
2015-2016 No 22
Welcome to BROADCAST
School Magazine - Colegio Apóstol Santiago
the school magazine in English of Colegio Apóstol Santiago.
On 21st December, we were about to
begin Christmas holidays and you could see
the decoration everywhere, hear the sound of
Christmas Carols and feel the spirit of this wonderful season. This year we have had a special
gift . A violin (played by José Suárez), a guitar
(played by Angel León), an accordion (played
by Carlos Ramírez) and a flute (played by Ana
Cagigós) made the atmosphere of 1st D fill
with magic!! Some of our students took their
musical instruments to their classroom and
tuned some traditional Carols. We should say…
our artist students. They seemed to have been
performing all their lives. Stephen, our conversation assistant, could also enjoy this wonderful moment with us.
We are amazed !! How skillful they are!!
We had never imagined that we could find
such talented young artists in our classrooms.
We are very thankful to them for sharing and
let us dream of Christmas with their music.
And, of course, how funny it is to sing
those songs which are well- known to us. This
is what the other pupils did. They sang at the
same time as the musicians were playing their
instruments. It was a perfect combination!!
When is the next surprise??? We are
looking forward to attending their next concert!!
Carmen Rosa
School Magazine - Colegio Apóstol Santiago
Hello again. We haven´t talked for a while and in this article we
would like you to get to know Stephen better, Stephen Robert George,
our Scotch conversation assistant. He has been teaching at the school
since October, giving dynamic and active classes, enhancing your communicative skills and doing his best in order that you will gain confidence when it´s time to speak and express yourself. Students of 2nd
ESO prepared an interview with him. Do you fancy reading it? Take
care, Olga García.
How did you know about your job
as a conversation assistant?
This is a very good question. I didn´t
know if I was going to be a good conversation assistant. I saw Beda programme through the Internet.
Hello Stephen. Where were you born?
I was born in Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
Can you describe Glasgow?
I´d probably say three words: beautiful, wet and
vibrant. Lots of things to do and lots of young
Could you tell us anything about your childhood?
As a child I was very close to my grandparents
and almost every day my grandmother made pancakes to me. It was something special. It´s a nice
question which brings happy memories. I also remember playing football with my friends.
Have you studied at the university?
I´ve studied at StrathClyde University in Glasgow.
It´s Glasgow´s second university by age, founded
in 1796. It´s Scotland´s third largest university by
number of students. I´ve studied Politics and History at the same time. And I studied at Nottingham University for a year, a master in International Relations.
What places have you visited in Spain?
As a child my parents often went to the Islands.
I´ve been to Mallorca, Menorca and Lanzarote.
And three years ago I went to Barcelona. Apart
from that I´ve seen Madrid and I went to Cercedilla for hiking.
Did you work when you lived in Scotland?
I was living in England for four years and I worked
in the Army near Stonehenge, one of the wonders
of the world and a best-known prehistoric monuments of the Neolithic period.
When you arrived in Spain, what
was your first impression?
Two things. It was very hot and the
people were very friendly.
Can you explain your experience here?
That´s a very thought-provoking question! It´s
been enjoyable and I´ve learnt a lot so far, from
the pupils and the teachers here.
Do you practise any sports?
In Scotland I played football since it´s my favourite sport. I support Chelsea FC and Rangers FC,
1st in the Scottish Championship.
What´s your favourite Spanish food?
I like "tapas" in general with chorizo and cheese..I
prefer tortilla to paella. To me this is a very difficult question. My favourite food is haggis and I
hate mushrooms and octopus!!
Are you comfortable in this school?
I think there´s a nice community here and this is
a very good school. Everybody has made me feel
very comfortable here.
Thank you very much Stephen. We are very
happy with you as well and we appreciate
your effort and dedication. I wish you could
stay with us for a long time. Thank you again
This is the first time secondary students have had
their P.E and Technology sessions in English. These subjects contribute to the improvement of their level of English and offer them the opportunity to develop their language skills. It really supposes a great challenge for our
pupils and we are very interested in knowing how they
tackle it. What are their feelings and opinions about these
subjects? Let’s see.
