View full order - Commission des services financiers de l`Ontario


View full order - Commission des services financiers de l`Ontario
Superintendent of
surintendant des
REGARDING the Mortgage Brokerages, Lenders and Administrators Act,
2006, S.O. 2006, c.29 (the "Act"), in part icular sections 9, 14 and 21
AND REGARDING Na rj ess Ag has ha hi
On Ju ly 2 1, 2008, Narjess Aghashahi ("Aghashah i'') applied to be licensed under the Act as a
mortgage agen t working for Mortgage Brokers of Canada Inc.
The Act provides that the Superintendent of Financial Services (the "Superintendent") may ,
in appropriate circumstances. refuse to issue a mortgage agent' s licence.
Sectio ns 14(2) and 21 of the Act provide that where the Superintendent proposes to refuse to
issue a licence, the Superintendent shall give written notice of the proposal to the applicant,
including reasons for the proposal.
On December 19, 2008, the Superintendent issued a Notice of Proposal to Refuse Application
and the Notice, along with reasons, was served by registered and regul ar m ail on
December 22, 2008 . and is deemed to have been received by Aghasbahi five busines..s days
Aghashahi had 15 da ys after service of the No tice to request a hearing before the Financial
Services Tribunal ("Tribunal") in accordance with section 21(2) of the Act.
Aghashahi informed Counsel for the Superintendent on January 20, 2009 that she is not
requesting a hearing regarding the Notice of Proposal to Refuse Application for a mortgage
agent licence . Aghashahi confirmed that by emai l dated January 22, 2009.
Si vous desirez rece voir eet avis en francai s, veuill ez add resser votre demande dan s un dele ! de I S jours a: Adjointe,
aud iences, Greffe, Commission des services financiers de l' Ontar io, 5 160 rue Yonge , boite 85, Toronto ON M2N
Section 21(7) of the Act provides that the Superintendent may carry out the proposal to re fuse
to issue a licence when no hearing has been requested.
Orde r
The application for a mortgage agent's licence submitted by Narjess Aghashahi dated
July 21,2008, is refused.
DATED at Toronto, Ontario, January
v: 2009 .
Narjess Aghashahi
2803-260 Queens Quay Way
Toronto ON MSJ 2N3
AND TO: Mortgage Brokers of Canada Inc.
2S0-33 City Centre Drive
Mississauga ON LSB 2NS
Attn: Satinder Gill
Principal Broker
AND TO: Robert Conway
Legal Counsel
Financial Services Commission
S160 Yonge Street, Suite 1700
Toronto ON M2N 6L9
Tel: 4 16.590.7573
Fax: 4 16.590.7SS6
Si vous desirez recevoir eet avis en francais, veuillez addresser votre demande dans un dele! de 15 jours a: Adjointe,
audiences, GrefTe, Commission des services financiers de l'Ontario, 5160 rue Yonge, boite 85, TorontoON M2N