30th August, 2011 - Tata Global Beverages


30th August, 2011 - Tata Global Beverages
Ȭ±È¬± Œ¢˘±ı±˘ ŒıÀˆ¬Àı˛Àʸ ø˘ø˜ÀȬά
Registered Office : 1, Bishop Lefroy Road, Kolkata - 700 020
Œı˛øÊ଱Ϋ¬ ’øÙ¬¸ – 1, øı˙¬Û Œ˘Ùˬ˚˛ Œı˛±Î¬, fl¬˘fl¬±Ó¬± - 700020
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Notice is hereby given that the Forty Eighth Annual
General Meeting of Tata Global Beverages Limited will
be held on Tuesday, 30th August, 2011 at 10.30 a.m.
at The Oberoi Grand, 15 Jawaharlal Nehru Road,
Kolkata – 700 013 to transact the following business:-
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1. 31.3.2011 Ó¬±øı˛À‡ ¸˜±l ıÂÀı˛ı˛ ÊÚ… ˘±ˆ¬é¬øÓ¬ı˛
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Ó¬±øı˛‡ – 21 Ê≈˘±˝◊, 2011 ˆ¬±˝◊¸ Œ√õ∂ø¸ÀάKȬ › Œ¸ÀSêȬ±øı˛
1. To receive and adopt the Profit & Loss Account for
the year ended 31.3.2011 and the Balance Sheet
as at that date together with the Reports of the
Directors and Auditors thereon.
2. To declare a dividend.
3. To appoint Directors in place of those retiring by
rotation who are eligible for reappointment.
4. Appointment of Auditors.
5. Reappointment and Remuneration of Managing
6. Increase in Borrowing Powers.
7. Creation of Mortgage/Charge.
The Annual Report for 2010-11 together with the Notice
of the Annual General Meeting will be posted / emailed
to the Members of the Company at their respective
registered addresses/ email address registered with
the Depositories / Registrars in due course.
The dividend that may be declared by the Company
will be paid on 2nd September, 2011 to those
members of the Company whose names appear
on the Register of Members as on 12th August,
2011. In respect of shares held in electronic form,
the dividend will be payable to the beneficial owners
of the shares as on End of the Day of 11th August,
2011 as per details that the Depositories would
provide for this purpose.
Members are hereby informed that the Notice of the
Meeting and the Annual Report for 2010-11 will be
available on the Company’s website
(www.tataglobalbeverages.com) and will also be
available for inspection at the Registered Office of the
Company during office hours.
The Register of Members of the Company will remain
closed from 12th August 2011 to 30th August, 2011,
both days inclusive, for the purpose of Annual General
A Member entitled to attend and vote at the meeting
is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote in his
stead and a proxy need not be a Member of the
Company. Proxies, in order to be effective, must be
received at the Company’s Registered Office not less
than 48 hours before the meeting.
For Tata Global Beverages Limited
V. Madan
Dated : 21st July, 2011
Vice President & Secretary
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