August 14, 2016 - Plymouth


August 14, 2016 - Plymouth
August 14th, 2016
Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Welcome and greetings
Call to worship
* Response
MV 1, vs 2
Let us build a house where prophets speak,
and words are strong and true,
where all God’s children dare to seek
to dream God’s reign anew.
Here the cross shall stand as witness
and as symbol of God’s grace;
here as one we claim the faith of Jesus:
All are welcome, all are welcome,
all are welcome in this place.
* Opening prayer
* Hymn
The Church’s one foundation
L’Église universelle
Prayer of confession
Affirmation of grace
* Response Ba ni ngyeti Ba Ya-we
Let us praise the God of truth
* Confession of faith
VU 332
VU 237
Family time
* Hymn
Shall we gather at the river
VU 710
Prayer for illumination: Solo from Lisandre Bujold-Dubuc
« Be Thou My Vision »
(1) Isaiah 5:1-7
Psalm 80, part 2
(2) Hebrews 11:29 – 12:2
The word of God for the people of God.
Thanks be to God.
OT: Old Testament
NT: New Testament
* the congregation standing, as able
VU: Voices United
VU 794-795
MV: More Voices
Great expectations
Personal reflection
* Hymn
Take my life and let it be
VU 506
Minute for mission
Solo from Lisandre Bujold-Dubuc
« Thanks Be To Thee », Handel
* Offertory
Here I am, Lord (refrain)
Here I am, Lord. Is it I, Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night.
I will go, Lord, if you lead me.
I will hold your people in my heart.
Announcements and sharing in the life of the Community
* Hymn
God be with you till we meet again
VU 422
* Benediction (The Rev. V. Martyn Sadler)
* Choral
I’m gonna live so God can use me
VU 575
Plymouth-Trinity United Church
380 Dufferin Ave. Sherbrooke, QC, J1H 4M7
819 346-6373 - [email protected]
Ministers: All of us
Clergy: the Rev. Samuel V. Dansokho - 873 200-2011
Organist and Music Director: Leslie Young
Secretary: Daniel Laplante – 819 346-6373
Caretaker: Christopher Bryant
Board Chair: Ann Fowlis - [email protected]
Webmaster: Michael Eby - [email protected]
Welcome to all! Welcome in particular to those from the Lennoxville
and Waterville-North Hatley & Hatley pastoral charges who are
worshipping with us for the month of August.
On this thirteenth Sunday of the Season after Pentecost, may we
continue to feel the refreshing and gentle winds of the Holy Spirit!
Bienvenue à l’Église Unie Plymouth-Trinity ! Il y a des Bibles en français
disponibles sur la table à l’entrée pour les personnes qui en désirent.
If you are a visitor, please join us for fair-trade coffee or juice after
the service and take a peace candle back to your congregation.
We thank our volunteers:
Reader: Bob Evans
Ushers: Bob Evans & Val Rawlings
Sexton: Robert Stratton
Soloist: We’re grateful to Lisandre Bujold-Dubuc for singing with us
today thanks to the Sangster Memorial Fund.
A big thank you to all those who helped make our Mission and Service
luncheon a success last Sunday! Thank you, in particular to Ann, Dave
and Selma. Also thank you to Michael for putting together the grill.
Bulletin covers: during the following weeks, Carol Imbeault will be
collecting donations for the 2017 bulletin covers. It is $10 a week in
memory of a loved one. 819-822-0246.
Church office: Daniel Laplante will be in Tuesday to Thursday mornings
from 9 to noon. 819-346-6373 [email protected].
Birthday’s get special attention at the decades – 20, 30, 40 years – and wedding
anniversaries get special attention at 25, 40, 50 etc. years. Today I’d like to
introduce a new significant span of years: the 35th anniversary of my arrival
to become the minister of Plymouth-Trinity. On August 16th, 1981, I led my
first service in this community. I’m so fortunate to have been welcomed back
into this family in my retirement, and so I use this anniversary to say thankyou for the years of pardon, belonging and encouragement you have given
me. Thank you – beyond measure.
Martyn Sadler
Next week
Next week, August 21th – Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Jeremiah 1:4-10
Psalm 71:1-6
Luke 13:10-17
Le service en français se tient le dimanche matin à 9 h dans la chapelle.
Prière de prendre la porte qui donne sur l’aire de stationnement, rue Terrill.
English service at 10:30 in the sanctuary.
In the Community
Our sympathy to the family and friends of Estelle Pettigrue, wife of the
late Les, mother of Carol and Linda, who died 10 days ago on her 100th
birthday. Estelle and Les attended Plymouth-Trinity until his death,
after which she moved to the Wales Home, where one of her daughters
worked. The family has arranged a private graveside service.
Nous présentons nos condoléances émues à la famille de Lydie et Maxime
Tessouop Foudjing. Maxime a perdu à Bafoussam (Cameroun) son père, Mr.
Emmanuel Foudjing, le 30 juillet et son frère ainé, Mr Jean-Jules Kamgaing,
le 6 août. Notre pasteur et la pasteure Florence Bukam ont conduit un service
d’Actions de Grâces hier, samedi, à l’université de Sherbrooke.
The Rev. Andy Lindley who visited us in July is back to York, UK. He
sent us a nice letter of thanks that is available in the back of the
church. Please, ask an usher or simply help yourself.
Old fashioned day: See demonstrations and displays of heritage
crafts and skills at the Eaton Corner Museum this afternoon,
1-5 PM. This annual event gives visitors a chance to watch and to
talk with expert local craftspeople who still know how to do
everything from quilting, embroidery and lace making to basket
making, candle making, timber frame construction, and more. There
will also be displays of antique tools and machinery.
New this year will be the opportunity to learn how to research your
family genealogy. Adding to the ambiance will be Old Time Music
provided by Jan Graham and Ronnie Haseltine, horse and wagon
rides, and complimentary tea and homemade scones.
Admission is $10, children under 12 enter for free. Parking is
available on Laberee Road across from the church building. Join us
for a celebration of local crafts and skills and for a taste of yesteryear.
For more information call Serena Wintle at 819-875-5210, visit the
Eaton Corner Museum on Facebook or at
Scottish settlers reunion ceilidh: Gaelic and Scots songs, country
music, readings and stories, with Margaret Bennet – well-known
Scottish folklorist, and musician – Norman Kennedy – accomplished
Scottish weaver from Vermont – Skip Gorman – popular country
singer. Wednesday, August 24th at 7 PM, at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian
Church (256 Queen Street, Lennoxville). Admission is free, donations
are encouraged. More information at 819-569-3100 or 819-346-2638.
Our Mission
As people of Plymouth-Trinity United Church we strive to
 be a welcoming and caring community following the
example of Jesus Christ;
 share in meaningful worship for those who long to hear
Good News;
 deepen our faith and share it with people of all ages;
 listen to and learn from our brothers and sisters of other
faiths and denominations;
 promote justice and peace in our city and in our world.
Notre Mission
Nous, la communauté de l'Église Unie Plymouth-Trinity, nous nous
 d'être une communauté accueillante et attentionnée en suivant
l'exemple de Jésus-Christ;
 d'offrir un lieu de partage où la prière et la louange prennent tout
leur sens pour ceux qui souhaitent ouvrir leur cœur à la Bonne
 d'approfondir notre foi et la partager avec des personnes de tout
 d'apprendre de nos frères et de nos sœurs de fois ou de
dénominations différentes en pratiquant l'écoute;
 de promouvoir la justice et la paix dans notre ville et notre monde.