Objectif : être capable de repérer dans le texte des informations


Objectif : être capable de repérer dans le texte des informations
CORRECTION EXERCICE DE LECTURE: « I can imagine my future life and career”
Objectif : être capable de repérer dans le texte des informations spécifiques
en s’aidant des mots transparents/des noms propres de personnes et de lieux / des données chiffrées/ du vocabulaire expliqué en images
de la leçon sur le futur
Three students speak about their future plans. Read their answers.
What will you be when you are older ?
I will be a joiner when I finish high school. First I will buy some joiner’s tool such as a hammer, a saw, a plane
and a wood rasp. I will learn how to restore antique furniture. I am really interested in 19th century furniture.
I will build a nice wooden house in the country.. When I have more money I will travel the world to buy exotic
furniture. I particularly like mahogany. It is a dark shiny type of wood.
(James Dustin, 15, Texas)
What will you be when you are older ?
I love cooking so when I am older I will be a chef in a famous restaurant. I really enjoy cooking different types of
fish. I will first finish my studies to become a cook. Then I will certainly go to Lyon to find a traditional
French restaurant that is cited in the Michelin Guide. I will work hard to become a head chef and one day I will
Start my own restaurant.
(Bruno Marin, 17, Toulouse)
What will you be when you are older ?
My Dream is to become a fashion designer. Actually I want to form a partnership with my best friend.
We will find a little place in London and open a boutique. In the back of the boutique there will be a workshop.
We will create patterns for lovely dresses and blouses. I just adore fashion shows. We will become famous. Stars and
V.I.Ps will buy our creations.
(Lucy Ming , 16, Vietnam )
A quel temps sont conjugués les verbes ? Les verbes sont conjugués au futur avec WILL (2pts)
Relever les verbes d’amour en fluoil y en a 5 dans les textes :be interested in /enjoy/like/love/adore (4 pts)
Compléter le tableau suivant avec les infos du texte
STUDENT 1 (5pts)
STUDENT 2 (5pts)
James Dustin
Bruno Marin
France (Toulouse)
Future job
A joiner
A chef = a cook
Picture n°
picture 3
picture 1
STUDENT 3 (5pts)
Lucy Ming
YOU (5pts)
A fashion designer
picture 2
A / AN …………
Antique + exotic furniture
(Traditional cuisine)
Will build a nice wooden Will be a famous chef
fashion shows
19th century furniture
house in the country
Will open a restaurant
Will travel the world
Will form a partnership
with a friend
will open a shop in London
Will be famous
Will work with VIPS
HOMEWORK: Now write about your future plans. (Aide toi des textes pour rédiger ta réponse) (4 pts)
when I finish high school, I WILL be a ……………..
I will…………….
I love……..