“Some people think that studying both P.E and
Technology in English is sometimes complicated
because we have to learn technical terms, but I
believe that it is good for our future”. David de
los Reyes Martín, 1º ESO A
“In my opinion, giving Technology and Physical
education in English is a funny way to learn
new words and improve our English. These subjects are fantastic!” Lucía Rodríguez Gómez,
1º ESO A
“I think, English technology lessons are very
interesting. I enjoyed making a photo holder
and now I am very interested in a computer
game. It is a very good experience!“ María
Cominero de la Vega, 1º ESO B
“When we have P.E. lessons, firstly, we practice
warm-up exercises; then, we play games and
finally, we stretch our muscles. I really enjoy
it”. Alberto Duque González, 1º ESO B
“Firstly, we made a photo holder with wooden
clothes peg and a tangram. It was the first time
we had used a handsaw. Now, we are doing a
computer game. When we finish each project,
we have to write a report. It is very interesting!” Marta Beatriz García Elvira, 1º ESO B
“We made a racket to play badminton by using
different materials such a wire clothes hanger,
pantyhose, cardboard and cotton. Then, we
played a match. It was easy to make it and we
had fun. I think P.E. lessons are worthy”.
Beatriz Martín Muñoz, 1º ESO A
School Magazine - Colegio Apóstol Santiago
We have celebrated a new Somascan week full of funny
activities in honor to our patron Saint Jerome.
Our famous contest about our founder has
been one of the most amazing events. Students of
1st,2nd and 3rd of ESO have worked about the ways
to imitate his lifestyle dedicated to the service of
the poor, the sick, and abandoned children.
The winners have been very happy because they
have been given a diploma as well as a gift in order to show their talent.
´Saint Jerome Emiliani, watch over
all children who are abandoned or unloved.
Give us the courage to show them God's
love through our care.
Help us to lose the chains that keep us from living
the life God intended for us. Amen`
The English department of Secondary Education has prepared a
charitable market with the students
of 1st and 2nd of ESO . They have
cooked delicious sweets as well as
they have improved their English.
Thank you to all the teachers who
always cooperate with us and encourage the students to take part in these
activities. We’re proud of our pupils who
help us with their effort and example because , in fact,we know that they are
growing with a Somascan Soul.
Une année de plus nous allons fêter Saint_Jérôme. C´est le patron du collège. C’est la
première année dans l’ESO. C´est un jour spécial. Nous allons commencer avec une messe.
Après nous allons prendre du chocolat et des beignets. Plus tard, nous allons jouer au football, au basket contre les élèves des autres classes. C´est une jounée géniale. Nous allons
beaucoup nous amuser.
Jimena Alonso Nieto, 1º ESO A
School Magazine - Colegio Apóstol Santiago
La mesure de l'amour c'est d'aimer sans mesure. Aimer,
c'est savoir dire je t'aime sans parler. Carolina Reino
Pepín, 2º ESO D
J'ai tardé une heure pour te connaître et seulement un
jour pour tomber amoureux de toi. Mais il me portera
toute une vie t'oublier. Si j’étais la mer, et toi une roche,
je ferais monter la marée, pour t’embrasser. Juan Cuchillo Amores, 2º ESO D
La préoccupation est pas la méchanceté des méchants,
mais l'indifférence des bons.
Dans la bonté tous les genres de la sagesse sont enfermés. Laura Castillo Muro, 2º ESO D
Il se peut que tous les jours ne soient pas bons , mais
nous pouvons obtenir quelque chose de bon tous les
La vie est comme la photographie , vous devez aller
négative . Alba Anguita Ibáñez, 2º ESO D
Depuis que je suis imparfait, j’ai besoin de la tolérance et
de la bonté des autres, je dois aussi tolérer les défauts
du monde jusqu'à ce que je peux trouver le secret qui
me permet d'y remédier. Marta Martín Tercero, 2º
Si tu ne respectes pas tu n'as pas le droit d'exiger du respect.C'est toujours plus important d'avoir du respect que
de l'admiration aux autres. Helena Alcázar
Mendoza, 2º ESO C
Nous devons respecter nos parents.
La vie est plus facile si nous respectons tout le
monde. Anna Espetón Marcos, 2º ESO C
Je t'aime plus qu'hier et moins que demain. Tu
peux compter sur moi. Carlota Martin Polo,
2º ESO D
L'amitié est une âme où habitent les deux organes; un coeur qui vit à deux âmes. Sara Trujillo Sánchez, 2º ESO D
Nous sommes en troisième ESO et nous sommes
très contents parce que que nous allons visiter Paris,ville
lumière. À Paris, il y a des monuments, des musées, des
lieux très célèbres depuis longtemps: Notre Dame, Le musée du Louvre, Le Sacré Coeur, la Tour Eiffel…, mais il ya de
nouvelles réalisations comme la Cité des Sciences et de
L´Industrie ou L´Opéra Bastille, la transformation de la gare d´Orsay en musée. Nous pourrons les visiter et, en plus,
nous irons au Parc Disneyland, c´est un joli parc
d´atractions avec beaucoup de magie.
