N Public speaking: Basics and beyond


N Public speaking: Basics and beyond
Crosscultural skills
N° 120
Efficacité professionnelle
2 jours
(14 heures)
1 230 € HT
N Public speaking: Basics and beyond
Profil des participants
This course is ideal for new managers and future managers who want to enhance their effectiveness.
Objectifs et compétences visées
Learn how to plan for a presentation when you have no time to plan
Discover power positions
l Gain strategies to manage your stress and reduce your fears
l l Lancement 2014
• 1
5-16 mai
• 16-17 oct
• 8-9 déc
Explore the three main ways to organize your presentation
How to use a presentation planner to save time and sound smarter
l Techniques to shine when you are asked to say a few words
l Essential exercises to control your nerves
l How to use notes without distracting your audience
l Revealing and dealing with physical distractions
l Turning your accent into an asset
l Understand the key differences between written and spoken language
l 3 critical skills for remembering what you want to say
l How to manage the presentation time warp
l The secrets of natural eye contact and congruent gestures
l 5 methods to continue to improve your presentations
l How to make your audience feel like a star
l l Participants will be required to deliver several short presentations incorporating core concepts and strategies
covered in the course.
• Renseignements et inscriptions au 01 84 14 02 02 - www.groupe-ifg.fr •