Resumes 1 Abstracts


Resumes 1 Abstracts
Resumes 1 Abstracts
lt\TERVEN"c;:Ao SociAL, 30, 2004: 259-266
Social Politics and Young
in Social Disadvantage
La politique sociale et les jeunes
dans desavantage social
The essay is meant to contribute to a
reflection on a social policy model, which
stands defending an inregrated perspective.
On one hand, the idea is based on the
empirical assertion of innumerable gaps
and social policies' inability to cope; and,
on the other hand, the Social Politics' undeniable potential to articulate policies as
a means of guaranteeing the satisfaction
of human needs and the accomplishment
of well-being.
Cet article pretend apporter sa contribution a la reflexion sur un modele de
politiques sociales basees sur la defense
d'une perspective integree. Cette idee est
basee, d'un cote sur la constatation empiriques des innombrables lacunes ainsi que
de l'incapacite des reponses des Politiques
socialcs, et d 'u n autre cote sur le potentiel
indiscurahlc de la Politique Sociale clans
!'articulation des politiques afin de garantir la satishlction des besoins de l'homme
et une realisation du bicn-etre.
Keywords: Social policies - Human
needs - Basic needs
Social handicaps
(disadvantages)- Life trajectories (paths)
Politiques sociales
Bcsoins de
I'Homme - Basic besoin - Handicap
Social - Trajectoire de vie
Marina Orrico TAVARES
Marina Orrico TAVARES
"What kind of rights for the
citizen with less resources?
- The right of information
and the municipal social pratice"
"Droits pour les moins favorisees?
- Le droit d'information
et la pratique du service social
The paper intents to analyse the citizen's right of information, concerning the
person with less resources that search the
social services, for support. In fact, the
lack of capacities of this kind of public
enforces the responsibility of the social
Avec cet artice j'ai voulu refleter sur la
droit d'information qu'assistc au citoycn,
en ce qui concerne lequelles qu' ont
moins capacites sociales pour pratiquer
leur citoyennete. Cet situation renforce la
responsabilite du travailleur sociale, done
lnrerven<;ao Social
worker in clarifing the information's
access and the transparency of the Public
Administration, in a citizenship's perspective.
il doit aider les citoyens a rechercher ['information necessaire, clans une contexte
d'une Administration Publique transparent.
Questions about social pratices
near young people
Questions au sujet de pratices
social pres des jeunes
This text wants to be a reflection and
a debate document in the space of social
service professional intervention.
Along the work we want to put in
question the social practices from institutional position to community services
intervention and professional educators.
Identify the public network and social
solidarity potentialities protecting the
child and promoting their social wclEu-e.
Present methodical propositions for a
professional intervention and social-·services bases on models and technologies
of technique-science methods.
Ce texte veut etre une reflexion et un document de discussion clans l'espace de ['interposition professionnel du service social.
Au long du texte nous voulons mettre
en question les pratiques sociales depuis la
position institutionnelle a ['interposition
des services sociaux et des professionnels.
Idemifiez les potentialites du reseau
public et la solidarite sociale clans la protection a !'enfant et promotion de leur
bien-etre social.
Presentez les propositions methodiques
pour une interposition professionnelle
des services sociaux bases aux modeles et
techniques de sujet technique/ sciemifique.
Youthful Social exclusion in
Portugal: tracks for a reflection
Exclusion sociale jeune au
Portugal: voies pour une n!flexion
The present article seeks to reflect
upon youth social exclusion in Portugal
departing from a theoretical discussion
on the significallt concepts. Youth social
exclusion will be presented as a multidimensional phenomena, in which it is
possible to identify and intertwine old
and new problematic. In the end, an at-
Cet article reflechit sur l 'exclusion social des jeunes au Portugal, demarre d'une
debat theorique des concepts present.
Lexclusion social des jeunes est presente comme un phenomene multidimensionnel ou se ferme et se broche des
vieux et nouvelle problematisations. A la
fin, on place quelques points d'analyse de
30, 2004
Resumes I Abstracts
tempt to analyse some of the features of
the social intervention is developed in order to put forward some clues for its own
re-conception. To conclude, it is argued
that the process of changing in modern
society might be regarded as an opportunity for the standing of Social Work as
a field of social policy conception and as
a privileged profession to meet the actual
needs of citizens.
