lsa clubs funding guidelines 2015-2016 - LSA


lsa clubs funding guidelines 2015-2016 - LSA
All funding requests will be examined by three LSA members who will make funding allocation
decisions collectively, and in the best interest of the Student Body. As per the LSA Constitution,
the President, the VP Clubs and the VP Finance are entitled to examine every funding request.
All decisions will be impartial.
The standard funding profiles allotted by the LSA are:
● $100 for food for events with fewer than 50 people
● $75 for a gift honorarium for a guest
● $50 for publicity costs
● $50 for decorations for events
When funding a club, the following factors are considered, inter alia:
● The number of members;
● The nature of the expense and its relevance to the purpose of the club;
● The extent to which the proposed activity benefits a greater number of students;
● The diversity brought to the portfolio of activities available to the students;
● The Club’s track record of Budget Planning and Management;
● The Club’s compliance with registration deadlines, clubs’ meeting attendance, funding
guidelines and policies, etc.;
● The Club’s ability to benefit from alternative sources of funding (e.g. student fees, CDO,
SSMU, etc.);
● All requests are examined contextually (both within the context of the club’s situation
and within the context of the requests of other clubs).
In order for clubs to receive the funds that have been allocated to them, club members must
respect the following LSA policies:
● Clubs or club members will not be reimbursed for amounts exceeding the amount of
funds allocated to them;
● Club members will provide a detailed list of planned events;
● Clubs cannot directly solicit sponsorship from law firms or any other corporate sponsor.
Should they wish to obtain such sponsorship, they are to contact the VP-PR ([email protected]);
● In order to be reimbursed for an expense, club members must fill out a Cheque
Requisition Form (available on the LSA website or outside the LSA office) and attach
original receipts to their forms;
Faculty of Law, McGill University
3644 Peel Street, Montreal, QC, Canada, H3A1W9
T: 514 398-6966 F: 514 398-2179
Faculté de Droit, Université McGill
3644 rue Peel, Montréal (Québec) Canada, H3A 1W9
T: 514 398-6966 F: 514 398-2179
● In order to be reimbursed for expenses incurred during the Fall semester, Cheque
Requisition Forms must be submitted to the VP Finance ([email protected])
by January 15, 2016 and cheques must be collected by February 15, 2016;
● In order to be reimbursed for expenses incurred during the Winter semester, Cheque
Requisition Forms must be submitted to the VP Finance ([email protected])
by April 15, 2016 and cheques must be collected by April 30, 2016;
● Please make sure to notify the VP Finance ([email protected]) if you are not
able to meet any of the deadlines above.
● Clubs are prohibited to use a photo or image with copyright restrictions.
Un manquement à une de ces exigences peut mener à une perte de financement alloué
par l’AÉD.
Merci d’envoyer toutes vos dates d’événements au VP Administration ([email protected]) afin de permettre à l’AÉD de compiler un calendrier sur son site
internet ainsi que sur le calendrier physique affiché dans l’Atrium.
Les Clubs doivent également tenir compte des éléments suivants:
● Seuls les clubs enregistrés auprès du VP Clubs peuvent recevoir un financement de la
part de l’AÉD;
● Toutes questions reliées à l’attribution de fonds n’obtiendront pas de réponse par courrier
électronique, mais plutôt en personne par le VP Clubs ou par le VP Finance durant leurs
heures de bureau (;
● Les questions du type « Pourquoi un club a reçu plus de fonds que le mien? » seront
généralement écartées, considérant que l’AÉD a déjà fourni la liste de critères utilisés
pour l’attribution de fonds aux clubs (voir la liste ci-haut); néanmoins, le VP Clubs se
tiendra à disposition des Clubs pour clarifier toute question liée aux critères.
● Les clubs qui désirent obtenir un financement pour un événement spécial allant au-delà
des fonctions habituelles d’un club peuvent faire une demande auprès du Fonds
Discrétionnaire du Doyen (DDF) pour davantage de subventions ou auprès du du Centre
de Développement Professionnel (CDP) si l’évènement est lié à une activité de
réseautage ou de développent de carrière. Toutefois, les clubs sont encouragés à d’abord
soumettre une demande de financement au du VP Clubs et ensuite au DDF et/ou au CDP;
● Les clubs qui désirent obtenir une commandite corporative pour un événement spécial
doivent soumettre leur demande auprès du VP-PR ([email protected]).
Faculty of Law, McGill University
3644 Peel Street, Montreal, QC, Canada, H3A1W9
T: 514 398-6966 F: 514 398-2179
Faculté de Droit, Université McGill
3644 rue Peel, Montréal (Québec) Canada, H3A 1W9
T: 514 398-6966 F: 514 398-2179