AAVV, Actas del XV congreso internacional de historia - E


AAVV, Actas del XV congreso internacional de historia - E
Works by Règis
P.S. Règis, Système de philosophie, contenant la logique, la metaphysique, la physique et la morale,
Paris, Imprimerie Denys Thierry 1690.
P.S. Règis, Cours entier de philosophie, ou Système general selon les principes de M. Descartes de
philosophie, contenant la logique, la metaphysique, la physique et la morale, Amsterdam, Huguetan
1691. (Compte rendu au Journal des savants XXXVI: 4 septembre 1690 in Journal des savants
pour l’anné 1690, Paris, Jean Cusson 1690, pp. 429-436).
P.S. Règis, Reponse au livre qui a pour titre P. Danielis Huetii, Episcopi Suessionensis designati,
Censura Philosophiae Cartesianae. Servant d’éclaireissement à toutes les parties de la
Philosophie, sur tout à la Metaphysique. Paris, Jean Cusson 1691.
P.S. Règis, Reponse aux reflexions critiques de M. Du Hamel sur le Systeme Cartesien de la
philosophie de Mr. Règis, Paris, Jean Cusson 1692.
P.S. Règis, Reflexions sur une lettre de M. Lebnits ecrite à M. l’Abé Nicaise, dans laquelle il
pretend faire voir que les principes de la Filosofie de M. Descartes renferment des consequences
contraires à la Religion et à la pietè, in Journal des savants XXIII: 17 Juin 1697, in Journal des
savants pour l’anné 1697, Paris, Jean Cusson 1697, pp. 273-6.
P.S. Règis, Reflexions pour servir de Replique a une Reponse inferée dans le XXXII et dans le
XXXIII Journal de l’année présente, in Journal des savants XXXVII: 18 Novembre 1697, in
Journal des savants pour l’anné 1697, Paris, Jean Cusson 1697, pp. 439-42.
P.S. Règis, Première Réplique de Mr Règis à la Reponse du P. Malebranche, Prestre de l’Oratoire,
touchant la raison physique de diverses apparences de grandeur du soleil et de la lune dans
l’horison et dans le meridien, Seconde Replique de Mr Règis à la Reponse du P. Malebranche,
Prestre de l’Oratoire, touchant la manière dont nous voyons les objects que nous environnent,
Troisieme Réplique, Paris, J. Cusson 1694. (Compte rendu de la Première Réplique au Journal des
savants, n° VII, 15 février 1694, pp. 83-84; compte rendu de la Seconde Replique et de la Troisième
Replique au Journal des savants, n. VIII, 22 février 1694, pp. 93-6)
P.S. Règis, L’usage de la raison et de la foy ou l’accord de la foy et de la raison, Paris, Jean Cusson
P.S. Règis, Discursus philosophicus in quo historia philosophiae antiquae & recentioris recensetur,
Main critical studies and sources on Règis
F. Ablondi, Knowing our nature: A note on Régis’ reponse to Malebranche, in «History of
European Ideas» 33 (2007), pp. 135-41.
G. Belgioioso, Un dibattito sui Principia: Pierre Sylvain Règis, Pierre Daniel Huet, Jean Du
Hamel, Nicolas Malebranche, in J-R. Armogathe, G. Belgioioso (eds.), Descartes Principia
philosophiae (1644-1994). Atti del convegno per il 350° anniversario della pubblicazione
dell’opera, Napoli, Vivarium 1994, pp. 641-80.
G. Belgioioso, La variata immagine di Descartes: gli itinerari della metafisica tra Parigi e Napoli
(1690-1733), Lecce, Edizioni Milella 1999.
F. Bouillier, Histoire de la philosophie cartésienne, Paris, Ch. Delagrave 1868. (Règis is quoted at
pp. 23, 29, 34, 93, 100, 117, 161, 183, 203, 289, 303, 343, 353-6, 361, 387, 404, 524-5, 527, 582,
605, 616, hereafter the pages in which Règis is quoted are in brackets).
