Evaluation kit with 8 modules, a 16F628 and a CD with installation


Evaluation kit with 8 modules, a 16F628 and a CD with installation
www.didel.com -- [email protected]
www.bricobot.ch -- [email protected]
M18 Microchip
La carte permet
d’insérer tous les
processeurs Microchip
en boitier DIL 18
Pic 16F84 16F628 16F 18F1220 18F2450
The board permits to
insert all Microchip in 18pin DIL package.
Contenu du kit – kit content
1 x M18 PCB
1 x 18 pin DIL socket
2 x 100k resistors
1 x 2k resistor
1 x 3mm LED
1 x push button
1 x 4 MHz quartz on F05-3 strip
3 x M07C- 6 strips
2 x F07C- 10
2 x ground pin
add-on 1x F05-20 1x M05-20
Assembly is straightforward. Add-on strips are for experimenting with discrete components,
connections toward some gadget. We use very much the row of F05 on every port, and we put
two rows on the PCB after requests of initial users.
Conneting two points, adding a pot, a buzzer, a LED, testing the Rom-Enco
Recent processors do not need a quartz and have additional I/O lines.
Signals RA5-RA6-RA7 are availabe on the connector only if bridges
are inserted.
The list of microdules is available on www.didel.com/08micro/Microdule.pdf
and with a more compact layout on www.didel.com/08micro/MicroParts.pdf
Use www.didel.com/08micro/Micro.xls to prepare your order
Evaluation kit with 8 modules, a 16F628 and a CD with installation and didactic
software. 100.- CHF see www.didel.com/08micro/M18Eval.pdf
Cours pour débutants en français www.didel.com/pic/Cours628.pdf
Les processeurs
16F88, 627,628, 818
ont un oscillateur
interne qui permet 2
E/S supplémentaires.
Un pont doit être établi
pour les accéder s’il n’y
a pas d’oscillateur
Le signal mClr , broche
4 peut aussi être défini
dans le mot de
configuration comme
un entrée sur RA5.
Cette ligne reçoit du
+12V pendant la
Processors 16F88,
627,628, 818 have an
internal oscillator and
RA6 RA7 can be used at
I/O, but a bridge must be
RA5 can be specified as
an input, but if the bridge
is established, RA5 gets
12V during programming.
We have a correction on the preserie PCBs : RxD and
TxD are inversed on the UART Pickit2 connector. We
made the correction, so we are sure this will work. Be
carefull also TxD out of the controller is RxD in to the
terminal emulator.
If you are using SmileNG, test the board with the program T84Cli.asm ot T628Cli.asm that
blinks all ports. See http://www.didel.com/pic/PicTests.pdf for all the tests we have.
jdn 080811/091118