
Comité de planification du congrès
Conference Planning Committee
Présidente du comité / Chairperson
Shannon Babcock, Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport
Comité / Committee
Lora Baiocco, Westmount Public Library
Adam Baron, Concordia University Libraries
Robin Canuel, McGill University Library
Julie-Anne Cardella, Westmount Public Library
Leticia Cuenca, Westmount Public Library
Kirsten Huhn, Concordia University Libraries
David Macaulay, Concordia University Libraries
Emily MacKenzie, McGill University Library
Lisa Milner, Eleanor London Côte Saint-Luc Public Library
Anaïs Salamon, McGill University Library
Allison Smith, Student, School of Information Studies, McGill University
Wendy Wayling, Westmount Public Library
Jennifer Zhao, McGill University Library
Design graphique / Graphic Design: Jacynthe Smith
Un mot du Président de l’ABQLA
Au nom du Conseil d’administration de l’ABQLA, j’ai le plaisir de vous
souhaiter la bienvenue au Congrès annuel de l’Association des bibliothécaires du Québec de 2014.
L’an dernier, le Congrès s’est déroulé sous le thème de l’évaluation, et
les participants en ont tiré de nouvelles idées inspirantes pour évaluer
certains aspects des services de leur bibliothèque. Nous avons donc
supposé que certains de nos collègues étaient actuellement submergés par la collecte de données et d’autres tâches d’évaluation.
C’est pourquoi le comité d’organisation du Congrès a choisi, cette
année, le thème du design en bibliothèques. Il pense en effet que
les présentations sur le design et la conception de nos ressources,
de nos services et de nos espaces pourront aider nos membres à
prendre des décisions éclairées une fois l’évaluation de leurs activités
Les exposés présentés aujourd’hui par des spécialistes locaux, nationaux et internationaux porteront sur divers aspects du design en
bibliothèque; ils nous permettront de réfléchir aux bonnes pratiques
en matière de design et à leur incidence sur notre travail au quotidien et sur les services que nous offrons. Par ailleurs, notre Congrès
annuel n’est pas seulement une occasion de perfectionnement
professionnel; c’est aussi une formidable occasion de renouer avec
des collègues d’autres secteurs et de rencontrer de nouvelles personnes. J’espère que tous profiteront à fond de ce que la journée nous
offre. La programmation est remarquable cette année, et je tiens
à féliciter tous les membres du comité d’organisation, notamment
la Présidente du comité et prochaine Présidente de l’Association,
Shannon Babcock. Merci d’avoir organisé cette superbe journée
sur le design en bibliothèque. J’aimerais aussi profiter de l’occasion
pour remercier nos nombreux commanditaires qui ont, encore une
fois, généreusement soutenu cet événement annuel.
Je vous souhaite une journée agréable et un Congrès stimulant!
Robin Canuel
Président, ABQLA
A Word from the ABQLA President
On behalf of the ABQLA Board of Directors, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2014 Annual Conference of the Quebec Library
Last year’s conference was on the theme of library assessment, which
left attendees with many new ideas, and inspiration to assess some
aspect of the services their library provides. As a result, it occurred
to us that some of our colleagues might currently be fully engulfed
in data collection, or some other type of assessment activity. Therefore, the conference planning committee thought it would be appropriate to have this year’s conference be on the theme of design
in libraries. The committee believes that our members will appreciate
these sessions on the design of our resources, services, and spaces,
which will help to inform the decision-making stemming from our assessment activities.
Today’s presentations, by local, national, and international experts on
various aspects of design in libraries, will provide us with an opportunity to think about the principles of good design and how they can
impact our daily work and the services we provide. Additionally, our
annual conference is not only a great day for professional development, but also a wonderful time to meet or renew acquaintances
with colleagues who work in different library sectors. I hope that everyone takes full advantage of everything today has to offer.
