Marie Rose MORO, M. D., Ph. D. Hôpital Cochin, Paris Descartes


Marie Rose MORO, M. D., Ph. D. Hôpital Cochin, Paris Descartes
Marie Rose MORO, M. D., Ph. D.
Hôpital Cochin, Paris Descartes University
Maison des adolescents – Maison de Solenn
97, Bd de Port Royal 75014 Paris
Work Phone : (33) 1 58 41 28 01
Work Fax : (33) 1 58 41 28 03
Work e-mail : [email protected]
• Degrees: in philosophy, medicine, psychology, psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry and
psychoanalysis, training in anthropology
Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry – University of Paris, France
Director of the Department of Adolescent Medicine and Psychopathology of Cochin Hospital,
Maison de Solenn, Paris, France
Consultant for Doctor Without Borders (MSF, Doctor without Borders) for mental health since
1988. She has worked in more than fifty humanitarian fields. She is now in charge of the research in
the field of mental health for children and adolescent in humanitarian situations.
Psychoanalyst, IPA member
Past Director of the Department of Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Avicenne Hospital,
Bobigny, France. For twenty-five years, first in Avicenne Hospital in the suburb of Paris and then in
the center of Paris, in Cochin Hospital, she has been developing a transcultural clinic that tries to
adapt our mental health care settings, techniques, and research methods to immigrant families and
their children. She is also developing a new pluridisciplinary way of taking care of adolescent.
Honors, Distinctions, Awards for the research
« Légion d’honneur » in 2007 ( by the Ministry of Health) “Chevalier”
« Ordre du Mérite » “Chevalier” in 2004 and “Officier” in 2014 (by the President of the
Main research topics
 Transcultural situations: the effects on babies, infants, adolescents and families
 PTSD in babies, infants and adolescents
 Parents-early infants interactions
Main clinical topics
 Adolescents and babies
 Language disorders, bilinguism
 Addictions among young adolescents
 High risks children and families (social and cultural risks)
She has published more than 560 articles in French, Spanish, English and German speaking
For example some new original articles in English:
1. De Almeida Mota Ramalho J, Lachal J, Sursis Nobre Ferro Bucher-Maluschke J, Moro MR,
Revah-Levy A, A qualitative study of the role of food in family relationships: insight into the families
of Brazilian obese adolescents using photo-elicitation. Appetite. 2016 ; 96 : 539 -45.
Marquer C, Barry C, Mouchenik Y, D M Djiba, ML Manzo AM Trujilla Maza, S Githaiga, G Casas,
BW Kirubi, H Marichez, B Falissard, Moro MR. and R F Grais Screening for psychological
difficulties in young children in crisis : complementary cross-cultural validation, International Health
2015. DOI:10.1093
Bruno D, Balottin U, Berlincioni V, Moro MR. Bilinguism, language disorders and intercultural
families in contemporary Italy. Culture, medicine and psychiatry 2015. DOI 10.1007/s11013-0159459-2
Harf A, Skandrani S, Sibeoni J, Pontvert C, Revah Levy A, Moro MR. Cultural identity and
internationally adopted children : qualitative approach to parental representations Plos One 2015.
DOI 101371
Leanza Y, Boivin I, Moro MR, Rousseau C, Brisset C, Rosenberg E & Hassan G. Integration of
interpreters in mental health interventions with children and adolescents: the need for a
52(3) :
Demarque M, Guzman G, Morrison E, Ahovi J, Moro MR et Blanchet-Collet C. Anorexia nervosa in
a girl of chinese origin: psychological, somatic and transcultural factors. Clinical Child Psychology
and Psychiatry, 2015 DOI:10.1177/1359104513514067. 20(2) : 276-288.
Mouchenik Y, Feldman M, Moro MR. The Jewish children hidden in France during the second
World War. Trauma and mourning. A retrospective study. Journal of Loss and Trauma 2015 ; 20
(1) : 85-93; DOI 10.180/15325024.2013.824309
Huas C, Speranza M, Barry C, Hassler C, Moro MR, Falissard B, Revah-Levy A. Being or feeling
the right weight : a study of their interaction with depression among adolescents Adolescent
Psychiatry 2014 ; 4 : 177-84.
Moro MR. Parenthood in migration: how to face vulnerability. Culture, medicine and psychiatry
2014; 38 : 13 - 27 ; DOI: 10.1007/s11013-014-9358-y.
10. Bossuroy, M., Wallon, P., Falissard B., Moro, M.R. Cultural biases in the reproduction of the Rey-
Osterrieth Complex Figure, Journal of Cognition and culture, 2014 ; 14 (3-4).
