République Algérienne Démocratique et Populaire


République Algérienne Démocratique et Populaire
République Algérienne Démocratique et Populaire
Direction de la Coopératio~et des
Échanges lnteruniversitnira
Alger, le .........
Madame et Messieurs les Présidents
des conférences régionales des Universités
Centre - Est Ouest
Qbjeti : Onre de bourses d'études en Italie.
la diffusion de la langue et
de la culture italienne et l'encouragement des échanges scientifiques et
Dans le cadre des actions visant la promotion et
culturels, j'ai ,l'honneur de vous informer que le MinistBre de l'Enseignement
Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique est destinataire d'une offre de
bourses d'études, émanant du Minlstere Italien des Affaires EtrangAres et de
la Coopération Internationale au titre de i'année universitaire 201 5-2016 qui
seront consacrées spécialement aux :
Formations universitaires pour les diplômes de 1' et 2eme cycle ( Licence
et Master);
Projet d16tudesen co-tutelle .pour des activités de recherche auprès du
CNR ( Conseil National des Recherche ), l'Institut Supérieure de la santé
ou d'autres institutions étatique universitaire ;
Formations avancés de langue et culture italiennes ;
Formations de ~pécialiseüonpoçt-universitaire ;
Formations Universitaires pour l'obtention d'un doctorat ;
Formations en didactique pour l'enseignementde la langue Italienne
Ces bourses d'une dur& de trois, six et neuf mois sont destinées à des
enseignants chercheurs, enseignants chercheurs hospltalo-universitaires et
étudiants remplissant les conditions suivantes :
Connaissance de la langue Italienne ;
Possession d'un diplBrne universitaire pour l'inscription l'université Ou à
l'institut choisie ;
2 5 R p r . a1515:56
La limite d'8ge est fixé à 35 ans pour les Btudiants et de 45 ans pour las
enseignants .
Les candidats doivent renseigner un formulaire on ilne tdJkhargeablesur le
site web du Ministère italien des affaires éttanghres a l'adresse suivante :
dio 6tranieri.html
Le dernier délai pour l'envoi en line du formulaire est fixé au 13 mai 2015.
A cet effet, je vous saurais gré des dispositions que vous voudrez bien
prendre pour la diffusion d8 cette offre et vous prie de nous faire parvenir, la
liste des candidats, ayant émargb à ce programme .
ACADEMIC YEAR 20 15/2016
The Italian Governrnent awards scholarships for studying in Itdy b ~ t to
h f d g n citizens and Italian
citizcns resident abroad (IRE). The aim of these scholwhips is fostering intcmationai culturai
cooperetion, spmding the Italian language, cultun and science knowledge and promoting the
econornic and tcchnological sectors of Italy al! around the world. The list of the countries whose
citizen5 and IRE may apply, is on the Ministy of Foreign Afai~s #and Internufional Cooperallon
(MECI)webpage h t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . e ~ t ~ ~ ~ , i ~ ~ ~ a e / i ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ r 0 / ~ e ~ ~ i z i / ~smicri.h$tmieri/0~p0~~nitd40r~
A certain nutnber of scholarships (named IRE scholaiships) is available for Italian citizens resident
abroad on IY for the followuig countries: Argentinut Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Eritreu, Ethiopiu,
Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, South Afiico, TTw[sia, Uruguiy and V e n e z u e l a .
ltalian citizens, employed at offices of the Italian public administration, as well as their fmily even
if temporarily resîding abroad, are not allowed to apply for IRE Scholarships.
These Scholarships are o f f d on1y for study/research projects at higher education Institutions
within thc ltalian State Education and Research system (State Institutions and research centen, or
legally recognized by the competent St8t.e authority). The list of these Institutions is an the Ministry
of Edu~ation,University and Research (MIUR) webpage: hnp:hw,istniione.it/web/universidhame
It is NOT rllowed to apply for studyl research pr~jectsai:
foreign institutions (such as universities, academies, librruies, schools of any Und) even if
they oprate in ltaly;
Centers or research laboratories not legally rewgnized by the compdent State authority
The Ministry o f Foreign Affain and International Gooperation also otim Scholarships ta foreign
students for so-called bLSpccialProjects" (please check the dedicated section al the following
address:http:/lww w . e s t e r i . i t r m a e / i t / ~ i n i s t m / s e ~
Scholarsbip duration and time framr
The scholarship duration can be three, six, or nine months.
Only for Coursesfor tcuchersof ltalion lanpage the scholarship duration is one month.
Time frame: January 1' - Deeember 3 1 2016.
According to the Agreement between Italy and Libya, the scholarship duration for Libyan citizens
will be 12 moaths, stnrting irom ûctober 1'' 2015
Detailcd information ~gardingthe scholarship offer, can be rcquested ta the Italian Embassy or
applicant' s
of citizenship.