The entire program looks amazing this year, and I congratulate everyone on the planning committee, including our committee Chair and
incoming President Shannon Babcock, for organizing this terrific day
on design in libraries. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank
our many sponsors who continue to generously support this annual
Have a wonderful and engaging conference!
Robin Canuel
President, ABQLA
Programme du Congrès
Inscription & déjeuner léger, rencontrez nos exposants
Mots de bienvenue – Robin Canuel – Président de l’ABQLA
Conférence d’ouverture: Aaron Schmidt
Useful, Usable, and Desirable: Library User Experience Design
10h15-10h45 Pause - Rencontrez nos exposants
10h45-11h45 Kimberly Sikorski
Renovation of a Library on a
Tight Budget: A Case Study
of the Dorval Library
Edward Bilodeau
More than Wireframes: Meditations
on the Traditions of Web Design
11h45-12h00 Pause - Rencontrez nos exposants
12h00-13h00 Diner - Rencontrez nos exposants
13h00-14h00 82ème assemblée générale annuelle - Rencontrez nos exposants
14h00-14h30 Michele Ann Jenkins
Getting Started with
Content Strategy
Greg Houston & Merika Ramundo
The Dirt on Design: Tips and Tricks for
Creating Promotional Items at your
14h30-14h45 Pause - Rencontrez nos exposants
14h45-15h15 Naira Santana
Sandra Bebbington
The Role of Branding and
Got Game? Designing Engaging
Design in a Library Environment Library Experiences for the 21st Century
15h15-15h30 Pause - Rencontrez nos exposants
15h30-16h00 Marc-André Bernier
Redesign visuel des services
à la bibliothèque Le Prévost
Susie Breier & Jared Wiercinski
Designing streaming video services:
Challenges, opportunities and
working models
16h05-16h35 Panel des bibliothécaires
scolaires Program Design in
School Libraries
Lola Rudin & Sue Reynolds
Come Right In, Sit Right Down: Creating
Usable Space in the Library’s Front Entrance
16h35-16h50 Pause
16h50-17h50 Conférence de clôture: Erik Boekesteijn & Jaap van de Geer
Innovation in Libraries, Reinventing Spaces and Places
17h50-18h30 Réception Cocktail
18h30-20h30 Souper Prix Anne Galler
Conference Schedule
Registration & Light Breakfast, Meet our Exhibitors
Welcoming Words – Robin Canuel – ABQLA President
Opening Keynote Presentation: Aaron Schmidt
Useful, Usable, and Desirable: Library User Experience Design
10:15-10:45 Break - Meet our Exhibitors
10:45-11:45 Kimberly Sikorski
Renovation of a Library on a
Tight Budget: A Case Study
of the Dorval Library
Edward Bilodeau
More than Wireframes: Meditations
on the Traditions of Web Design
11:45-12:00 Break - Meet our Exhibitors
Lunch - Meet our Exhibitors
82nd Annual General Meeting & Meet our Exhibitors
Michele Ann Jenkins
Getting Started with
Content Strategy
Break - Meet our Exhibitors
Naira Santana
Sandra Bebbington
The Role of Branding and
Got Game? Designing Engaging
Design in a Library Environment Library Experiences for the 21st Century
Break - Meet our Exhibitors
Marc-André Bernier
Redesign visuel des services
à la bibliothèque Le Prévost
Susie Breier & Jared Wiercinski
Designing streaming video services:
Challenges, opportunities and
working models
School Librarian Panel
Program Design in
School Libraries
Lola Rudin & Sue Reynolds
Come Right In, Sit Right Down: Creating
Usable Space in the Library’s Front Entrance
Closing Keynote Presentation: Erik Boekesteijn & Jaap van de Geer
Innovation in Libraries, Reinventing Spaces and Places
Cocktail Reception
Annual Awards Dinner – Anne Galler Award
Greg Houston & Merika Ramundo
The Dirt on Design: Tips and Tricks for
Creating Promotional Items at your
8:15 – 9:00 : Inscription & Déjeuner léger, Rencontrez nos exposants
Registration & Light Breakfast, Meet our Exhibitors
9:00 – 9:15 : Mots de bienvenue – Robin Canuel – Président de l’ABQLA
Welcoming Words – Robin Canuel – ABQLA President
9:15 – 10:15 : Conférence d’ouverture / Opening Keynote Presentation
Aaron Schmidt
Principal, Influx Library User Experience
Useful, Usable and Desirable: Library
User Experience Design
Design is more than choosing pretty colours. It’s all about solving problems
and even if you don’t know it, you are a designer. Schmidt will introduce
the concept of User Experience (UX) thinking and illustrate how it can help
improve your website, programs, services, and more. After this presentation
you’ll have a keener critical eye, and a framework with which you can make
your library the most important place in your community.
