520€ HTVA
Blended Learning : 1270€ HTVA
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
Microsoft Dynamics CRM
M80539 - Installation and Deployment in Microsoft Dynamics®
CRM 2013
This two-day training course provides individuals with the skills to install and deploy
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013. The training material focuses on the components
used within a Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment, the hardware and software
requirements needed to successfully deploy Microsoft Dynamics CRM, and the
installation instructions for the primary Microsoft Dynamics CRM components.
Lunch & Book included
This course focuses on how an organization can nurture customer satisfaction
through automation of business processes within Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013. This
course provides an insight into all of the powerful Customer Service and Service
Scheduling functionality capabilities within Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013.
This course introduces the capabilities of Sales Management in Microsoft Dynamics CRM
2013 that allow you to track and manage the sales process from potential to close.
01 - 03 March
02 - 04 May
29 - 31 August
02 - 04 November
1 Day
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
Blended Learning
Exam MB2-703
Additional Solutions
27 April
08 June
02 September
28 November
1 Day
Blended Learning
980 € HTVA
Additional Solutions
28 April
09 June
14 September
29 November
Additional Solutions
980 € HTVA
M80546 - Sales Management in Microsoft Dynamics® CRM 2013
Lunch & Book included
Blended Learning
Exam MB2-702
1 450 € HTVA
M80545- Customer Service in Microsoft Dynamics® CRM 2013
Lunch & Book included
08 - 09 February
04 - 06 April
04 - 05 July
03 - 04 October
3 Days
This course describes the techniques required to customize Microsoft Dynamics CRM
to meet the specialized needs of businesses.
Additional Solutions
1 100 € HTVA
M80542 - Customization and Configuration in Microsoft
Dynamics® CRM 2013
Lunch & Book included
2 Days
Blended Learning
Microsoft Technical Overview
M40332 - What's New in Windows 10
In this workshop, students will explore the new user interface features of Windows 10,
the deployment and management tools listed above, and a deep dive into the
new security features of Windows 10.
1 Day
29/01 ; 29/03 ; 27/05 ; 25/07 ; 26/09 ; 28/11
980 € HTVA
DNS sur Windows Server 2012
Dans une infrastructure AD, le DNS est à la base de tous les échanges d'informations
entre les machines. Nous vous proposons durant cette journée de revoir le
fonctionnement de ce service ainsi que son importance GPO sur Windows
Server 2012. Présentation de ce que les GPO peuvent apporter comme conforts
d'administration ainsi que leur fonctionnement.
1 Day
15/02 ; 18/04 ; 20/06 ; 22/08; 17/10 ; 19/12
980 € HTVA
Remote Desktop Services
Présentation des diverses fonctionnalités de ce services comment mettre en place
les différents composants, entre autre : RD Gateway, une solution peu couteuse
pour proposer du télétravail à ses employés, RD RemoteApp, comment gérer des
applications complexes de manière centralisée, RD Broker, comment mettre une
ferme RD en place.
1 Day
16/02 ; 19/04 ; 21/06 ; 23/08 ;18/10 ; 20/12
980 € HTVA
Bonne gestion des serveurs de fichier Windows Server 2012
Les ACL NTFS existent depuis de longues années… Mais comment optimiser le
placement des celles-ci afin de proposer une gestion de la sécurité simple, efficace
et laissant peu de chance à toute erreur de manipulation.
1 Day
17/02 ; 20/04 ; 22/06 ; 24/08 ; 19/10 ; 21/12
980 € HTVA
Hyper-v V3 - mettre en place un cluster
Mettre en place un cluster Hyper-v; vous pourrez ainsi constater comme il est aisé
de créer (gratuitement) un cluster grâce à Hyper-v.
1 Day
18/02 ; 21/04 ; 23/06 ; 25/08 ; 20/10 ; 22/12
980 € HTVA
Hyper-v V3 - basics crash course
1 Day
Comprendre les bases d'Hyper-v.
19/02 ; 22/04 ; 24/06 ; 26/08 ; 21/10 ; 23/12
980 € HTVA
Powershell basics crash course
Apprenez à tirer parti efficacement de l'interface en ligne de commandes de
Windows. Ce cours vous donnera les bases essentielles de PowerShell. Celui-ci vous
permettra par la suite de travailler de façon plus rapide et efficace quoi vous fassiez.
1 Day
19/02 ; 22/04 ; 24/06 ; 26/08 ; 21/10 ; 23/12
980 € HTVA
Powershell et Active Directory
1 Day
Manipulation et interrogation de l'Active Directory en Powershell.
18/02 ; 21/04 ; 23/06 ; 25/08 ; 20/10 ; 22/12
980 € HTVA
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
Microsoft Technical Overview
SCCM 2012 et InTune
1 Day
Présentation des diverses fonctionnalités du service en ligne Intune:
- Comment gérer les smartphones et les tablettes
- Comment gérer les clients itinérants
17/02 ; 20/04 ; 22/06 ; 24/08 ; 19/10 ; 21/12
980 € HTVA
Introduction System Center Orchestrator 2012 R2
Comment automatiser son Datacenter on son Cloud avec Orchestrator :
Runbook , concepts et exemples.
1 Day
16/02 ; 19/04 ; 21/06 ; 23/08 ; 18/10 ; 20/12
980 € HTVA
Azure pour IaaS (Infrastructure as a Services) : le cloud Hybride
selon MS
Comment Azure peut être un remplaçant/complément à l'infra "On-Premise".
1 Day
15/02 ; 18/04 ; 20/06 ; 22/08 ; 17/10 ; 19/12
980 € HTVA
Azure laas Paas Saas (Infrastructure, Plateforme and Software
as a Services)
Azure : L'ensemble des solutions en un seul Point.
1 Day
29/01; 29/03 ; 27/05 ; 25/07 ; 26/09 ; 28/11
980 € HTVA
Azure Back-Up & Azure Site Recovery
Lors de cette formation vous apprendrez toutes les technologies et fonctionnalités
d’Azure Back-Up et d’Azure Site Recovery. Quels sont les différents scenarii, trucs et
astuces, ce que vous devez savoir de ces fonctionnalités, comment les mettre en
place, conclusions et synthèse.
1 Day
07/03 ; 09/05 ; 04/07 ; 05/09 ; 14/11
980 € HTVA
Azure Networking & VM’s
Lors de cette formation vous apprendrez comment interconnecter le réseau Azure
et votre réseau local et comment créer et préparer des machines virtuelles dans
Azure. Cette formation met l’accent sur un scenario SBS ou par exemple celui-ci
fonctionnerait avec Office 365 et Azure.
1 Day
08/03 ; 10/05 ; 05/07 ; 06/09 ; 15/11
980 € HTVA
Remote App
Lors de cette formation vous apprendrez comment rendre disponibles dans l’univers
mobile vos applications Line of Business en local ou dans Azure en utilisant Remote App.
