Internet Domain name “”


Internet Domain name “”
Marc Santarelli ()
Luc Santarelli ▲■
Thierry Caen ▲■
François Lepelletier-Beaufond ▲■
Herbert Lewitter ▲■
Bruno Quantin ▲■
Arnaud Bonnans ▲
Eric Le Bihan ▲■
Maxime Petit ▲
Hélène Stankoff ▲
Olivier Thrierr ▲■
Conseils en Propriété Industrielle
European Patent, Trademark and Design Attorneys
Richard Combes ▲■
Michel George ▲■
Laurent Kurtz ▲
Valérie Moncade ▲■
Ghislain de Tremiolles ▲
Catherine Ulmann ▲
M. Milan Polak
Fabien Bas ▲
Lorraine Clavier
Séverine Coest
Marie Ehret ▲■
Sylvain Espinasse 
Marta Fernandez Sanchez
Julie Haller
Augustin Le Tourneau ▲
David Lefevre
Sophie Marc ▲■
Pierre-Louis Renard
Nathalie Rey ▲■
Léa-Marie Rogemont
Alexandra Rossi
Clarisse Salou ▲
Paris, June 6, 2011
O/Ref.: LCL/L110000354
Re: Internet Domain name “”
Bureau de Marseille
Cédric Galup ▲
Nathalie Berna
Bureau de Toulouse
Jean-Luc Hartmann ▲
Valérie Vulliez ▲
▲ Conseil en Propriété Industrielle
Intellectual Property Attorney
 Mandataire agréé auprès
de l'Office Européen des Brevets
European Patent Attorney
■ Conseil Européen en Marques
European Trademark Attorney
V.Edmond – J.Haller
Secrétariat général
Dominique Labauge
P.Maundrell – M.Pouchin
Ph.Huard - A.Pouchin - A.Scheidecker
Siège social / Head office
14 avenue de la Grande-Armée
Boîte Postale 237
75822 Paris Cedex 17
Tél +33 (0)1 40 55 43 43
Fax +33 (0)1 42 67 56 29
Visio Conférence +33 (0)1 58 05 06 73
E-mail [email protected]
Bureau de Marseille
146 rue Paradis
13294 Marseille Cedex 6
Tél + 33 (0)4 96 10 21 10
Fax + 33 (0)4 96 10 21 15
E-mail [email protected]
Bureau de Toulouse
Bureau Innopolis A
Boite Postale 388
31314 Labège Cedex
Tél + 33 (0)5 61 00 75 30
Fax + 33 (0)5 61 00 75 39
E-mail [email protected]
Ref: 2010 11 15
Our firm represents the French Company CONFORAMA HOLDING. This company
is a well-known French retailer of furnishings and home appliances.
Our client is in this respect the owner of trademarks “CONFORAMA” protected in
France and abroad, amongst others the Community trademark No 003829587.
Having strongly invested in the protection of the trademark “CONFORAMA”, our
client attaches the greatest attention to any unauthorized use of its well-known
It has come to our client’s attention that you have registered the domain name
This domain name reproduces our client’s trademark rights “CONFORAMA”. Our
client considers therefore that the registration of the domain name “”
infringes its prior rights over its trademark “CONFORAMA” and its domain names,
for instance “”. There indeed exists an obvious risk of confusion
between the signs.
Consequently, our client, wishing to settle amicably and quickly this litigation,
requests your company to:
transfer, without delay and without any financial compensation, the domain
name “” in favour of the company CONFORAMA HOLDING;
undertake, in writing, not to register anymore any domain name that is
confusingly similar to the sign “CONFORAMA”;
Due to the risk of confusion involved, the French Company CONFORAMA
HOLDING requests that you accomplish the above mentioned formalities at the
latest before June 22, 2011.
Issu de la fusion de Rinuy, Santarelli créé en 1977 et de Cabinet Bonnet-Thirion créé en 1852
Merger of the practices of Rinuy, Santarelli (est. 1977) and Cabinet Bonnet-Thirion (est. 1852)
Société anonyme au capital de 1.608.000 euros - N° Intracommunautaire FR 12 340 667 880 / VAT Identification Number FR 12 340 667 880
Société enregistrée en tant que prestataire de formation sous le N° 11 75 41005 75. Cet enregistrement ne vaut pas agrément de l'Etat.
SIRET 340 667 880 00017 – Code APE 6910Z
Should you fail to answer this notice or satisfy our client’s requests stated hereabove within the deadline, we shall have no other solution but to advise our client
to use any appropriate legal means to enforce its rights.
We remain at your disposal of your legal Counsel for any further information.
Yours Sincerely,

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