1. http://orthonet.sdv.fr/pages/jeux.html


1. http://orthonet.sdv.fr/pages/jeux.html
AP Français- 2012 Summer of FUN!
Part I. On-line Listening & Reading Comprehension Activities (activities below)
Part II. Photocopies in the front office of Milton High:
How to create a professional travel brochure
How to write a descriptive historical essay
How to apply for a job in a professional letter/e-mail
due date: June 18
due date: July 13
due date: Aug. 1
Part IV. Books to purchase: www.amazon.com
Huis Clos by Jean-Paul Sartre- you must have this novel by August 13.
Part III. Contact Mme Girard via e-mail [email protected]
A) Enriching our French vocabulary with Homonyms!
Goal : Améliorer le vocabulaire avec les homonymes . . .
1. http://orthonet.sdv.fr/pages/jeux.html
2. Choisissez
A. Jeux faciles
3. Choisissez
Jeu #19 & #20
Essayez de créer votre propre version avec des homonymes de votre choix.
Exemples :
été, était, étaient, étais
cher, cher, chair, chers
coup de . . . , coup de . . . , cou, coup de . . .
Les mots _______________________________________________
Les phrases :
2. ________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________________________
B) Teste de compréhension de l’écoute : http://www.didierbravo.com/html/jeux/index.htm
Il y a 8 activités en ligne avec les activités rigolotes de l’écoute.
Faites une activité de l’écoute et écrivez-moi une petite description de ce que vous avez entendu.
C) European Assessment of the French Language
(yeah, I know sounds scary-but remember this is for practice and the site is actually pretty cool . . .)
Goal: To practice your listening & reading comprehension.
1. Go to this site: http://www.bosvick.com/didapages/titre/Page_Titre.htm
2. You are to complete one practice test- either Level A2 or Level B1.
Do not try Level B2-c’est vraiment difficile!
If you want a true challenge try B2-but do not beat yourself up if it is too hard. 
This practice assessment will take about 1 hour and 30 minutes-so please carve out some time for this
At the end of each section you are to hit “Valider” & your score will appear on the bottom.
Once you have finished the last section, a total score will be provided.
Once this assessment is completed, please print it off and have your parents sign it.
This signature page along with the writing activities on this site and in this entire packet (the one test that
you have chosen) must be completed by Monday August 6 by 4:00 pm. Please drop these off at the front
office or in my mailbox at school. Please DO NOT type the writing activities-these are to be hand-written.
D). Teste de Niveau 2 du Conseil de l'Europe
(Another European assessment-again n’ayez pas peur, c’est pour s’améliorer ! )
Goal : To perfect reading comprehension by putting mismatched passages together.
To recall the subjunctive
To learn new linking terms for advanced level speaking and writing
To recall relative pronouns
1. Go to this site : http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~ik2r-myr/english/n4maina.htm
1. Compréhension écrite (Reading comprehension)
2. L'emploi du subjonctif (Using the subjunctive form)
1. You must complete and take notes on the
section titled L’Opposition.
3. Le discours rapporté (Indirect speech)
4. L'opposition
5. Vocabulaire
This activity will help you with contrasting
ideas in your spoken & written work. Write
out the sentences from the site if you need to;
please check your work, then create your own
using the situation below #2.
6. Syntaxe (building short sentences)
7. Les pronoms relatifs (Relative pronouns)
2. Complete the reading comprehension section (putting informative texts in logical order).
With the second text “Les Problèmes de l’audition ne concernent pas seulement les personnes âgées »
1. Put the text in order (je viens de vous la dire première ligne. )
2. Lisez le texte (évidemment)
3. Créez des phrases au sujet de ce texte en utilisant les mots au-dessous.
Malgré (despite)
Bien que (although) + subjonctif
Même si (even though)
Quand même (anyway)
Tandis que (where as)
Pourtant/cependant (however)
Pourvu que (provided that) + subjonctif
E. Pronunciation practice !
Listen to this literary passage while reading the text and practice your pronunciation.
La vanité . . . On va lire une petite histoire bien connue qui s’appelle LA PARURE
LISEZ: http://clicnet.swarthmore.edu/litterature/classique/maupassant/parure.html
ECOUTEZ : http://www.guydemaupassant.fr/maupassant.htm Cliquez sur la petite boite bleue à droite
pour écouter l’histoire au et chercher le titre La Parure même temps que vous le lisez. Ici c’est pour pratiquer
votre prononciation en apprenant une histoire et une leçon de la vie bien importante !
F. Meet the new President of France- François Hollande
See his inauguration-
Oh by the way-this is also on-line French TV. To the right you will see 4-5 different TV channels.
Check ‘em out and see how much you can understand!