Requirements for Mon carnet de voyage:


Requirements for Mon carnet de voyage:
Project: Mon Carnet de Voyage
Français II
Due date: Friday, April 13th, 2012
Requirements for Final Project – (You should also use this as a check-off page.)
You must have:
Title: Mon carnet de voyage:
A beginning paragraph in the past to introduce the travelogue. The travelogue
itself will be in the present tense.
A map or map outline indicating the places you visited.
A recipe of a typical meal from the place you visited. (in French or English)
o A 2 to 5 sentence explanation must accompany the recipe (in English or
French) describing the food and how it is representative of the place you
Document at least seven (7) days of your journey, with at least one entry per day.
Each entry will be at least five sentences.
Each entry describes:
o Where you went
o When you went (day or day)
o What you did there
o What the weather was like or a comment about what you thought of it
o Give a description of the place or what you saw there
o Go with another person to a couple of places, so you’re not alone every time you
o For each day, you must do one or both of the following:
o Buy something
o Eat something at a restaurant, something authentic from that culture
o In all, there should be a minimum of 35 sentences. (Feel free to write more than
o Provide illustrations (drawings, clipart, ect) to go with your text on each
To start, choose a Francophone place (country, city, province, etc) that you could spend
7 or more days with something different to do/place to visit each day.
You will probably find the most on the following places:
 Québec
 Martinique (Caribbean island that is a department of France)
 Guadeloupe (Caribbean island that is department of France)
 Any of the French-speaking countries in Europe: France, Luxembourg,
Switzerland, or Belgium
In addition to meeting the content requirements, you will be graded on the
(See attached rubric for how your writing will be graded)
sentence structure
adjective noun agreement in number and gender
irregular and regular verb conjugation
du, de la, de l’, and des become “de” after “pas”
« to go to the » is expressed as:
aller (conjugated) + au, à la, à l’, or aux + place
« to go to do something » is expressed as:
aller (conjugated) + verb infinitive
Prepositions and rules:
Les propositions à, au, et en
French Prepositions with Countries and Continents
When trying to determine which preposition to use with a country or continent, the only difficulty is in
knowing its gender. Nearly all countries that end in e are feminine and the rest are masculine. There are
just a few exceptions:
* le Belize
* le Cambodge
* le Mexique
* le Mozambique
* le Zaïre
* le Zimbabwe
All continents end in e and all are feminine.
Once you know the gender, it is a simple matter to decide which preposition to use.*
1. Masculine and plural countries take à or de plus the appropriate definite article.
*Except for masculine countries that begin with a vowel, which take en to mean to/in.
2. Feminine countries and continents take en no article.
Country is:
masculine and starts with consonant
masculine and starts with vowel
Masculine country
Je vais au Togo.
Je suis au Togo.
To or In
Feminine country
Elle va en Chine.
Elle est en Chine.
The preposition à is always used with cities:
J'habite à Paris.
Je vais à Saginaw.
Plural country
Il va aux Etats-Unis
Il est aux Etats-Unis
Tu vas en Asie.
Tu es en Asie.
Nous allons à New York.
Vocabulary :
Utilize vocabulary that we have learned throughout the year. Be creative with it.
Use of rich vocabulary will result in a much more creative and unique journal.
You will also use some vocabulary that we will study in the near future. I have
attached that vocabulary (labeled 11-1, 11-2, 11-3) and some additional
vocabulary that you may want to use.
Presentation format:
Your work will be on display for the International week at Arthur
Hill (week of April 16th). Your work can be:
 Typed and printed out, with appropriate illustrations (clip art) for each entry.
 Power Point – with appropriate illustrations (clip art)for each entry.
 Blank journals/diaries can be provided. If you prefer to hand write your journal
entries for more authenticity, the handwriting must be very neat and easy to read.
Use appropriate illustrations.
o You are responsible for drawings/pictures/stickers/clipart and text.
However, I may have some stickers you can use.
Remember: This will be on display. Which ever method you
choose, neatness counts!
Travel vocabulary:
Required to know (We will practice these terms, and you will be quizzed on a later date):
Vocabulaire pour chapitre 11
Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire..