In the past ten years Aaron Schmidt has been a circulation clerk, reference
librarian, and library director. Currently he is a principal at Influx Library
User Experience Consulting and maintains a library and website usability
weblog, Recent projects include researching the future of
summer reading programs for the Public Library Association, and organizing and facilitating a “Library Innovation Exchange” with library organizations in Mexico City.
Animateur / Convenor: Robin Canuel
Pause - Rencontrez nos exposants / Break - Meet our Exhibitors
10:45 – 11:45 : Session A
Edward Bilodeau
Web Services Librarian, McGill University
More than Wireframes: Meditations
on the Traditions of Web Design
How can libraries that often lack deep design expertise expect to build web
sites that stand on par with the other sites their patrons use on a regular
basis? How important is a website redesign when libraries struggle to maintain the web sites they have, to keep content up to date, to make sure all the
links and forms are working? This presentation will explore the practices of
web design, looking beyond the processes and deliverables to present an
approach to design that can be used by any library to improve its online
Edward Bilodeau is the web services librarian at McGill University. He has
extensive experience in both in academia as well as the private sector, primarily in the areas of web strategy, communications, information architecture, and web development. Edward has also taught many courses at both
the graduate and undergraduate level over the last 10 years, primarily in
the area of web site design and management. His current interests include
web operations, digital library infrastructures, and library administration.
You can find Edward online at or
Animatrice / Convenor: Anaïs Salamon
10:45 – 11:45 : Session B
Kimberly Sikorski
OAQ, Principal Partner at Sikorski
Labelle Architectes
Renovation of a Library on a Tight Budget:
A Case Study of the Dorval Library
Public spending is in a steady downturn and accountability is on the rise.
As professionals, we are asked to cope with these two realities throughout a construction project, be it private or public. Value for money is why
good design is more important than ever in these new economic times. The
question: How is this achieved and what are the tools and framework that
can be applied throughout a project? This presentation will seek to answer
these questions by presenting the principles which guide a project at every
stage to then relate them to a real-world case: the renovation of the Dorval
Kimberly’s professional experience began in 1997 at Reitmans Canada within
the Store planning department where she learned the complex retail environment from a corporate vantage point. Open to new challenges, she accepted
a position at Roux Labelle architects, in 1998, as an architect in training. In
the following years, she acquired numerous experiences such as participating in establishing Payless ShoeSource’s expansion into the Canadian market, design and layout of large complex buildings such as cinematographic
complexes and design of new public spaces. Throughout her apprenticeship
she gained a wealth of knowledge and experience which prepared her to
become partner in 2005. Today as principal partner, her designs have been
focused to consistently deliver attractive and convivial spaces with particular
attention to the user experience. This is achieved through thoughtful planning
of scale and ambiance, clarity and functionality.
