Corporate risk management and dividend signaling


Corporate risk management and dividend signaling
Corporate risk management and dividend signaling theory
Georges Dionne and Karima Ouederni
HEC Montréal
(01 March 2011)
This article investigates the effect of corporate risk management on dividend policy. We
extend the signaling framework of Bhattacharya (1979) by including the possibility of
hedging the future cash flow. We find that the higher the hedging level, the lower the
incremental dividend. This result is intuitive. It is in line with studies suggesting that cash
flows’ predictability decreases the marginal gain from costly signaling through dividends and
the assertion that corporate hedging decreases cash flow volatility. It is also in line with the
purported positive relation between information asymmetry and dividend policy (e.g., Miller
and Rock, 1985) and the assertion that risk management alleviates the information asymmetry
problem (e.g., DaDalt et al., 2002). Our theoretical model has testable implications.
Keywords: Signaling theory; Dividend policy; Risk management policy; Corporate hedging;
Information asymmetry.
JEL classification codes: G35; G32; D82.
1 Introduction
Signaling theory states that changes in dividend policy convey information about changes in
future cash flows (e.g., Bhattacharya, 1979, Miller and Rock, 1985). Dividend signaling
suggests a positive relation between information asymmetry and dividend policy.1 The higher
the asymmetric information level, the higher the sensitivity of the dividend to future prospects
of the firm. Several empirical studies attempt to test the informational content of dividend
changes, yet they disagree about the sign and the significance of the effect of information
asymmetry on dividend policy (see Allen and Michaely, 2003, for a survey).
Another strand of literature suggests that corporate risk management alleviates information
asymmetry problems and hence positively affects firm value. Information asymmetry between
Evidence that information asymmetry positively affects dividend policy has also been
documented by the free cash flow theory (e.g., Lang and Litzenberger, 1989). 1 managers and outside investors is one of the key market imperfections that make hedging
potentially beneficial. Breeden and Viswanathan (1989) and DeMarzo and Duffie (1995)
argue that hedging reduces noise around earnings streams and thus decreases the level of
asymmetric information regarding firm value. DaDalt et al. (2002) provide empirical evidence
supporting these theoretical studies.
In this article we exploit the interaction between the level of information asymmetry and the
dividend policy, along with its interaction with corporate risk management. We argue that risk
management alleviates the asymmetric information problem, which is a main determinant of
dividend policy. Though many studies that examine dividend policy determinants include
several measures of information asymmetry, none, to our knowledge, consider hedging
among these measures. Extending the signaling framework of Bhattacharya (1979), we
provide theoretical support for the effect of corporate risk management on dividend payout
policy. We find a negative relation between the hedge ratio and the incremental dividend
The remainder of the article is organized as follows. In the next section we present the
theoretical model and its implications. The third section concludes the paper.
2 The model
We assume that the firm operates in a dividend signaling world as modeled in Bhattacharya
(1979). We assume that shareholders have a single-period planning horizon and the manager
operates in the best interest of current shareholders. The model is developed in terms of
marginal analysis for a new project taken on by an all-equity firm. We assume that the
manager is better informed than outside investors about the firm’s future prospects. Thus the
manager is the only agent informed about the distribution of the new project future cash flow.
He attempts to signal his private information via the commitment of an incremental dividend
(D). Dividends are taxed at the rate  while capital gains are not taxed. There is a penalty (β)
incurred by shareholders in case of cash flow shortfall to cover the committed dividend. For
example, the firm could either postpone reinvestments or resort to external funds to finance
them. When the cash flow (x) exceeds the committed dividend, the amount of future external
financing required for reinvestments is reduced by (x-D) and vice versa.
We extend the model by assuming that it is possible for the manager to hedge a fraction (h) of
the future cash flow using a linear hedging strategy, in the spirit of Froot et al. (1993). The
reasoning behind this extension is simple. Outside investors often use estimates of earnings
2 and cash flows as measures of firm value. Hedging reduces the noise around earnings and
future cash flows by reducing the exposure of the firm to factors beyond the manager’s
control. Consequently, hedging lessens the asymmetric information regarding firm value by
reducing the noise in evaluation measures. We expect that the more willing the firm is to
hedge its future cash flow, the less informative the dividend changes and the lower the
manager’s incentives for costly signaling through dividend changes. We make the implicit
assumption that corporate hedging activity is observable by outside investors. This
assumption is realistic given the implementation of many disclosure requirement regulations
by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) since the beginning of the ‘90s (e.g.,
FAS105, FAS107, FAS119, FAS133, FAS138 and FAS161).
The hedging strategy can be modeled by writing the future cash flow as:
x1  hx0  1  h  x
where 0 ≤ h ≤ 1 is the hedge ratio, x the random future cash flow and x0 the expected cash
The incremental part of the objective function of current shareholders is given by equation
(2). The four terms in the equation are respectively: (i) the rise in the firm’s liquidation value;
(ii) the after-tax promised dividend; (iii) the expected gain when the hedged cash flow is
greater than the committed dividend; and (iv) the expected loss when the hedged cash flow is
less than the committed dividend:
 V ( D )  (1   ) D  x ( x h  (1  h ) x  D ) f ( x ) d x 
xD 0
1 
W (D , h) 
 (2 )
1  r  (1   )
 x ( x 0 h  (1  h ) x  D ) f ( x ) d x
where r is the after-tax interest rate; V(D) the response liquidation value of the firm resulting
from the commitment and the payment of the dividend, and xD the minimum cash flow
needed to pay the promised dividend without penalty. Its value is given by equation (3):
xD 
D  hx0
(1  h )
(3 )
2.1 Optimal dividend for a given hedge ratio
Following Bhattacharya (1979) we assume that the future cash flow is uniformly distributed
over [0, t]. Thus the maximization problem is reduced to:
3 2
1 
t 1  2 D  th  
max W ( D, h) 
V ( D)   D   
1  r 
2 8
1  h  t 
The first order condition solves:
V ( D * )    
2 D
 th 
2 (1  h ) t
(5 )
At the optimum, the marginal profit from the dividend increase (the increase of the firm
value) equals its marginal cost (taxes and expected cost of external financing).
The second order condition is given by equation (6):
1 
 
