PhD in Biology - Engineer in Agronomy Educational background


PhD in Biology - Engineer in Agronomy Educational background
34 yo (29/07/1978)
Tel : + 33 4 30 19 24 02
Fax : + 33 4 68 88 73 98
UMR 7232 Université P & M Curie - CNRS
Laboratoire Arago
66 650 Banyuls sur Mer - France
E-Mail : [email protected]
website :
PhD in Biology - Engineer in Agronomy
Educational background and Professional Activity
2008 -
Permanent position at the Laboratoire Arago
2006 - 2008
Post-doc fellow directed by Dr M.D. Dearing at the Biology Department,
University of Utah – USA « Plant-mammal interactions: evolution of
detoxification genes in the woodrat Neotoma lepida »
Post-doc fellow directed by Dr J. Falcon at the Laboratoire Arago, UMR
7628 CNRS – France «Biological rhythms, melatonin, and aging in the
shrew Crocidura russula »
2001 – 2005
PhD in evolutionary ecology obtained from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure
Agronomique de Montpellier (SupAgro) « Micromammals, helminths and
islands: The evolution of black rat (Muridae) and shrew (Crocidurinae)
life-history traits on western Mediterranean islands »
2000 - 2001
Master in evolutionary biology and Ecology – University of Montpellier II and
« Phylogeography of the wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus in the
western Palaearctic region »
1998 - 2001
Diploma of Engineer in Agronomy (MSc Degree) obtained from the Ecole
Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Montpellier (National Institute of
Agricultural Science and Natural Ressource Studies) – France
Professional experience and skills
Animal biology :
 Field work: capture / recapture techniques, populations monitoring (Rodents and
 Animal Care: reproduction in captivity of wild rodents and Insectivores
 Animal experiments: feeding trials,anaesthesia, dissection, use of tags
Ecophysiology :
 Energy requirements: Calorimetric and oxygen consumption measures
 Neuroendocrinology: Hormonal plasmatic levels
 Behaviour: Locomotion activity monitoring
Molecular biology :
 DNA and RNA extractions,
 amplification (PCR, quantitative PCR, and Reverse transcription PCR)
 Cloning and sequencing
 Reconstruction methods in phylogeny and phylogeography
 Functional genomics : design and analysis of Microarrays experiments ; NGS
French : Mother language
English : Fluent, TOEFL : 580
Spanish : Fluent
Teaching experience
2003 to 2004 Teaching and Course Organization (three times one week) of the Master II
“Evolutionary Biology and Ecology” – University of Montpellier II - ENSAM
2001 to Direction of training courses :
3 Masters I
3 IUT (Technical Institute)
1 Veterinary School (2d year)
Publications and oral communications
Magnanou E, Malenke, JR, Dearing MD (2013) Hepatic gene expression in herbivores on
diets with natural and novel plant secondary compounds Physiogical Genomics 45:
de Lafontaine G, Ducousso A, Lefèvre S, Magnanou E, Petit RJ (2013) Stronger spatial
genetic structure in recolonized areas than in refugia in the European beech Molecular
Ecology 22(17) : 4397–4412,
Cazaméa-Catalan D, Magnanou E, Helland R, Besseau L, Boeuf G, Falcón J, Jørgensen
EH (2013) Unique arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase-2 polymorphism in salmonids and
profound variations in thermal stability and catalytic efficiency conferred by two
residues Journal of Experimental Biology 216: 1938-1948
Magnanou E*, Cazamea-Catalan D*, Helland R, Vanegas G, Besseau L, Boeuf G, Paulin
CH, Jørgensen, E, Falcón J (2012) Functional diversity of Teleost arylalkylamine Nacetyltransferase-2: Is the timezyme evolution driven by habitat temperature?
Molecular Ecology 21(20): 5027-5041. *Equal contribution
Malenke JR, Magnanou E, Thomas K, Dearing MD (2012) Cytochrome p450 2b diversity
and dietary novelty in the herbivorous, desert woodrat (Neotoma lepida). PLoS ONE
Magnanou E, Attia J, Fons R, Boeuf G, Falcón J (2009) The timing of the shrew: continuous
melatonin treatment maintains youthful rhythmic activity in aging Crocidura russula.
PLoS ONE 4(6): e5904. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0005904
Falcón J, Besseau L, Fuentès M, Sauzet S, Magnanou E, Boeuf G (2009) Structural and
functional evolution of the pineal melatonin system in vertebrates. Trends in
Comparative Endocrinology and Neurobiology: Ann N Y Ac Sci 1163: 101-111.