Animatrice / Convenor: Julie-Anne Cardella
11:45 – 12:00
Pause - Rencontrez nos exposants / Break - Meet our Exhibitors
12:00 – 1:00
Dîner - Rencontrez nos exposants / Lunch - Meet our Exhibitors
1:00 – 2:00
82ème assemblée générale annuelle - Rencontrez nos exposants /
82nd Annual General Meeting & Meet our Exhibitors
2:00 – 2:30 : Session A
Michele Ann Jenkins
Senior Consultant, Dovecot Studio
Getting Started with Content Strategy
The table settings are perfect, décor impeccable, the guests are all invited
– but where’s the meal? This is the scenario when you’ve harnessed the latest technology, crafted eye-catching visual design, and built great navigation
but haven’t allocated the resources needed to craft consistent, useful content.
Developing a content strategy can enable your organization to create better
content, manage that content throughout its lifecycle, and allow you to reuse
it appropriately across the channels. We’ll look at how to know where you are
with a content audit and gap analysis and plan where you’re going with a
practical, effective content strategy.
Michele has over 15 years’ experience working on all aspects of web publishing - from writing code on one of the first open source CMSs, to designing
a topic-centric solution for the World Health Organization’s 250+ subsites,
to building taxonomy-driven multilingual product catalogues. Her hands-on
experience is complemented by a Masters in Library Science from McGill University where she has worked as a sessional lecturer for courses including
Knowledge Taxonomies and Online Communities of Practice. She currently
wear many hats (IA, UX, sometimes-developer) as the senior consultant for
Dovecot Studio, where we focus on taxonomy, metadata, and IA.
Animateur / Convenor: Adam Baron
Commandité par / Sponsored by:
Infor Library and Information Solutions
2:00 – 2:30 : Session B
Greg Houston &
Merika Ramundo
The Dirt on Design: Tips and
Tricks for Creating Promotional
Items at Your Library
Trials, tribulations, and triumphs. Every marketing campaign has them.
Communications Officer Merika Ramundo and Digitization and New Media
Administrator Greg Houston briefly recount their “learning moments” around
creating and designing McGill Library’s 2013 “Everything You Need” marketing campaign. Attendees will walk away with practical tips and strategies on how to improve/freshen up marketing materials without spending
a fortune.
Gregory Houston is a Digitization and New Media Administrator at McGill
University Library. He is part of a team that is responsible for overseeing all
aspects of digitization and managing the library’s digital resources. Greg
also provides a leadership role in graphic user interface development, web
design, and digital asset management.
Prior to working at McGill, he worked as a motion graphics specialist and
helped in the development of several popular children’s animation programs.
He also worked for six years as Art Director and Multimedia Project Manager
for the Federal Government and gained valuable expertise in digital design
with a focus on new media and web technologies. Greg holds a Bachelor
of Fine Arts from Concordia University as a graduate of the Mel Hoppenheim
School of Cinema.
Merika Ramundo joined McGill Library in 2010 with over twelve years of
experience in the fields of marketing, communications, and public relations
in both the not-for-profit and for-profit sectors. Prior to her role at McGill,
Merika worked in theatrical marketing promoting film releases for Twentieth
Century Fox Films. Her professional experience also includes publicizing
youth outreach and professional training initiatives at Soulpepper Theatre
Company and conducting outreach feasibility studies, workshops and special events for Hot Docs Film Festival, De-ba-jeh-mu-jig Theatre Group, and
the Ontario Arts Council respectively. She is also an arts-education advocate
and has served on the boards of the Paprika Festival & 4Unity Productions.
Merika holds a BA in English Literature from McGill and is a graduate of the
Arts Management program at the University of Toronto. In 2004, Merika
received the Pfizer Award for Canadian Emerging Arts Managers.
Animatrice / Convenor: Allison Smith
Commandité par / Sponsored by: Espace Kübbii
2:30 – 2:45
Pause - Rencontrez nos exposants / Break - Meet our Exhibitors
2:45 – 3:15 : Session A
Sandra Bebbington
Collaborator, Ministère de l’Éducation,
du Loisir et du Sport.
