Les Sons de l`anglais britannique. (Recieved Pronounciation). Les


Les Sons de l`anglais britannique. (Recieved Pronounciation). Les
Les Sons de l’anglais britannique. (Recieved Pronounciation).
Les voyelles simples (Vowels)
[I] fish
[i:] tree
[e] pen
[Q] cat
[Å] dog
[ç:] door
[U] book
[u:] shoe
[√] bus
[Œ:] bird
[»fIS] fish
[»tri:] tree
[»pen] pen
[»kQt] cat
[»dÅg] dog
[»dç:] door
[»bUk] book
[»Su:] shoe
[»b√s] bus
[»bŒ:d] bird
Les diphtongues.
[ei] cake
[´U] coat
[aI] eye
[aU] house
[çI] boy
[I´] beard
[e´] chair
[U´] tourist
[»keik] cake
[»k´Ut] coat
[»aI] eye
[»haUs] house
[»bçI] boy
[»bI´d] beard
[»tSe´r] chair
[»tU´rist] tourist
Consonnes (Consonants)
[b] bed
[»bed] bed
[p] pen
[»pen] pen
[m] men
[»men] men
[w] wash, queen, one
wash[»wÅS], queen[»kwi˘n], one [»w√n]
[f] fish
[»fIS] fish
[v] very, of very[»veri], of [´v]
[T] thanks [»TQNks] thanks
[D] this
[»DIs] this
[d] door
[»dç˘] door
[t] tea
[»ti˘] tea
[n] no
[»n´U] no
[dZ] job, village, badge
job[»dZÅb], village [»vIlIdZ], badge [»bQdZ]
[tS] chair [»tSe´r] chair
[z] zebra, beds
zebra [»zi˘br´], beds[»bedz]
[Z] beige, pleasure beige[»beIZ], pleasure [»pleZ´]
[s] see, cups see[»si˘], cups [»k√ps],
[S] shoe
[Su˘] shoe
[l] lady
lady [»leIdi]
[r] rain
rain [»reIn]
[j] yes, uniform
yes [»jes], uniform [»ju˘nIfç˘m]
[g] guard
[k] keep, cat, queen keep[»ki˘p], cat[»kQt], queen[»kwi˘n]
[N] sing, English, bank
sing [»sIN], English [»INglIS], bank [»bQNk]
[h] house
house [»haUs]

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