!'intervention et on donne les traces pour
la repenser. On conclue que le transformation des societes d'aujourd'hui peux
constitue une opportunite pour le Service Social se reaffirme comme champ
de conception des politiques sociaux et
comme profession privilegie de reponse
aux necessites des citoyens.
Of the Social Disorganization to
[Not] Integration- Immigrant of
East Without Shelter in the City
of Lisbon
De la desorganisation sociale
[pas] a l'integration - immigre
d'est sans abri dans la ville de
The presence of Eastern European
immigration is a recent trend in Portugal with especificities in social exclusion
processes, namely signs of vulnerability
and extreme situations - homelessness.
The conditions at the departure and at
the arrival of the migration project were
analysed, the results indicating that the
combinations of both socioeconomic
framework at the country of origin and
structural factors at the chosen destination lead to the development of social
exclusion situations.
Author keywords: lmmigation, Social exclusion, Homeless, Eastern Europe,
La presence d'immigrants ongmaires
des pays d'Europe de !'Est au Portugal
est un phcnomene recent qui s'est traduit
en signcs de vulnerabilite et en des proces
d'exclusion sociale specifiques, notamment lcs situations extremes - les sansabri. Pour trouver les facteurs qui sont: a
l'origine de ce phenomene, on a essaye de
caractcriscr et analyser lcs conditions au
depart et aussi les conditions a l'arrivee
dans le processus de concretisation du
project migratoire. Cette analyse montre
que !'alliance entre les conditions socioeconomiques au pays d'origine et les conditions structurels au pays d'accueil produit
la vulnerabilite et !'exclusion sociale.
Mots-cle: immigration, exclusion sociale, sans-abri, Europe de !'Est, Portugal
30, 2004
lntervcnl=ao Social
Ana Rosalina MATA, Pedro Humberto
Ana Rosalina MATA, Pedro Humberto
Mobilization and Participation
of the young in danger in street's
project: perceptions and meanings
Mobilisation et participation des
jeunes en danger dans un projet de
rue: perceptions et significations
The intervention with youngsters in
risk situation, in the prevention field is
recent at Portugal, being the Instituto de
Apoio a Crianc;:a, the great instigator, implying the youngsters in the prevention
work and building partnerships with several other institutions.
The article summarises the Investigation Work and is dedicated to the social
intervention with youngsters in risk situation, and the study of their implication
on the process of intervention at lAC
activities in Bairro do Condado (Zona J
- Chelas), their organisation and valuation, for the adaptation according to the
youngsters needs trough there perceptions and meanings that they ascribe to
the social interventions related to them.
L' intervention a la prevention, avec
jeunes en situation de risque c'est recent
en Portugal, etant l'Instituto de Apoio a
Crianc;:a, le grand impulseur, impliquant
les jeunes clans le travail de prevention
et constituant partenaires avec plusieurs
L'article presentes une resume de la
Investigation avant comme object la intervention social avec des jeunes clans la
situation de risque, et I' etude de leur implication sur le prod~s d'intervention aux
acrivitcs du lAC clans le Bairro do Condado (Zona J Chelas), leur organisation
et evaluation, pour la adaptation d'accord
de les necessites des jeunes sur les perceptions et significations qu'ils attribuent a
!'intervention social qu'ils sont vise.
Filomena SousA
Filomena SousA
The Transition for the adult life
but ... What it is to be adult?
Le Transition pendant la vie d'adulte
mais ... Que doit-il etre adulte?
This article refers to the research work
that identifies and characterise the social
representations of what it is to be an adult
in Portuguese society.
The analysis model presented in this
research is based on the representation of
being an adult according to two different
L'article en cause a pour objectif
d' identifier et de caracteriser les representations sociales de qu'cst-ce qu' etre adulte
clans la societe portugaise.
De cette forme, nous presentons
un modele d'analyse qui repose sur la
representation d' etre adulte en accord
avec deux concepts distincts:
Hegemonic representation (prevalent
in Portuguese society) - The adult is a
status attained with the realisation of sta-
Representation hegemonique - L'adu!te
est un statut a atteindre avec !'obtention
de stabilitc clans la vie professionnelle/fiINTERVEN<;:Ao
30, 2004
Resumes I Abstracts
bility in professional, financial and family life. Its base is the static and linear
concept of an adult often promoted by
institutions such as schools and families.
