

Pratique 013 MUSIC
“Intégrer les bienfaits de la musique dans un environnement
de travail”
Grande dimension du bien-­‐être au travail : Conditions de travail I - LEVIERS
Les différents points d’impact de cette pratique sur le salarié en entreprise :
Forme physique/psychologique/intelligence émotionnelle ;
Santé/forme/comportement ;
Performance cognitive/productivité.
En s’appuyant sur différentes etudes menées sous l’égide de la psychologie
cognitive et des neurosciences (Stanford, Sheffield, Olivier Sachs, Séverine
Samson, Stéphanie Samson, Emmanuel Bigand), la pratique proposée consiste à
encourager l’écoute de la musique dans le cadre de l’entreprise.
Ex: ecoute individuelle, ateliers de découverte musicale (écoutes thématiques,
découverte/apprentissage d’instruments de musique).
Recherches universitaires menées en entreprise (cf. links ci-dessous)
A) Amélioration de la performance au travail
La Fabrique Spinoza 11 rue Erard, 75012 Paris Tél : 01 43 40 00 24 ; Fax : 01 777 59 222 ; Mobile : 06 721 720 44 Email : [email protected] ; Site-­‐web : www.fabriquespinoza.org “In biological terms, melodious sounds help encourage the release of dopamine
in the reward area of the brain, as would eating a delicacy, looking at something
appealing or smelling a pleasant aroma, said Dr. Amit Sood, a physician of
integrative medicine with the Mayo Clinic.”
“Dr. Lesiuk’s research focuses on how music affects workplace performance. In
one study involving information technology specialists, she found that those who
listened to music completed their tasks more quickly and came up with better
ideas than those who didn’t, because the music improved their mood.”
“Dr. Lesiuk found that personal choice in music was very important. She allowed
participants in her study to select whatever music they liked and to listen as long
as they wanted.” (voir PDF joint)
“For those who choose to listen to music, it’s best to set limits, because wearing
headphones for an entire shift can be perceived as rude by those nearby.”
“Dr. Sood, at the Mayo Clinic, said it takes just 15 minutes to a half-hour of
listening time to regain concentration. Music without lyrics usually works best, he
B) Relaxation, diminution du stress et de la fatigue
cf. Haake, A. B. (2010). Music listening in offices: Balancing internal needs and
external considerations (Doctoral thesis, University of Sheffield, Sheffield),
accessed from www.musicatwork.net
“A U.K. study, conducted by Anneli B. Haake of the University of Sheffield’s
Department of Music, focused on workplace music’s effect on stress levels and
mood. Haake surveyed 295 U.K. workers employed in a wide array of
occupational settings: 80 percent of respondents reported that they listened to
music at work on a regular basis. Regular music listeners told Haake that music
improved their mood, relaxed them, made them happier, improved focus,
blocked out distracting noises and made them feel less tired.”
La Fabrique Spinoza 11 rue Erard, 75012 Paris Tél : 01 43 40 00 24 ; Fax : 01 777 59 222 ; Mobile : 06 721 720 44 Email : [email protected] ; Site-­‐web : www.fabriquespinoza.org C) Attention accrue et anticipation
“(…) musical techniques used by composers 200 years ago help the brain
organize incoming information”
“Music engages the brain over a period of time, he said, and the process of
listening to music could be a way that the brain sharpens its ability to anticipate
events and sustain attention.”
“According to the researchers, their findings expand on previous functional brain
imaging studies of anticipation, which is at the heart of the musical experience.
Even non-musicians are actively engaged, at least subconsciously, in tracking the
ongoing development of a musical piece, and forming predictions about what will
come next.”
In concreto, encourager l’écoute – de manière individuelle – de la
musique en entreprise.
“According to Joshua Leeds, author of “The Power of Sound,” the Illinois study
showed that workers who listened to music on personal stereo devices were
significantly more productive than colleagues in the study’s control group.”
“American Machine Foundry Company retained a management-consulting firm to
measure music’s impact on output. According to an article on the Staples.com
website, the consulting firm found that factory productivity increased by 4.1
percent when music was played. As an added bonus, the consultant reported a
31.2 jump in employee promptness.”
La Fabrique Spinoza 11 rue Erard, 75012 Paris Tél : 01 43 40 00 24 ; Fax : 01 777 59 222 ; Mobile : 06 721 720 44 Email : [email protected] ; Site-­‐web : www.fabriquespinoza.org VI - LIMITES
A) Tempérer les bienfaits supposés de l’initiative
Loi de Carlson = contre-étude disposant que "le temps perdu à cause de
l'interruption d'une tâche est supérieur au temps de l'interruption”
Par consequent, les questions à se poser sont les suivantes : “combien de temps
ai-je à consacrer à une tâche sans l’interrompre et à partir de quelle charge
horaire de travail est-ce que je deviens improductif ? Les principes qui découlent
de cette loi sont de persévérer sans s’obstiner, de lutter contre l’activisme
improductif et le perfectionnisme extrême et d’être conscient de ses limites.”
(http://www.coachingavenue.com/2/view_news.php?id_news=446 )
B) Cadrer la pratique
Exemple de derive: http://www.enquete-debat.fr/archives/souffrance-autravail-la-musique-debile-10252 = “Certains salariés font au quotidien la
douloureuse expérience de la musique débile au travail. De quoi s’agit-il ?
Tout simplement, sur leur lieu de travail, ils doivent supporter la même
musique commerciale débile, sans broncher. Les dégâts ne sont jamais
mesurés, ils sont pourtant bien réels.”
Exemple de mesure de prevention des risques (distraction, productivitée
biaisée, derives provenant d’un manque de mesures légales sur le sujet)
“Like many things, music can be a force for good or bad in the workplace,
depending on how the tool is used and the setting. Some employers, however,
see these ubiquitous music machines as PDDs--portable distraction devices that
can kill productivity and even trigger legal risks.”
« Set a music policy BEFORE you encounter problems. That way, your directive
won't appear to be retaliation against one troublemaker. Consider three different
tactics on a policy:
▪ The easiest policy is to prohibit all aural media sources in the workplace or for
La Fabrique Spinoza 11 rue Erard, 75012 Paris Tél : 01 43 40 00 24 ; Fax : 01 777 59 222 ; Mobile : 06 721 720 44 Email : [email protected] ; Site-­‐web : www.fabriquespinoza.org certain jobs.
▪ Another option is to focus on the issue as a "noise policy," rather than a music
policy, by requiring employees to keep the volume down on their speaking as
well as on all forms of media.
▪ Another way to deal with the issue is to outlaw any offensive media content,
and clarify that HR and supervisors have the right to make those
En prenant exemple de la sonate k448 en ré mineur de Mozart
(http://www.smart-kit.com/s245/how-the-amazing-mozart-k448-can-increaseyour-iq-listen-now/), dans quelle mesure l’écoute de la musique classique (et, en
l’occurrence, de l’oeuvre mozartienne) contribue-t-elle au développement des
champs cognitifs ?
La Fabrique Spinoza 11 rue Erard, 75012 Paris Tél : 01 43 40 00 24 ; Fax : 01 777 59 222 ; Mobile : 06 721 720 44 Email : [email protected] ; Site-­‐web : www.fabriquespinoza.org 

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