J.G.G. Buhle, Histoire de la philosophie moderne, depuis la renaissance de lettres jusq’à Kant,
French translation by A.J.L. Jourdan, Paris, F.I. Fournie 1816. (pp. 539-567)
G. Canziani, Tra Descartes e Hobbes: la morale nel Système di Pierre Sylvain Règis, in A. Napoli,
G. Canziani (eds.), Hobbes oggi: atti del convegno internazionale di studi promosso da Arrigo
Pacchi, Milano-Locarno 18-21 maggio 1988, Milano, Angeli 1990, pp. 491-552
G. Canziani, L’onnipotenza divina in Pierre Sylvain Règis, in G. Canziani, M.A. Granada, Y.Ch.
Zarka (a eds.), Potentia Dei − L’onnipotenza nel pensiero dei secoli XVI e XVII , Milano, Angeli
1990, pp. 561-588.
D.M.Clarke, Pierre-Sylvain Règis: A Paradigm of Cartesian Methodology, in «Archiv für
Geschichte der Philosophie» 62 (1680), pp. 289-310.
J.P. Damiron, Essai sur l’histoire de la Philosophie en France, Paris, L. Hachette 1846, pp. 61-96.
H. De Boulainviller, Oeuvres Philosophiques, a cura di R . Simon, La Haye , Nijhoff 1973
(«Archives internationales d'histoire des idées, 58»), pp. 213-253.
D. Des Chene, Cartesian Science: Régis and Rohault, in S.M. Nadler (ed.), A companion to early
modern philosophy, Malden (Mass.), Blacwell Publishing 2007 («Blackwall companions to
philosophy, 23»), pp. 182-191.
P.A. Easton, The myth of cartesian rationalism: an examination of experience in Le Grand,
Desgabets and Règis, PhD dissertation, University Of Western Ontario 1992.
J.I. Israel, Règis and the failure of French Cartesianism, in J.I. Israel, Radical enlightenment:
philosophy and the making of modernity 1650-1750, Oxford, Oxford University Press 2001, pp.
T.M. Lennon, La réponse de Règis à Huet concernant le doute cartésien, French translation by J.
Naud, in «Philosophiques» 35/1 (2008), pp. 241-59.
T.M. Lennon, Descartes’s legacy in the Seventeenth Century: Problems and Polemic, in J.
Broughton, J.P. Carriero (eds.), A companion to Descartes, Malden, Oxford, Blackwell Publishing
2008, pp. 467-481.
P. Mouy, Le développement de la physique cartésienne, Paris, Vrin 1934, pp. 145-68.
L. Peterschmitt, The cartesians and chemistry: Cordemoy, Rohault, Règis in L. Principe (ed.),
Chymists and chymistry: studies in the history of alchemy and early modern chemistry, Sagamore
Beach (Ma), Science History Publications 2007, pp. 193-202.
J. Roger, K.R. Benson, The life sciences in eighteen-century French thought, English translation by
R. Ellrich, Standford (California), Standford University Press 1997. (pp. 167, 222, 247-8, 253, 27881, 310, 321-5, 333, 335, 356, 623, 633)
T.M. Schmaltz, Descartes on causation, New York, Oxford University Press 2007 («Oxford
scholarship online»). (pp. 43 n. 77, 104, 107 n. 54, 127 n. 87, 190 n. 22)
T.M. Schmaltz, Radical Cartesianism: the French Reception of Descartes, Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press 2002.
T.M. Schmaltz, Reception of Descartes: Cartesianism and Anti-Cartesianism early-modern Europe,
London & New York, Routledge 2005.
M.E. Scribano, Da Descartes a Spinoza. Percorsi della teologia razionale nel Seicento, Milano,
Angeli 1988, pp. 83-139.
D.J. Sturdy, Science and Social Status. The members of the academie des sciences, 1666-1750.