However, it is considered that this is a
representation that does not relate to the
reality of the actual complex, multiple and
destandardised life-course of the young.
Emancipated Representation - Representation that is not anymore presented
as hegemonic but as restricted to some
young adults/adults of the urban uppermiddle/middle classes. It replaces the
negative and static character concept of
an adult, with the adult concept that implies the idea of continuous learning, personal, professional and sentimental autoaccomplishment and according to which
evolution is achieved in accordance with
the complex passages of advances and setbacks (Machado Pais, 2001). The adult
fits into a post-modern model of transition of adult life that can be lived and
represented according to the positive
model of opportunities, possibilities of
choice and experiences, or the negative
model of instability, uncertainty, risk and
marginalization (or in the relation that is
established between these two models).
nanciere et familiale. L'adulte est per<ru
comme statique et sujet a des parcours
lineaires caracteristiques d'un modele traditionnel de transition a la vie adulte.
Representation emancipee - L'adulte
est sujet a un apprentissage continu qui
encourage !'auto-realisation personnelle,
professionnelle et affective et il evolue en
accord avec des parcours complexes de
progres et reculs (Machado Pais, 2001).
L'adulte s'encadre dans un mode!e post
moclerne de transition vers la vie adulte
qui peut erre vecu et represente selon
un modele positif cl'opportunites et de
possibilires de choix et d'experiences ou
bicn !!11 modele negatif cl'instabilite,
d'inccrtitude et de marginalisation.
Marlene Braz Rodrigues LouREN<;:O
Marlene Br;h Rodrigues LouREN<;:o
Victims of Sexual Abuses
- of the individual intervention
to the intervention in net
Victimes des abus sexuels
- de !'interposition individuelle
a!'interposition clans le filet
The author wants to emphasize the
need for reflecting in Portugal the paradigm theoretical and technique/ operative
in contours of sexual abuse to organize an
integral policy to make attention to the
L'auteur veut faire ressortir la necessite de ref!eter au Portugal le paradigme
theorique et technique/operatif dans le
contours de les abuses sexuels pour organiser une politique integral de faire at-
30, 2004
lnterven<;ao Social
victims, their families and the abusers.
For that is urgent to create a space of debate among the various professionals with
experience in the field of sexual abuse to
evolve in the problems that professional
practice places it, and contribute to create
a total network which can pay attention
to various levels of the intervention, and
which seeks to identify, characterize and
analyze the trajectory/ circuit of this public in various areas of the intervention.
tention a les victimes, leurs familles et les
Pour c;:a est urgent creer une espace de
debar parmi les divers professionnels qui
s'entremettre clans le domaine de !'abuse
sexuel, en raison de evaluer (ensemble)
d'entant plus les problemes qui la pratique
professionnelle le place, et contribuer a
creer un reseau global qui peut faire attention adivers niveaux de 1' intervention,
et que cherche identifier, caracteriser et
analyser le parcours/ circuit de ce public
clans les divers reseau de !'intervention.
Ana Maria da Costa OuvEIRA
Ana Maria da Costa OuvEIRA
Techniques in Net: a Challenge
Techniques dans le filet: un defi
With the preset article, I pretend to
reflect above experience, about one technique of wire intervention, which presents
an authenticable potential in the social
intervention. The challenges presented to
the Social Service today, are big, so the
space between theories and practise, the
comprehension and the experience of living, demands shorter distances, through
the constant evaluation of act and a constant reformulation of the way of doing.
The bottom question still remains:
the transformation of society, to become
reality a new attitude is urgent, a new
mentality and humility enough to learn
how to do.
There are many practices that need
to be activated; there are many roles to
define; and many responsibilities to assume and no one can be excluded of the
Avcc cette article, je pretend reflechit,
partie de !'experience sur une technique
d' intervention en filet, qui se presente
comme un'authentique potentiel clans la
Intervention Social. Les defis qui se colloque aujourd'hui a !'intervention social
sont trop grands, partout la distance qui
va la theorie a la practice, de la comprehension a la experience de vie, exige
que la distance erre raccourci en rravers
d'une evaluation constat de faire, et une
reformulation constant de comme le faire.
