services for professional associations - Accueil


services for professional associations - Accueil
Diane Girard,
Ph.D., M.B.A., Adm.A .
Professionals face many ethical challenges, both in private practice and as
employees of corporations or the public service. In all circumstances, they are
expected to meet high standards of ethical conduct.
In some cases, bottom line considerations and fear of losing competitive
advantage can lessen professionals' ethical awareness and lead to poor choices.
In other situations, their professionalism can be challenged by rewards systems that
encourage high levels of performance without taking into account the means taken
to achieve those results. Acting ethically may be perceived as a career limiting move.
Professionals might face a lack of resources, which can hinder what they believe
would be more ethical practices. Professional employees may also struggle with
conflicts of values and loyalty, especially when what their employer asks of them
goes against what they believe should be done.
We aim to help professional associations develop a variety of tools and training to
help their members meet these challenges and satisfy the ethical expectati ons
towards them.
Revision of the professional code of ethics or rules of professional conduct
We can help you to review these key documents, and to enhance them with an ethical
decision making tool, in order to help your members face the challenges of their
Raising awareness about rules of conduct
Rules, controls and disciplinary measures aren't always sufficient to ensure
adherence to the rules of conduct you set forward. We can help you prepare training
sessions designed to enhance your members' ethical awareness and encourage
ethical practice.
Development of ethical competencies
We also offer training and conferences specifically designed with professionals in
mind to help them develop their ethical decision making skills and other required
Here are a few examples of training and conferences themes addressed specifically
to professionals:
Professional and employee: resolving the inherent conflicts of values and
loyalties (conference)
On the challenges of wearing two hats
Resolving situations where the two roles conflict
Raising your ethical concerns in an efficient manner
Ethical decision making for professionals: going beyond the code (training)
Enhancing the legitimacy of your decisions
Managing the risks associated with decisions
Learning to use the ethical decision framework
Using the results to justify your decisions to stakeholders
Here are some examples of professional associations for which we have provided
training or given conferences:
Ordre des administrateurs agréés (Chartered Managers- Québec)
Canadian Institute of Actuaries
International Actuarial Association
Association des directeurs généraux des municipalités du Québec (Municipal
directors general)
Interdepartmental Network on Values and Ethics (Government of Canada)
Cercle de l’Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines agréés (Human
resources professionals)
Chambre des notaires du Québec (Notaries Public)
Institute of internal auditors - Montreal
Conference Board of Canada Ethics Council
Société québécoise des professionnels en relations publiques du Québec
(Public relations professionals)