Woodbridge, Boydell Press 1995. (pp. 141, 290, 292, 297, 301-2, 305, 309, 311, 346, 358, 453,
G. Sebba, Bibliographia cartesiana: a critical guide to Descartes literature 1800-1960, Hague,
Martinus Nijhoff 1964 («International archives of the history of ideas, 5»). (pp. 63, 65, 75, 114,
131, 422, 454, 461, 468)
R.A. Watson, A note on the Probabilistic Physics of Règis, in «Archives Internationales d’histoire
de Science» 17 (1964), pp. 33-6.
Other texts quoting Règis
F. Ablondi, Gearaud de Cordemoy: atomist, occasionalist, Cartesian, Milwauke, Marquette
University Press 2005 («Marquette studies in philosophy, 44»). (pp. 13, 49)
E.J. Aiton, The vortex theory of planetary motions, London, New York, Macdonald, American
Elsevier 1972. «History of science library»). (pp. 63 n. 99, p. 69, p. 82)
F. Alquié, La decouverte metaphysique de l’homme chez Descartes, Paris, Presses Universitaires de
France 19662 («Bibliothèque de philosophie contemporaine. Histoire de la philosophie et
philosophie générale»). (p. 364)
M.L. Altieri Biagi, B. Basile (eds.), Scienziati del Settecento, Milano, Ricciardi 1983 («La
letteratura italiana: storia e testi, 45»). (p. 20)
Y.M. André, La Vie du R. P. Malebranche, prêtre de l'Oratoire: avec l'histoire de ses ouvrages,
Genève, Slatkine 1886. (pp. 233, 235)
E. Arber, The Term Catalogues, 1668-1709 A.D.: With a Number for Easter Term, 1711 A.D. A
Contemporary Bibliography of English Literature in the Reigns of Charles II, James II, William
and Mary, and Anne, London, Edward Arber II:1905.
P. Archistein, Science rules: a historical introduction to scientific method, Baltimore, Johns
Hopkins University Press 2004. (p. 99)
R. Ariew, M. Grene, Descartes and His Contemporaries: Meditations, Objections, and Replies,
Chicago, University of Chicago Press 1995. (p. 144)
R. Ariew, Descartes and the last scholastics, Ithaca, Cornell University Press 1999. (pp. 5, 95, 96,
198-200, 202, 203, 229)
R. Ariew (a cura di), Historical dictionary of Descartes and Cartesian philosophy, Lanham (Md.),
Scarecrow Press 2003 («Historical dictionaries of religions, philosophies, and movements, 16»). (p.
R. Ariew, E. Watkins (eds.), Modern philosophy: an antology of primary sources, Indianapolis
(IN), Hackett Pu. Co. 1998. (pp. 231, 389)
R. Ariew, E. Watkins (eds.), Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, and associated texts, Indianapolis,
Hackett 2000 («Readings in modern philosophy, I»). (pp. 213, 281)
L.W.B. Brockliss, Calvet’s web: enlightenment and the republic of letters in eighteenth-century
France, Oxford-New York, Oxford University Press 2002. (p. 288, n. 10)
J.H. Baas, Outlines of the history of medicine and the medical profession, New York, J.H. Vail
1889. (p. 496)
J.M. Baldwin (ed.), Dictionary of philosophy and psicology, New York-London, The Macmillan
Company III: 1905. (p. 435)
A.G. Balz, Cartesian Studies, New York, Columbia University Press 1951. (pp. 10, 11, 143, 199,
K.F. Barber, J.J. Gracia, Individuation and Identity in early modern philosophy: Descartes to Kant,
Albany-New York, SUNY Press 1994. (pp. 14-6, 19, 22, 24-30, 32, 36-8, 69, 127, 243)
P. Barral, E. Guibaud, J. Valla (eds.), Dictionnaire historique, littéraire et critique, contenant une
idée abrégée de la vie & ouvrages des hommes illustres en tout genre, de tout tems & de tout pays,
Avignon, [s.n.] V: 1759. (pp. 80-1)
I.D. Basso, Meccanicismo e linguaggio in Francia nell’età dei lumi, Roma, Bulzoni 1998
(«Biblioteca di cultura, 515»). (p. 20)
J-F. Battail, L’avocat philosophe: Géraud de Cordemoy, 1626-1684. The Hague, M. Nijhoff 1973
(«Archives Internationales d’histoire des idées, 50»). (p. 150)