Air tickets are not granted, except for Chilean citizen$. For sll relevant infornation, please contact
the kalian Embassy in Chile.
Counes for which it is passible to apply for a scholarship and rquired
No scholanbips are offered for:
Single iiniveisity course
Undergraduate University courses, except for renewals (please see point A of e&n
The scholarshipsare ofkred for the following type of courses:
A. Undergraduate University courses (Laures Triennale
- l0 ciclo
e a ciclo unico).
This type of scholarship is offered only to candidates who in the aoademic year 2014-15 rcoeived e
scholarship to attend an Undergraduate Course ( L ~ Triefinale
di Lama a Clcb
LIniN, and in the aoadernic year 2015-16 will enroll at lest for the second year of the s a ~ course.
The renewal is subject to verificatini of the shident's acadamic achievemnb.
B. Postgraduate Univenity courses (Laurea Magistrale - ciclo),
Admission ta the first year of a Postgraduste courre requires a Bachelor's Degree or equivaltnt
recognized foreign qualifcaîion; for emlmtnt/admission &r the fust yeat, the scholarship-holdet
is q u i r a d to have parsed the mivwity exams of aie previous year.
CeMaster's Degret couraes &evels 1or II)
For admission, the candidate must have the academic qualification requircd for the chosen Master
It is the candidate's respomibility to contact the chosen Institution in order to be jnfomed on the
activation of the master, the schedule and the othtr rcquirements foi registration If the course
includes a pniod of study in a country other than Italy, payment of the scholarship will bc suspendcd
for that period.
Pleae note: a mastcr murse might be eventually uniceled or it mi& be activated with dela~s+The
scholarship will be Md only if the master course is activatcd and only for the months of ~ ~ n f ~ n ~ e d
registrationof the applicaat to the mater ~
D. Ph,D. Courses.
For admission, the candidate must have the acadcmic qualification requircd for the chosen P1i.D.
course. It is the candidate's responsibility to Contact the chosen InstitW in order tQ be i n f 0 ~ e don
the activation of the course, the schedule and tbe other requiraments for registmtion. If the course
ind udes a period of study in a couny other than Italy, payment of the scholmhip w il l be suspendd
for that periad.
'Plcase note: a PIi.D, course might be eventually mnceled or it might bc 8ctivat.d with delays*The
schalarship will be paid only if the Ph.D.course is activated and only for the rnonths of confmed
registration of the applicant to the Ph.D. course.
E. Specialisation Schoob (Scuok di Spefializzazione)
For admission, the mdjdatemust have the mernic qualification rcquired fur the chosen School. It
is the candidate's re~pmsibilityto contact the chosen School in order to be infomed On b
activation and schedule of the murse, and the ather eventuiil requirements of registration.
Spwislitotion schools of medial discipline an not eligibk ta gct s scbalarship.
L Researeh uuder academic supervision (Progettl di Studio in comtutela)
in order m ~ p l for
y this type of scholmhip, the candidate mut submit the ~smh
p r o j ~ and
t the
letters of aeceptance fmm thc host InstiMion The research projcct must be carried out within the
Italian $rate Education and &h
System, including public museums and archives, and
institutionsas CNR (Consifi Nazionab delle Ricerche) and ISS (Irtiîuto Superjore di Srnit&)+
G. Course of Higher Education in Art, Music and Dance (AFAM), Scuola ~ n t e r n a i ~ a l e
di Liateria di Cremono; 8c1~oladi AL Fom~*one
e Studio (SA0 of th@ I s m o
Supdioreper la Conservuu'one ed il h a u r o (ISCR),and Sc& Nazioptrile di C h m
* For admission to Couna of Higher Educdtion in Art, Music and D m e (AFAM) and tb the
Scuola Internazionale di Liutcria di Cremona, candidates must possess a High school Diploma
or a titlt valid locaily for admission ta Academies of Fine Arts or Conservatories of Music. It is
the candidate's responsibility to contact the chosen Institutc/ Institution in order 10 be informed
on my other possible requirernents for the admission. The lid of the MAM institutes can be
seen on the Ministry of Educatim, Uiiivmities and Research (MRIR) webpeige
h t r ~ : l / w w.afam.miurIitlatgomenti/istituzîoni~
For admission to Scuda di Alta Formiuime e Studio (W)of the Istituto Superior8 por la
ed il Rsrtuwo (ISCR) and to ScuuZa NazionuIe di Cifierfia,candidates must
possess a Hi@ sçhool Diploma valid locally and pass an Admission test. It is the candidate's
responsibility to be infmed on the schedule of the Entrance test and on any other possible
requi rements.