1 Day
09/03 ; 11/05 ; 06/07 ; 07/09 ; 16/11
980 € HTVA
Exchange 2013, gestion quotidienne des récipients
1 Day
Connaissez-vous réellement les différents types de récipients?
Et surtout, savez-vous dans quel cas choisir lequel et pour quel usage?
10/03 ; 12/05 ; 07/07 ; 08/09 ; 17/11
980 € HTVA
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
Microsoft Technical Overview
Comprendre et sécuriser son flux SMTP en exchange 2013
Présentation sur comment fonctionne le flux SMTP entre les différents rôles
d'Exchange 2013 et comment le sécuriser.
1 Day
11/03 ; 13/05 ; 08/07 ; 09/09 ; 18/11
980 € HTVA
Mise en place du moteur de recherche SharePoint 2013
Le but de cette journée de formation est d'apprendre à mieux paramétrer l'interface
de recherche de façon à aider les utilisateurs à trouver le plus rapidement possible
l'information utile.
1 Day
10/03 ; 12/05 ; 07/07 ; 08/09 ; 17/11
980 € HTVA
Les bonnes pratiques d'un portail collaboratif
Apprendre à bien structurer l'information, choisir les bonnes Meta datas et sécuriser
le tout sera indispensable.
1 Day
11/03 ; 13/05 ; 08/07 ; 09/09 ; 18/11
980 € HTVA
Tolérance de Panne & Disaster Recovery
Présentation des bonnes pratiques en matière de tolérance de panne et de disaster
recovery Sharepoint.
1 Day
08/03 ; 10/05 ; 05/07 ; 06/09 ; 15/11
980 € HTVA
40041 - Introduction to O365
This course provides an introduction to Office 365. It focuses on the business
considerations and economics of Office 365 and Windows Azure. This clinic highlights
the features and functionality of Microsoft's cloud offerings.
1 Day
10/03 ; 12/05 ; 07/07 ; 08/09 ; 17/11
980 € HTVA
Migration vers Exchange Online
Présentation des possibilités de migrer du "On-premise" vers Exchange "On-line"
ou Office 365.
1 Day
18/02 ; 21/04 ; 23/06 ; 25/08 ; 20/10 ; 22/12
980 € HTVA
Active Directory les Chemins de l’évolution
1 Day
Comment partir de son AD on-premise pour le Cloud.
08/03 ; 10/05 ; 05/07 ; 06/09 ; 15/11
980 € HTVA
Bonnes pratiques du Backup et de la sécurisation d’un serveur SQL
De nos jours dans le monde Microsoft, SQL Server est de plus en utilisé par les autres
produits pour le stockage de données et configurations. Les problématiques de
disaster recovery et de sécurisation sont devenues. Incontournables pour tout
administrateur système Windows.
1 Day
07/03 ; 09/05 ; 04/07 ; 05/09 ; 14/11
980 € HTVA
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
You are no longer satisfied with instructor-led IT training? Groups are too heterogeneous, system and methods are not flexible
enough, timing is too restrictive, travels are too long and expensive… If you share these conclusions, check out our On<>Offtm
training solutions.
This new training approach combines the advantages of eLearning and Instructor-led training. Learn at your own pace using a
wealth of online resources and get support and experience from your certified coach.
• Take advantage of your trainer experience and knowledge
• Learn at your own pace, wherever and whenever you want
• Get answers to any question
• Take your courses using any devices
• Ask help to achieve your labs
(PC, laptop, smartphone, tablets)
• Interact online with your co-learners (Social learning)
• Remain available for your work
(no more long time off at work)
• Save travel time and costs
• On line enrolment (require manager’s approval)
• Support Platform (VLE - Virtual Learning Environment)
• Session start at a fixed date
• Lessons recorded by your certified IT instructor
• On line info session
fficial Microsoft coursewares (DMOC) through your SkillPipe
• 3 weeks unlimited and free access to:
• Learning space (recorded lessons, coursewares..)
• Labs on line Microsoft (Windows Azure Virtual Machines)
• Virtual labs on line
• Additional pedagogical ressources
• Support from your certified trainer ;
•Individual meetings and class meetings each week using
our on line conferencing room and virtual class
• Get answers to your questions within 48
reader (Windows, Android, iOS…)
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
(Technet, podcast, suggested reading, blogs..)
1650 € excl. VAT per student, including;
21 days unlimited 24/7 access to your VLE (Virtual Learning Environment)
• Watch videos and lessons recorded by your certified IT trainer
• Support from your coach and trainer;
- on line intro session
- synchronous support including;
- virtual classes
- individual on line meeting with your coach
- unlimited asynchronous support
• Your digital MOC accessible using your SkillPipe reader (© Arvato)
• 21 days access to your virtual on-line labs
Jour 1
Présentation générale by DiDaXo
Jour 2
Vendredi semaine 1
Virtual Classe 1,5 Heure + meeting individuels if any?
Jour 3
Vendredi semaine 2
Virtual Classe 1,5 Heure + meeting individuels if any?
Jour 4
Vendredi semaine 3
Virtual Classe 1,5 Heure + meeting individuels if any? + "closing"
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
JAVA1 - Java EE7 Overview
This course gives an overview of the Java Enterprise Edition platform. It lets the
student discover how it is standardized and browse the different APIs that can be
used by JEE developers. This course focuses on standards and present the various
implementations that exist. It also present the latest features that have been added
to Java EE 7.
Lunch & Book included
Ce cours est une introduction à la programmation orientée objet (POO) et le
langage de programmation Java. Ce cours permet aux étudiants d'acquérir
des compétences générales de programmation et la conception orientée
objet. Le cours est axé sur le langage Java et permet de parcourir ses principales
caractéristiques et présenter sa syntaxe.
Ce cours donne un aperçu des caractéristiques plus avancées du langage Java.
Ce cours aide les élèves à aller plus loin dans la connaissance de la syntaxe Java et
les concepts. Le cours se concentre sur les API et leur utilisation correcte.
Les scénarios de laboratoire de ce cours sont sélectionnés pour soutenir et démontrer
la substance présentée dans chaque chapitre. Elles sont destinées à mettre l'accent
sur les principes, mais représenter les possibles scénarios de vie réelle.
Ce cours donne un aperçu des technologies XML. Il permet aux étudiants d'acquérir
des compétences pour écrire un document structuré avec XML, de valider son
contenu, de transformer un document ou encore de sélectionner une partie de
son contenu. Le cours se concentre sur les normes et utilise un peu de Java pour
introduire les différentes API utilisées.
Au terme de ce cours, l’apprenant aura pris connaissance de différents design
patterns, et aura eu l’occasion de mettre certains d’entre eux en pratique. Il sera
en outre capable de créer ses propres patterns. En plus des patterns il sera initié à
des techniques de programmation telles que l’AOP.
