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: 2015 - 2016
Classe : Tle D
Durée : 3 Heures
- Réaction appropriée à un message lu.
- Production d’un texte de type particulier.
Contexte :
Dans la vie, la prospérité financière ne dépend pas forcement du niveau
intellectuel des Hommes d’affaires. Mais, plutôt de maitrise d’une certaine
habileté et compétence managériales et entrepreneuriales. C’est le cas, par
exemple, d’un groupe de femmes analphabètes qui ont réussi formidablement
dans les affaires. Ici, tu es invité à lire le texte suivant et apprécier.
Test :
1- There are only a handful of them, and they are all Togolese women.
Together they control the most powerful and successful business in West
Africa. Their fortunes are immense. They own bakery shops, supermarkets
and restaurants. They buy property, villas and sometimes whole buildings.
They have investment in the fishing and building industries. They own
taxi and mini-cab companies. They make enormous amounts of money per
day. They belong to a group known as the Nana Benz, the ‘’Boubou
2- Unit 1970, Ghanaian women controlled the boubou market. Around that
time, the economic situation in Ghana became unstable, and many
companies transferred their business to Lomé. Togolese women traders,
who had for some time selling boubous for high prices in Lomé decided on
quick action. They took over the boubou trade and the Nana Benz were
3- Over the next twenty years, the Nana benz became incredibly rich.
Although they have no formal training in business, indeed some of the older
Nana are illiterate and others had to take lessons to learn how to count in
French, they run their empires with great skills. These ‘’Boubou queens’’
design all their patterns. Factories in Europe and Africa then produce the
cloth and sew the garments. The Nana does not need to advertise. Publicity
is purely by words of mouth and over the past twenty years the word has
spread like wildfire. Thousands of their boubous are sold in markets
throughout West Africa every day. In the mornings, retailers and
stallholders flock into the homes of nana Benz waiting patiently to buy
some of the boubous stacked high in the courtyard. There is no credit.
Cheques are never accepted. Buyers must pay for everything in cash.The
richest retailers can choose what they want: the poorest have to accept the
left-overs and the Nana Benz do all the business themselves. They are not
too proud to deal with the man in the street.
4- The Nana Benz have great political influence not just because they are rich
but the heads of powerful empires. It is true that the president of Togo
himself knows and admires these ladies. And it is also probably true that,
if they wished, the Nana could start a strike that would paralyse the country.
So the politicians depend on their advice and support. But more
importantly, the Nana are admired by all levels of society for their loyalty
and honesty. Through hard work, they have shown that it is possible for
Africans to be successful in international business.
Tâche : Après avoir le texte ci-dessus, tu monteras que tu las compris en;
reconnaissant les détails du texte
donnant tes appréciations sur le texte
trouvant du texte des synonymes aux expressions ou propositions données
reformulant certaines phrases à base des mots ou groupe de mots proposés
posant des questions à base des mots ou groupe de mots soulignés
traduisant un passage du texte
Item 1: Copy and complete these sentences with the most suitable phrases or
Underline the answers. (9pts)
1- The title of the above text is---- The boubou trade made by Ghanaian women
 The boubou Billionaires
 Togolese women own great fortunes.
2- These Nana Benz got wealthy and had high political influence--- Because they are made up of only Togolese women
 Because they are the boubou billionaires who rule the world today
 Because they were heads of powerful and successful boubou trade in West
3- The boubou billionaires are Togolese women who------------ Got a formal training in business
 Were also called the Nana Benz with no formal training in business
 Ruled the business world since 1970
Item 2: Answer these questions on the text (12pts)
1- Why is it said that politicians depend on the boubou Billionaires?
2- When and why did many companies transfer their business to Lomé?
3- What are the different elements that really make the Nana Benz become
extremely rich?
4- What conclusion can you draw from the text as far as the success in
business is concerned?
Item 3: Find from the text phrases or clauses mean almost the same the following
ones. (8pts)
1- The Nana Benz have power over the great majority of trade (Paragraph1)
2- The financial state of affair
3- The Boubou Billionaires don’t get official education (Paragraph 3)
4- Leaders of great kingdoms
(Paragraph 4)

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