Hotel line


Hotel line
Hotel line
Always take time to indulge!
That’s the Get Fresh difference!
Prenez le temps de vivre !
Adoptez l’esprit Get Fresh !
10.14 fl. oz. - 300 ml
Hair & body gel l Gel cheveux & corps
Liquid soap l Savon liquide
Bottles Flacons
1 fl. oz. - 30 ml
Shower gel l Gel douche
Shampoo l Shampooing
Conditioner l Conditionneur
Body lotion l Lait corps
Hair & body gel l Gel cheveux & corps
Wall brackets
In brass or recyclable ABS plastic
Can be fixed with 2 screws
or double sided tape
Supports muraux
En laiton ou plastique ABS recyclable
Se fixent avec 2 vis
ou ruban adhésif double face
Soaps Savons
0.70 oz. - 20 g
1.30 oz. - 40 g
A truly fresh and vibrant fragrance
Created with luminous accents of sun-kissed starfruit, bartlett pear and delicate orange blossoms.
Finished with a refreshing accent of melon and cassis.
Un parfum frais et vibrant
L’odeur suave des caramboles et des poires gorgées de soleil se mêle à la délicate senteur
des fleurs d’oranger et s’enrichit des accents rafraîchissants du melon et du cassis.
That’s the Get Fresh difference!
Inspirée du style de vie californien, Get Fresh est une marque pétillante
et gaie qui vous donne envie de croquer la vie à pleines dents.
Chez Get Fresh , nous pensons que la beauté vient de l’intérieur.
C’est pourquoi nous nous engageons à proposer des produits aussi beaux qu’efficaces.
Adoptez l’esprit Get Fresh !
1 4 R U E AVAU L É E - 9 2 2 4 0 M A L A KO F F - H E A D O F F I C E : 1 0 R U E D E S B E R G E R S - 75 0 1 5 PA R I S - F R A N C E
T E L . + 3 3 ( 0 ) 1 4 9 6 5 6 3 6 3 - FAX + 3 3 ( 0 ) 1 4 9 6 5 6 3 6 4 - co n t a c t @ g ro u p e g m .co m - w w w.g ro u p e g m .co m
Inspired by the Californian way of life, Get Fresh is a fun,
life-loving attitude as much as it is a brand that always leaves you with a smile.
At Get Fresh we believe that beauty comes from within. That’s why we are totally committed
to making our products feel just as glorious on the inside as they look on the outside.
1 4 R U E AVAU L É E - 9 2 2 4 0 M A L A KO F F - H E A D O F F I C E : 1 0 R U E D E S B E R G E R S - 75 0 1 5 PA R I S - F R A N C E
T E L . + 3 3 ( 0 ) 1 4 9 6 5 6 3 6 3 - FAX + 3 3 ( 0 ) 1 4 9 6 5 6 3 6 4 - co n t a c t @ g ro u p e g m .co m - w w w.g ro u p e g m .co m
Indulge l Relax l Enjoy
Printed on PEFC/10-31-1190 paper
coming from sustainably managed forests