Oh, my dog Oh, my dog


Oh, my dog Oh, my dog
Maths à points, maths à noter… :
Oh, my dog !
trouuRéponds aux questions suivantes, puis relie dans l’ordre les réponses que tu as tro
vées jusqu’à « end »
Complète les phrases par she / he / her / his
1. This is Patricia …… (a) is American …… (b) lives in Los Angeles.
2. This is Paul's sister …… (a) name is Vanessa. …… (b) is 25.
3. Look at that man! What's …… nationality ?
4. Britney Spears is American : …… lives in Louisiana.
5. Brad Pitt's wife is from Greece but …… lives in Los Angeles.
6. Our father plays tennis …… plays very well.
2a her
1b she
2b she
Complète les phrases par like / as
7. She sings …… an angel
8. I'm much better …… you can see.
9. My sister is not at all …… me.
10. My daughter is just …… my sister.
6 he
8 as
8 like
13 whose
2b he
3 his
2a his
1a she
15 how
3 he
1b her
7 as
5 she
7 like
4 he
15 why
18 how
14 whose
4 she
13 what
14 who
16 when
12 where
17 what
11 how
1a he
16 where
6 she
12 what
9 as
Complète par le pronom interrogatif qui convient.
11. …… old are you ?
12. …… are my shoes ? - Under the bed
13. …… films do you like ?
14. …… is this boy ? I don't know.
15. …… is she sad ? Because Dennis is not at the party
16. …… can you come ? Tomorrow
17. …… time is it ?
18. …… are you ? Fine, thank you
pour trouver des QCM en Anglais :
F. Léon (18.10.09 - 18.10.09) * L:\Mes documents\_fred\WORK\MATH\Formation\PAF_2009_10\points\jour1\anglais.doc * 1/2
11 who
5 her
17 who
10 as
9 like
11 when
10 like
18 when
Oh, my dog !
Maths à points, maths à noter… :
2a her
1b her
1b she
2b she
6 he
8 as
8 like
13 whose
2b he
3 his
2a his
1a she
15 how
3 he
7 as
5 she
7 like
4 he
15 why
18 how
14 whose
4 she
13 what
14 who
16 when
12 where
17 what
11 how
1a he
16 where
6 she
12 what
11 who
5 her
9 as
17 who
10 as
9 like
10 like
18 when
11 when
F. Léon (18.10.09 - 18.10.09) * L:\Mes documents\_fred\WORK\MATH\Formation\PAF_2009_10\points\jour1\anglais.doc * 2/2

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