Glossary - Marne-la


Glossary - Marne-la
A.C.T.E.P.: Association des Collectivités Territoriales de l'Est Parisien – Association of Local Authorities in the East Paris
Acquisition: voluntary sale of tangible property agreed with public planning bodies by private owners.
Planner: as the town and country planner for Val d’Europe (3,200 hectares), EPAFRANCE buys agricultural land destined
to become urbanized, provides services for them, specifies the town planning directives and then sells the land lot by lot,
either to Disney, or to other buyers for land outside the Disney area.
B.E.P.: Bassin d’eau pluviale – Rainwater Basin - Built to collect rainwater and avoid flooding.
Circular Boulevard: forming, as its name suggests, a large loop, the circular boulevard is the main road connecting all the
communes of the Val d’Europe to each other.
C.A.N.: Communauté d’agglomération nouvelle – New urban area community
C.D.E.C.: Commission Départementale d’Équipement Commercial - County Commission for Commercial Amenities. Body
which grants authorizations preceding construction of commercials areas of more than 300 m2, of hotels or cinemas.
C.P.E.R.: Contrat de plan Etat-Région – Contract for State-Regional Plan
C.E.S.: Coefficient d’Emprise au sol – Building area/plot area (replaces the C.O.S – Coefficient d’Occupation au Sol – Floor
space/Plot area)
Developer: in the Disney area, Euro Disney must develop a third of the areas involved every ten years. To accomplish this,
it buys land serviced by EPAFRANCE, then carries out planned construction programs (theme parks, hotels, Disney-Village,
etc.) or uses property companies (in particular for accommodation, commercial sites and business property).
D.G.F.: Dotation globale de fonctionnement – General operating grant (Cf. VRTS)
D.R.E.I.F.: Direction régionale de l´équipement d´Ile-de-France – Regional Department for Amenities for Ile-de-France
Accrued revenues: accrued revenues result from the recording in accounts of duties and taxes acquired during the
financial year when notaries reiterate initial sale contracts in the form of official acts.
D.U.P.: Déclaration d’utilité publique – Statement of Public Utility A Statement of Public Utility is necessary when works
planned by the authority have to be carried out on private land. Article 545 of the French Civil Code stipulates that "no-one can
be obliged to sell their property if it is not for the purposes of public utility and for a reasonable and prior compensation".
Disney Area: the Convention of 1987 defined an area of 1,945 hectares within which Disney benefits from a general
purchase option of the various lots transferable, defined and provided with services by EPAFRANCE, who will sell them at cost
price until 2017.
Legal commitments: legal commitments result from the recording of the events (signing of an undertaking to sell or an
amendment) by which the establishment creates a long-term obligation from which future revenue will result (an accrued
E.P.A.: Etablissement public d’aménagement – Public Development Body
E.P.C.I.: Etablissement public de coopération intercommunale – Public Body for Cooperation between Communes
Expropriation: compulsory purchase through recourse to a judge, who transfers the property by a court ruling.
F.C.T.V.A.: Fonds de compensation de la TVA – VAT Compensation Fund
F.N.A.F.U.: Fonds Nationale d’Aménagement Foncier et d’Urbanisme – National Fund for Town Planning and Development
G.C.V.N.: Groupe central des Villes Nouvelles – Central Group of New Towns
I.A.U.R.I.F.: Institut d´aménagement et d´urbanisme de la région Ile-de-France – Planning and Development Institute for
the Ile-de-France Region
Market: indicates the quantity of housing, offices, commercial or business areas sold by developers to private individuals or
businesses, or directly by the EPAs to their final users.
M.E.D.E.: Ministère de l'Écologie, du Développement durable et de l'Énergie – Ministry of Ecology, the Sustainable
development and the Energy
O.I.N.: Opération d´intérêt national - Operation of national interest
P.A.D.D.: Projet d’Aménagement et de Développement Durable - Sustainable Planning and Development Project
P.A.Z.: Plan d’aménagement de zones - Zone Planning Scheme
P.C.: Permis de construire - Planning permission
P.D.U.: Plan de déplacement urbain – Urban Travel Plan
P.I.G.: Projet d’Intérêt Général - Project of General Interest
Plot plan: plan generally on a scale of one to a thousand, setting out the sites of the various buildings in the area (housing,
services, industrial, etc.) with divisions into units, boundaries, service roads, car parks, footpaths, green spaces, etc., also
water supply, drainage, electricity, telephone lines, etc.