P. Bayle, Correspondance de Pierre Bayle: août 1685-fin juin 1686, Lettres 451 – 587, edited by E.
Labrousse, Oxford, Voltaire Foundation 2008 («Correspondence de Pierre Bayle, 6»). (pp. 193 n.
15, 336)
T.S. Baynes, The Encyclopaedia Britannica: a dictionary of arts, sciences and general literature,
New-York, H.G. Allen VII: 18889. (p. 127)
B. Bensaude-Vincent, C. Blondel (eds.), Science and spectacle in European Enlightement,
Burlington (VT), Ashgate 2007. («Science, Technology and Culture 1700-1945»). (p. 44)
J. Betts, Early deism in France: from the so called «deists» of Lyon (1564) to Voltaire’s «Lettres
philosophiques» (1734), Hague (Boston), M. Nijhoff Publishers 1984 («International archives of
the history of ideas, 104»). (pp. 78, 182)
B. Blasselle, L. Portes (eds.), Mélanges autour de l’histoire des livres imprimés et périodiques,
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France 1998. (p. 32)
C. Borghero, La certezza e la storia: cartesianesimo, pirronismo e conoscenza storica, Milano,
Angeli 1983 («Filosofia e scienza nel Cinquecento e nel Seicento. Serie I, Studi, 21»). (p. 181)
D. Bosco, La decifrazione dell'ordine: morale e antropologia in Francia nella prima età moderna ,
Milano, Vita e Pensiero 1988 («Scienze filosofiche, 38»). (p. 251)
H. Bots, Henri Basnage de Beauval en de Histoire des ouvrages des savans, 1687-1709:
Verkenningen Binnen de republiek der letteren aan de vooravond van de verlichting, Holland
Universiteits Pers II: 1976 («Studies van het Instituut voor Intellectuele Betrekkingen tussen de
Westeuropese Landen in de Zeventiende Eeuw, 4»). (pp. 93, 95)
M. Bougard, La chimie de Nicolas Lemery, Turnhout, Brepols 1999 («De diversis artibus, 40»). (pp.
37, 66, 248)
S. Brogi, Il cerchio dell'universo: libertinismo, spinozismo e filosofia della natura in
Boulainvilliers, Firenze, Olschki 1993 («Biblioteca di storia della scienza, 35»). (p. 155)
H. Brown, Scientific organizations in seventeenth century France, 1620-1680, New York, Russell
& Russell 1967. (pp. 212, 214, 264)
S. Brown, Nicolas Malebranche: his philosophical critics and successors, Assen, Van Gorcum
1991. (60, 63)
L. Cataldi, Christian Wolff und das System des klassischen Rationalismus: die philosophia
experimentalis universalis, Hildesheim (u.a), Olms 2001 («Gesammelte Werke, 3, 62»). (p. 58)
Catholic University of America (ed.), New Catholic encyclopedia, New York, Mc Graw-Hill XV:
1967. (p. 165)
V.C. Chappel, The Cambridge companion to Locke, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 19995
(Ist ed. 1994). (p. 12)
H. Chisholm (ed.), The Encyclopaedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and General
Literature, New York, The Encyclopaedia britannica Co., VIII: 191011. (p. 89)
D.M. Clarke, Faith and Reason in the thought of Moise Amyraut, in A.P. Coudert, S. Hutton, R.H.
