1 Baritone – 1 Bass


1 Baritone – 1 Bass
Two positions available:
1 Baritone – 1 Bass
Wednesday 1st February 2017 – 10 a.m.
Chorus Studio (Level -4)
OPERA DE LYON, 1 place de la Comédie – 69001 LYON
Candidates are obliged to return the inscription form before the 23rd January 2017. No inscriptions
will be accepted after this date. The inscription file consists of:
A completed inscription form including a photo (marked with airs chosen)
Your Curriculum Vitae
Scores of excerpts chosen
The jury reserves the right to refuse any candidature that does not have the vocal and musical level
We will contact you by email regarding your participation in the competition.
The travel expenses are at the candidates own charge.
Directeur Général
Serge Dorny
Place de la comédie
BP 1219
69203 Lyon cedex 01
Tél +33(0)4 72 00 45 00
Fax +33(0)4 72 00 45 01
L'Opéra national de Lyon
est conventionné par le ministère
de la Culture et de la
Communication, la Ville de lyon,
le conseil régional RhôneRhône-Alpes
et le conseil général du Rhône.
T.V.A. intracommunautaire :
FR62 339 391 021
siret : 339 391 021 00013
code APE ou NAF : 9001Z
d’entrepreneur de spectacle
1-126959, 22-126960, 33-126961
The candidates need to be present at the Chorus Studio (level -4) of the opera house on Wednesday
1st February at 10 a.m. The order of the candidates is chosen at random and is on display at the
entrance of the choir studio as well at the artist’s entrance of the opera house. The auditions will
start at 10.30 a.m. A second random candidate choice can take place during the auditions.
The Jury is autonomous in their decision, (adding an additional test, interrupting/ending the
audition). The Jury will have the capacity, depending on the level of the competition, to announce
or not the positions available.
During each audition the jury can interrupt the candidate at any moment.
If the candidate refuses the position offered by the Jury, the president can proceed to a second vote,
or listen to the candidate in 2 position again.
The jury reserves the right to enroll one or several candidates on a short list and these candidates
can be offered a position in the choir incase the chosen candidate of the competition withdraws.
The candidates will be accompanied by the pianist of the Lyon Opera House choir. The candidates
must provide the accompanying scores clean and readable. You will have the possibility to rehearse
on Tuesday 31st January in the morning.
The artists are engaged for a probation period of one year (with a trial period of three months) and
will be contracted to the Ville de Lyon. At the end of this period, if the artist is engaged, his contract
will be renewed at the end of the 9 month, for a period of two years, followed by a contract
renewable every three years.
Basic Salary: 2 309.99 € gross (including a residence allowance)
Foreign candidates must imperatively have the right papers/visas in correspondence with the French
legislation at the beginning of their contract.
The employment file must be completed before starting work.
START DATE: Monday 21st August 2017
Test 1, 2 and 3 must be sung by heart.
For tests 1 and 2: the candidate must propose 3 contrasting airs (2 opera excerpts + 1 oratorio
excerpt / or 3 opera excerpts). These airs need to be mentioned in the inscription form.
1 eliminatory test: 1 air of candidate’s choice amongst 3 suggested
2 test: 1 air of jury’s choice amongst 3 suggested
3 test (following on from 2 test): 1 choir excerpt
Tannhäuser – R. Wagner – Acte 2 scène 4 – “Blick’hin, du schändlicher…nicht widersteh’n”
4 test: (following on from 3rd test): Interview with the jury
Directeur Général
Serge Dorny
Place de la comédie
BP 1219
69203 Lyon cedex 01
Tél +33(0)4 72 00 45 00
Fax +33(0)4 72 00 45 01
L'Opéra national de Lyon
est conventionné par le ministère
de la Culture et de la
Communication, la Ville de lyon,
le conseil régional RhôneRhône-Alpes
et le conseil général du Rhône.
T.V.A. intracommunautaire :
FR62 339 391 021
siret : 339 391 021 00013
code APE ou NAF : 9001Z
d’entrepreneur de spectacle
1-126959, 22-126960, 33-126961
For any further information please contact:
Olivia Duffoux – Chrorus manager
Opéra de Lyon
1 place de la Comédie - 69001 Lyon
Tel +33 (0) 4 72 00 45 92
[email protected]