
Université du Pays Basque Espagnol (Espagne)
Période contemporaine
Né en Espagne
Jesús M. Valdaliso est actuellement Professeur d’Histoire et d’Institutions économiques à la School of
Economics and Business Administration de l’Université du Pays Basque de Bilbao en Espagne et
directeur du département d’Histoire et d’Institutions Economiques de l’Université.
Il a été Vice-président (2001-2008) puis Président (2008-2012) de l’Association d’Histoire de
l’Economie Maritime Internationale. Il est actuellement rédacteur en chef de la Revue Internationale
d’Histoire Maritime à laquelle il a contribué près de 10 ans entre 1992 et 2001.
L’une des ses principaux axes de recherche est l’Histoire Maritime et notamment l’Histoire
économique de l’industrie navale, des transports et des constructions navales en Espagne au 19 et
20ème siècles.
Parmi les ouvrages sur le sujet on retrouve :
“Growth and Modernization of Spanish Merchant Marine, 1860-1935”, International Journal of
Maritime History, III, 1 (1991), 33-58.
Los navieros vascos y la marina mercante en España, 1860-1935. Una historia económica,
Bilbao 1991, IVAP.
“Spanish Shipowners in the British Mirror: Patterns of investment, ownership and finance in
the Bilbao Shipping Industry, 1879-1913”, International Journal of Maritime History, V, 2
(1993), 1-30.
“Management, Finance and Profitability of the Spanish Shipping Industry in the 20th Century:
the 'Compañía Marítima del Nervión” as a Case Study (1899-1986)”, Research in Maritime
History, 6 (1994), 67-90.
“The Progress of Maritime History in Spain (since c. 1975)”, Research in Maritime History, 9
(1995), 229-247.
“The diffusion of technological change in the Spanish merchant fleet in the twentieth century:
available alternatives and conditioning factors”, Journal of Transport History, 17, 2 (1996) 95115.
“The Rise of Specialist Firms in Spanish Shipping and their Strategies of Growth, 1860 to
1930”, Business History Review, 74 (Summer 2000), 267-300.
“Competition and cooperation in Spanish Twentieth-century coastal liner shipping”, in J.
ARMSTRONG and A. KUNZ (eds.), Coastal Shipping and the European Economy 1750-1980,
Verlag Philipp Von Zabern, Mainz 2002, pp. 223-244.
“Trade, colonies and navigations laws: the Flag Differential Duty and the international
competitiveness of Spanish shipping in the 19th century”, International Journal of Maritime
History, 17, 2 (2005), 31-60
La familia Aznar y sus negocios (1830-1983), Madrid 2006, Marcial Pons Historia.
“Spain”, in John J. McCusker (Ed.), History of World Trade since 1450, Farmington Hills, MI,
2006, vol. 2, pp. 704-706, Macmillan Reference USA.
“Bilbao”, in John B. Hattendorf (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of Maritime History, vol. I, New York
2007, Oxford University Press.
“Spanish Shipping Firms in the Twentieth Century: Between the Internationalisation of the
Market and the Nationalism of the State”, International Journal of Maritime History, XIX, 2
(2007), 21-42.
With M. Torres, Aznar Group 1861-2011. One hundred and fiftieth Anniversary, Madrid 2011,
El Viso Ediciones.
With Gelina Harlaftis and Stig Tenold (eds.), The World’s Key Industry. History and Economics
of International Shipping, Basingstoke, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2012.
With Gelina Harlaftis, “Business Groups and Entrepreneurial Families in Southern Europe:
Comparing Greek and Spanish Shipowners in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries”, in
Harlaftis, Tenold and Valdaliso (Eds.), The World’s Key Industry. History and Economics of
International Shipping, Basingstoke, Palgrave-MacMillan, 2012.