L`Unité: Les animaux Niveau: Fr de base 5


L`Unité: Les animaux Niveau: Fr de base 5
L’Unité: Les animaux
Niveau: Fr de base 5-7
Sujet de la
Présentation des animaux (lesson one of two)
Durée de la
45 min.
Liens au
Ask and respond to simple questions
(Langues addit.)
Objectifs de la
4 min.
3 min.
3 min.
3 min.
• Ask and respond to simple questions about themselves
• Write a script in the voice of animal hand puppet
• Work in partners to perform a small skit involving 2 animal puppets
• The students are familiar with several animal names in French
• The students have learned the following questions and appropriate responses
1. Comment t’appelles tu?
2. Comment ca va?
3. Quelle sorte d’animal es-tu?
4. Quelle est ta couleur préférée?
- Powerpoint slides depicting song lyrics, animal images and a script example
- Paper bags for students to decorate as animal hand puppets (decorated prior to this
Ce que l’enseignante fait et dit
Ce que les étudiants font
Routine :
1. Calender
1. Students will respond to questions and
repeat their answers
Pré Activité:
1. Ask students in the class the questions
1. Students will respond to questions and
they will later perform in their skits
repeat their answers
Q: Comment t’appelles tu?
A: Je m’appelle Chloe.
2. Ask students to recall answers that other
students have given.
Q: Qui s’appelle Chloe ici?
A: Elle s’appelle Chloe
1. Sing « La chanson des animaux » and
mime gestures for the animals
3 min.
2 min.
2. Review specific animals to be used in
class (un chat, un lapin, un chien, un
castor, un oiseau) with images
Q: Quel est cet animal? C’est un/e___.
Repeat several times to be sure everyone
knows this new language.
2. Students will respond to questions and
repeat their answers
1. Students sing and mimic the teacher
2. Students give the name of the animal
in response to the image
3. Students listen to demonstartion
15 min.
3. The teacher will présent or demonstrate
a two-sided conversation with a completed
hand puppet using language that is familiar
(greetings, asking/answering one’s age,
asking/answering about the weather, etc.)
4. Students in each partner group write
and practise their dialogues.
2 min
scripts on the back of their previously
drawn puppets for their performances
5. Students perform their skits in pairs for
the class
1. Remind students who will présent next
class to be prepared
Fermeture de
la leçon
5. Students perform their skits in pairs for
the class
1. Remind students who will présent next
2. Have students complete self
2. Have students complete self evaluation
Quickly review the animals they have gone over that day. Thank students for
performing and dismiss class Should be related to the lesson content, e.g., hide one of
the flashcards and ask Quel animal n’est pas là? (or similar)
Formative: Circulate during partner work and evaluate coopération skills, participation
in French and ability to stay on task
Sommative: Each student will présent their skit to the class with a partner. Evaluate
pronunication and ability to speak French without relying solely on the script.
Have students présent another person in the class in order to have them speak in third
person format, e.g., Il / Elle ....
Activité adaptée: Hand out worksheets with instructions and sentence stem suggestions for students to
élèves ayant
besoin de
Pour la
fois :
Plan « B »
The students who have not presented in front of the class will do so
Repeat the Animals Song with additional animals

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