Popkin, G.M. Weiner (eds.), Judaeo-Christian Intellectual culture in the XVIIth century: a
celebration of the library of Narcissus Marsh (1638-1713), Dodrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers
1999 («International archives of the history of ideas, 163»), pp. 145-161. (pp. 16, 152, 153)
D.M. Clarke, Descartes: a biography, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2006. (p. 417)
D.M. Clarke, Descartes’ Philosophy of Science, Manchester, Manchester University Press 1982
(«Studies on intellectual history»). (pp. 74 n. 12, 130 n. 2, 242)
D.M. Clarke, Occult Powers and Hypotheses: Cartesian Natural Philosophy under Louis XIV,
Oxford, Clarendon Press 1989. (pp. 128, 173, 216)
J.P. Clayton, A.M. Blackburn, T.D. Carrol (eds.), Religions, reasons and gods: essays in crosscultural philosophy of religion, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2006. (pp. 196 n. 47, 345)
F. Copleston, History of philosophy; from Descartes to Leibniz, New York, Image Books IV: 1962.
(«A Doubleday Image Book»). (p. 182)
J. D’Alambert, Preliminary discourse to the Encyclopedia of Diderot, edited by R.N. Schwab,
Chicago, University of Chicago Press 1995. (p. 91)
J. D’Alembert, D. Diderot (eds.), Encyclopedie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et
des mettiers, Berne (Lausanne), Sociétés Typographiques XII: 1780.
C.G. Daves, Coscience and consciousness: the idea of self-awareness in French philosophical
writing from Descartes to Diderot, Oxford, Voltaire Foundation 1990 («Studies on Voltaire and the
eighteenth century, 272»). (pp. 11, 18-9)
J. De Vet, In search of Spinoza in the Histoire of the Ouvrages des Savans, in W. Van Bunge,
W.N.A. Klever (eds.), Disguised and overt spinozism around 1700: papers presented at the
International colloquium held at Rotterdam, 5-7 october 1994, Leiden, Brill 1996 («Brill’s studies
in intellectual history, 69»), pp. 83-103.
F.P. De La Barre, The equality of sexes, edited by D.M. Clarke, Manchester-New York, Manchester
University Press 1990 («Classics of philosophy and science»). (p. 5)
F.P. De La Barre, Three Cartesian Feminist treatises, edited by M.M. Welch, V.E. Bosley,
Chicago-London, University of Chicago Press 2002 («The other voice in early modern Europe»).
(pp. 9 n. 16, 170 n. 35, 237 n. 75)
N. De Larriere, Vie de messier Antoine Arnauld, Paris, Sigismond d’Arnay & Compagnie 1783. (p.
A. Del Prete, Universo infinito e pluralità dei mondi: teorie cosmologiche in età moderna, Napoli,
La città del sole 1998 («Il pensiero e la storia/ Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici, 39»). (p. 255)
M.A. Del Torre, Le origini moderne della storiografia filosofica, Firenze, La Nuova Italia 1976. (p.
W.H. De Puy (ed.), The Encyclopædia britannica: a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general
literature; the R.S. Peale reprint, with new maps and original American artiche, Chicago, Werner
Co. VII: 1894. (p. 127)
J. Dewald (ed.), Europe 1450 to 1789 : encyclopedia of the early modern world, New York, Charles
Scribner's Sons I: 2004. (p.398)
K.E. Dewhurst, John Locke, 1632-1704, physician and philosopher: a medical biography with an
edition of the medical notes in his journals, London, Wellcome Historical Medical Library 1963
(«Publications of the Wellcome Historical Medical Library. New series, 2»). (pp. 61, 71-2)
F. Di Donato, Esperienza e ideologia ministeriale nella crisi dell’Ancien régime. Niccolò
Fraggianni tra diritto, istituzioni e politica: 1725-1763, I, Napoli, Jovene 1996 («Storia e Diritto.