& ~dvanced Coumes on Italian language and culture (ONLY THREE MONTHS
This type of scholarship is eligible only for students who have pas& at lest one university exam 0f
Mian Lanyage in thtir own country. At the end of the course, the dudent is expected ta achieve at
least a B1 Level of ltalian proficiency, attested by a certificate such as CILS, CELI, PLIDA o 17
b m a TE.
Tbls type dscholanhip i$ offered oiily for courses of tbree month8 ducnrioa
No scholsrships are offerai for Beginners course.
A payment of University toition f- is rcquired:sch~lar~hi
are digible for a discount+
responsibility to c o n t ~ the
t chosan Institution in order be infomed on
~t is the
course schedult and univsrsity tuition fees.
1. Coumes for Terichers of ICallPn as sceo~dlangnege (ONLY ONE MONTH DURATION):
For this type of scholarship, applicants must be teaehen of Italian as second language with
doeumented experience. The scholprship duratim of this type of course is one month. A payment of
University toition fees is required: s&iarship-holdws are eligible for a d i s c o ~ t .It is the
candidate's responsibiliry to contaît die chosen Institution in order to be informcd on tbe activation
and schedule orthe c o u d md uriiversity tuition fees.
Candidates may apply for a rcnewal to continue or complete a multi-year cowse. Upon de~islonof
the selection wmmittee, a rencwal a n be granted only ifthe applicant has paased the exams
required in the previous year. No scholarship rencnala are offered for shideab exceeding the
legal duration of the course of study.
Normally, the ecbohmhip boldm are exempt fram the payment of the univeraity tuition fees,
in aerordance witb existing regulations.
However the Universitis, as part of their autonomy, may not allow such exemption.
Candidates are therefore recornmended IQ contact the chosen Institution in order to be informecl
evenhral taxes or tuition fees,
Otber Reqnirements
Educational aualifkations required by the chosen institution @leas see section III)
Knowledge of hlim Laoguage: candidates must possess a çertificate of intermediate
level in Itaiian (e.g. CILS BZ, CELl 3, PLIDA B2 or MTJT Roma Tre) or cquivalent
linguistic proficiency issued by a local organizationor language school (tg. Italiim Culniral
Institute, Dante Alighieri Society branch etc.). Applicants for enrolment in university
coues held entirely In hglish, must have at lwt an A2 level proficiency in Italim.
& limits: candidates who anr younger than 18 y. o. or older than 35 y. o. on the day of the
deadline for the submission of the appliçations(1 3-05-20 15), are not eligible. Gmdidates for
Courses for tenchers of Italian a secoad Isngu8ge (see above, section UI, letter 1) are
eligible u t i l thcy are 45 y. o. on the day of the deadline for the çubmission o f the
; wrictions: Students wirolled in a year exceeding the legai duration d the course of study
(the SQ-called"fuori corso") are na eligible for scholarships.
Agreements between the MAECl and some Univemities
For the academic year 2015-20 16, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has signed agreements with s m e
Jtalian Universities in order to siiplify enrollment and administrative procedures. Thanks to these
agreements, the following universities will pay the scholarship holders directly dirough a shortend
and simplifid procedure @leasc see Regola~entodel borsista which can be downloaded fram the
following link: http://www.estrri.it/madit/mi~t~r~/~eniizi/~t~nid/~~~~rt~nit~~r~~studio
Politecnico di Milano; Politecnico di Torino; Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia; Università
C~mmadaleLui@ Bocconi di Milano; Univesita degli studi di Torino; Universith degli studi di
MiIrno; Università degli studi di Bologna; Universith degli studi di Roma Tor Vcrgata; Universi*
Roma Tre; Università per stranicri di Pemgia; Universitit per stnurieri di Sima; universif per
stranieri "Dante Alighieri" di Reggio Calabria.
YI, Applications
How to apply: Al1 applicants must fi11 in the oa-lineapplication fm at "Borse oii Line" at
26 Apr. 2815 16:01
Deadline for al1 applications: Application foms must be submitted on-line by 00:UO am
(Italian tirne) on Wedneadsy, May 13th 2015. Appltcants will be notifed via email of the
reception of their application.
In each country, the selection of candidates wlll br made by a Selecrion Cornmittee appointed by
the Italian Embassy in the candidate'scountry.
Realth (and accident) insurance
For the sole period of the scholanihip granted by the Italian Govemment, the scholarship -holders
are covered by an insurance policy against illness and/or accident.
To be eligible to rseive a MAECI Scholmhip, candidates must not be ccowmntly in receipt of
another scholarship offered by the Iîûlian Government.
For more information regardhg duties and responsibilities of ~cholanhip-holdersin Italy,
please see Regolumento del borsista which can be downloaded from the following link:
htt~:/lwww.esteri.i tlmaelitlmin.i~r~/se/di

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