Got Game? Designing Engaging Library
Experiences for the 21st Century
Whether it is Candy Crush, Minecraft or League of Legends, video games
have become a ubiquitous part of our daily experience. But what can we
learn from video games? And what do they have to do with libraries? This
session will give participants a snapshot into how videos games and their
design elements can be used to create engaging and meaningful library
experiences for users of all ages. Participants will explore the do’s and
don’ts of gamification while experiencing some concrete examples of how
to “gamify” their library. Let’s play!
Sandra has been working on the Digital Literacy Project at the Ministère de
l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport for the past three years. Previous to that
she was managing three school libraries for the Lester B Pearson School
Board. Sandra is anxiously waiting to defend her thesis on teen information
literacy skills and video games for her Masters in Information Studies at the
University of Ottawa. She likes gaming so much that she also hosts Minecraft Marathons at the Pointe Claire Public Library. When she’s not building
virtual worlds, Sandra loves travelling around the real world with her three
teens and fabulous husband.
Animatrice / Convenor: Effie Patelos
Commandité par / Sponsored by: OverDrive
2:45 – 3:15: Session B
Naira Santana
Paloma Branding and Design
The Role of Branding & Design in
a Library Environment
Design has a huge impact on the success of libraries’ communication
with their users. Join us on a journey through the basics of graphic design
history, a crash course in graphic communication, branding, typography,
signage and the role of design in our libraries. You will also learn about
graphic corporate identity and the benefits of respecting the guidelines of
this identity. All you wanted to know about graphic design but you were
scared to ask!
Naira Santana is a graphic designer living in Montreal, Canada. She is the
owner of Atelier Paloma, a branding and design studio that specializes in
print & web design with a passion for branding and effective communication. Naira has been collaborating with the Westmount Public Library on
multiple branding and design projects since 2002.
Animatrice / Convenor: Wendy Wayling
Commandité par / Sponsored by: Librairie Clio
3:15 – 3:30
Pause - Rencontrez nos exposants / Break - Meet our Exhibitors
3:30 – 4:00 : Session A
Marc-André Bernier
Bibliothécaire, Bibliothèque Le Prévost,
Ville de Montréal
Visual Redesign of Library Services at
Bibliothèque Le Prévost
For the general public access to library facilities is often an architectural
issue, such as adding ramps for wheelchairs. However, deaf people, who
use sign languages (ASL or LSQ) as a mean of communication, often face
difficulties accessing library services in their natural language. Hence, the
Bibliothèque Le Prévost is carrying out a visual redesign of library services
by hiring a deaf librarian to meet the needs of deaf patrons.
Titulaire d’un baccalauréat en histoire et en archivistique de l’Université
de Montréal et d’une maîtrise en sciences de l’information de l’Université
McGill, Marc-André Bernier est bibliothécaire à la bibliothèque Le Prévost
depuis juillet 2013. Il travaille sur un projet visant à tisser des liens entre la
communauté sourde et le réseau des bibliothèques de Montréal ainsi qu’à
adapter les services aux usagers pour les rendre accessibles à la communauté sourde. Avant d’occuper ce poste, il a travaillé comme archiviste
et bibliothécaire à l’Association québécoise pour le patrimoine industriel
où il a effectué le traitement archivistique des documents organiques et le
traitement documentaire de l’ensemble des collections sur le patrimoine
industriel. Il a également travaillé comme archiviste au Centre de la Culture
des Sourds à Toronto, en Ontario.
Animatrice / Convenor: Anaïs Salamon
3:30 – 4:00 : Session B
Susie Breier
Reference and Selection Librarian for
Anthropology, Sociology and Women’s
Studies, Concordia Libraries
Jared Wiercinski
Digital Services & Outreach Librarian,
Concordia Libraries
Designing Streaming Video
Services: Challenges, Opportunities and Working Models
For libraries hoping to introduce or improve their offerings of online videos, there
is no set template to follow, no single product to purchase. We are left to design
our own models of streaming media services based on patron needs, copyright
law and the current availability of appropriate products. At this presentation we will
discuss the eclectic mix of options adopted at Concordia Libraries, including an
array of purchase agreements we negotiated with commercial providers. You’ll
also take a peek at Helix, our internal streaming media server hosting both audio
and video materials. And we might even talk about copyright!