11. Mouchenik Y, Marty-Chevreuil A, Marquer C, Joseph N E, Weber Ducasse J, Ryswick C, Dejean
A, Georges R, Blanc J, Derivois D, Baubet T, Moro MR. Indicative evaluation of psychological
disturbance amongst young children by the January 2010 Haïti ethquake, in Port-au-Prince.
Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies: An International Interdisciplinary Journal for research,
Policy and Care 2014. DOI: 10.1080/17450128.2014.901589
She has written 14 Books in French, translate in Italian and English and more than 25 collective
international books.
For example:
1. Moro MR. La violence envers les enfants, approche transculturelle. Bruxelles : Temps d’arrêt ; 2015.
2. Moro MR, Mestre C. Je t’écris de…Correspondance entre Marie Rose Moro et Claire Mestre (20102012). Grenoble : La Pensée Sauvage ; 2013.
3. Moro MR, entretien avec J et D Peiron, Les enfants de l’immigration. Une chance pour l’école. Paris,
Bayard, 2012.
4. Moro MR Mille et une façons de bien s’occuper des bébés. Aider les parents et les bébés d’où qu’ils
viennent. Paris : Fondation Mustela ; 2011.
5. Moro MR Les ados expliqués à leurs parents. Paris : Bayard ; 2010. Nouvelle édition augmentée en
6. Moro MR. Grandir en situation transculturelle. Des enfants qui appartiennent à plusieurs mondes.
Bruxelles : Temps d’arrêt ; 2010.
7. Moro MR. Nos enfants demain. Pour une société multiculturelle. Paris : Odile Jacob ; 2010. Traduction
en italien « I nostri bambini domani ». Milan : Franco Angeli ; 2011.
8. Moro MR. Aimer ses enfants ici et ailleurs. Histoires transculturelles. Paris : Odile Jacob ; 2007.
Traduction en italien « Maternità e amore. Quello di cui hanno bisogno i bambini per crescere bene
qui e altrove ». Milan : Saggi Frassinelli ; 2008.
9. Moro MR. Enfants d’ici venus d’ailleurs. Naître et grandir en France. Paris : La Découverte ; 2002.
Deuxième édition en 2004 chez Hachette Littératures dans la coll. « Pluriel ». Publication en italien
sous le titre Bambini di qui venuti da altrove. Saggio di transcultura. Milano : Franco Angeli ; 2005
(Italie). 2éme édition italienne parue en 2014. Traduction en grec parue en 2013.
10. Moro MR., Lachal C Psychotherapies. Models, methods and indications. Prentice-Hall; 2010
11. Moro MR. Psychothérapie transculturelle des enfants de migrants. Paris : Dunod ; 1998 (coll.
Thérapies). Deuxième et troisième éditions sous le titre Psychothérapie transculturelle des enfants et
des adolescents (2000, 2004). Quatrième édition sous le titre Psychothérapie transculturelle de
l’enfant et de l’adolescent (2011). Traduit en italien sous le titre Bambini immigrati in cerca di aito. I
consultori di psicoterapia transculturale. Torino: Utet Libreria; 2001 (Italie). 2ème édition sortie en
12. Moro MR. Parents en exil. Psychopathologie et migrations. Paris: P.U.F.; 1994 (coll. Le Fil rouge).
Deuxième et troisième édition en en 2002. Traduction en italien sous le titre Genitori in esilio.
Psicopatologia e migrazioni. Milano: Raffaelo Cortina Editore; 2002 (Italie).
13. Moro MR. Psychiatrie transculturelle de la dépression. Paris : Pfizer ; 1998.
14. Moro MR. Douleur, cultures et migration. Paris : Théraplix ; 1998.
She has written 270 chapters or papers in collective books in different languages and more
than 20chapters in English books
1. Moro MR, Sibeoni J, Radjack R. Why should cultural factors be taken into account in child and
adolescent development and mental health care ? In: J P Raynaud, M Hodes, S Shur-Fen Gau (Eds)
From research to practice in child and adolescent mental health. Washington DC (USA), Rowman and
Littlefied 2014 : 199-241.
2. Taieb O, Baubet T, Rezzoug D, Sibeoni J, Moro MR. Immigrant families : cultural and psychological
issues. In Merrick J, Aspler S, Morad M (Eds) Mental Health from an International Perspective. Nova ;
2013 : 125-136.
3. Sturm G, Moro MR, Baubet T. Mental Health Care for unaccompagnied minors in France : Towards a
comprehensive approach to the needs of a vulnerable minority in : Ingleby D, Chiarenza A, Devillé W,
Kotsioni I, eds. Inequalities in Health Care for Migrants and Ethnic Minorities. COST Series on Health
and Diversity, Volume II. Antwerp/Apeldoorn: Garant; 2012 : 207-20.
