Printable - French Accent Magazine


Printable - French Accent Magazine
Nr 4 – March 2007
The French Scene — Romain Duris
With his scruffy looks, charming smile and amazing energy, Romain Duris has become one of
the most popular and admired actors of today’s generation. His versatility which enables him
to play a number of different roles in dramas, comedies or fantasy makes him one of the most
exciting young talents on the French cinema scene!
Romain Duris was born on May 28, 1974 in Paris. Coming from a family of artists, he fell
into acting quite by accident. After finishing his “baccalauréat”, Duris enrolled in a art
school, but he was noticed one day as he was standing on the street by a casting director
searching at the time for actors for the TV series “Le Péril jeune” directed by Cédric Klapisch.
After working with a few young movie directors, Duris became Klapish’s favourite actor, and
Klapish gave him the lead roles in “Chacun cherche son chat” where he played a seducer and
a selfish lover, and in the futuristic film “Peut-être” in which he played the father of Jean-Paul
Belmondo (a big name in the movie industry). He also developed a strong complicity with
Tony Gatlif who took him to Romania to discover the world of gipsies for his role in “Gadjo
Dilo”, which earned him a nomination in 1999 as best supporting actor in the French film
awards (Les Césars).
In 2002, the huge success of “L’Auberge Espagnole” a comedy directed by Klapisch
portraying the everyday life of a group of foreign students doing an exchange programme in
Barcelona, was a turning point in Romain Duris’ career. Even though he still continues to
accept roles in audacious director’s first movies, like “Osmose”, the experimental “Shimkent
Hotel” or “17 fois Cécile Cassard”, he now has the stature to be part of bigger projects, such
as playing aside Isabelle Adjani in “Adolphe” as a gentleman thief in the super production of
“Arsène Lupin” (2004). Still faithful to Tony Gatlif (“Exils”) and Cedric Klapisch (“les
Poupées Russes”, the sequel to “l’Auberge Espagnole”), he was also very impressive in “De
battre mon cœur s'est arrêté” directed by Jacques Audiard in 2005. He plays a dishonest and
disturbed hit man for his father’s shady real estate agency who finds harmony, love and
redemption through returning to his talent as a pianist. This film won eight Césars, including
best film, and a BAFTA award as best non-English film. Duris was nominated for a César as
best actor. His most recent role is that of the seventeenth century dramatist Molière in a film
of the same name directed by Laurent Tirard.
The French public continues its love affair with this impressive and versatile star. If you
haven’t yet seen the unique and wonderful actor, we strongly suggest that you rent one of the
DVDs listed on the following page.
Vincent Anthonioz
A Selection of DVDs
Gadjo Dilo
This film by Tony Gatlif is the story of a young Frenchman who, after the death of his father,
leaves for Romania, looking for a famous singer he knows only by name. There, he lands in a
gypsie village, and finds… love.
Les poupées russes
A sequel to L'auberge espagnole, this movie by Cedric Klapisch brings most of the same
characters together again, 10 years later. The action takes place partly in Paris, London, and
Saint-Petersburg, Russia, where they all gather for the wedding of one of them – the
Englishman of the group.
De battre mon cœur s'est arrêté
This movie by Jacques Audiard is probably the one in which Romain Duris found his best
role. This is the story of a troubled young man who suddenly, after the death of his father,
decides to change his life and to become a great pianist, like his mother.
Where to buy or rent DVDs?
You can buy DVDs in the large stores such as Carrefour, Leclerc, Auchan, etc; or in music
stores such as Fnac, Virgin, etc.
There are also a lot of online stores such as:
You can always take out a subscription in a video rental store close to your home. Another
way of renting is to find one of the automated video distributors that are conveniently located
in many cities; (like the “24 self video”). You just need your credit card to rent your DVDs.
The choice can be somewhat limited in both of these outlets, however.
An additional convenient and comfortable way to rent DVDs is to rent them online. There is
a vastly greater selection of good films, depending on the site, and you have the choice of
either paying for a monthly subscription with an exchange system (you get 1, 2 or more
DVDs at a time depending on your choice and once you send them back, you get 1, 2 or more
etc.). You can also choose not to subscribe monthly but just pay up front for a certain number
of DVDs. You receive your movies in the mail along with a pre-paid envelop to send them
back in.