As Reference and Selection Librarian for Anthropology, Sociology and Women’s
Studies, Susie Breier administers a media fund which has allowed her to experiment - and struggle - with a variety of streaming video purchase models. She also
recently worked with an eConcordia course designer on a pilot project to obtain a
set of required-viewing films for an online-only Applied Human Sciences Course.
As Concordia Libraries’ Digital Services & Outreach Librarian, Jared Wiercinski
was responsible for launching the Helix streaming media server. He currently administers the server as well as all of its audio and video content. He is the librarian
for the Department of Music and for the Department of Contemporary Dance, and
provides them with research, instruction, and collection development support.
Animateur / Convenor: Adam Baron
4:05 – 4:35 : Session A
Lola Rudin
Management and Computer &
Mathematical Sciences Librarian, UTSC
Sue Reynolds
Reference Technician, UTSC
Walk Right in, Sit Right Down:
Creating Usable Space in the
Library’s Front Entrance
The entrance of a library sets the tone for the entire user experience. This
academic library entrance was revitalized from a utilitarian space with rows of
public computers to a vibrant social study and reading room with a variety of
seating and working options. The furniture is easily reconfigurable and invites
both small group and individual work.
Participants will learn how we reused existing materials and creatively sourced
lighting and furniture within a limited budget. We will share our consultative process to gather feedback from stakeholders throughout the project and
highlight strategies for making a social space a quiet space.
Lola Rudin is the Management and Computer & Mathematical Sciences Librarian at the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) Library. She provides
research assistance, information literacy instruction, and collection development expertise to the university community. She is also heavily involved in
assessment activities and in special projects. Two of her recent projects include the Quiet Library Campaign and the Popular Collection. Currently she
is working to bring an e-reserves system to the University of Toronto Libraries
system. Lola was the project lead for the library’s front entrance renovation
project. Lola holds a BA Hons. in English and Computer Studies from Trent
University and an MISt from the University of Toronto. Lola is interested in innovative library services and user experiences especially as they pertain to
library spaces.
Sue Reynolds is a Reference Technician and has also supervised student assistants at the UTSC Library. Previously, Sue worked as a Research Associate
at the executive recruitment firm Janet Wright Associates, as the Manager of
Research Services and Manager of Library Services at The Michener Institute
of Applied Health Sciences, and as a Library Technician at the Toronto Reference Library. She holds a BSc in Psychology and Linguistics from the University of Toronto and an MSc Econ in Information and Library Studies from
Aberystwyth University in Wales. Sue has been involved in many projects at
UTSC, including the Quiet Library project and the front entrance renovation.
Animatrice / Convenor: Lisa Milner
4:05 – 4:35 : Session B
Caroll-Ann Steele
Andrea Hyde
School Librarian
School Librarian
Kathleen Conroy
Suzanne Nesbitt
School Librarian
Educational Consultant
Program Design in School Libraries
The idea of designing activities for your school library may seem daunting.
Never fear, help is here: there are resources at your fingertips and there is
no need to reinvent the wheel. School Librarians from the Lester B. Pearson
School Board will share some of their tried and true library activities, some
of which can be adapted to either elementary or high school . You will leave
with suggestions, links and resources to use as presented, or tweak and
make your own. Make your life easy while promoting reading and making
your library a going concern!