W ( D, h) 
V ( D) 
1 r 
(1  h)t 
Because V(D) is increasing and concave, h lower than one is a sufficient condition for the
second order condition to be satisfied. 2 The hedge ratio h lies between 0 and 1 given that
speculation and over-hedging are not considered in this model.
2.2 Signaling equilibrium
The signaling equilibrium demands that V(D*(t)) must be ”equal to the true value of future
cash flows for the project whose cash flows are signaled with dividend D” ( Bhattacharya
(1979), p. 264). Under the assumption of a stationary dividend,3 the equilibrium function
V(D*(t)) is given by equation (7):
2 D*  t   th  
V  D t   K   D t   
1  h  t 
where K=1/r.
Differentiating equation (7) with respect to t and substituting for V΄(D*) from equation (5), we
W ( D, h)  
h 1 D
As in Bhattacharya (1979), the model has a perpetuity structure and succeeding generations
of shareholders will have one-period horizons, which suggests a stationary dividend for any
given t, owing to the intertemporally independently identically distributed nature of cash
flows. 2
4 
 K  1  
 1 1  h2
h  dD
 D2 
 
K 
1  h  t 2 1  h   dt
 2 8 1  h  2 1  h  t 
Assuming a linear solution for the first order differential equation (8), D (t )  A  t , we obtain
the following quadratic equation:
 K  2  A2   2 1  h  h  A  K
1 K
h2  0
 
1  h  
 
The positive root of the quadratic equation is equal to:
2 1  h    h
 K  1 
2  K  2
 K  1 
2  K  2
 2 1  h    h  K  K  2 
 h 2  4 1  h  
 