Magnanou E, Malenke J, Dearing MD (2009). Expression of Biotransformation Genes in
Woodrat (Neotoma) Herbivores on Novel and Ancestral Diets: Identification of
Candidate Genes Responsible for Dietary Shifts. Molecular Ecology 18(11): 24012414.*
A News and Views features this paper:
Matocq MD (2009) A microarray's view of life in the desert: adding a powerful evolutionary genomics tool to the
packrat's midden. Molecular Ecology 18 (11): 2310-2312
Dubey S, Cosson JF, Magnanou E, Vohralík V, Benda P, Frynta D, Hutterer R, Vogel P
(2007) Mediterranean populations of the Lesser white-toothed shrew (Crocidura
suaveolens group): an unexpected puzzle of Pleistocene survivors and prehistoric
introductions. Molecular Ecology 16: 3438-3462
Magnanou E, Fons, R, Feliu, C, Morand, S (2006) Physiological responses of insular wild
black rat (Rattus rattus) to natural infection by the Digenean trematode Fasciola
hepatica. Parasitology Research 99(1): 97-101.
Magnanou E, Fons, R, Blondel, J, Morand, S (2005) Energy expenditure in Crocidurinae
shrews (Insectivora): Is metabolism a key component of the “insular syndrome”?
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A 142(3): 276-285.
Michaux JR, Magnanou E, Paradis E, Nieberding C, Libois R (2003) Phylogeography of the
Woodmouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) in the Western Palearctic region. Molecular
Ecology 12(3): 685-697.
Dekar-Madouia A, Besseau L, Magnanou E, Fons R, Oualia S, Bendjelloula M, Falcón J
(2012) Cellular aspects of aging in the pineal gland of the shrew, Crocidura russula
Comptes Rendus Biologies 335(1) :9-18.
Falcón J, Besseau L, Magnanou E, Herrero MJ, Nagai M, Boeuf G (2011) Melatonin the
time keeper: biosynthesis and effects in fish. Cybium 35: 3-18.
Michaux JR, Magnanou E, Nieberding C, Libois R (2002) Phylogeographie mitochondriale
du mulot sylvestre (Apodemus sylvaticus) dans la région Paléarctique occidentale
Biosystema 20 : 115-130.
Magnanou E, Morand, S (2006) CH XVI: Macroparasites and micromammals interactions
on islands p 295-315 in : Micromammals and macroparasites by Morand, S., Krasnov,
B. & Poulin, R. Springer Verlag
Fons R, Magnanou E (2004) Processus évolutifs lies à l’insularité : le cas des
micromammifères et de leurs helminthes parasites en Corse in: Encyclopaedia
Corsicae Volume 1: 418-455
Magnanou E*, Besseau L*, Cazamea-Catalan D, Paulin, C, , Paulin C, Fuentes M, Boeuf G,
Falcón J (2012) Evolution of the melatoninergic system. 38th Congress of the Société
de Neuroendocrinologie. Banyus/Mer (France) september 18-21 *Equal contribution
Magnanou E, Klopp C, Fuentes M, Falcón J (2011) Next Generation Sequencing: a new tool
for understanding neuroendocrine regulations at a broader scale in the seabass
Dicentrarchus labrax. Genomics in Aquaculture - International Symposium. Heraklion
(Greece) September 14-17 *
Malenke JR, Magnanou E, Dearing MD (2011) Cytochrome P450 2B diversity in a wild
rodent herbivore, the desert woodrat (Neotoma lepida) Salt Lake City (USA) January 37.
Cazamea-Catalan D, Magnanou E, Sauzet S, Besseau L, Jørgensen E, Boeuf G, Falcón J.
(2010) Molecular Adaptations to Temperature Changes: the Fish Arylalkylamine NAcetyltransferase. 9th International Congress of the Biology of Fish. Barcelona (Spain)
July 5-9, P.
Magnanou E, Attia J, Boeuf G, Falcón J (2010) Melatonin effects on the aging shrew.
Gordon Research Conference on Pineal Cell Biology. Galveston, TX (USA) February
7-12. P.
Magnanou E, Malenke J, Dearing MD (2009) Transcriptomics of Diet Change in Herbivorous
Woodrats Neotoma. 12th Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology,
Torino (Italy) August 24 – 29. P.