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
4 Days
15 - 18 February
18 - 21 April
20 - 23 June
12 - 15 September
21 - 24 November
3 Days
03 - 05 February
06 - 08 April
08 - 10 June
29 - 31 August
02 - 03 November
1 450 € HTVA
JAVA5 - Design Patterns
Lunch & Book included
08 - 11 February
11 - 14 April
13 - 16 June
05 - 08 September
07 - 10 November
1 750 € HTVA
JAVA4 - XML & Java
Lunch & Book included
4 Days
1 750 € HTVA
JAVA3 - JAVA Advanced
Lunch & Book included
01 - 02 February
04 - 05 April
06 - 07 June
01 - 02 September
14 - 15 November
1 100 € HTVA
Lunch & Book included
2 Days
1 450 € HTVA
3 Days
22 - 24 February
25 - 27 April
27 - 29 June
19 - 21 September
16 - 18 November
JAVA6 - Unit Testing with Junit
Au terme de ce cours l’apprenant sera capable d’écrire et d’exécuter des tests
unitaires avec JUnit. Il sera en outre sensibilisé à l’utilisation de ces derniers dans le
cadre d’un Test Driven Development.
Lunch & Book included
1 Day
12 February
15 April
17 June
09 September
04 November
980 € HTVA
JAVA7 - Couche présentation Rich Client with Java, javascript,
ajax & jQuery
Au terme de ce cours, l’apprenant sera capable d’utiliser les fonctionnalités
apportées par le HTML 5. Il sera capable de rendre une page HTML dynamique par
l’utilisation de Javascript et jQuery et de CSS 3. En outre il connaîtra l’existence de
frameworks permettant la création d’interface riche en Java.
Lunch & Book included
This course provides an overview of Java web technologies. This course helps
students to create web applications with Java. The students will discover the
different layers of a Java web application one by one. The course focuses on good
practices and the MVC pattern.
25 - 26 February
28 - 29 April
30/06 - 01/07
22 - 23 September
28 - 29 November
1 100 € HTVA
JAVA8 - Servlet & JSP
Lunch & Book included
2 Days
2 Days
01 - 02 March
02 - 04 May
26 - 27 September
01 - 02 December
1 100 € HTVA
Au terme de ce cours, l’apprenant sera capable d’utiliser JIRA pour la gestion
quotidienne d’un projet. Il sera en outre capable de configurer les filtres, les champs
personnalisés et les notifications de ce dernier.
Lunch & Book included
1 Day
19/02 ; 22/04
24/06 ; 16/09
980 € HTVA
JAVA11 - Source Control Managment (svn, git, mercurial, …)
Au terme de ce cours, l’apprenant sera capable choisir et utiliser un système de
gestion de version.
1 Day
29/02 ; 20/05
28/09 ; 30/11
Lunch & Book included
980 € HTVA
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
JAVA12 - Maven 3
Au terme de ce cours, l’apprenant sera capable d’utiliser Maven pour compiler ses
applications, gérer les différentes dépendances et produire des assemblages de
distribution. Il sera en outre sensibilisé à la structure d’un plugin et un archetype pour
lui permettre d’étendre les fonctionnalités de Maven si nécessaire.
Lunch & Book included
Au terme de ce cours l’apprenant sera capable d’utiliser les différents types d’EJB.
Il sera capable de choisir le bon type bean et le bon type de session bean en
fonction des besoins. Il sera capable de comprendre le fonctionnement d’une
transaction distribuée et la gestion de la sécurité.
Au terme de ce cours, l’apprenant sera capable d’utiliser l’API standard de JPA
(persist, query, merge, delete). Il sera capable de configurer différentes entités.
Il comprendra le cycle de vie d’une entité. Il sera capable d’utiliser les différents
types relations et de comprendre le fonctionnement du lazy-loading.
Au terme de ce cours, l’apprenant sera capable d’utiliser JSF et le langage des
Facelets pour créer des pages dynamiques. Il sera capable de structurer des
formulaires complexes et y appliquer une validation. Il sera capable de créer ses
propres composants y compris des composants utilisant Ajax.
Au terme de ce cours, l’apprenant sera capable d’écrire et de déployer des
webservices utilisant SOAP avec l’API standard JAX-WS. Il sera capable de distinguer
les formats possibles et de comprendre les enjeux de l’interopérabilité. Il sera aussi
capable d’utiliser ces différents services. Il aura aussi une introduction au principe
REST et sera capable d’écrire des services de ce type avec l’API standard JAX-RS.
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
3 Days
14 - 16 March
17 - 19 May
11 - 13 July
10 - 12 October
12 - 14 December
5 Days
21 - 25 March
23 - 27 May
25 - 29 July
17 - 21 October
19 - 23 December
1 950 € HTVA
JAVA16 - WebServices and Restful Services
Lunch & Book included
07 - 08 March
11 - 13 May
06 - 08 July
03 - 05 October
07 - 09 December
1 450 € HTVA
Lunch & Book included
3 Days
1 450 € HTVA
JAVA14 - Persistence with JPA
Lunch & Book included
03 - 04 March
09 - 10 May
04 - 05 July
29 - 30 September
05 - 06 December
1 100 € HTVA
JAVA13 - EJB3 and Services
Lunch & Book included
2 Days
1 100 € HTVA
2 Days
09 - 11 March
30 - 31 May
14 - 15 July
06 - 07 October
15 - 16 December
JAVA17 - Spring Framework
This course will give you a global overview of the Spring framework modules and
go into details with samples and exercises for the most important ones. You will
be able to use Spring in any kind of application, handle transaction, use aspect
programming, etc.
Lunch & Book included
Au terme de ce cours, l’apprenant aura une vision globale des différentes
architectures d’application et plus particulièrement les architectures mise en avant
par les standards de la programmation Java Enterprise Edition. Il sera capable
d’expliquer les principales utilisations des différentes API qui constituent JEE.
29 - 30 March
01 - 03 June
18 - 20 July
24 - 26 October
1 450 € HTVA
JAVA18 - JEE Architecture
Lunch & Book included
3 Days
1 Day
17 March
06 June
22 July
13 October
980 € HTVA
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
ADM201 - Administration Essentials for New Admins
Comprehensive and hands-on, Administration Essentials for New Admins is the core
training that ensures your success with Salesforce. It’s a must for new administrators.
We recommend administrators take this course before starting a Salesforce
deployment or when taking over an existing deployment.
Lunch, Book & Certification included /FR/UK
Administration Essentials for New Admins: Professional Edition is a must for all
administrators wanting to maximize implementation of Salesforce Professional
Edition. This is the core training that ensures your success with Salesforce. The class
will focus on the features and tools needed to manage Salesforce Professional
Edition implementation.