2 
   K  1
When h=0 we obtain the corresponding values for (9) and (10) in Bhattacharya (1979).
A is the incremental dividend payout. It also illustrates the sensitivity of dividend increases to
earnings prospects. For reasonable values of tax rate ( ≤ 40%)4 and external financing cost
(β≤ 20%), A is decreasing in the hedge ratio.5 In Figure 1, we show the function with some
feasible parameters. We observe a negative effect of the hedge ratio on the incremental
dividend payout. This result is intuitive. It is in line with studies suggesting that cash flows’
predictability decreases the marginal gain from costly signaling through dividends and the
assertion that corporate hedging decreases cash flow volatility (Chang et al., 2006; Dichev
and Tang, 2009). Earnings volatility affects earnings and cash flow predictability negatively.
The marginal gain from signaling cash flows prospects through dividends therefore increases
with market uncertainty about the future cash flows of the firm. Corporate hedging reduces
the noise around the dividend streams. Thus, for a given 0 < h ≤ 1, a lower amount of
dividend is needed to signal the same level of future performance and to obtain the same
wealth effect. The result also corroborates corporate risk management studies supporting the
Before JGTRRA (Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003), the top marginal
tax rate of dividends was 38.5%, while the top statutory rate of capital gains was 20%.
JGTRRA equalized both tax rates at 15%. See Poterba (2004). 5
Notice that A is not strictly decreasing in the hedging level for all values of tax rates and
external financing costs. For high but less feasible values of  > 40% and β> 20%, A first
increases and then decreases in h.
5 existence of a negative relationship between the dividend policy and the hedge ratio (e.g.,
Dionne and Garand, 2003).
Payout Ratio A
Hedge Ratio h
Figure 1
The curve illustrates the relationship between A and h when  =
40%; β = 20% and r = 5%. The straight line illustrates A for h=0
(Bhattacharya, 1979).
2.3 Optimal hedge ratio
Another way to emphasize the interaction between the dividend policy and the corporate
hedging policy is to maximize the incremental shareholders’ wealth in (4) with respect to the
hedge ratio. The first and second order conditions along with the signaling equilibrium
condition provide the following optimal hedge ratio (See Appendix for details):
D 1
 D
2 t if t  2
h*  
2 1  D  if D  1
 
t 
t 2
6 To choose between the two solutions we substitute for the two expressions of h* in equation
(9) (the quadratic equation in A) and verify if the second order condition is satisfied by the
values obtained. The only feasible or realistic solution is full hedging.
This result confirms Froot, Scharfstein and Stein’s (1993) conclusion that the optimal hedge
ratio for a concave payoff is equal to one when the firm has a single source of risk.
Figure 2 illustrates the possible cases and O identifies the optimal solution at h*=1 and
A* for a given h
Payout Ratio A
A=1-1/2 h*
A=1/2 h*
Hedge Ratio h
Figure 2
The curve illustrates A for a given value of h. The straight lines
illustrate A=1/2h* and A=1-1/2h* ( = 40%; β = 20% and r= 5%).
In the appendix we show that h*equals 1, which corresponds to the
intersection of the three lines at O.
7 If we assume realistically that the promised dividend should be lower than or equal to the
expected cash flow, then the optimal hedge ratio is equal to one.
The most compelling
argument for hedging lies in ensuring the firm’s ability to meet its cash flow commitment at
the lower cost. In this article we are interested in the dividend policy as a signaling device.
The importance of meeting the dividend commitment derives from information imperfections
in the capital market (e.g. negative information released by dividend cuts). Thus, firms use
funds available for reinvestment to make up cash flow shortfalls and then resort to costly
external funds to finance their investment plans. The optimal solution corresponding to a
promised dividend higher than the expected cash flow is consequently eliminated because it
increases the probability of external financing penalty considerably.
In the case of full hedging, the main signaling cost (i.e. external financing penalty) vanishes
and the incremental firm value responds only to the tax rate.7 Thus, the equilibrium V(D*(t)) =
 D* corresponds to a corner solution for the shareholder maximization problem: D*= t/2 (the
expected future cash flow). Intuitively, in the absence of uncertainty, the manager will
promise to distribute the expected cash flow to maximize the existing shareholders’ wealth in
a one-period model.
3 Conclusion
The findings of this article reconcile dividend signaling theory with risk management theory.
We contribute to the dividend signaling literature by emphasizing the interaction between
corporate risk management policy and dividend policy. The interaction between these two
corporate policies has received little attention in the literature despite their common link to
information asymmetry. Using an extension of Bhattacharya’s signaling model, we find that
It is technically possible for a solution for D to be higher than the expected cash flow and
satisfy the maximization criteria, but it is difficult to justify the survival of an exogenous
costly signaling equilibrium that requires a dividend higher than the expected cash flow
(Bhattacharya 1979, p. 263). The objective function of current shareholders for h=1 is given by:
max W ( D ) 
1 
V ( D)   D  
1 r 
And the first order condition solves:
V ( D * )   8 the hedging of future cash flows reduces the sensitivity of dividends to future earnings. A
straightforward implication of this result is that the informational content of dividend changes
decreases with the hedge ratio. It leads to the empirical test of whether corporate risk
management reduces the power of dividend changes to predict future changes in earnings. It
thus proposes a new test of the dividend signaling theory.
In this article we have restricted our attention to linear hedging strategies (i.e., forwards or
futures sales or purchases), for two reasons. First, for these financial products, the firm’s
hedging strategy can be expressed in closed form. Second, the widespread use of linear
hedging instruments is reported by several survey studies.8 Alternative, nonlinear hedging
strategies that involve instruments such as options could be considered in future works to
make the results of this article more general.
Appendix The first order condition of the maximization of (4) with respect to h satisfies:
( 2 D  t h ) (  2 t (1  h )  ( 2 D  t h ) )  0
(A .1 )
The maximization problem has two complementary solutions:
 D
2 t
h 
2 1  D 
 