Nous sommes en comptant les jours et Presque les
heures qui manquent à ce voyage.
J´ai toujours voulu visiter Paris me promener dans
les rues, admirer les beautés architecturales, rencontrer de
nouvelles personnes, voir d´autres mentalités écouter la
musique don’t j´étais impregnée à l´école. Je vais arriver à
Paris le 13 mars avec mes copains, un jour qui será imprimé pour toujours dans mon Coeur.
María Arribas Alonso, Esther Esteban Olmo, Beatriz Ramos Cordero
y Óscar Ruiz Arcas (3º ESO B); Alba Calonge Sanz, Mireia García
Elvira, María Marín Tercero y María Moreno Velasco (3º ESO A)
HUGO (1831)
Nôtre-Dame de Paris est un des
grand succès de la littérature française. Il
s’agit d’une gitane nomméé Esmeralda, qui
va toujours avec Djalí, sa chèvre. Elle joue
du tambourin, et elle danse par les rues de
Paris pour obtenir quelques pièces pour
manger. Soudain, elle est accusée d’avoir
tuer Phoebus, un capitain et en plus, son
amoureux. Elle será condamnée à la potence. Cependant, le Bossu Quasimodo,
qui habite à Notre Dame, caché à cause de
sa déformité, est très sensible et lutte pour
sauver Esmeralda. C’est une recréation de
l’histoire de la Belle et la Bête. Elle symbolise l’importance de l’amour et de l’amitié
Biographie de Victor Hugo
Victor Hugo est né le 26 Février
1802 à Besançon en France. Victor Hugo
est l’un des principaux écrivains de la littérature française. Les romans les plus connus de Victor Hugo sont Notre-Dame de
Paris (1831) et Les Misérables (1862). Victor Hugo était un travailleur acharné. Entre
School Magazine - Colegio Apóstol Santiago
Le 13 Mars, nous
allons tous les élèves de
Français, à Paris. Cela será
sans doute un voyage inoubliable. Nous allons visiter
les endroits, les monuments, les plus connus de
la ville: Notre Dame, la
Tour Eiffel, le Louvre, la
Madeleine et… aussi Disney
Un voyage de cinq
jours où nous devrons nous
communiquer en français.
À mon avis, c’est
une opportunité unique
pour améliorer notre niveau: mieux nous exprimer et
mieux comprendre. J’espère
María Arribas Alonso
(3º ESO B)
1827 (Préface de son drame Cromwell) et
1830 (représentation d’Hernani, qui est
l’occasion d’une célèbre «bataille»), Victor
Hugo s’affirme comme le chef du romantisme. Victor Hugo est mort à Paris le 23 mai
1885 à 83 ans. Plus de 3 millions de personnes ont assisté à ses funérailles.
Article sur l’assistence à la réprésentation
Le 16 février, les étudiants de la
troisième et de la quatrième année irons
voir une réprésentation théâtrale en français à Madrid: Notre Dame de Victor Hugo.
Nous irons en train à huit heures et nous
réviendrons à deux heures. Ç ava être une
grande experience!
Zaira González Martín, 3º ESO D
Cette visite est une bonne façon
d’apprendre le français, non seulement
d’écrire mais aussi de parler et de com-
prendre. Je pensé que cela est une bonne
manière d’apprendre, et ça sera amusant
d’aller à Madrid.
Javier García Márquez, 3º ESO D
Je vais parler sur la sortie au
théâtre que nous allons faire le 16 février.
Nous sortirons à huit heures, nous irons en
train et nous finirons vers deux heures. Au
théâtre, les acteurs vont faire jouer aux
spectateurs. J’espère ne pas être élu pour
sortir sur le scenario. Je panique!!
Juan Carlos Sánchez, 3º ESO C
Le mardi 16 février, le groupe de
français irons à la réprésentation de Notre
Dame à Madrid, nous irons en train. Je
pense que ça será une bonne expérience
pour la completer avec le voyage à Paris le
mois de mars.
Sergio Castillo Toledo, 3º ESO C

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