Comprehensive and hands-on, this course is for administrators who are ready to
significantly ramp up their skills and knowledge about using Salesforce to solve their
most pressing business needs. Using real-world scenarios, Administration Essentials
for Experienced Admins covers topics such as extending Salesforce with custom
objects and apps, generating complex reports and dashboards, and automating
complex business processes to help you work more efficiently and get more out of
This course is a must for anyone responsible for using analytics to drive business
results in a sales organization. Implementing a Reporting Strategy for the Sales
Cloud provides you with the skills and knowledge you need to gather for analytics
requirements, design and build custom reports and dashboards, and deploy them
to your users. Using real-world scenarios, this course gives you the tools to analyze
your key sales metrics, including lead generation, pipeline and trends, closed
business, and sales team performance.
This comprehensive hands-on course is a must for new application developers who
want to create custom applications or customize existing Salesforce
applications. Participants will learn how to use the declarative “clicks not code”
capabilities of the platform to create new applications, and Visualforce
pages and components to create custom interfaces.
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
2 Days
Additional Solutions
Virtual Class
On request
4 Days
Additional Solutions
Virtual Class
17 - 20 May
3 Days
2 175 € HTVA
DEV401 - Building Applications with
Lunch & Book included
2 900 € HTVA
STR301 - Implementing a Reporting Strategy for the Sales Cloud
Lunch & Book included
Virtual Class
01 - 05 February
18 - 22 April
04 - 08 July
800 € HTVA
ADM211 - Administration Essentials for Experienced Admins
Lunch, Book & Certification included /FR/UK
Additional Solutions
3 625 € HTVA
ADM202 - Administration Essentials for New Admins: Professional
Lunch, Book & Certification included /FR/UK
5 Days
2 900 € HTVA
5 Days
Additional Solutions
Virtual Class
On Request
DEV501 - Apex & Visual force Controllers
This comprehensive, hands-on course is perfect for developers who want a deep
dive into using Apex to build, extend, and deploy Salesforce applications on the platform. This course also covers Visualforce controllers, which allow
developers to specify what happens when a user interacts with the components
specified in associated Visualforce markup.
Lunch & Book included
5 Days
On request
3 625 € HTVA
VmWare 6 - Install, Configure and Manage
Formation intensive autour de l’installation de la configuration et du management
de VMware vSphere 6, incluant ESXI 6 et vCenter Server 6. Cette formation vous
donnera une solide compréhension d’administration d’une infrastructure vSphere,
quel que soit sa taille.
Lunch, Book & Certification included /FR/UK
Cette formation permet d’acquérir les compétences et connaissances nécessaires
sur la suite de produits VMware Horizon View : VMware View Manager, VMware
View Composer et VMware ThinApp. Cette formation est basée sur Horizon View 6
et ThinApp 4.7.
4 Days
07 - 11 March
3 120 € HTVA
VmWare - What’s News v5.5 to V6
Cette formation vous permettra d’explorer les nouvelles fonctionnalités et
améliorations de vCenter Server 6 et ESXI 6. Afin d’acquérir les compétences
pour implémenter vSphere 6, vous travaillerez sur des scénarii et des exercices en
environnement lab.
Lunch & Book included
08 - 12 February
09 - 13 May
26 - 30 September
21 - 25 November
3 295 € HTVA
Horizon View - Install, Configure, Manage [V6.0]
Lunch & Book included /FR/UK
5 Days
2 Days
On Request
1 850 € HTVA
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
CXD-300 - Deploying App and Desktop Solutions with XenApp
and XenDesktop 7.6
This course provides students with the skills required to successfully deploy a
complete Citrix hosted application and desktop virtualization solution in a Windows
Server 2012 environment.
Lunch & Book included
During this course, students will learn how to successfully manage, monitor,
support and troubleshoot a XenDesktop 7 solution, which includes growing the
implementation to accommodate changes in the environment (adding new
applications, new users, new desktops, and new policies) and troubleshooting
common issues.
In this course students will learn how to optimize an environment to deliver a great
user experience. Starting with user device and Citrix Receiver, the course covers
advanced configuration options to optimize the delivery of their apps and desktops.
This course is based on the Citrix NetScaler 11 product, but the skills and fundamental
concepts learned are common to earlier product versions. An optional module on
NetScaler SDX appliances is included with reinforcement simulation exercises.
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
08 - 12 February
16 - 20 May
13 - 17 June
2 Days
21 - 22 March
02 - 03 May
06 - 07 June
1 295 € HTVA
CNS-205 - Citrix NetScaler 11.0 Essentials & Networking
Lunch & Books & Certif
5 Days
2 395 € HTVA
CXD-301 - XenApp and XenDesktop Advanced Concepts Optimizing the End User Experience
Lunch & Book included
07 - 11 March
18 - 22 April
23 - 27 May
2 395 € HTVA
CXD-203 - Managing App and Desktop Solutions with Citrix
XenApp and XenDesktop 7.6
Lunch & Book included
5 Days
2 495 € HTVA
5 Days
21 - 25 March
09 - 13 May
Security & information technology & service management
Certified ISO27001 Lead Implementer
This five-day intensive course enables participants to develop the necessary expertise
to support an organization in implementing and managing an Information Security
Management System (ISMS) based on ISO/IEC 27001:2013. Participants will also gain
a thorough understanding of best practices used to implement information security
controls from all areas of ISO 27002.
Lunch & Book included
This 5 days course will prepare for the CISSP® exam Certified Information Systems
Security Professional, covering the entire CBK (Common Body of Knowledge) as
defined by (ISC)2®. The CISSP certification is recognized worldwide.
The vendor-neutral CISSP certification is the ideal credential for those with proven
deep technical and managerial competence, skills, experience, and credibility to
design, engineer, implement, and manage their overal information security program
to protect organizations from growing sophisticated attacks.
In this three-day intensive course participants develop the competence to master
the basic risk management elements related to all assets of relevance for information
security using the ISO/IEC 27005:2011 standard as a reference framework. Based on
practical exercises and case studies, participants acquire the necessary knowledge
and skills to perform an optimal information security risk assessment and manage
risks in time by being familiar with their life cycle.
5 Days
11 - 15 April
3 Days
Additional Solutions
25 - 27 April
1 800 € HTVA
Certified ISO27001 Lead Auditor
This five-day intensive course enables participants to develop the necessary expertise
to audit an Information Security Management System (ISMS) and to manage a
team of auditors by applying widely recognized audit principles, procedures and
techniques. During this training, the participant will acquire the necessary knowledge
and skills to proficiently plan and perform internal and external audits in compliance
with ISO 19011 the certification process according to ISO 17021.
