
Voicing the Present: The Promises and Challenges of Catholic Education in the 21st Century.
Denise Andre & Jan Bentham, Ottawa Catholic District School Board
This session will explore current challenges, how our Catholic educational community is
responding to these challenges, concluding with how we are Keeping the Promise, in forming
the "Discerning Believer for the World.”
Denise Andre is currently the Deputy Director of Education and Assistant Secretary Treasurer
of the Ottawa Catholic School Board. She has held the position of teacher, department head,
vice-principal, principal and superintendent with the board. She served six years on the board
directors of St. Mary’s Home and Outreach Centre, and recently joined the boards of St. Paul
University and the Youth Services Bureau. Denise is also an instructor for the Supervisory
Officer’s Qualifications Program, offered by the Eastern Ontario Staff Development Network.
Jan Bentham is
Voicing the Past: Reconnecting with the establishing energies of Catholic Education –
Founders and Beginnings – What do they speak to us today? Elizabeth Smyth, Ontario
Institute for Education
Drawing on primary sources such as historical documents, elements of material culture and oral
histories, Elizabeth will present her thoughts on what past generations of religious, particularly
those who have shaped Catholic education in this Ottawa region, have to teach us as educators,
Catholics, Canadians and inhabitants of this small ecosystem we call earth.
Elizabeth Smyth is Professor and Vice Dean (Programs) at the School of Graduate Studies,
University of Toronto. She is member of the Department of Curriculum Teaching and Learning
(CTL), cross appointed to the Department of Theory and Policy Studies. She is a member of the
U of T Governing Council. She is a Senior Fellow of Massey College and a Fellow of the
University of St Michael's College. For her course of research on the history of women
religious, she was awarded the George Edward Clerk Medal for outstanding contribution to
Canadian religious history by the Canadian Catholic Historical Association and the Lifetime
Achievement Award from the International History of Women Religious Network.
Voicing the Future: Voicing the Future: Bridging Pathways to a Hope-filled Future with
Miriam K. Martin and Myrtle Power, Saint Paul University.
Exploring highlights from the present experience and reflections on some critical issues that
continue from the past, Miriam and Myrtle will gather wisdom from the Conference proceedings
and begin to map bridges toward future directions for religious education and catechesis. They
will reflect on the importance of both claiming the faith tradition with vitality while moving
toward the future with hope and courage.
Miriam K Martin, pbvm has been a professor in the Faculty of Theology since 1995. As a
religious educator, she has worked with the ongoing education of teachers in a variety of ways
across Ontario. She holds the Mercy & Presentation Sisters Chair in Religious Education and
Catechesis and is currently the Coordinator of Programs in Practical Theology.
Myrtle Power is
A. Pour un enseignement religieux renouvelé: transmission et re-création
Pensées neuves sur le cours d'enseignement religieux. Jean-Marie Debunne
Ce séminaire reprend les grands principes qui ont inspiré dans le cadre de l'OPECO le
travail de relecture des programmes récents d'Enseignement religieux pour les écoles
catholiques de langue française.
Jean-Marie Debunne est
B. Leadership in Catholic Education: The Call to Discipleship! Marg Shea-Lawerence
This workshop will explore the many opportunities there are to be
leaders in Catholic education: in the classroom, the school and at the
system level. Particular emphasis will be placed on the knowledge,
skills and attitudes that are required of a Catholic educational leader
at this time in history.
Marg Shea-Lawrence is a graduate of St. Paul University. She holds a
Master of Religious Education and has worked in Catholic education for
over 20 years. Currently, Marg is a Superintendent of School
Effectiveness with the Catholic District School Board of Eastern
C. More than Surviving: Looking at the Undercurrents of Religious and Moral ConflictMark Slatter
It’s easy to defend and affirm the value of pluralism, but quite another matter to develop
the skills to practice it. What might help us to live and navigate the tensions and conflicts
of differing moral views?
Mark Slatter is a native of Ottawa and has been a professor in the Faculty of Theology at
St. Paul since 2009. He has been involved with The Ottawa Mission in service to the
homeless, working with those who are dealing with substance addictions. A recipient of
the Capital Teaching Award, his continuing academic interests include the relationship
between interiority and ethics, the challenges of moral pluralism, and to identify mutually
beneficial connections between the experience of homelessness and theological ethics.
D. Pour que la Parole ait un écho dans le coeur des personnes: une spiritualité.
La spiritualité chrétienne, un « art de vivre selon l'Évangile » pour continuer la
mission prophétique de Jésus.
Denise Desrochers
Comme « passeurs d'Évangile », nous sommes appelés à vivre en communion avec Jésus
Christ et à devenir des prophètes annonciateurs d'une Bonne Nouvelle à notre monde
Membre de la Congrégation des Soeurs de Sainte-Croix, Denise Desrochers détient un
doctorat en théologie de l'Université Saint-Paul d'Ottawa. Au début de sa carrière, elle a
enseigné au primaire et depuis, elle enseigne la théolgie et la spiritualité à l'Université
E. Sowing Seeds on Fertile Ground – The Struggles and Strengths of the Vision
of the Sacramental Initiation of Children Jason DedO
This seminar will present the Church’s vision for the sacramental
initiation of children and explore some of the challenges and strengths
involved in bringing this vision to fruition. The roles of catechists,
parents, parish leaders and parishioners will also be discussed.
Jason Dedo has been a religious education teacher with the Renfrew County
Catholic District School Board. For the past five years has been the Director of Faith
Formation for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Pembroke. Currently he continues in this
role as well as working in high school chaplaincy. Jason in the Doctor of Ministry
Program also at St. Paul University
F. Adult Faith: Engaging the Challenges and Blessings of Catechesis for Mature
Christian Disciples –Carol Kuzmochka
This interactive session will probe some of the challenges and blessings of catechesis that
honours adult faith, and engages adults in learning opportunities that empower mature
Christian discipleship.
Carol Kuzmochka has been an adult religious educator for most of her adult life, working in
Halifax, Timmins, and Ottawa. She is currently Director of The Centre for Ministry Formation at
Saint Paul University teaching in the area of practical theology and a candidate in the Doctor
of Ministry Degree.