Conférence avec Edouard François au Musée des Beaux Arts d


Conférence avec Edouard François au Musée des Beaux Arts d
Conférence avec Edouard François au Musée des Beaux Arts d’Ottawa,
le mardi 24 octobre 2011
French architect Edouard François at the Ottawa National Gallery,
October 24, 2011
Discours de Thomas Michelon, Conseiller culturel / Cultural counsellor
Ambassade de France au Canada / French Embassy in Canada
It’s a great honour for me to be here tonight. I feel very privileged to be surrounded by such
outstanding guests / et bien sûr par Edouard François, l’un de nos architectes les plus fascinants,
que Roger présentera dans quelques instants en sa qualité de modérateur.
Le Canada et la France sont deux terres fécondes en matière d’innovation, et partagent les
mêmes interrogations, les mêmes défis sous bien des aspects : crises économiques, révolution
numérique, évolution des sociétés, capacité à envisager les enjeux globaux et à anticiper les
bouleversements que nos mondes commencent à percevoir.
Nous tenons, au sein de cette Ambassade, à stimuler le dialogue et les échanges entre nos deux
pays afin que les acteurs économiques, les décideurs politiques, les professionnels du secteur
culturel mais aussi la société civile puissent se nourrir des expériences innovantes et des champs
d’expertise les plus en pointe de part et d’autre de l’Océan.
The Embassy of France is always looking to enhance cooperation and exchanges between
France and Canada in such fields as education, visual arts, film, architecture, design, interactive
media and cultural industries. Of all the projects we passionately promote, the lecture series
“Vis-à-vis Architecture: When France and Canada Connect Architects” is among of those that
best embody this idea of dialogue that I mentioned.
So what is this event all about? Questions about the sustainable development of large urban
centres in the 21st century now play a decisive role in the thinking of elected officials and
developers, as well as in architects' practices. Innovative products that arise from new
technologies have been designed by manufacturers and optimize the functionality and lifespan of
“Green architecture” and "eco-urbanism" have opened the way for many articles, debates and
new methods. As architecture re-establishes its ties with this line of thinking, it is embracing new
themes such as eco-responsibility and global public good. These new practices, which were
unimaginable a few years ago, meet the expectations and the hopes of a public that is
increasingly concerned about the protection of the urban environment. They are significantly
altering the thinking on housing, public facilities, urban transportation and, more generally, our
vision of the city of the future.
While these ideas are now universal, from Asia to South America, from Europe to the North
American continent, Canada and France are each faced with these questions in their own way
and offer innovative solutions.
The idea behind “Vis-à-vis Architecture” is simple:
Six internationally renowned architects from France tour six cities in Canada, meet Canadian
architects, students, and architecture enthusiasts to share their practices, thoughts and ideas.
Coordinated by the Embassy of France in Canada and the Institut Français, “Vis-à-vis
Architecture” also features panel discussions in Halifax, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec City,
Toronto, Vancouver and Waterloo, along with the schools of architecture in those cities.
Once again - the aim tonight is to showcase the diversity of architectural knowledge and
practices in Canada and in France, and to create a dialogue.
J’espère que cette soirée sera riche en échanges, et qu’elle sera pour vous toutes et tous une
source d’inspiration féconde. Je vous souhaite une excellente soirée et vous remercie de votre