La principal question qui reste: la
transformation de la societe par se tourner
realite est necessaire une nouvelle attitude, une nouvelle mentalite et humilite
suffisant pou apprendre a faire.
I! y a des pratiques qui ont besoin de
reformulation, il y a des politiques qui
on besoin d'etre active; il y a des roles
pour definir et plus responsabilites par
assume, et quelqu'un peux pas s'exclut de
ces proces.
30, 2004
Resumes I Abstracts
Regina Ferreira
Regina Ferreira
Model of School of Parents for
Parents - Promotion of parental
abilities in the Primary Prevention
of the drugs abuse
Modele d'Ecole de Parents pour
Parents - Promotion de competences
parentales dans la Prevention
Primaire de la toxicomanie
This article is revealing of a matrix
of School of Parents for Parents, experienced in the execution and evaluation of
a project of social intervention directed
to the parents of children and young of
council of Odivelas, with the objective of
development of parental abilities in the
primary prevention of the toxic dependency in particular, and the situations of
risk in the generality: To Act in Share Responsibility (ARESP). Presenting itself as
one project of collective /communitarian
intervention, the ARESP-Odivelas was
materialize by means of relationary strategies of proximity with the formators parents and too much formal and informal
partners of council of Odivelas, having
promoted the active participation of various actors in the execution and evaluation process. The main developed actions
had been organized around a formative
program for parents based at three successive fundamental moments: 1) a first
share of parents formation, for approach
and sensitization the local community
and the publish target, in particular, for
thematic and the dynamics of the Project, presented like parents formation for
training other parents; 2) the pedagogical formation of parents with specific
component of primary prevention of
the toxic dependency, while plain recognized and certified of formators parents;
3) the exercise followed in the context of
the share of pedagogical supervision of
Cet article est revelateur d'une matrice
d 'Ecole de Parents pour Parents, experimente dans !'execution et evaluation de
projet d'intervention sociale dirigee aux
parents d'cnfants et de jeunes de la commune d'Odivelas, avec l'objectif de developper les competences parentales dans
la prevention primaire de la toxicomanic
en particulier, et des situations de risque
dans le general: Agir dans Responsabilite Panagee (ARESP). En se presentant
eo m me un pro jet d 'intervention collective/communautaire, l'ARESP-Odivelas
a ete concretise moyennant des strategies relationnelles de proximite avec lcs
parents des personnes en formation et
autres partenaires formels et informels
de la commune d'Odivelas, promouvant la participation active des plusicurs
acreurs clans le processus d'execution et
I' evaluation. Les principales actions devcloppees se sont organisees autour d'un
programme formatif pour parents soient
basccs au trois moments fondamentaux
successifs: 1) un premieres actions de
formation de parents, pour approche et
sensibilisation de la communaute locale
et du groupe cible, en particulier, pour
la thcmatique et dynamique du Projet,
notamment pour la formation de formateurs d'autres parents; 2) la formation
pedagogique de parents avec composante
specifique de prevention primaire de la
toxicomanie, tant que claire reconnue
et le ccrtificat de parents formateurs;
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lntcrven<;ao Social
programming, execution and evaluation
of formative activities, establish by the
parents who did formation, and directed
for other parents of the same community,
in a logic of participated production of
and for the proper citizens (pairs). The
project ARESP expresses a methodology
of dynamic and relationary intervention
to learn how to learn with other citizens,
sharing the knowledge (of the established
one) and constructing the recognition (in
the direction of collective) of the strategies of social relationship, established in
the nets of proximity relation father-soncommunity, where it processes the construction of the citizen in the sphere of
the affective.
3) I'exercice accompagne dans le contexte
de !'action de surveillance pedagogique de
programmation, d'execution et d'evaluation d'activites formatives, concretisees
par les parents formateurs, pour autres
parents de la meme commune, dans une
logique de production participee et pour
des sujets eux-memes (paires). Le projet
ARESP expres une methodologie d'intervention dynamique et relationnelle pour
apprendre a apprendre avec autres sujets,
partageant la connaissance (de I' etabli) et
en construisant la reconnaissance (dans le
sens du collectifl commun) des strategies
de relations sociales, etabli dans les filets
de relation de proximite parents-fils-communaute, ou se traite la construction du
sujet dans la sphere de l'affectif.

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