Writing task - texting level 2


Writing task - texting level 2
Writing Task: 2nd level
Text messages: You have received a text from your French friend Margot who has just arrived in Scotland. Use the guide to the “Les Textos Français” to work
out what she is asking you and answer the True or False questions about her message. Correct the false answers with the right information.
Es and Os
MLAN 2-08b MLAN 2-10a MLAN 3-11c
Vrai ou Faux ?
1. She asks you if you are alright
2. She says she is very well
Sava ? Moi savapa. 
3. She doesn’t like Scotland much
Mr6 pr ton MSG ! J’M
4. She says the weather’s too cold
l’Écosse BCP mais il fait trop froid
5. The sun has been shining all the time
ici! Il pleut TLT!
6. Today she is going shopping in Glasgow
Auj je vé faire du shopping à
7. She is going with her parents
Edinbourg. J’y vé avec mes
8. She says she will see you at the end of the week
Quick guide:
À la fin de semaine !
Biz, Margot xx
Mais – but
TLT – all the time (tout le temps)
Trop – too (much/many)
Ici – here
Avec - with