CUC Vision Stmt - Unitarian Church of Edmonton


CUC Vision Stmt - Unitarian Church of Edmonton
CUC Vision Statement
Worship Theme January, 2017
Unitarian Church of Edmonton
Chalice Lighting
By John Baros-Johnson
I have not come to give you Truth, nor have you
come to give truth to me. We have come
together to recreate the truth. For only a
created truth can be a living truth, and only a
living truth can blossom, and thus become large
enough to embrace the wholeness of our lives.
Last May the Canadian Unitarian Council
adopted a new Vision Statement printed below.
Many people have found it empowering and
invigorating. Since our congregation has just
come through a similar exercise, it seems useful
to engage the ideas of the national vision. Can
we find inspiration and guidance? Are they
helpful? Will they enhance our lives? Let’s see
together. Brian
Church Services
Jan 8 “Singing, Shouting, Celebrating” Chorealis, Jan. 15 “Deeply Connected,
Radically Inclusive” B. Kiely, Jan. 22 “Actively Engaged” B. Kiely, Jan. 29
“Theologically Alive, Spiritually Grounded” B. Kiely, WHERE DO I SEE DIVERSITY?
CUC Vision Statement
As Canadian Unitarian Universalists, we envision a world in which our
interdependence calls us to love and justice.
As Canadian Unitarian Universalists:
Seven principles guide our choices,
Six sources nourish our spiritis,
Five aspirations help us grow.
As Canadian Unitarian Universalists, we aspire to be:
Deeply Connected: We strive to foster healthy relationships amongst and within UU
communities, with the broader world and with all life. Nous travaillons à cultiver des relations
saines entre nous, parmi nos assemblées, avec la société et toute la vie qui nous entourent.
Radically Inclusive: We strive to create hospitable, diverse, multi- generational
communities. Nous travaillons à créer des communautés accueillantes, diverses, et
Actively Engaged: We strive to work joyfully for a just and compassionate society,
experimenting with new forms of community. Nous travaillons joyeusement pour une société
plus juste et compatissante, et nous explorons de nouvelles façons d’être en communauté.
Theologically Alive: We seek to be ever-evolving in our understanding, open to new
knowledge. Nous cherchons à évoluer continuellement dans notre façon de voir, toujours
ouverts à de nouvelles connaissances et perspectives.
Spiritually Grounded: We seek transformation through personal spiritual experiences and
shared ritual. Nous cherchons la transformation à travers les expériences spirituelles
personnelles et le rituel partagé.
By Thomas Rhodes
Within the space of an instant, you can
make a first impression
show gratitude,
change your mind,
wipe away a tear,
live, and die.
It only takes a minute to
write a note,
tell a joke,
change a diaper,
sing a song,
or be still.
Within an hour you can
share a meal,
run an errand,
make a cake, or make love,
attend a parade,
or balance your checkbook.
It takes a day to
paint a room,
feed a crowd,
visit relatives,
read a book,
If you commit a year, you can
write a book,
plant and harvest a crop,
become a parent,
change your life.
And with your lifetime,
and with your life,
you can, and you will,
change the world.
A Benediction based on Isaiah 61
Into the World Singing
By Dawn Skjei Cooley
Let us go out into the world singing.
Let us go out into the world singing songs that
proclaim liberty.
Songs that turn ashes into garlands
Songs that bind up the afflicted and those who mourn.
Songs that, like oaks, have roots that go deep and stand strong.
Let us go out into the world singing.
We know these songs. They vibrate through time, in our very souls.
They are the songs that give us life.
They are the songs that give us meaning.
They are the songs that give us purpose.
Now it is our turn, to take these life-giving songs out into the world.
Let us go now—singing these songs with voices deep and strong.
And may the world join us in praise and in celebration and in love.