t 
The second order condition with respect to h is equal to:
 2
2D  t 
1 1
<0 for h<1
 2 W ( D, h)  
4 1  r (1  h)3 t
 h
W ( D, h)  
 h 1 h
( A.3)
It is satisfied for h≤1.
Thus the optimal hedge ratio is given by equation (A.4)
In a study of U.S. nonfinancial firms, Gay et al. (2002) report that 69% of commodity risk
exposures, 75% of currency exposures, and 70% of interest exposures are managed with
linear derivatives. Huang et al. (2007) find that 73% of firms that use derivatives manage
interest and currency risk exposures entirely in terms of linear hedging instruments. See also
Frestad (2009). 9 D 1
 D
2 t if t  2
h*  
2 1  D  if D  1
t 
t 2
 
Because A=D/t we can rewrite these solutions as follow:
2 A if A 
h*  
2 1  A  if A  1
To choose between the two solutions we substitute for h* in the quadratic equation in A
(equation 9) and retain the solution that generates a dividend payout satisfying the second
order condition.
a. When we substitute for h*=2D/t in the quadratic equation (9) we get:
1 K
 2 (1  K )
 2
A necessary condition for A to be bigger than or equal to 0.5 (i.e. D*≥t/2) is  ≤0.5. The
feasible set of  (i.e. ≤0,4) satisfies this condition. However, this solution generates a hedge
ratio higher than 1, which does not satisfy the second order condition. Thus we retain A*=1/2.
b. When we substitute for h*=2 (1-D/t) in the quadratic equation (9) we get:
 1 K 1   
 2 (1  K )    
 2
We can verify that for feasible values of β and τ, A is greater than or equal to 0.5 (i.e. D*≥t/2).
 + 0,5 β≤0.5 is a necessary condition for A to be greater than 0.5. The feasible sets of  and β
(i.e. ≤0,4 and β≤0,2) satisfy this condition. This solution satisfies the second order condition
but it is dominated by A*=1/2 because it is unrealistic to suppose that the optimal solution is
higher than the expected cash flow.
Taken together the two maximization problems (with respect to D and h) lead to the following
solution: h*=1 and A*=1/2.
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