

Con el apoyo de la Unión Europea
1. Cross-border family disputes: what solutions the EU law offers?
Start Date:
Monday, May 05, 2014
End Date:
Tuesday, May 06, 2014
Civil Law, Civil Law Civil Judicial Cooperation
Bucharest, Romania
National Institute of Magistracy (NIM)
English, Romanian
Training level:
The seminar aims to give the practitioners the means to solve international
family cases, especially in the situation of the separation of the « mixtes »
couples. A special emphasis will be given to the consequences of the separation
for the couples children. The seminar will present the international law regarding
the recognition and the infrocement of the separation decisions, cooperation
regulations regarding European family law: Brussels II (2201/2003), Rome III
(1950/2010) , and other international conventions, mainly the 1980 and 1996
Hague conventions.
A special emphasis will be laid on interactive debates, free expression of
opinions and the presentation of the national experience.
2. Operating Manual for the European Convention on Human Rights
Start Date:
Monday, May 12, 2014
End Date:
Friday, May 16, 2014
ENM (French National School
for the Judiciary)
Depuis l’entrée en vigueur du Traité de Lisbonne, la Charte des droits
fondamentaux de l’Union européenne bénéficie du statut d’acte juridique
contraignant. L’union européenne s’est également vu reconnaître la capacité
d’adhérer à la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme. Par ailleurs,
Con el apoyo de la Unión Europea
depuis le 1er juin 2010, le protocole 14 a introduit de profonds changements
dans le fonctionnement de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme
(réorganisation de la Cour, recours au juge unique, modification des conditions
de recevabilité des requêtes, exécution des arrêts,…). Les magistrats peuvent
être conduits à s’interroger sur les rapports entre « conventionnalité » et
«constitutionnalité » dans le cadre d’une question prioritaire de
constitutionnalité. Ces différentes mutations confèrent à cette session un intérêt
majeur pour les participants en leur permettant de revisiter ou d’approfondir des
connaissances essentielles à l’exercice de leurs fonctions.
Conçue et dirigée par un membre de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme,
la dynamique de cette session repose sur les réflexions et interrogations des
participants nourries par l’expertise d'intervenants acquise au cœur des
institutions européennes, lui conférant ainsi une approche concrète. Cette
session sera inaugurée par la projection du film « La conscience de l’Europe »,
relatif à l’activité de la Cour de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme.
3. Organized crime in history, economics and sociology
Start Date:
Monday, May 12, 2014
End Date:
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Criminal Law, Professional Practice, Society
Issues, Criminal Law Judicial Cooperation in
Criminal Matters, Criminal Law European Criminal
Law, Criminal Law Police Cooperation, Judicial
Scandicci, Florence
School for the Judiciary - Italy
Training level: Introductory
Replicando il fortunato esperimento del 2012, anche quest’anno la Scuola
intende dedicare un corso all’approfondimento del fenomeno della criminalità
organizzata, nelle sue tipizzazioni territoriali, non utilizzando i tradizionali canoni
giuridici, quanto piuttosto i criteri valutativi delle scienze sociali. Mafia, camorra
e ndrangheta saranno pertanto analizzate da specialisti di settore con gli
strumenti dell’analisi storica, economica e sociologica, realizzando un
approfondimento multidisciplinare di estremo interesse per il magistrato penale.
Una sessione sarà in particolare dedicata all’esame delle infiltrazioni della
criminalità organizzata nell’Italia settentrionale.
Con el apoyo de la Unión Europea
4. The validity and admissibility of electronic evidence in cybercrime cases
Start Date:
Thursday, June 05, 2014
End Date:
Friday, June 06, 2014
Judicial Cooperation in Criminal
Matters, Criminal Law European
Criminal Procedure, Criminal Law
European Criminal Law, Criminal
Law Police Cooperation
Academy of European Law (ERA)
ERA-Academy of European Law
Language(s): English
Training level: Advanced
About the project
This project, mainly sponsored by the European Commission, consists of three
major seminars that will take place in Seville, Milan and Prague.Each seminar
will have a specific focus:Introductory seminar (1), Seville, 6-7 June 2013: An
introduction to electronic evidence in criminal proceedings: collection, analysis
and presentation of electronic evidence in court.Specialised Seminar (2), Milan,
21-22 November 2013: Challenges in obtaining and relying on electronic
evidence and issues of admissibility in court Specialised Seminar (3), Prague, 56 June 2014: The admissibility of electronic evidence in cybercrime cases
(identity theft, child pornography, online fraud, etc.)
Contents of the seminar
This last seminar will discuss the validity and admissibility of electronic evidence
in cybercrime cases.
Key topics
to present the practical challenges relating to the collection and use of
electronic evidence when cyber offences are committed;
to discuss the legal implications of electronic evidence (collection,
evaluation and admissibility) in criminal proceedings;
to identify some of the practical problems that prosecutors and judges
have to deal with to prosecute and adjudicate cybercrime cases;
to debate the legal challenges for the defence;
to provide an overview of good practices in various EU Member States.
Con el apoyo de la Unión Europea
1. Cross-border family disputes: what solutions the EU law offers?
El Instituto Nacional de la Magistratura de Rumanía (NIM) paga el hotel y cubre
las comidas durante el seminario.
El CEJ gestiona y paga el transporte y descontará de las dietas de manutención
las comidas y cenas ofrecidas por el Instituto Nacional de la Magistratura.
2. Operating Manual for the European Convention on Human Rights
El CEJ gestiona y paga el transporte y el alojamiento y descontará de las dietas
de manutención las comidas y cenas ofrecidas por la organización durante el
3. Organized crime in history, economics and sociology
El CEJ gestiona y paga el transporte y el alojamiento y descontará de las dietas
de manutención las comidas y cenas ofrecidas por la organización durante el
4. The validity and admissibility of electronic evidence in cybercrime cases
Los participantes tienen que gestionar el viaje y reservar su hotel por sí mismos.
La Academia de Derecho Europeo (ERA) les reembolsará posteriormente hasta
300 euros en concepto de transporte (incluidos gastos de taxi) y el coste de las
2 noches de hotel (con un límite de 135 euros por noche).
Los asistentes deberán solicitar el reembolso de los gastos a la ERA al finalizar la
actividad, para lo que deberán remitir a la ERA recibos y facturas originales,
billetes, y tarjetas de embarque originales.
El CEJ abonará las dietas que no cubra la ERA durante el seminario.