Lunch & Book included
22 - 26 February
12 - 16 September
12 - 16 December
2 995 € HTVA
Certified ISO27005 Lead Risk Manager
Lunch & Book included
Additional Solutions
2 500 € HTVA
CISSP (Certified Information Security Systems Professional)
Lunch & Book included
5 Days
5 Days
Additional Solutions
14 - 18 November
2 500 € HTVA
Certified ISO20000 Lead Implementer
This five-day intensive course enables participants to develop the necessary
expertise to support an organization in implementing and managing an IT Service
Management System as specified in ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011. Also, the participant will
gain a thorough understanding of best practices for planning and implementing
IT Service Management processes starting from the six fields of ISO 20000,planning
and implementing new and changed services, service delivery process, relationship
management processes, problem resolution process, control processes and release
Lunch & Book included
5 Days
Additional Solutions
25 March au
01 April
2 500 € HTVA
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
project & it management
ITIL Foundation V2011
By the end of this training, you will have assimilated the full ITIL® structure, philosophy
and terminology and you will be aware of the importance of value creation when
offering and delivering IT services to the customer.
Lunch, Book & Certification included
The ITIL® Practitioner certification offers practical guidance on how to adopt and
adapt the ITIL framework to support your business' objectives. It is the next step
after ITIL Foundation for professionals who have already learned the basics of IT
Service Management (ITSM) and the business value of well-designed and delivered
services. Where ITIL Foundation focuses on the 'what' and the 'why', ITIL Practitioner
shows 'how' to start adopting and adapting the ITIL framework within day-to-day
situations and responsibilities, giving individuals more confidence in their ability to
structure and contribute to ITSM initiatives. ITIL Practitioner does not replace any of
the existing ITIL qualifications.”
17 - 19 February (FR)
13 - 15 February (UK)
30/05 - 01/06 (NL)
23 - 25 November (UK)
1 190 € HTVA
ITIL Practionner
Lunch, Book & Certification included
3 Days
3 Days
07 - 09 March
22 au 24 June
12 - 14 October
28 - 30 November (FR)
05 - 07 December
1 350 € HTVA
COBIT 5 Foundation
COBIT® 5 Foundation course is an interactive, classroom-based learning experience.
Participants learn about the need for an IT governance framework and how COBIT
addresses this need by providing the latest insights into enterprise-wide governance
of IT. This course explains the elements and supporting materials of the COBIT
framework, using a logical and example-driven approach for anyone interested in
obtaining COBIT foundation level knowledge.
Lunch & Book
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
1 350 € HTVA
3 Days
21 - 23 March
06 - 08 June
03 - 05 October
07 - 11 November (FR)
14 - 16 December
09 - 11 May (FR)
21- 23 September
| Project & IT Management Training
project & it management
Prince2 Foundation
By the end of the training you will understand your and other stakeholder’s roles and
responsibilities in a PRINCE2® project, which will set expectations correctly. You will
understand the philosophy of PRINCE2®, so that you will know what is essential for a
project to be successful and how to manage those essential elements.
Lunch, Book & Certification included
After the training, you will have acquired a thorough understanding of the 7 PRINCE2®
principles and in depth knowledge of the themes, the processes and all proposed
management products. You will be able to use the provided ‘Managing Successful
Project’s with PRINCE2®’ manual as a reference in your day to day project work. You
will have learned how to tailor PRINCE2® to any specific project.
The PRINCE2® FastTrack is a unique combination of the PRINCE2® Foundation and
the PRINCE2® Practitioner course.
5 days of training to get certified on Foundation and Practitioner level.
one day training session to bring you up to date and help you to prepare for the re-registration examination. During this day the trainer will explain the differences between
v2005 and v2009 and do a specific exam preparation, based on sample papers.
3 Days
22 - 24 February (NL)
14 - 16 March (UK)
18 - 20 May (UK)
22 - 24 Feburary (FR)
11 - 13 April (FR)
13 - 15 June (FR)
24 - 26 October
5 Days
04 - 08 July (UK)
11 - 15 July (FR)
22 - 26 August (UK)
22 - 26 August (FR)
2 100 € HTVA
PRINCE2® Re-Register
Lunch, Book & Certification included
27 - 29 January (FR)
18 - 20 May (FR)
28 - 30 September
23 - 25 November
1 450 € HTVA
PRINCE2® Fast Track
Lunch, Book & Certification included
01 - 03 February (NL)
17 - 19 February (UK)
09 - 11 March (FR)
25 - 27 April (UK)
08 - 10 June (NL)
21 - 23 September (UK)
1 090 € HTVA
PRINCE2® Practionner
Lunch, Book & Certification included
3 Days
1 Day
On Request
550 € HTVA
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
project & it management
Agile PM Foundation
Agile Project Management is a specific training in project management. It is
addressed to all stakeholders of a project. In an Agile project, business and
development teams are working together to develop, at a time fixed in advance, a
solution that corresponds to the real needs of the business at the time of delivery. It is
therefore essential that all stakeholders understand the philosophy of the approach
and the role they will play in the project.
Lunch & Book
The Agile Project Management™ (AgilePM®) certification aims to address the needs
of those working in a project-focused environment who want to be Agile. Our 2-day
course is designed to help students develop both the know-ledge and skills required
to work on an Agile project. By passing the exam, participants will receive an Agile
Project Management Practitioner certificate.
This course helps experienced PRINCE2® Practitioners and/or experienced Agile
Practitioners get insight in how the PRINCE2® governance model can be applied
to Agile environments. By taking this course, experienced PRINCE2® practitioners
develop management controls for agile development, while experienced agile
practitioners understand PRINCE2® governance requirements.
14 - 15 November
2 Days
15 - 16 February (FR)
21 - 22 November
07 - 08 March (NL)
09 - 10 June (UK)
18 - 19 September (UK)
12 - 13 December (UK)
1 150 € HTVA
PRINCE2® Agile
Lunch & Book
04 - 05 February (FR)
29/02 - 01/03 (NL)
01 - 02 June (UK)
12-13 September (UK)
1 050 € HTVA
Agile PM Practionner
Lunch & Book
2 Days
3 Days
23 - 25 May
05 - 07 October
28 - 30 November
1 950 € HTVA
ScrumMaster Fundamentals
The ScrumMaster Fundamentals Workshop is the perfect introduction to Scrum/
Agile for anyone new to the framework or for those having a basic knowledge.
This workshop will lay the foundation for an effective Scrum team and will provide
participants with the knowledge and understanding of the fundamental Scrum
principles and practices.
Lunch & Book
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
1 050 € HTVA
2 Days
23 - 25 May (NL)
06 - 07 June (UK)
17 - 18 November
21 - 22 April (FR)
15 - 16 September
| Project & IT Management Training
project & it management
Scrum Product Owner Training
This training is highly interactive and designed to accelerate your success in Scrum.
The Product owner is a key member of the Scrum team who is responsible for the ROI
of the team’s efforts by determining what the team builds.
At the end of this training you will leave inspired and empowered to drive lasting
improvements in the way your organization builds software.
