muchamore mega word search


muchamore mega word search
You’ll find 50 CHERUB and Henderson’s Boys related terms hidden in the grid below.
Words run vertically, horizontally, or diagonally!
Here’s what you need to find:
10 CHERUB agent surnames.
4 Henderson’s Boys character first names.
5 CHERUB bad-guy surnames.
1 Dog’s name.
7 CHERUB T-shirt colours.
8 CHERUB book titles (Excluding ‘The’).
4 Henderson’s Boys book titles (Excluding ‘The’).
6 CHERUB campus buildings.
1 Author surname.
4 CHERUB staff first names.
10 CHERUB agent surnames.
4 Henderson’s Boys character first names.
5 CHERUB bad guy surnames.
1 Dog’s name.
7 CHERUB T-shirt colours.
8 CHERUB book titles (Excluding ‘The’).
4 Henderson’s Boys book titles (Excluding ‘The’).
6 CHERUB campus buildings.
1 Author surname.
4 CHERUB staff first names.