Dearing MD, Magnanou E, Malenke J, Skopec MS (2009) Functional genomics of
mammalian herbivores. Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative
Biology. Boston, MA (USA) January 03 – 07.
Magnanou E, Fons R, Mas Coma S, Feliu C, Morand S (2005) Parasite niche widening on
island and consequences on host life-history traits. 9th International Mammalogical
Congress. Sapporo, Japon. 31 juillet – 5 août.
Magnanou E, Fons R (2004) Insectivores and Rodents on Mediterranean islands: Ecological
and evolutionary shifts in life-history traits. XIXth International Congress of Zoology.
Beijing China. August 20-24. P.
Magnanou E, Fons R (2003) Relation proie - prédateur : le cas des musaraignes S.
etruscus, C. russula, C. suaveolens, et des reptiles en région méditerranéenne.
Congrès International de la Société Herpétologique de France. Banyuls. France. July 24.
Torres J, Magnanou E, Agostini S, Feliu C, Fons R (2003) Nivel de metales pesados (Cd.,
Cu., Pb) en el Nematodo Mastophorus muris y en su hospedador definitivo habitual
(Rattus rattus) en Corcega. XVth congress of Toxycology. Valencia. Spain. April
Torres J, Magnanou E, Agostini S, Marchand B, Fons R (2003) Concentration de metales
pesados (Cd, Cu y Pb) en miromammiferos procedentes de las inmediaciones del Lago
Biguglia (Corcega -Francia). XVth congress of Toxycology. Valencia. Spain. April.
Ribas A, Casanova JC, Feliu C, Fons R, Magnanou E (2003) About Hymenolepidids
parasites of Sorex araneus (Insectivora, Soricidae) in Pyrenean Mountains. Ninth
International Helminthological Symposium - Stara Lesna, High Tatras, Slovakia.
Michaux JR, Magnanou E, Libois R. (2002) Comparative phylogeography of two woodmice
species (Apodemus sylvaticus and A. flavicollis) in the Western Palearctic region.
Phylogeography of Southern European Refugia congress, Vairao. Portugal, March - p
Magnanou E, Fons R (2001) A propos de l’action prédatrice des musaraignes des genres
Crocidura et Suncus en captivité et dans la nature. XXVème Colloque Francophone de
Mammalogie, Albi, France. October 13 – 15.
Michaux JR, Magnanou E, Libois R (2001) Si proches et pourtant si différents :
phylogéographie comparée de deux espèces de rongeurs forestiers : Apodemus
sylvaticus et Apodemus flavicollis dans la région Paléarctique occidentale. Congrès
annuel de la Société Française de Systématique (SFS), Paris. France. September-. p.
Michaux JR, Magnanou, E, Libois R (2001) Comparative phylogeography of Apodemus
sylvaticus and A. flavicollis in the Western Palaearctic. 8th ESEB congress. Aarhus.
Danmark. p. 235.
 Forêt de la Massane à l’épreuve du temps Pyrénées Magasine n°134 Mars Avril
 Massane : Un point (très) chaud de la biodiversité en Europe ! Espèces Revue
d’Histoire Naturelle N°3 Avril 2012
 « La mélatonine : une fontaine de jouvence ? » CNRS press release June 2009
 « Une pilule miracle retarderait les effets de l’âge » Midi Libre 20 juin 2009
 « Premier prix de l’Exposcience régionale » (2003) L’accent Catalan N°12, p 17
 « Une terreur de deux grammes » (2002). Le point N°1557, p 60-62
TV magazines
 Passion Nature - “N°95 - Amazing mammals” -– French public service
channel France 3 & MC4 Productions (2005)
 Scientific film on the ecological consequences of fire. Production Jean Yves
Collé, Realisation Christophe Lemire - 13 Production (2004)
 La Ruée vers l’air - “The smallest mammal in the world, the Etruscan shrew”
– French public service channel France 3. Production : Charles Dubois (2002)
Participation to the 9th international Exposcience in Moscow (2003) with a high school
class in collaboration with the French CNRS (National Centre for Scientific
Administrative activities
Referee for: Journal of Zoology, AGE, European Journal Of Wildlife Research, IPEV funding
(Institut Polaire Français Paul Emile Victor), Vie et Milieu (Life and Environment).
Co-Managing Editor for the Journal Vie et Milieu - Life and Environment (2013- )
Associate Editor for the Journal Vie et Milieu - Life and Environment (2008-2013)
Member of the board of direction of the Massane Forest Natural Reserve organisation
(Pyrénées-Orientales, France) (2003 -)