C`est Zoolicieux !


C`est Zoolicieux !
C’est Zoolicieux !
Le défi lecture du 8 avril au 20 mai 2015
Est-ce que tu as une faim de loup pour aller au zoo ?
Veux-tu devenir un lecteur / une lectrice féroce ?
8 April 2015 Bonjour mes chers lecteurs et lectrices féroces: Mme. Wright’s and my class are planning to go to Brantford Zoo in June 2015. The trip will be connected to oral and writing activities in language arts, as well as Science. Would you like to experience the ​
diversity ​
of life at the zoo? As a class, we need to improve our French reading. ​
Voici un défi lecture pour vous ­ ​
C’est Zoolicieux ! ​
For this reading challenge, show us just how hungry you are for reading. How many nights of reading will you devour in the next 42 days? Will you be a hungry ​
Lynx ​
to read for 10 nights? Will you be a famished ​
Tiger ​
to consume 20 nights of reading? Or, will you be a voracious ​
, fiercely consuming 30 nights or more of home reading? These are some of the animals you will see at the zoo. Between ​
8th April and 20th May​
, please read as many nights in French as you can. Your progress will be tracked on a chart for the school to see. Please ask your parents/guardians to initial and date​
the tracking sheet overpage each night you read in ​
. Remember to read and re­read the home reading books ​
, as repetition aids to help you develop fluency. Don’t forget to use the strategies we talk about in class such as finding “les mots amis” (words that look like English words) or “les mots familières” (words you are already familiar with), to help you make sense of a text you read. Allez­y bons lecteurs et lectrices ! Lisez chaque soir à la maison ! Que le défi commence ! M. Chan 10 nuits de lecture = Je suis un lynx 20 nuits de lecture = Je suis un tigre affamé 30 nuits de lecture = Je suis un lion vorace Nom:__________________________________ Code: _______________ Si je pouvais être un animal sauvage, je serais __________________.
Please date and initial for each night your child does French home reading.
Day/Jour Date Initial Day/Jour Date Initial 1 16 2 17 3 18 4 19 5 20 Super ! Je suis un tigre affamé ! 6 21 7 22 8 23 9 24 10 25 11 26 12 27 13 28 14 29 15 Hourra ! Je suis un lynx !
30 Génial ! Je suis un lion vorace !