Studi, 40»). (p. 412)
R. Dugas, La mécanique au XVII siècle: des antécédents scolastiques à la pensée classique, Paris,
Dunod 1954 («Bibliothèque scientifique, 26»). (p. 263)
J.D. Du Perron, The French Anas, London, R. Phillips III: 1805. (p. 262)
L. Dupré, Passage to Modernity: An Essay in the Hermeneutics of Nature and Culture, London,
Yale University Press 19952 (Ist ed. 1993). (p. 116)
B. Easlea, Witch hunting, magic, and the new philosophy: an introduction to debates of the
scientific revolution,1450-1750, Brighton, Harvester Press 1980 («Harvester Philosophy Now, 14»).
(pp. 123, 180)
B. Easlea, Science et philosophie, 1450-1750, Paris, Ramsay 1986. (p. 153)
P.A. Easton, T.M. Lennon, G. Sebba (eds.), Bibliografia Malebranchiana: a critical guide to the
Malebranche literature into 1989, published for the Journal of the History of Philosophy,
Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press 19922 (Ist ed. 1991). (p. 28)
N. Edelman, Attitudes of seventeenth-century France toward the middle ages, New York, King’s
Crown Press 1946. (p. 34)
J. Ehrard, L’idée de nature en France dans la première moitié du XVIIIe siècle
1964. (p. 421)
, Paris, SEVPEN
Encyclopædia Britannica: a new survey of universal knowledge, Chicago, Encyclopedia Britannica
IV: 1963. (p. 975)
Encyclopedia Britannica, Chicago, Encyclopedia Britannica I: 1973. (p. 835)
Enciclopedia europea, Milano, Garzanti IV: 1976. (p. 69)
E. Färber, Great chemists, London, Interscience Publishers 1961. (p. 160)
S. Favret, Edizioni del XVII secolo, Treviso, Seminario Vescovile di Treviso 2006. (p. 319)
M. Feingold, Before Newton: the life and times of Isaac Barrow, Cambridge, Cambridge University
Press 1990 (pp. 119, 156)
M. Feingold (ed.), History of Universities, Oxford, Oxford University Press XVII: 2002. (p. 64).
M. Feingold, The Newtonian moment: Isaac Newton and the making of modern culture, New York,
Oxford University Press 2004. (pp. 32, 121)
F.X. Feller, C. Weiss, C.I. Busson (eds.), Biographie universelle ; ou dictionnaire historique des
hommes qui se sont fait un nom par leur génie , leurs talents, leurs vertus, lears erreurs ou leurs
talents, leurs vertus, leurs erreurs ou leurs crimes, Paris, J. Leroux Jouby VII: 1849. (p. 185)
S. Finger, Origins of Neuroscience: A History of Explorations into Brain Function, New York,
Oxford University Press 1994. (p. 335)
S. Fisher, Pierre Gassendi’s philosophy and science: atomism for empiricists, Leiden (Boston),
Brill 2005 («Brill’s studies in intellectual history, 131»). (p. 151)
B. le Bovier de Fontenelle, Eloges, in Oeuvres de Fontenelle, tome I, Paris, Salmon-Peytieux 1829.
(pp. 141-150)
S. Foucher, Critique de la Recherche la vérité, New York, Johnson 1969 (Repr. of the 1675 ed.)
(«Texts in early modern philosophy»). (p. XIII)
D. Garber, M. Ayers (eds.), The Cambridge History of Seventh Century Philosophy, I, CambridgeNew York, Cambridge University Press 2003 (Ist ed. 1998). (pp. 353-362, 525, 526, 548, 585, 632,
634, 804, 806)
D. Garber, S.M. Nadler (eds.), Oxford studies in early modern philosophy, Oxford, Oxford
University Press III: 2006 («Studies in early modern philosophy»).
