From the Library- New acquisitions


From the Library- New acquisitions
From the Library- New acquisitions
- Buddhist Sculptures from China : Selections from the Xi’An Beilin Museum. Fifth
through Ninth Centuries .Exhibition Catalogue - Chinese Gallery, New York. Collective
under the direction of Annette Juliano, Ed. Chinese Institute, New York, 2006.
- Pilgrimage and Buddhist Art. Exhibition Catalogue Asia Society New York. Collective
under the direction of Adriana Poser, New York, 2010.
- Arts of Ancient Vietnam: From River Plain to open Sea. Catalogue of Exhibition Asia
Society New York, 2009
- Art and archeology of Fu Nan: Pre Khmer Kingdom of the lower Mekong Valley.
Edited by James CM Khoo, Orchid Press, Bangkok,2003.
- The Buddhist Monastery. A Cross- Cultural Survey. François. Lagirarde, P.Pichard.
Etudes thématiques EFEO, vol 13, 2003.
- Buddhist Legacies in Mainland Southeast Asia : Mentalities ,Interpretations and
Practices. François Lagirarde, Paritta Chalermpow Koanantakool, Etudes Thématiques
EFEO, vol .19, Bangkok,2006.
- Masterpieces of the National Museum of Cambodia. Chefs d’oeuvres du Musée
national du Cambodge. (English, French, Japanese, Khmer Text). Helen Jessup, Ed.
Friends of Khmer Culture, 2006.
Livres français
- L’art bouddhique, Gilles Beguin, Ed. CNRS, Paris, 2009.
-: La voie du Tao Un autre chemin de l’être (Catalogue d’exposition Paris Grand
palais), Ouvrage collectif, Ed Réunion des musées nationaux, Paris, 2010.
- L’Inde classique. Michel Angot, Ed. Belles lettres, Paris,
- Le temple indien, miroir du monde, Bruno Dagens, Ed Belles lettres, Paris
- De l’Inde au japon : 10 ans d’acquisitions au Musée Guimet (1996-2006), Ed.
Réunion des Musées Nationaux, Paris
- Mantras et Mandarins : le bouddhisme tantrique en Chine. Michel Strickmann,
Bibliothèque des sciences humaines, Nrf, Paris.
German Books
- Der Weg zur Freiheit. Gesprache mit Adam Clements. Aung San Suu Kyi
- Buddhismus-Alles, was man wissen muss, Burkhard Sherer
- Gandhara: Das kulturelle Erbe Afghanistans, Berenice Geoffroy Schneiter.Knesebeck
Verlag, 2002.
- Das Erbens Asien : Skulpturen aus Mathura, Heinz Mode,Klaus B. Beyer, Müller&
- Ramakien, Der Kampf der Goetter, Helden, Daemonen, Lan Phuong,Matthias
Stiefel.Peakland Verlag, Stuttgart,ca 1986.
- Gandhara. Das buddhistische Erbe Pakistans:Legenden,Kloester und Paradiese.
Luczanits, Christian und Michael Jansen. Rietberg Museum Zurich,2010
-Obras-Primas Da Ceramica japonesa- Masterpieces of Japanese Ceramics. Exhibition
Catalogue. Museu Nacional de Soares Dos reis, Porto, 2007
-Katalog Museum Nasional Jakarta, Dra Dedah Rufaedah Sri Handari, Jakarta,2008.
- Museum Nasional 1778-2008, Collective, National Museum Jakarta,2008.
- O Florescer das Cores: A Arte do periodo Edo- Exposicao Pinacoteca do Estado Sao
Paulo (Portugese-Japanese), Sao Paulo,2008.
- TIBET Treasures from the Roof of the World 聖地チベット
- ポタラ宮と天空の至宝 – Exhibtion catalogue, Kyushu National
- Masterpieces of Zen Culture:From Myoshnijl and the affiliate temples in Kyushu
and Ryukyu. Kyushu National Museum,Fukuoaka (Japanese)
- The National Treasure of Ashura: Master pieces from Kohfukuji. Exhibition
Catalogue National Museum Tokyo and Kyushu, 2010.(Japanese)
- Cultural Exchange over huge Buddhist Paintings: Korea-Japan, National Museum
- Legendary Treasures of Kyushu: Special Exhibition of the 4th Anniversary of the
Kyushu national Museum
- De l’invisible au rouge sang: les couleurs des minorités de Thaïlande. Louis Gabaude,
Etudes interculturelles Unesco vol.3, Université Catholique de Lyon,2010.
- Hors du monde ou dans la famille ? : La règle ,le droit, les mœurs du moine
bouddhiste thaï. Louis Gabaude.
- Caricature apologétique dans le bouddhisme contemporain en Thaïlande. Louis
Gabaude. Ridiculosa- Caricature et religion, EREIS ,vol 15,2008.
-Exiting Thaïland. Volume : Mysterious Bangkok. Ten days in the City of Angels;Dr.
Robert Frei, Amarin printing, Bangkok,2010.
Thanks to our Donators: Korea National Museum, Kyushu National Museum, Sao
Paulo Museum, Louis Gabaude, National museum Jakarta, Dr. Robert Frei.