Je vais...
Où est-ce que tu vas aller..
J'ai l'intention de/d'...
Je n'en sais rien.
Je ne sais pas.
Je n'ai rien de prévu.
Je voudrais bien...
J'ai envie de/d'...
à la montagne
à la campagne
au bord de la mer
faire du camping
faire du bateau
faire de la planche à voile
en forêt
en colonie de vacances
faire de la randonnée
faire de la plongée
faire de la voile
un passeport
un billet d'avion
de l'argent
un cadeau
un billet de train
une valise
un appareil-photo
un parapluie
N'oublie pas...
Tu ne peux pas partir sans...
Ne t'en fais pas.
J'ai pensé à tout.
Tu n'as pas oublié... ?
Tu prends... ?
Je n'ai rien oublié.
Bon voyage!
Amuse-toi bien!
Bonnes vacances!
Bonne chance!
Tu as passé un bon...?
Tu t'es bien amusé(e)?
C'était formidable!
Oh, pas mauvais.
Non, pas vraiment.
C'était ennuyeux.
Ça s'est bien passé?
Oui, très chouette.
Oui, ça a été.
C'était épouvantable.
C'était un véritable cauchemar!
C'était barbant.
Additional travel vocabulary :
Note: Some expressions listed here are in the past tense, but not all of them.
en vacances
- on holiday, on vacation
je suis allé...
- I went...
on est allé...
- we went...
je vais aller...
- I'm going to be going...
j'ai passé mes vacances...
- I spent my vacation/holidays...
à la plage
- to the beach
au bord de la mer
- to/at the seaside
en France
- to/in France
au Canada
- to/in Canada
à Paris
- to/in Paris
dans les Alpes
- to/in the Alps
j'ai fait du camping
- I went camping
on a fait du caravaning
- we went caravanning
je suis allé faire du ski
- I went skiing
Here are some expressions for mentioning the mode of transport:
j'ai pris...
- I took...
on a pris...
- we took...
- ...the coach
- ...the plane
...le bâteau
- ...the ferry
- ...the Eurostar
...le train
- ...the train voiture
- ...the car
Expressions with “aller” (to go)
j'y suis allé...
- I went (there)...
je suis allé à Paris...
- I went to Paris...
...en autocar
- coach
...en avion
- plane
...en Eurostar
- Eurostar
...en train
- train
...en voiture
- car
on a fait 10 heures de route
- we drove for 10 hours
on a pris l'autoroute
- we went on the motorway/freeway
(on s'est retrouvé) bloqués sur l'autoroute
- (we ended up) stuck on the motorway
Note that you generally never use aller "on its own": you must always either
mention a place, or else insert the word y. So to say "we went by car", you would
say on y est allé en voiture, because you're not mentioning the specific place
(or you can say on a pris la voiture).
Things to do on vacation
se baigner (me baigne)
- to go bathing (I bathe)
se bronzer (me bronze)
- to sunbathe (I sunbathe)
- to swim
lire des romans sur la plage
- to read on the beach
se détendre (me détends)
- to relax (I relax)
faire du ski
- to ski, go skiing
faire du surf
- to go surfing
faire le tour de...
- have a look round...
faire une excursion
- to go on an excursion
visiter les musées
- to see the museums
partir en vacances
- to go on holiday/vacation
de la crème solaire
- some suncream
de la crème après-soleil
- some after-sun
j'ai fait ma valise/mes valises
- I packed, I did my packing
un bikini
- a bikini
un maillot de bain
- a swimsuit, swimming costume, bathing shorts
on a passé la nuit...
- we stayed/spent the night...
on a logé...
- we stayed...
...dans un hôtel
- a hotel
...dans une auberge de jeunesse - a youth hostel
...dans une tente
- a tent
...dans la caravane
- the caravan
...chez des amis
- ...with friends
on a bien mangé
- the food was good, we ate well
on s'est bien amusés
- we had a good time
des vacanciers
- holidaymakers, vacationers
This vocabulary was taken from :
You may find other helpful phrases and grammar notes there.
Also, if you are in need of additional vocabulary help, I recommend going to:
The dictionary and forum are both very helpful.

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