S. Gaukroger, Cartesian logic: an essay on Descartes conception of inference, Oxford, Clarendon
Press 1989. (pp. 125, 134)
S. Gaukroger, J.A. Schuster, J. Sutton, Descartes’ Natural Philosophy, London-New York,
Routledge 2000 («Routledge studies in seventeeth-century philosophy, 3»). (pp. 336, 342, 352, 646,
648, 658 nn. 79, 82)
S. Gaukroger, Descartes’ system of natural philosophy, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
2002. (pp. 56 n. 55, 159, 166)
S. Gaukroger, The Blackwell guide to Descartes’ Meditations, Oxford-Malden (Ma), Blackwell
Pub. 2006 («Blackwell guides to great works»). (p. 200)
A. Genovesi, Dissertatio physico-historica de rerum origine et constitutione, Firenze, Giunti
2001(Repr. of the 1745 ed.) («Biblioteca della scienza italiana, 34»). (pp. 208, 209)
P. Giacomini, Immagini del corpo in età moderna, Trento, Dip. di scienze filologiche e storiche
1994 («Labirinti, 8»). (p. 84)
W. Gibson, Women in seventeenth century France, Basingstoke, Macmillan 1989. (p. 33)
C.C. Gillispie (ed.), Dictionary of Scientific Biography , New York, Scribner XI: 1975. (p. 506)
P. Gilmour (ed.), Philosophers and Enlightement, Totowa (N.J.), Barnes&Noble Books 1992 (Ia ed.
1889). (p. 29 n. 16)
E. Gilson, René Descartes: Discours de la méthode, Paris, Vrin 19876 («Bibliothèque des texts
philosophiques»). (p. 286)
E. Gilson, H.G. Gouhier, R.J. Fafara (eds.), The Malebranche moment: selections from the letters of
Étienne Gilson et Henri Gouhier, (1920-1936), Milwaukee (Wis.), Marquette University Press
2007. (pp. 72, 101, 108, 118)
A. Goldgar, Impolite learning: conduct and community in the Republic of Letters, 1680-1750, New
Haven, Yale University Press 1995. (p. 117)
J. Gorton (ed.), A general Biographical Dictionary, London, H.G.B. Bohn III: 1851.
A. Grafton, A. Blair (eds.), The Transmission of Culture in Early Modern Europe, Philadelphia,
University of Pennsylvania Press 1990. (pp. 250-4, 256-7)
O.P. Grell, A. Cunningham, J. Arrizabalaga (ed), Health care and poor relief in CounterReformation Europe, London-NewYork, Routledge 1999 («Studies in the social history of
F. Greiner, (ed.), Aspects de la tradition alchimique au XVIIe siècle
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international de l'université de Reims-Champagne-Ardenne, Reims, 28 et 29 novembre 1996, Paris,
Société d'étude de l'histoire de l'alchimie (SEHA) 1998 («Textes et travaux de Chrysopœia, 4»). (p.
C. Grimoult, Évolutionnisme et fi xisme en France : histoire d'un combat 1800-1882, Paris, CNRS
Editions 1998 («CNRS histoire»). (p. 60)
R. Grossmann, The structure of mind, Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 1965. (p. 183 n. 3)
H. Guerlac, Essays and papers in the history of modern science, Baltimore, John Hopkins
University Press 1977. (p. 204)
L. Guerrini, Il grande affare della sapienza umana: scienza e filosofia nell’opera di Alessandro
Pascoli (1669-1757), Firenze, Le Lettere 2000 («Medicina e storia»). (p. 56)
Eug. Haag, Ém. Haag, La France protestante ou vies des protestants français qui se sont fait un
nom dans l’histoire, Paris-Genève, Joël Cherbuliez VIII: 1858. (p. 399)
A.J.C. Hare, Paris, London, Smith, Elder 1887. (p. 198)
A.J.C. Hare, Walks in Paris, New York, G. Routledge and sons 1888. (p. 195)
P.M. Harmann, A.E. Shapiro (eds.), The Investigation of difficult things. Essays on Newton and
history of the exact sciences in honour of D.T. Whiteside, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
2002. (pp. 306, 325)
E. Harth, Cartesian Women: versions and subversions of rational discourse in the old regime,
London, Cornell University Press 1992 («Reading women writing, 19») (pp. 4, 17, 82)
A. Heinekamp, K. Muller, Leibniz-Bibliographie, I, Frankfurt, V. Klostermann 19842
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