Andrea Hyde is school librarian at Beaconsfield High School. She graduated
from McGill with a degree in History and completed the ILT program at John
Abbot College. She has worked in school libraries for the past 7 years. She
is joined by her Lester B. Pearson School Board colleagues and partners in
Kathleen Conroy is a graduate of McGill’s MLIS program, she has worked in
youth services for several years, namely at Cote-St-Luc Library. She is now
school librarian at Westwood Jr. School and Mount Pleasant Elementary.
Caroll-Ann Steele is a graduate of the John Abbott College ILT program. She
has been the school librarian at Pierrefonds Comprehensive High School for
the past 8 years.
Suzanne Nesbitt is a graduate of Université de Montréal and Loyola University where she studied French Literature, Education and Library Science. She
worked as a school librarian for over 20 years, and has been an educational consultant for the past 8 years.
Animatrice / Convenor: Effie Patelos
4:35 – 4:50 : Pause / Break
4:50 – 5:50 : Conférence de clôture / Closing Keynote Presentation
Erik Boekesteijn &
Jaap van de Geer
Innovation in Libraries, Reinventing
Spaces and Places
A library building and its spaces can help to put you in a certain state of
mind. This can be a learning state of mind, a creative state of mind or any
other state of mind. Erik Boekesteijn and Jaap van de Geer explored the
effect of library spaces on library users during their visits to many libraries
around the world and within their Extreme Library Makeovers. In this presentation they will share with you the best examples of Library States of Mind.
Erik Boekesteijn and Jaap van de Geer are library innovators with a worldwide following. In 2007, they began a video project called Shanachie Tour,
where they travel the globe to learn about and share library best practices.
In 2008, they published a Shanachie Tour book (
In 2009, they were the first Europeans to be named Movers and Shakers
by Library Journal. In 2010, they co-founded Shanachie Media and were
the first to start an online video talk show, called This Week in Libraries
( In 2012, they co-founded Doklab, a private innovation consultancy that focuses on storytelling to connect people to collections (
Previously, Erik and Jaap worked for DOK, the library concept center in
Delft, the Netherlands ( DOK’s unique community space and
open-minded attitude toward innovation has won many awards, making it
a well-known example of a 21st-century library. Erik, a communications
specialist, first worked in the marketing and communication department,
then in the innovation department. Jaap, a librarian by degree, built an ILS
from scratch (called Clientrix), then was head of the science and innovation
department. You can email them at [email protected].
Animatrice / Convenor: Julie-Anne Cardella
5:45 – 6:30 : Réception Cocktail / Cocktail Reception
6:30 – 8:30 : Souper Prix Anne Galler / Anne Galler Award Supper
2014 Recipient / Récipiendaire 2014: Wendy Wayling, Bibliothécaire/
Librarian, Bibliothèque publique de Westmount Public Library
Commanditaires niveau or / Gold Sponsors
Espace Kübbii
Contact Person: Anne Patel
([email protected])
1050-101 Emile Bouchard
Vaudreuil-Dorion J7V 0B6
Tel.: 514-933-4444
Infor Library and Information Solutions
Contact Person: Peg Hoyt
([email protected] )
492 Old Connecticut Path, Suite 600
Framingham, MA 01701 USA
Tel.: 508-598-4063
Fax.: 508-598-4215
Librairie Clio
Contact Person: Judith Warne
([email protected])
245N Boul. St. Jean
Pointe-Claire, QC H9R 3J1
Tel.: 514-695-5557
Contact Person: Mike Shontz
([email protected])
1 OverDrive Way Cleveland, OH
44125 USA
Tel.: 216-573-6886
Fax.: 216-573-6889
Commanditaires niveau argent / Silver Sponsors
Archambault Inc.