P.L.U.: Plan local d’urbanisme - Local Urban Development Plan
P.M.R.: Personne à mobilité réduite – Person with reduced mobility
P.O.S.: Plan d’occupation des sols – Land Occupation Plan
P.R.U.: Programme de renouvellement urbain - Urban Renewal Program
P.S.R.: Parc de Stationnement Régional – Regional Car Park
Physical realisation: indicates activity which is exclusive to the EPAs, whether it is transfers of property charges to
developers, the signing of undertakings of sales or official deeds of sale between EPAs and developers, businesses and
private individuals.
Retrocession: sale of public amenities sites to the local authorities concerned.
S.A.F.E.R.: Société d’Aménagement Foncier et d’Etablissement Rural – Property and Rural Planning Agency
S.A.N.: Syndicat d´agglomération nouvelle – New Urban Area Association
S.C.A.: Syndicat communautaire d’aménagement – Community Planning Association
Master plan: spatial planning document which defines the broad development orientations of an urban area or urban region
in the medium term.
S.C.O.T.: Schéma de cohérence territoriale – Territorial Cohesion Plan
S.D.A.U.: Schéma directeur d´aménagement et d´urbanisme – Town Planning and Development Master Plan
S.D.A.U.R.I.F.: Schéma directeur d´aménagement et d´urbanisme de la région Ile-de-France - Town Planning and
Development Master Plan for the Ile-de-France Region
S.D.R.I.F.: Schéma directeur de la région Ile-de-France - Master Plan for the Region
S.D.R.P.: Schéma directeur de la région parisienne - Master Plan for the Paris Region
S.E.M.: Société d´économie mixte – Public-private partnership
S.G.G.O.U.: Secrétariat générale des grandes opérations d'urbanisme – Secretariat for Large Town Planning Operations
S.H.O.N.: Surface hors oeuvre nette – Net Floor Area floor area of the construction, excluding areas with insufficient
headroom, basements with headroom of less than 1.80 m, cellars with no external openings, balconies and garages.
S.I.T.: Syndicat Intercommunal des Transports - Intercommunal Transport Association
S.R.U.: Solidarité et renouvellement urbain – Solidarity and Urban Renewal
S.T.I.F.: Syndicat des transports d´Ile-de-France – Ile-de-France Transport Association
Placed area: any transaction carried out involving new or existing property, for rent or sale, by a developer with a user, or
directly by the EPA to users acting for themselves.
Available area: built area without users
S.Y.M.E.P.: Syndicat mixte d´étude et de programmation – Public-private study and planning body
Property taxes: (FB: foncier bâti - developed property; FNB: foncier non bâti - undeveloped property.) Owners of property
are subject to the annual payment of property tax on undeveloped property (for undeveloped land) and property tax on
developed property (for buildings). These taxes are calculated on the basis of the rental value of the buildings determined from
scales established by the tax authorities.
T.P.: Taxe professionnelle – Local tax on businesses
T.P.E.: Très Petites Entreprises – Very small businesses (less than ten employees)
V.A.L.: Véhicule automatique léger – Light automatic vehicle
VAL DE France: Name given to the hotel district in Magny-le-Hongre
V.R.T.S.: Versements représentatifs de la Taxe sur les Salaires – Payment representing employment tax. Portion of VAT
received by the state for local authorities. This portion represents 40 % of the revenues of local authorities.
Z.A.: Zone d’activités - Business Zone
Z.A.C.: Zone d’aménagement concerté – Urban Development Zone. Zone within which a local authority or public body has
decided to develop and provide services for the land with a view to subsequently selling or conceding it to public or private
Authorized ZAC = existing ZAC: an authorized ZAC has been the subject of orders of the prefecture for the creation and
construction of a ZAC defining the public works program, the general construction program and the planned means of funding.
The development and management of the ZAC then falls to the EPA, in compliance with land law relating to local
Draught stage ZAC: a ZAC is at draught stage when the objectives and modalities of consultation have been the subject of
a decision by the EPA’s board of directors.
Cancelled ZAC: a ZAC is cancelled by order of the prefecture. This results in the return to common law of the development
for the zone concerned which then becomes the sole responsibility of the local authorities.
Z.A.D.: Zone d’aménagement différé - Future Development Zone

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