Here are some online DVD rental sites:
La chanson du mois : Le dîner, Bénabar
J’veux pas y’aller à ce dîner, j’ai pas l’moral, j’suis fatigué, ils nous en voudront pas, allez on
n’y va pas. En plus faut que je fasse un régime ma chemise me boudine, j’ai l’air d’une
chipolata, je peux pas sortir comme ça. Ça n’a rien à voir je les aime bien tes amis, mais je
veux pas les voir parce que j’ai pas envie.
On s’en fout, on n’y va pas, on n’a qu’à se cacher sous les draps, on commandera des pizzas,
toi la télé et moi, on appelle, on s’excuse, on improvise, on trouve quelque chose, on n’a qu’à
dire à tes amis qu’on les aime pas et puis tant pis.
J’suis pas d’humeur, tout me déprime, et il se trouve que par hasard, y’a un super bon film à
la télé ce soir. Un chef-d’œuvre du 7ème art que je voudrais revoir, un drame très engagé sur
la police de Saint-Tropez. C’est une satire sociale dont le personnage central est joué par de
Funès, en plus y’a des extraterrestres.
On s’en fout, on n’y va pas, on n’a qu’à se cacher sous les draps, on commandera des pizzas,
toi la télé et moi, on appelle, on s’excuse, on improvise, on trouve quelque chose, on n’a qu’à
dire à tes amis qu’on les aime pas et puis tant pis.
J’ai des frissons je me sens faible, je crois que je suis souffrant, ce serait pas raisonnable de
sortir maintenant. Je préfère pas prendre de risque, c’est peut-être contagieux, il vaut mieux
que je reste, ça m’ennuie mais c’est mieux. Tu me traites d’égoïste, comment oses-tu dire ça ?
Moi qui suis malheureux et triste et j’ai même pas de home cinéma.
On s’en fout, on n’y va pas, on n’a qu’à se cacher sous les draps, on commandera des pizzas,
toi la télé et moi, on appelle, on s’excuse, on improvise, on trouve quelque chose, on n’a qu’à
dire à tes amis qu’on les aime pas et puis tant pis.1
A popular singer
Bénabar (Bruno Nicolini is his real name) was born in 1969 in the Ile de France Region close
to Paris. He is one of today’s most popular singers and author of songs of the new
generation, after several years working in the movie industry, and writing dialogues and
scenarios for French TV series. Influenced by Jacques Brel, Georges Brassens, Renaud,
Jacques Higelin, he sings about everyday life with his particular vocabulary and sense of
humour. In the art of telling shorts stories, Bénabar is one of the best. His last CD and last
tour were a huge success in France. He is the 4th contemporary singer who has sold the
greatest number of CDs.
This excerpt of a song from his latest CD, Reprise des négociations, tells the story of a man
who has been invited to a diner and he doesn’t want to go. He finds all kinds of excuses to
convince his wife that they should stay home instead.
Vincent Anthonioz
His full biography in English:
His official website:
Paroles & Musique : Bénabar
Éditions : Universal Music Publishing / Ma Boutique
A poem
Conversation de table
Que se racontent les couverts entre la viande et le dessert ?
Bof ! dit le couteau – un peu dur le gigot.
Bof ! dit la fourchette, un peu molles les courgettes.
Glou ! hoquette le verre. On m’a rempli de bière.
Berk ! gémit l’assiette, je suis pleine de miettes.
Moi la petite cuillère, j’attends le dessert, une glace vanille-café.
Et hop ! Un bon bain chaud dans l’évier…
Conversation at the Table
What do the place settings say to each other between the main course and the dessert?
Well, said the knife – the leg of lamb was a bit tough.
Well, said the fork, the zucchini was a little soft.
Glug, said the glass with a hiccup. I was filled with beer.
Yuk, shuddered the plate, I am full of crumbs.
Me, the dessert spoon, I can’t wait for dessert, vanilla-coffee ice cream.
And plop ! A nice hot bath in the kitchen sink…
Chosen and recited by Alexandra