Courses on DDR SDRAM - ac6


Courses on DDR SDRAM - ac6
Trainings DDR SDRAM technology: Courses on DDR SDRAM Communications
DDR SDRAM technology
Courses on DDR SDRAM
AC6 offers courses on DDR4/LPDDR4 since latest SoCs support these memories
You can see detailed course descriptions of the various trainings by using the above navigation bar. You can also click
on course identifiers in the following course briefs hereafter.
SDR1 - DDR4 / LPDDR4 This course covers both DDR4 and LPDDR4 SDRAM
SARL au capital de 138600 € - SIRET 449 597 103 00026 - RCS Nanterre - NAF 722C - Centre de Formation : 19, rue Pierre Curie - 92400 Courbevoie
Siège social et administration : 21, rue Pierre Curie - 92400 Courbevoie - Tél. 01 41 16 80 10 - Fax. 01 41 16 07 78
Last site update: Sun 19 Feb 2017 19:11:07 CET