Citing sources - Bibliothèque de Mines ParisTech


Citing sources - Bibliothèque de Mines ParisTech
Citing sources Citations and bibliography In all written work (PhD thesis, dissertation, report, working file, paper, website… ) you have
to cite your sources, both :
- throughout the text by including in-text citations ;
- at the end of your document by listing all the references you have used and cited in
your work : this is bibliography.
Sources include anything on which you have drawn information, they may take multiple
forms : written (books, reports, dissertations, articles in magazines, newspapers or
encyclopedia,...) or oral (conferences, interviews,…), and may use different media : print,
online, television, radio, DVD, CD-Rom, multimedia…
In-text citations
To avoid plagiarism, in-text quotations should be placed between quotation marks and
mention the author(s), the date and page information where required. This enables the
reader to easily find the reference in the bibliography, as well as the appropriate section in the
referred source.
Example :
Selon Marchio et Reboux, « les transferts thermiques font partie des Sciences de base de
l’ingénieur (…). Au minimum, l’ingénieur doit donc : en connaître les principes
fondamentaux, être capable d’évaluer leur importance dans un problème particulier, dégager
les ordres de grandeurs par une modélisation simple » (2003, p. 1).
(…) indicates that at this point the quote is truncated.
Placed at the end of the text, the bibliography lists all the sources you have used in your work.
Its presentation follows precise rules. Unless they have been specified by a teacher, a research
adviser, or a publisher, you may follow the rules below. There exist other guidelines to
which you can refer (NF ISO 690 standard, MLA, APA, etc.).
NOTE : whatever presentation you choose, it must be homogeneous .
For example, if you choose to :
- place the year of publication after the authors’ names or at the end of a reference,
- indicate authors’ forenames or just initials,
- add book ISBN or not,
you have to apply these rules for all references with no exception .
Books, in print
Author, Book title, volume, edition. Place of publication : publisher, year of edition.
Bibliothèque de MINES ParisTech (Paris) – Septembre 2013 Contact Formation : emilie.brunet@mines-­‐ Example :
Marchio D., Reboux P., Introduction aux transferts thermiques. Paris : Presses de l’Ecole des mines, 2003.
Books, accessed online
Author, Book title [online]. Edition. Place of publication : commercial publisher, year of publication.
Format. From : URL (retrieval date).
Example :
Blum R., Postfix [en ligne]. Indianapolis : Sams, 2001. Format XML. Disponible sur : (consulté le 23/07/2009).
Specific chapter of a book (same author(s) for both)
Chapter author(s), chapter title, in Book title, volume, edition. Place of publication : publisher, year of
publication, pagination.
Example :
Marchio D., Reboux P., Transferts de chaleur par convection, in Introduction aux transferts thermiques.
Paris : Presses de l’Ecole des mines, 2003, pp. 113-182.
Contribution to edited books (contribution author(s) different from book editor(s))
Contribution author(s), title, in book Editor(s), Book title, volume, edition. Place of publication : publisher,
year of publication, pagination.
Example :
Marchio D., Rivère P., Rappel de calcul économique, in Adnot J., Marchio D., Rivière P. (coord.), Cycle de
vie des systèmes énergétiques. Paris : Presses des Mines, 2012, pp. 19-24.
Balian R., Les multiples visages de l’énergie, in Bobin J.L., Huffer E., Nifenecker H. (dir.), L’énergie de
demain : techniques, environnement, économie. Grenoble : EDP Sciences, 2005, pp. 13-46.
Articles in periodicals
Author, Title of article, Name of periodical, volume, issue, year of publication, pagination.
Example :
Lassagne B., Raquet B., Broto J.-M., et al., Energy dependent transport length scales in strongly diffusive
carbon nanotubes, Journal of physics Condensed matter, vol. 18, n° 19, 2006, pp. 4581-4587.
Articles from online periodicals
Author, Title of article [online], Name of periodical, volume, issue, year of publication, pagination. From :
URL (retrieval date).
Example :
Carpentieri B., Interactive Compression of Digital Data [en ligne], Algorithms, vol. 3, n°1, 2010, pp. 63-75.
Disponible sur : (consulté le 11/01/2012).
Thoma P., A local form for the automorphisms of the spectral unit ball [en ligne], Pré-publication de
l’Institut de mathématiques de Toulouse, 2008. Disponible sur : (consulté le
Articles in encyclopedia, in print
Author, Title of article, in Title of encyclopedia, volume. Place of publication : commercial publisher, year
of publication, pagination.
Example :
Fox R., Sadi Carnot, in Encyclopaedia Universalis, corpus 4. Paris : Encyclopaedia Universalis, 2002, pp.
Articles from online encyclopedia
Author. Title of article [online], in Title of encyclopedia, volume. Edition. Place of
commercial publisher, year of publication. From : URL (retrieval date).
Examples :
Bibliothèque de MINES ParisTech (Paris) – Septembre 2013 Contact Formation : emilie.brunet@mines-­‐ publication :
Boutin O., Ferrasse J.-H., Lefèvre S., Procédés d'oxydation en voie humide [en ligne], in Techniques de
l’ingénieur. Reference CHV6030. Paris : Techniques de l’ingénieur, 2011. Disponible sur :
Wikipedia :
sur : (consulté le 23/09/2013).
Dissertation or thesis
Author, Title, type of dissertation and discipline. Place of defense : Institution, date.
Example :
Motte N., Optimisation de la structure des données « Incident Gaz », thèse professionnelle de mastère
spécialisé en ingénierie et gestion du gaz. Paris : Mines ParisTech, 2012.
Full website
Author or organisation issuing the website, Title de homepage [online]. From : URL (retrieval date).
Examples :
GDF SUEZ, Gaz – électricité – énergie renouvelable [en ligne]. Disponible sur :
(consulté le 23/09/2013).
Mines ParisTech, Département Energétique et Procédés - Centre Efficacité énergétique des Systèmes [en
ligne]. Disponible sur : (consulté le
Web page
Author or organisation, Title of [online] contribution, in Website title, Date published or updated. From :
URL (retrieval date).
Example :
BP, Statistical Review of World Energy 2013 [en ligne], in Site internet de BP Global, 2013. Disponible
(consulté le 23/09/2013).
Author (inventor), Title of patent. Country or organisation issuing the patent. Type of patent document.
Patent number. Date of publication.
Examples :
Poirrier J. Joindot M., Charbonnier B., Method for determining the value of a signal received and
associated receiver. France, Brevet WO2006061491 (A1), 15 juin 2006.
Rentz A., Emballage souple pour produit alimentaire fluide. Brevet FR2925465 (A1). 26 juin 2009.
Standard publisher, Title of standard. Reference of standard. Place of publication : commercial publisher,
year of publication, number of pages.
Examples :
AFNOR. Qualité environnementale des produits de construction : déclaration environnementale et sanitaire
des produits de construction = Environmental quality of construction products, environmental and health
declaration of construction products = Umweltqualität von Bauprodukten, Umwelt- und
Sanitäreigenschaften der Bauprodukte. Norme française NF P 01-010, décembre 2004.
AFNOR. Béton : béton de sable. NF P18-500, juin 1995.
Bibliothèque de MINES ParisTech (Paris) – Septembre 2013 Contact Formation : emilie.brunet@mines-­‐ 

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