4. Rezzoug D, Baubet T, Moro MR. Stories of children and adolescents from other cultures : the trauma
of migration. In: Ardino V, editor. Post-traumatic syndromes in childhood and adolescence. Oxford:
Wiley-Blackwell, 2011: 77 -90.
5. Taïeb O, Baubet T, Rezzoug D, Moro MR. Parenthood: the impact of migration. In Tyano S, Keren M,
Herman H and Cox J, editors. Parenthood and Mental Health : A bridge between infant and adult
Psychiatry. Londres (GB) John Wiley and Sons, 2010: 325-36.
6. Rezzoug D, Baubet T, Lachal C, Taieb O, Sturm G, Ferradji T, Moro M.R. Setting up a Mental Health
Care Program with Children in Situations of Wars, Disasters or Crisis : 20 Years of an Humanitarian
Experience. In ME Garralda and JP Raynaud Eds Culture and Conflict in Child and Adolescent Mental
Health, Jason Aronson, USA, 2008 : 223-45.
She is editor of a new Transcultural French Journal created in 2000: « L’autre. Clinique, Cultures et
Sociétés », {The Other. Clinics, Cultures and Societies} Near to 50 editions have been
She has done more than 300 communications in French, English and Spanish in France, in Europe, in
Africa, Canada, USA… For example (last conferences or significant one in the last 5 years):
1. Canada (Montreal, Québec) Colloque organisé par le Sherpa, Mac Gill University, « Les soins
concertés en santé mentale jeunesse et immigration », Montréal, 26 et 27 novembre 2015.
Inaugural conférence : « Grandir en situation transculturelle »
2. Colombia (Arménia) LIV Congreso colombiano de psiquiatría, Armenia, november 5-8th 2015.
- Conférence : “La psychiatrie humanitaire. Pourquoi?”
- Conférence : “ La psychiatrie transculturelle aujourd’hui dans le monde”
3. Italy (Milan, Bologne):
- Crinali (Prof Luisa Cattaneo), Milan, 30 otobre 2015. Conférence : « Il contributo dell’approccio
transculturale alle problematiche dell’adozione internationale»
- Regione Emilia Romagna (Prof M. Martelli), Bologne, 11 septembre 2015. Lecture : “Essere genitori di
adolescente di oggi”
4. Belgique (Bruxelles) Conférencière invitée par le centre culturel arménien (M Gayda), Bruxelles, 15
janvier 2015. Conférence : « Transmission des valeurs et de la culture, dans les diasporas et les
minorités ».
5. Suisse (Genève, Bienne): -Genève University, Prof B Goguikian, 6 mai 2015. « Risques et tentations
à l’adolescence : la recherche d’affiliations à tout prix ! Analyse transculturelle » - Bienne, 20 et 21
novembre 2014. Lectures : « Les enfants de l’immigration. Une chance pour l’école » and « Outils pour
permettre aux enfants de migrants de réussir à l’école »
6. Mexique : 1er Forum Franco-Mexicain sur l’obésité : Intercambio de mejores practicas contra la
obesida, Mexico, 10-11 avril 2014 (en espagnol). Lectures « Prendre en charge l’obésité à
l’adolescence. Aspects transculturels » (10 avril). invitée « Que hacer con la obesidad » (11 avril)
7. Brésil (Sao Paulo) Conférencière invitée au Colloque international, 8-9 novembre 2013, Inégalités,
déplacements et politiques publiques pour les immigrés et les réfugiés organisé par le Pr Miriam
Debieux Rosa de l’Université de Sao Paulo. Conférence « Um projeto de atendimiento a
immigrantes e refugiados : Consultas interculturais e otros dispositivos clinicos ».
8. USA (Boston), Harvard Medical School
- Massachussets General Hospital/Mc Lean, Child Psychiatry Training Program, Child and
Adolescent Development and Developmental Psychopathology, Pr M Sauzier, Boston, 29 avril
2010. Lecture: "New Challenges in Adolescent Psychopathology".
- 4th Annual Belfer International Child Mental Health Lecture, Harvard Medical School, Children's
Hospital, Pr Myron Belfer et Pr David DeMaso, Child Psychiatry Training Program, 28th april
2010, Boston, Lecture "Transcultural Psychiatry: Clinical and Research Challenges with Immigrant
Families and their Children".
9. USA (New York): 57th Annual meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry, New York, 26-31 October 2010. Communication: « Psychomotor Development of
Children less than 2 Years Old in a Sudanese Orphanage.

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