PLUG Presentation Distribution - Charleroi


PLUG Presentation Distribution - Charleroi
Creation 2007
Once acquaintance has been gained with the all in all pretty elementary mysteries of the mechanics of homo sapiens ’s mating, it is not unreasonable
to imagine that the achievement of this finality is limited only by the imagination - so long as the flesh is willing.
Such is the basic idea to have emerged from the exploratory work undertaken in March 2007 on this premiere, presented by Michele Anne De Mey as
part of the Charleroi/Danses Biennial. If she has got a handle on the various postures of the Kamasutra as so far investigated (“A gets down on all
fours, and B kneels behind and penetrates A”), one could say it is a handle that winds her up to unsuspected heights. For, over and above the
particular and only too human examples, the generic question of the production has become: is not everything a matter of interlocking, coupling,
introduction, intromission, assembly, as would seem to be indicated by, among other things, the image of the ‘male’ plug and ‘female’ socket, the
tenon and mortice, or even, in their very principle, the piston, the slide trombone, and – in a more bucolic sense – golf?
If this tone is taken, strait is the gate between pornography and bawdiness, but be reassured, a boulevard opens up: the approach is most definitely
that of the instructions for use, of practical demonstration, the tone is playful, light; a detached irony pervades this libertine yet mechanistic
exploration, including within its world the very objects of the scenography : the flesh is weak but the furniture is hard…
Chorégraphie Michèle Anne De Mey
Assistant Gregory Grosjean
Dansé par Stefan Baier, Antía Díaz, Ilse Ghekiere, Gregory Grosjean, Mylèna Leclercq, Adrien Le Quinquis, Gabor Varga
Dramaturgie Stephane Olivier
Scénographie & Lumière Simon Siegmann
Construction décor Walter Gonzalez (Triline s.a)
Création sonore Thomas Turine & Marc Doutrepont
Costumes Anne Masset, Simon Siegmann, Michèle Anne De Mey
Production Charleroi Danses