Lunch & Book
The TOGAF 9.1 Foundation - Level 1 course is given in English in Brussels and takes
2 days. The course covers the Foundation Level 1 curriculum and includes many
examples of architecture deliverable and artifacts are provided throughout
the course. Our courses prepare for taking the Open Group TOGAF 9.1 Level 2
examination. Our TOGAF 9.1 Certified course ensure proper implementation and
higher results.
This three-day accredited course is a preparation for the exam “Foundation
Certificate in Software Testing” and meets the requirements as set by ISTQB. The
course covers the testing principles and standards, test management, test phasing,
reviews and inspections and a large number of testing techniques for both
white-box & black-box tests and test tools.
a. This course (2 days) provides testers and test managers with an understanding of
the fundamentals of testing on agile projects. Attendees will learn how agile software
development projects are organized, and the various types of agile development
practices in common use. They will understand how agile development differs
from traditional approaches, how to position testers in an agile organization, the
fundamental agile testing principles, practices, and processes, and the skills they’ll
need to excel in an agile environment.
15 - 16 February
19 - 20 May
20 - 21 October
08 - 09 December
3 Days
24 - 26 February
25 - 27 May
24 - 26 October
14 - 16 December
3 Days
18 - 20 April
26 - 28 September
19 - 21 December
12 - 14 October
1 350 € HTVA
« ISTQB Agile tester »
Lunch & Book
2 Days
1 150 € HTVA
1 550 € HTVA
ISTQB Foundation
Lunch & Book
24 - 25 March (UK)
27 - 28 October (UK)
1 150 € HTVA
TOGAF Foundation & Practionner
Lunch, Book & Certification included
2 Days
2 Days
10 - 11 March
16 - 17 June
01 - 02 November
1 350 € HTVA
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
microsoft office
O365 End-User
This course is to make a fluent transition to Office 365. This course permit to can log
into Office365 and manage your profile. This course will learn to connect you to the
various web apps of Office365.
But also, store and manage your files online, understanding the rules for efficient
mail mnagement.
The content provided here is aimed at an Office 2010 user (the most common
version in Belgium at the end of 2015); it therefore includes a "double upgrade": 2/3
of new items explained in this program appeared with Office 2013; the last third is
specific to Office 2016.We propose, by browsing this double evolution, a consistent
(and hopefully) exciting one-day program...
In this training, you will learn how to create, format and print basic spreadsheets,
and how to illustrate them with charts. Absolute and relative references ($ sign in a
formula) belong to the most requested tools.
In this training, you will learn how to manage a database (sorting, basic and
advanced filtering), PivotTables, and structuring a workbook. Range Names, working
with several sheets and different workbooks will be key chapters. “Format as Table”
goes far beyond a layout tool, but is a must for data management.
You will learn how to make your tables, among others your databases, more clear
and user-friendly thanks to the Data Validation and Conditional Formatting tool.
Then, you will discover all the possibilities of the macro recorder, excellent tool
in order to automate your work…provided that you use it properly. Using logical
functions (If, And, Or, VLookup) is not complicated, as long as you do not start
nesting functions. Our method will minimize the risk of typing and syntax errors.
1 Day
03/02 - 17/02 - 03/03 - 16/03 - 13/04
27/04 - 19/05 - 08/06 - 29/06 - 13/07
03/08 - 07/09 - 21/09 - 05/10 - 19/10
03/11 - 16/11 - 30/11 - 14/12
1 Day
04/02 - 18/02 - 04/03 - 17/03 - 14/04
28/04 - 20/05 - 09/06 - 30/06 - 14/07
04/08 - 08/09 - 22/09 - 06/10 - 20/10
04/11 - 17/11 - 31/11 - 15/12
450 € HTVA/participant
600 € HTVA/groupe
Excel Advanced - Advanced Tools, nested function, automation
(macros), simulation and optimization
02/02 - 16/02 - 02/03 - 15/03 - 12/04
26/04 - 18/05 - 07/06 - 28/06 - 12/07
02/08 - 06/09 - 20/09 - 04/10 - 18/10
02/11 - 15/11 - 29/11 - 13/12
450 € HTVA/participant
600 € HTVA/groupe
Excel Intermediate - Structuring a Workbook, database and
1 Day
450 € HTVA/participant
600 € HTVA/groupe
Excel Basic - Tables, Formula, formating and charts
01/02 - 15/02 - 01/03 - 14/03 - 11/04
25/04 - 17/05 - 06/06 - 27/06 - 11/07
01/08 - 05/09 - 19/09 - 03/10 -17/10
31/10 - 14/11 - 28/11 - 12/12
450 € HTVA/participant
600 € HTVA/groupe
Upgrade Office 2016 (From 2010/2013)
1 Day
450 € HTVA/participant
600 € HTVA/groupe
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
1 Day
05/02 - 19/02 - 18/03 - 15/04 - 29/04
23/05 - 10/06 - 31/06 - 15/07 - 05/08
09/09 - 23/09 - 07/10 - 21/10 - 07/11
18/11 - 01/12 - 16/12
| End Users Training
microsoft office
Word Basic - Creating, formatting and printing a document
Consequently, the objective of this course is to build a solid foundation by learning
a multitude of good practice and interesting shortcuts.
1 Day
08/02 - 22/02 - 07/03 - 21/03 - 18/04
09/05 - 24/05 - 13/06 - 25/07 - 08/08
12/09 - 26/09 - 10/10 - 24/10 - 14/11
21/11 - 05/12 - 19/12
450 € HTVA/participant
600 € HTVA/groupe
Word: Advanced - Long, complex and automated files
Being able to create long complex documents including tables, sections, styles,
templates, forms, table of contents and cross-references requires a thorough
learning of Word 2013. Sending mass mail (mail) and the discovery of graphical tools
clever (Screenshots, SmartArt ...) will complete a multi-faceted training.
“Manage your e-mail before it manages you”. This is the main purpose of this
training! This course is not aimed at learning a maximum number of tools, but also at
using them the best possible way. For every tool we learn, there will be a discussion
about the good use of it. At the end of this training, participants will have discovered
a lot of messaging tools, but will also be able to manage a calendar or a task, to
archive properly, and this in a user-friendly and tailored workspace.
At the end of this course you will have acquired the skills necessary to create
professional presentations and pleasing to the appearance using Microsoft
PowerPoint 2013. This course is intended for users who want to create PowerPoint
Templates (templates), the slides with special effects, and execute different types
of slide shows (slide shows). It will be particularly focused on best practices to make
effective presentations and consistent with the objective of the speaker.
Participants will learn all the main Access basics: creating and updating a database,
making tables, queries, forms, and reports. They will learn why and how it is necessary
to split tables and why to link tables.
