elles des lettres X et O. XOXO synth


elles des lettres X et O. XOXO synth
L’artiste explore le language universel de l’amour à travers des variations individuelles des lettres X et O. XOXO synthétise la nuance d’émotion dans la création et
relations dans la vie.
Reconnu pour ses peintures murales faites d’associations de couleurs vives,
de contrastes et de motifs géomètriques, Jason Woodside explore les limites
graphiques de l’association entre le X et le O. Sa peinture énergique, ses couleurs
marquantes et ses motifs kaleidoscopiques viennent alimenter une histoire d’amour
colorée. Jouant sur ce principe, bien que les oeuvres sont disponibles individuellement, Woodside et colette invitent le spectateur à composer sa propre paire de X et
de O qu’il juge idéale réciproquement pour l’un et l’autre.
L’artiste Jason Woodside a quitté sa Floride natale pour vivre et travailler à New
York. Après des études en art graphique, il a commencé à se faire connaître par ses
immenses peintures murales et installations visibles à Sydney, Los Angeles, Miami
et New York. Il a collaboré avec des marques et organisations comme Adidas, Obey,
Fabergé et Saatchi & Saatchi. Il participle régulièrement à des oeuvres de charités
comme celle du programme Free Arts NYC
Jason Woodside explore the universal language of love through individual variations
of the letters X and O as subjects. XOXO captivates the nuance of emotion in crenature of relationships in life.
Recognized for his vibrant murals and unique juxtaposition of color, contrast, and
geometrical patterns, Woodside explores the limitless visual expressions of the X
and O pairing. Through wild color, kaleidoscope pattern and radiant energy, the
resulting experience is a colorful love story. In line with this theme, while works are
available singularly, Woodside invites viewers to pair the X’s and the O’s that they
see as meant for one another.
Florida born artist Jason Woodside lives and works in New York City. He began his
career after attending the School of Visual Arts. Woodside is well known for his large
scale murals and installations found in Sydney, Los Angeles, Miami and New York
City. He has collaborated with brands and organizations such as Adidas, Obey, Fabrege and Saatchi & Saatchi, and regularly supports creative charities such as Free
Arts NYC.
O pinwheel
acrylic and resin
on wood
1100 euro
O prime time
acrylic and resin
on wood
1100 euro
My X cut short
acrylic and resin
on wood
1100 euro
Meet my X
plain jane
acrylic and resin
on wood
1100 euro
My X has A.D.D.
acrylic and resin
on wood
1100 euro
O she’s pretty
acrylic on mirror
750 euro
acrylic and resin
on wood
1000 euro
O my jane
acrylic and resin
on wood
1100 euro
acrylic and resin
on wood
1100 euro
Meet my X
jet black
acrylic and resin
on wood
1000 euro
My O
si or no
acrylic and resin
on wood
1000 euro
Rosey red X
acrylic on mirror
750 euro
Meet my X
My Xs dancing
O night and day
acrylic and resin
on wood
1100 euro
My inner O
acrylic on mirror
800 euro
My inner X
acrylic on mirror
800 euro
OX It’s confusing
acrylic on mirror
750 euro
acrylic on canvas
3500 euro
acrylic on canvas
3500 euro
Decision making
acrylic on canvas
3300 euro
Si or no square
acrylic on canvas
3000 euro
acrylic on canvas
4500 euro
All pieces shown are original artworks, signed by @JasonWoodside
produced in New York City, 2014-2015.
Tel.01 55 35 33 97 Email [email protected]
@colette #colettegallery