Contact Person: Valérie Durand
([email protected])
500, rue Saint-Catherine est.,
Montreal, QC H2L 2C6
Tel.: 514-849-4115 ext. 25223
Commanditaires niveau argent / Silver Sponsors
Babar Books
Contact Person: Maya Byers
([email protected])
46 St. Anne, Pointe Claire, QC
1235-A Greene Avenue, Westmount, QC
Tel.: 514-694-0380
Contact Person: Anabelle Lefebvre-Rivard
([email protected])
7695 avenue Papineau,
Montréal , Québec, H2E 2H1
Tel.: 514-337-3000 poste 403
Fax : 514-282-8011
Carr McLean
Contact Person: Daniel Ryan
([email protected])
461 Horner Avenue
Toronto, ON M8W 4X2
Tel.: 1-416-252-3371 / 1-800-268-2123
Contact Person: Lesley Noble
([email protected])
10 Estes Street Ipswich, MA 01938
Tel.: 205-981-4684
Fax : 205-995-1613
Gibson Library Connections, Inc
Contact Person: Gary Gibson
([email protected])
P.O. Box 1058
Pointe-Claire, QC H9S 4H9
Tel./Fax: 450-458-0677
Halo Metrics Inc.
Contact Person: Ravinder Sangha
([email protected])
1250 René Lévesque Blvd West, Suite 220
Montréal, QC H3B4W8
Fax :604-273-4459
Librairie Monet
Contact Person: Laurence Monet
([email protected])
2752, rue de Salaberry Montréal,
QC H3M 1L3
Tel.: 514-337-4083/514-806-3132 |
Fax: 514-337-5982
Contact Person: Steve Mitchell
([email protected])
615 Orwell Street, Mississauga,
ON L5A 2W4
Tel.: 780-466-3323
Fax: 866-824-8059
Contact Person: Lisa Alent
789 E. Eisenhower Parkway
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
([email protected])
Tel.: 734-707-2512
Fax: 800-308-1586
Contact Person: Gaétan Bourbonnais
([email protected])
4388 Rue Saint-Denis Bureau 200
Montréal QC H2J 2L1
Tel. : 514 884 2672
Fax : 514 272 4505
Les Industries Rouillard
Contact Person: Joël Pelosse
([email protected])
554 rue Meloche
Dorval, QC H9P 2P4
Tel.: 1-800-661-1411 ext.102
Fax : 418-666-9619
Scholastic Education
Contact Person: Jolyn Mascarenhas
([email protected])
175 Hillmount Road
Markham, ON L6C1Z7
Tel.: 905-887-7323 ext. 4369
Fax : 905-887-3643
World Book, Inc.
Contact Person: Lilla Sutera
([email protected])
7496 Henri Bourassa
St. Laurent, QC, H4S 2B2
Tel. : 514-616-7503
YBP Library Services
Contact Person: Manda Plavsa
([email protected])
999 Maple Street
Contoocook, NH 03229
Tel.: 416-648-1231
Commanditaires niveau bronze /Bronze Sponsors
Cultural Asset Management
Group / Gaylord
Contact Person: Shawna White
([email protected])
2186 Mountain Grove Avenue, Suite 453
Burlington, Ontario L7P 4X4
Tel.: (905) 415-2826
Fax: 450-622-1430
Justin Time Records Inc.
Contact Person: Jim West
([email protected])
5524 St. Patrick Street suite 580
Montréal, QC H4E 1A8
Tel.: 514-738-9533
Contact Person: Bev White
([email protected])
2030 Dagenais O.Laval, QC H7L 5W2
Tel.: 450-622-2212 poste 222
Fax: 450-622-1430
Reliure Paré Inc.
Contact Person: Yves Paré
692 Boul. Guimond
Longueuil, QC J4G 1T5
Tel.: 450-670-5238
Fax: 450-670-523
Contact Person: Sarah Lu
([email protected])
233 Spring Street
New York, NY 10013
Tel.: 212-460-1570
L’ABQLA aimerait aussi remercier :
The ABQLA also wishes to acknowledge
the following supporters:
Geoffrey Kelley, Member of the National Assembly
- Member for Jacques-Cartier
- Quebec Liberal Party
Twitter: #ABQLA14

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