Participants will learn how to import and export data, create complex queries, edit
forms and reports. They will use macros to automate the process. A main menu
(Switchboard) will make the database easy to Access for users without any Access
1 Day
11/02 - 25/02 - 10/03 - 24/03 - 21/04
12/05 - 27/05 - 16/06 - 28/07 - 11/08
15/09 - 29/09 - 13/10 - 27/10 - 17/11
24/11 - 08/12 - 22/12
1 Day
12/02 - 26/02 - 11/03 - 25/03 - 22/04
13/05 - 30/05 - 17/06 - 29/07 - 12/08
16/09 - 30/09 - 14/10 - 28/10 - 18/11
25/11 - 09/12 - 23/12
450 € HTVA/participant
600 € HTVA/groupe
Access Advanced - Making an automated, informative and
user-friendly database
10/02 - 24/02 - 09/03 - 23/03 - 20/04
11/05 - 26/05 - 15/06 - 27/07 - 10/08
14/09 - 28/09 - 12/10 - 26/10 - 16/11
23/11 - 07/12 - 21/12
450 € HTVA/participant
600 € HTVA/groupe
Access Basic - Creating and using a relational database
1 Day
450 € HTVA/participant
600 € HTVA/groupe
PowerPoint - Slides, Master, Themes, Printing and Slide Show
09/02 - 23/02 - 08/03 - 22/03 - 19/04
10/05 - 25/05 - 14/06 - 26/07 - 09/08
13/09 - 27/09 - 11/10 - 25/10 - 15/11
22/11 - 06/12 - 20/12
450 € HTVA/participant
600 € HTVA/groupe
Outlook - E-mail, Calendar and Other Tools
1 Day
2 Days
15 -16/02 - 18 -19/04 - 13 -14/06
12 -13/09 - 14-15/11
850 € HTVA/participant
1 200 € HTVA/groupe
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
microsoft office
Dédicacé aux utilisateurs finaux qui utilise régulièrement Excel, Word, PowerPoint etc…et qui
patauge dans l’une ou l’autre manipulation. Nos Short Training MS Office sont pour ceux qui
maitrise globalement les logiciels et qui n’ont pas envie de suivre une journée entière pour
un seul chapitre.
Notre solution ? Une formation de courte durée (2 à 3 heures) sur LE SUJET qui vous interpelle.
Word : structurer, illustrer et vérifier un long document
3 heures
Word : documents automatisés
2 heures
Outlook : gérer votre courriel avec efficacité
Outlook : gérer votre calendrier et nettoyer votre boîte Mail
Outlook : bonnes pratiques
3 heures
PowerPoint : les bases pour concevoir une présentation
3 heures
PowerPoint : créer des présentations attrayantes
2 heures
Excel : retour à l’essentiel + bons tuyaux
3 heures
Excel : maîtriser les bases de données
2 heures
Excel : fonctions logiques, de date et heure et textuelles
Excel : simulation, optimisation et modèles
3 heures
Excel : macros et formulaires : travailler plus efficacement
2 heures
Access : comprendre une base de données relationnelle
3 heures
Access : comprendre et maîtriser les requêtes (queries)
3 heures
2 heures : 159 € HTVA
2h30 : 189 € HTVA
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
3heures : 209 € HTVA
| End Users Training
Twitter pour le business
Cette formation vous permettra de comprendre pourquoi plus de 200 millions de
personnes utilisent déjà Twitter et comment Twitter vous sera utile pour développer
vos affaires. Lors de cette formation, vous apprendrez : le vocabulaire de base de
Twitter, vous découvrirez comment créer votre profil et ensuite comment mettre
votre Twitter à jour pour y être trouvé !
Vous souhaitez présenter votre meilleur profil en ligne ? Vous souhaitez élargir votre
réseau professionnel ou développer vos activités grâce à LinkedIn?
Cette formation basée sur la pratique vous fera découvrir comment optimiser votre
profil et utiliser toutes les possibilités offertes par Linkedin.
Google+ n'est pas un réseau social comme les autres. Il mérite que vous preniez le
temps de le découvrir pour développer une communication d'entreprise aboutie.
En concevant votre page professionnelle, vous verrez comment tirer profit de ce
réseau social qui offre grâce à ses puissants outils une communication professionnelle
efficace auprès de tous les internautes. Votre activité sur Google+ aura aussi une
impacte sur le référencement naturelle de votre site Internet.
Venez simplifiez votre marketing Web avec le numéro 1 des plateformes
professionnelles de gestion des réseaux sociaux ! Etes-vous aussi à la recherche
d’un outil pour centraliser la gestion de vos campagnes en ligne ? Venez découvrir
comment gagner un temps précieux avec Hootsuite. Surveillance, publication,
centralisation, automatisation, etc. Toutes les tâches de votre e-marketing et de
votre veille thématique sur les réseaux sociaux avec un outil de gestion gratuit.
Venez apprendre à créer, gérer vos pages Facebook de façon professionnelle,
publier des visuels attractifs et convaincants qui mènent à l’action. Vous apprendrez
aussi à utiliser le moteur de recherche Facebook pour trouver vos opportunités
d’affaires comme un pro et générer plus de leads.
1 Day
23 February
26 April
21 June
13 September
15 November
1 Day
22 March
24 May
26 July
25 October
13 December
980 € HTVA
Facebook For Business
21 March
23 May
25 July
24 October
12 December
980 € HTVA
Réseaux sociaux : Gagnez du temps avec Hootsuite !
1 Day
980 € HTVA
Google pLUS pour le business
22 February
25 April
20 June
12 September
14 November
980 € HTVA
Développez votre business et votre réseau professionnel grâce à
1 Day
1 Day
24 February
27 April
22 June
14 September
16 November
980 € HTVA
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
LinkedIn & Twitter - Le cocktail gagnant de votre visibilité B2B
Comment établir votre communication web vers les entreprises afin de favoriser
votre visibilité et votre e-notoriété ? Deux réseaux professionnels majeurs peuvent
vous y aider ! Rejoignez-nous dans cette formation pratique qui va booster votre
visibilité professionnelle et apprenez à rebondir entre ces deux communautés web
afin de trouver de nouvelles opportunités d’affaires.
Linkedin®, 3ième réseau mondial, 1ier réseau business to business est la plateforme
de réseautage professionnel par excellence! Vous souhaitez élargir votre réseau
professionnel ou développer vos activités grâce à LinkedIn® ?
Cette formation LinkedIn®, basée sur la pratique, vous guidera en répondant aux
questions essentielles.
Vous souhaitez réussir votre prochaine campagne web marketing ? Ou simplement
créer ou améliorer votre Newsletter ?
Venez découvrir les multiples facettes de la création d’une newsletter en abordant
les techniques de web marketing et d’anti-spam, et vous concevrez et réaliserez
une newsletter au format HTML.
Vous êtes consultant(e), indépendant(e) ou freelance. Vous avez conscience
qu’une des meilleures façons pour établir votre expertise et votre e-notoriété est la
création d’un blog.
Rejoignez-nous dans cette formation pratique qui vous guidera pas à pas dans
la création d’un blog sous Wordpress au design professionnel et directement
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
25 February
28 April
23 June
15 September
17 November
1 Day
24 March
26 May
28 July
27 October
15 December
980 € HTVA
Comment créer son blog professionnel sous Wordpress ?
1 Day
980 € HTVA
Comment rendre votre newsletter plus efficace?
23 March
25 May
27 July
26 October
14 December
980 € HTVA
Découvrez les 1001 facettes de LinkedIn®!
1 Day
980 € HTVA
1 Day
26 February
29 April
24 June
16 September
18 November
| End Users Training
Illustrator CC - Initiation
Roundpeg's Adobe Illustrator Essential Training course will teach you the
fundamentals of how to use Illustrator to create shapes, work with artboards, layers
and objects. Learn precise drawing techniques with the very powerful pen tool,
which will enable you to draw virtually any shape with your mouse. Students will also
learn about patterns, textures, masks and much more.
Our Adobe Illustrator Advanced Training course will teach you advanced illustration
design techniques. Lessons include, Logo Design Techniques, Seamless Repeating
Pattern Creation, Converting Images to Vector Artwork and much more. Whether
you are wanting to become an Adobe Certified Expert or just and Adobe Illustrator
master, this class is for you.
Our Adobe Photoshop Essential Training course will teach the basics of the world’s
most popular photo editing program. You will retouch digital photos, work with
layers, create layer masks, navigate the workspace, prepare images for print and
explore the interface. See how to correct and enhance digital photos, merge
photos for a panoramic, transform images in perspective and prepare images for
print, web or devices.
Our Adobe InDesign Essential Training course will teach you the basics of how to
build documents, brochures, letterhead, business cards, proposals, newsletters and
much more. We will start with creating a blank page, placing text, placing images,
creating text wrap (so the type flows around the image), and finish with outputting
your file
Our Adobe InDesign Training Advanced will hone the skills of the mid-level InDesign
developer. It moves your knowledge of Adobe InDesign to a more advanced level
with development of advanced text and object styles. Advanced typography.
Long-document features are also a part of this class. This Adobe InDesign Training
Advanced class is project-based and students are encouraged to bring in current
work in need of fine-tuning.
Our Adobe Dreamweaver Essential Training course will teach you how to build
intuitive, attractive and accessible websites. Learn how to define sites, format text
using cascading style sheets, create and format tables, create templates, nest
templates, use libraries, create and work with online forms, create and use frames,
create Navigation Bars, disjointed rollovers, create animations using the Timeline,
and even FTP your completed files to your Web host.
On request
3 Days
On request
2 Days
On request
1 100 € HTVA
3 Days
1 250 € HTVA
Indesign CC - Avancé
On request
1 250 € HTVA
Indesign CC - Initiation
2 Days
1 100 € HTVA
Photoshop - Initiation
On request
1 250 € HTVA
Illustrator CC - Avancé
3 Days
3 Days
On request
1 250 € HTVA
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
Management & dévelopement personnel
Communiquer en équipe
Améliorer votre performance en développant votre capacité à interagir
3 400 € HTVA
S'adapter à ses interlocuteurs
Augmenter votre impact en développant votre capacité à vous adapter à la
personnalité de vos interlocuteurs.
½ coaching Day
2 Days
1 Day
2 800 € HTVA
Communiquer dans le cadre d'un projet
1 Day
Présenter avec impact
1 Day
Faire de votre projet un succès en communiquant efficacement avec l’ensemble
des acteurs.
Augmenter l’impact de votre message sur votre audience en maitrisant les
techniques de prise de parole en public.
1 coaching Day
2 800 € HTVA
3 400 € HTVA
Négocier pour un OUI
Quitter la table des négociations avec le meilleur résultat possible en développant
vos compétences et vos techniques de négociation.
3 400 € HTVA
Vendre avec passion
Booster vos ventes par une meilleure compréhension du processus de vente
et l’adoption d’une attitude gagnante.
Maximaliser vos ventes en pilotant efficacement vos forces de vente vers
l’excellence opérationnelle.
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
2 Days
3 400 € HTVA
Sales Force Effectiveness
2 Days
3 400 € HTVA
2 Days
| End Users Management Training
Management & dévelopement personnel
Manager et mener son équipe au succès
2 Days
Booster vos résultats en conduisant votre équipe à l’excellence.
3 400 € HTVA
Gérer les conflits
Transformer un conflit en situation Win Win par l’adoption d’une attitude
responsable et active.
1 700 € HTVA
Décider et Créer des Options
Augmenter sa performance en optimisant la qualité et la rapidité de ses décisions.
1 Day
1 Day
1 700 € HTVA
Session uniquement disponible en Intra-entreprise pour des groupes de maximum 12 personnes
3 rendez-vous de 2 heures
• Bilan Intermédiaire
• Briefing
• Débriefing Final
& rendez-vous en Face to Face (3 heures)
Coaching Day
4 800 € HTVA
Conférence sur le sujet de votre choix
• Entre 1 et 3 heures de conférence
1 100 € HTVA
[email protected] • • 02/389.14.70
• By email at [email protected]
Which step after your registration?
• Online on and upload
our registration form
We confim your registration by email, 10 days before
the training, you’ll receive a confirmation letter with all
practical information.
• Phone: 02/389.14.70
The training
Our Training Centers are located
The course start at +/- 09.00 AM and finish at +/- 5.00PM.
The training center is open at 08.30 AM.
Brussel – 120 chaussée de la Hulpe. Easy to reach by
public Transport (Tram) or by car (Parking facilities
around our building)
Wallonie – Avenue du Japon 1, Braine L’Alleud. Easy
to reach by highway, the building is located just
outside the ring
Change or Cancellation Policy
Both Vision OnePoint and the customer are authorized to cancel a training session more than 10 business days prior to
the starting date without any compensation or additional charge.
If the customer cancels enrollment less than 10 business days prior to the starting date of the training session, 50% of the
rate shall be immediately due by the customer and payable to Vision.
If cancellation occurs less than 5 business days prior to the starting date, the full rate shall be due and payable.
Notification of cancellation will be exclusively by email or telephone. The notification is deemed to take place
respectively three days after the date of the email or telephone call. No other type of notification will be accepted.
The customer automatically these specific conditions after acknowledging receipt.
Our news
Vision OnePoint deliver high quality course. If you
meet an issue during a session, you must inform our
sales contact or the Training Manager by email as
soon as possible and in the first days of the training.
A compensation will be granted.
If you want to be inform by our news or our actions.
Please send an email with the subject wanted
at [email protected]
Portfolio (PDF or Printed version)
New training proposition
Vision OnePoint
Chaussée de la Hulpe 120
1000 Bruxelles
Tel : +32 (0)2 389 14 70
Avenue du Japon 1
1420 Braine-l’Alleud
Nachtegaalstraat 8W3
9240 Zele
Tel : +32 (0)9 349 20 14

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